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Gov't Funded Course in Sharia Law

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Here ya go, we can now to to school to learn about Sharia Law. It seems that Sharia is becoming just another part of our pluralistic or multicultural society, so better get in on this and get learning ! #speechless-smiley-040#

The course isn't free, but all colleges are partially funded by the gov't - our tax dollars at work

Introduction to Islamic Finance & Investment


What's next, Introduction to How to Wear a Burkha :angry:

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Here ya go, we can now to to school to learn about Sharia Law. It seems that Sharia is becoming just another part of our pluralistic or multicultural society, so better get in on this and get learning ! #speechless-smiley-040#

The course isn't free, but all colleges are partially funded by the gov't - our tax dollars at work

Introduction to Islamic Finance & Investment


What's next, Introduction to How to Wear a Burkha :angry:

Why not have government funded courses in Judiac Christain law?..... But like our AMERICAN cousins - they got rid of law with in the bounds of institutional law - like the ten commands...which is NOT religion but law - but you can not have real law in the court nor in government..but you can fund...a certain group that seek to displace all of us in time - no survival skills..poitical correctness leads to our doom as a culture.

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I fail to see anything wrong with this whatsoever. Please explain to me what exactly you find objectionable about it?

It is objectionable when one person gets to eat while the other gets to watch and is hungry...either teach everything - or nothing. Either feed all or starve all - I was speaking to a bureaucrat the other day and stated that the poorer Muslim immigrants that have taken over our city projects - do not pick up their garbage - that they do not take pride in their property - that they simply do not respect Canada - I was told - "you can not talk like that here" - okay..so the messy muslims get to preach to us through SHARIA LAW - but we have to pick up their carbage - seems like a plot to create a class system..where Muslims rule and we serve.

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The average Canadian secularist infidel is looked upon as some inferiour creature by most devout and not so devout Muslims..They believe they are superiour..which might be true - they are disiplined and we are not - order goes a long way..still the CANADIAN tradition of not wallowing in trash might be useful to them --if the low end Muslims want to take up the habit of clean land and not just clean robes and avoiding dirty dogs...God - you should see the Muslims run screaming from small dogs..literally terrified of them - Christians were taught domain over nature (dogs) Muslims fear dogs and pigs - we kill em if neccesary.

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Seems to me that anyone interested in international business relations - especially with Middle Eastern countries - might benefit from a course such as this. This might also be useful for domestic bank personnel to gain an edge in immigrant communities.

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Sharia Law is a political and religious law denoting an Islamic way of life, something not recognized here, nor should it be. While it might be interesting or beneficial to learn about other country's systems it is only the tip of the iceberg, incrementalism if you will, steps towards additional pieces of Sharia being introduced.

Canada's marriage and divorce laws differ from Muslim law, should we change those or start introducing courses on how to divorce your wife in one easy step. If a Muslim dies without a will in Ontario, the estate would be divided according to Ontario law as opposed to Muslim law where women are not treated the same. Should we offer courses in how to circumvent Canadian laws?

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Sharia Law is a political and religious law denoting an Islamic way of life, something not recognized here, nor should it be. While it might be interesting or beneficial to learn about other country's systems it is only the tip of the iceberg, incrementalism if you will, steps towards additional pieces of Sharia being introduced.

Canada's marriage and divorce laws differ from Muslim law, should we change those or start introducing courses on how to divorce your wife in one easy step. If a Muslim dies without a will in Ontario, the estate would be divided according to Ontario law as opposed to Muslim law where women are not treated the same. Should we offer courses in how to circumvent Canadian laws?

While Sharia law isn't an 'official' thing here in canada, we have a Muslim community that lives by some of it's tenants, especially when it comes to finances. It's not incrementalism, it's common sense for people to understand how it works, not only for Islamic people here but also abroad.

Just more fear mongering from the right. I better vote for Harper I suppose.

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Seems to me that anyone interested in international business relations - especially with Middle Eastern countries - might benefit from a course such as this. This might also be useful for domestic bank personnel to gain an edge in immigrant communities.

To understand societies and their origins and values - you must know their religion - there laws and where they came from...About the time Islamic Facism raised it's ugly head...I had give a good indepth scholarly study of the New Testiment - then I picked up a Koran and gave it a quick read. I wonder how many persons in the west who wage war against Islam even bothered to read the book?

Here is the difference in culture that spawned from religion---Christianity in it's pure form granted hope- and power thought the pen in the gentle hand...The Koran seemed to have an underlying brutality...it gave me a head ache reading it. IF you want to understand Islam - and do business with them - you had better understand they are not like us..they are tough - and crueltly is justified in their minds.

