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Anne Coulter comes to Canada

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There's quite a bit of irony in Houle's letter as events have unfolded at the U of O. Do you think those protesting against Coulter demonstrated the values Houle mentioned in the last paragraph of her letter to Coulter? Any honest observer knows that Canadian university campuses are virulently left-wing. There is no culture of honest debate, civility, respect, or tolerance (might as well mention the lack of honesty and intellectual integrity, as well!).

On a personal note, I'm not very distressed that Ann Coulter wasn't given an opportunity to talk - I don't find her interesting or intelligent. She doesn't really contribute to any political discourse in a meaningful way, and she's not bright enough to give original intellectual insights into contemporary political issues. I'm semi-concerned, though, that this shit-down of Coulter's speaking engagement reflects Canadian universities' extreme leftist culture rather than sincere rejection of inflammatory nonsense. Will Canadian university students throw their arms up when distasteful leftists try to make an appearance?

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Sure, allow her to prove she is an idiot. That might work, to people who have intelligence. It's not a big deal when it's just some freak on the corner that people are ignoring. But if she is such a fool, why bother with a discussion any way? Thats exactly what I mean, waste of time.

There have been speakers and ideas put forth in the past that if left unchecked eventually lead to disaster for a civilized society. What if a person begins to attract a large crowd, not necessarily because their point is well made, but their delivery mesmerizes the ignoble masses. How is that helpful, or conducive to any kind of necessary debate?

We sent Zundel away for questioning the holocaust, because he was starting to get a following. Not all free speech must be protected. That's the liberal poison in your minds.

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There's quite a bit of irony in Houle's letter as events have unfolded at the U of O. Do you think those protesting against Coulter demonstrated the values Houle mentioned in the last paragraph of her letter to Coulter? Any honest observer knows that Canadian university campuses are virulently left-wing. There is no culture of honest debate, civility, respect, or tolerance (might as well mention the lack of honesty and intellectual integrity, as well!).

On a personal note, I'm not very distressed that Ann Coulter wasn't given an opportunity to talk - I don't find her interesting or intelligent. She doesn't really contribute to any political discourse in a meaningful way, and she's not bright enough to give original intellectual insights into contemporary political issues. I'm semi-concerned, though, that this shit-down of Coulter's speaking engagement reflects Canadian universities' extreme leftist culture rather than sincere rejection of inflammatory nonsense. Will Canadian university students throw their arms up when distasteful leftists try to make an appearance?

That's it!!!

We ALL should be concerned...It's that leftist ethos behind the HRC's.Coulter is a self-agrandizing ideologue who says idiotic things she "claims" are jokes.

But she should be allowed to say those things without these chronic,bedwetting left wing ideologues getting Berkinstocks all scratched up,should'nt they?

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Sure, allow her to prove she is an idiot. That might work, to people who have intelligence. It's not a big deal when it's just some freak on the corner that people are ignoring. But if she is such a fool, why bother with a discussion any way? Thats exactly what I mean, waste of time.

Oh great...you have appointed yourself as the gatekeeper....wonderful.

There have been speakers and ideas put forth in the past that if left unchecked eventually lead to disaster for a civilized society. What if a person begins to attract a large crowd, not necessarily because their point is well made, but their delivery mesmerizes the ignoble masses. How is that helpful, or conducive to any kind of necessary debate?

Yea..that would suck....what if they were so "mesmerizing" that they started a revolution and kicked a king in the ass?

We sent Zundel away for questioning the holocaust, because he was starting to get a following. Not all free speech must be protected. That's the liberal poison in your minds.

Which only increased Zundel's following...congratulations.

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Guest TrueMetis

It called a specious link to Mr.Houle's silly and paternalistic support(and a shot across the Prada's of Anne Coulter)for these restrictive speech laws...

What the hell does the diet of zoo tigers have to do with free speech?

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Were threats made, or was it just a protest? It may have gotten a bit out of hand, but the protestors do have just as much right to be heard. I think they're stupid to waste their time, but I'm sure that most of them that attended did so in a legitimate protest.

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Sure, allow her to prove she is an idiot. That might work, to people who have intelligence. It's not a big deal when it's just some freak on the corner that people are ignoring. But if she is such a fool, why bother with a discussion any way? Thats exactly what I mean, waste of time.