The reason they do not like Christianity is because it is a very individualistic religion and is less utlitarian than the insect bowing Islamic code. We are an un-ruley entity in the mind of Islam. Personal freedom and the right to live our God given dream and destiny is frowned upon by Islam..in fact it is considered a disruptive disease...you must take that into account when dealing with Sharia law - that there is no such thing as moderate Islam.

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Seems to me that anyone interested in international business relations - especially with Middle Eastern countries - might benefit from a course such as this. This might also be useful for domestic bank personnel to gain an edge in immigrant communities.

To understand societies and their origins and values - you must know their religion - there laws and where they came from...About the time Islamic Facism raised it's ugly head...I had give a good indepth scholarly study of the New Testiment - then I picked up a Koran and gave it a quick read. I wonder how many persons in the west who wage war against Islam even bothered to read the book?

Here is the difference in culture that spawned from religion---Christianity in it's pure form granted hope- and power thought the pen in the gentle hand...The Koran seemed to have an underlying brutality...it gave me a head ache reading it. IF you want to understand Islam - and do business with them - you had better understand they are not like us..they are tough - and crueltly is justified in their minds.

The reason they do not like Christianity is because it is a very individualistic religion and is less utlitarian than the insect bowing Islamic code. We are an un-ruley entity in the mind of Islam. Personal freedom and the right to live our God given dream and destiny is frowned upon by Islam..in fact it is considered a disruptive disease...you must take that into account when dealing with Sharia law - that there is no such thing as moderate Islam.

continued: The problemic issue here and always will be that western secualism is also extreme and contains no gentle moderation - this is not a clash between Judia Christian doctrines - but a clash between Islam and western secularism...both are mindless corporate forces that seek to oppress the individual and create empires - at the expense of the precious single person.

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While it might be interesting or beneficial to learn about other country's systems it is only the tip of the iceberg, incrementalism if you will, steps towards additional pieces of Sharia being introduced.

Should we offer courses in how to circumvent Canadian laws?

I think the pressing issue here is should we challenge your argument which, on the surface, appears to be somewhat specious.

It seems to me that you have arrived at the question by way of the first statement.

Therefore, can you explain how this particular course is a "step towards additional pieces of Sharia being introduced" in Canada in such a way as to "circumvent Canadian laws?"

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I think the pressing issue here is should we challenge your argument which, on the surface, appears to be somewhat specious.

It seems to me that you have arrived at the question by way of the first statement.

Therefore, can you explain how this particular course is a "step towards additional pieces of Sharia being introduced" in Canada in such a way as to "circumvent Canadian laws?"

Some circumvention might be appropriate. Take our family law system that lacks morality and justice - If a person looses faith in a spouse - sexually - financially or personally...and committs adultery while looking for greener pastures - the spouse is forced to pay support to a woman (or a man) that money goes to the former spouse...which in turn is turned over to the new partner...the new partner usually buys himself a bass boat and new car - with the other mans money - In effect..ONE male pays support indirectly to another interloping jerk - Under Sheria - at least the betraying partner will be granted nothing unless he or she can prove that the betrayal was justified and not stictly monitary or out of spite.

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Sharia Law is a political and religious law denoting an Islamic way of life, something not recognized here, nor should it be. While it might be interesting or beneficial to learn about other country's systems it is only the tip of the iceberg, incrementalism if you will, steps towards additional pieces of Sharia being introduced.

I fail to see what is so noble about the Western system of usury.

Besides, I thought conservatives were not cool with telling other people how to spend their money. Are you backtracking on that one?

Edited by Remiel
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As Rosie Dimmano said in the Star some time ago:

"there was a legitimate fear that fundamentalist practices as codified in sharia law — even more worrisomely, as interpreted by individual imams — would leave women vulnerable to judgments founded on religious texts that clash with Canadian law and values."

This is the worry, first one little bit, then another leading to different rules for different religions with a good possibility that women would be not be treated in accordance with Canadian law.

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This is the worry, first one little bit, then another leading to different rules for different religions with a good possibility that women would be not be treated in accordance with Canadian law.

scriblett, the difference between what this course is offering and the case in Ontario a few years back is that that would have required actually changing the law. The finance part of the Islamic law is fully realizable within our legal system. They are fully within their rights to lend and borrow money in a way that is in accordance with their beliefs, and all this course is doing is teaching them how to do it. You do know what the difference is, right? Charging interest on a loan is a big no no in Islamic law. Seems to me, used to be a big no no in Christian doctrine as well, but it was abandoned somewhere along the way, probably because rich lords and merchants were prevented from getting even richer.

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Sharia Law is a political and religious law denoting an Islamic way of life, something not recognized here, nor should it be. While it might be interesting or beneficial to learn about other country's systems it is only the tip of the iceberg, incrementalism if you will, steps towards additional pieces of Sharia being introduced.

Canada's marriage and divorce laws differ from Muslim law, should we change those or start introducing courses on how to divorce your wife in one easy step. If a Muslim dies without a will in Ontario, the estate would be divided according to Ontario law as opposed to Muslim law where women are not treated the same. Should we offer courses in how to circumvent Canadian laws?

You can't keep Sharia law out, unless parts of it contravene Canadian law.

As such, it will grow - as well the business side, and the accompanying demand for understanding on how it works within the Canadian framework.

Don't like it ?

Start lobbying to remove religious expression from our constitution.

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As Rosie Dimmano said in the Star some time ago:

"there was a legitimate fear that fundamentalist practices as codified in sharia law — even more worrisomely, as interpreted by individual imams — would leave women vulnerable to judgments founded on religious texts that clash with Canadian law and values."

This is the worry, first one little bit, then another leading to different rules for different religions with a good possibility that women would be not be treated in accordance with Canadian law.

But women are free to decline their rights to express themselves, or to lead their lives in a way as equals, as we have seen in other communities.

What exactly do you propose to do about it, other than complain here ?

You're complaining about life, in the end. There's no system that will give you the Canada you want, except an elitist, discriminatory one. Time to start that facebook group to turn Canada into Eisenhower land. Off you go...

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What does anyone on here do about anything they post on here - nothing most likely, it's a discussion in case you didn't know.

In the culture that would likely change the status quo imposing different values than the Canadian norm, many, many women are not free to choose. If they do - well - there are always 'honour' killings. !

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Actually there are some aspects of Islamic rules in regards to banking that are quite appealing. If you read up on it a bit, some of the "Islamic" ways that things like payment for a house is set up may well be more appealing to a person on a purely financial/practical level than a traditional mortgage setup. Studying the laws and customs of other cultures is just fine, having more knowledge is not harmful.

Of course, if people try to impose Sharia law in Canada, that is a wholly different manner, but simply learning about it is a different matter altogether. You can also learn about the laws of Nazi Germany in university, it doesn't mean the people funding or providing that course want to have those laws implemented here.

Edited by Bonam
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Sharia Law is a political and religious law denoting an Islamic way of life, something not recognized here, nor should it be. While it might be interesting or beneficial to learn about other country's systems it is only the tip of the iceberg, incrementalism if you will, steps towards additional pieces of Sharia being introduced.

Canada's marriage and divorce laws differ from Muslim law, should we change those or start introducing courses on how to divorce your wife in one easy step. If a Muslim dies without a will in Ontario, the estate would be divided according to Ontario law as opposed to Muslim law where women are not treated the same. Should we offer courses in how to circumvent Canadian laws?

And this is why there are no longer any Jewish family courts either. I don't know if any other group had this in Canada, but to make us all equal under the same law, the potential Sharia courts were axed as well as the Jewish courts. We have one legal system in Canada for all Canadians. I don't expect this to change anytime soon. If it does. I might move to Antarctica where I only have to deal with those little guys in the tuxedos.

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Here ya go, we can now to to school to learn about Sharia Law. It seems that Sharia is becoming just another part of our pluralistic or multicultural society, so better get in on this and get learning ! #speechless-smiley-040#

The course isn't free, but all colleges are partially funded by the gov't - our tax dollars at work

Introduction to Islamic Finance & Investment


What's next, Introduction to How to Wear a Burkha :angry:


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And this is why there are no longer any Jewish family courts either. I don't know if any other group had this in Canada, but to make us all equal under the same law, the potential Sharia courts were axed as well as the Jewish courts. We have one legal system in Canada for all Canadians. I don't expect this to change anytime soon. If it does. I might move to Antarctica where I only have to deal with those little guys in the tuxedos.

I think the RC's had them too, but I don't know how often they were used. We should take note of events in the U.K.


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Charging interest on a loan is a Jewish no no - it is also a Christian no no - and a Muslim no no - but they all say yes yes to making money because they have money - it's like a man demanding more food because he has an abundance of food..that man is a predator of the worst kind - and instead of being lordly (keeper and dispenser of the bread) his is being hordly. Never could understand...the trade of money - great big men make billions using other peoples money to leverage more money - meanwhile they contribute very little other than creating slavish jobs that only they truly benefit from.

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Interest on loaned money is the very basis of all slavery bond - and endentured - endentured slavery is okay because you can work your way out - but with huge interest payments..you will never be free - look at Africa - enslaved for eternity - as most of us westerners are also..currency should be like a free flowing current..this ensures prosperity for all - not just a few.

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