See below

There have been speakers and ideas put forth in the past that if left unchecked eventually lead to disaster for a civilized society. What if a person begins to attract a large crowd, not necessarily because their point is well made, but their delivery mesmerizes the ignoble masses. How is that helpful, or conducive to any kind of necessary debate?

This is a point at which to engage said crazy person, because they have managed to gain a following. Hit and run tactics, ruin credibility, rinse and repeat.

Usually, if they are too nutbarrish they won't get taken seriously, had people just ignored her in the first place, she wouldn't be relevant. Now unfortunately she has to be engaged and it won't be pretty.

We sent Zundel away for questioning the holocaust, because he was starting to get a following. Not all free speech must be protected. That's the liberal poison in your minds.

Oh great more do as I say, not as I do. Shall radical leftists be treated the same way?

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Not me, I wasn't there. Apparently a bunch of other people in Ottawa decided. It was "we the people".

You mean,"We the brainless bedwetters have'nt got the brain capacity to compete with this right wing ideologue,so we'll shout her down instead!".

They made themselves look foolish by 'Coultering" themselves.They acted precisely like the stereotypical leftists that Coulter mocks...

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Well, it looks as though the forces of intolerance have won out in Ottawa. The leftwing fascists have yet again, stomped out the virtue of free speech in Canada. U of O should be embarassed, as should the country as a whole Apparently this is the first instance of her not being allowed to speak at an academic institution.

Well, I'm sure she'll go head out west, and have little problem speaking, as she did yesterday at UWO. And the U of O can explain to everybody else how they're better than the University of Western Ontario, the University of Calgary, and all of the Ivey League schools in America, the Harvards, Princetons, Browns, Cornells, Dartmouths, etc.

Btw, if I ever see that Francois Houle in public. I'm gonna spit in his face before I kick in his teeth. I'll show him what hate and violence really are. What a piece of shit.

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Guest TrueMetis

Btw, if I ever see that Francois Houle in public. I'm gonna spit in his face before I kick in his teeth. I'll show him what hate and violence really are. What a piece of shit.

Big talk internet warrior. :lol:

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Well, it looks as though the forces of intolerance have won out in Ottawa. The leftwing fascists have yet again, stomped out the virtue of free speech in Canada. U of O should be embarassed, as should the country as a whole Apparently this is the first instance of her not being allowed to speak at an academic institution.

Well, I'm sure she'll go head out west, and have little problem speaking, as she did yesterday at UWO. And the U of O can explain to everybody else how they're better than the University of Western Ontario, the University of Calgary, and all of the Ivey League schools in America, the Harvards, Princetons, Browns, Cornells, Dartmouths, etc.

Btw, if I ever see that Francois Houle in public. I'm gonna spit in his face before I kick in his teeth. I'll show him what hate and violence really are. What a piece of shit.

Firstly...When did Fascists become left wingers? :rolleyes::lol:

As for violence against Mr.Houle...Speaking of Fascistic thugs...

Edited by Jack Weber
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Btw, if I ever see that Francois Houle in public. I'm gonna spit in his face before I kick in his teeth. I'll show him what hate and violence really are. What a piece of shit.

Speaking of threatening language.......

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Nope. I won't be attending both presentations. Robert F. Kennedy is a massive environmental hypocrite. He's part of the limousine liberals. You know the type. The do as we say, not as we do kind of people. He doesn't like high mileage vehicles. Of course, that doesn't stop him from flying around to events in his private jet. He's a big fan of wind power. Of course, that didn't stop him from opposing an off-shore wind turbine project, because it was too close to his luxury home in Martha's Vineyard.

Yes, in Robert F'ing Kennedy's world, us serfs need to learn how to live a cleaner more environmentally friendly lifestyle. Except when it comes to him and the rest of his royalty-posing ilk. Then they're free to use as much energy, and as much resources as they see fit.

Shady,in light of what's happened perhaps you should go to Kennedy's little show and give him the "Phil Jones Blast!"?

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Alas, she is not a Canadian and therefore not protected under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The best that she can do is complain to the American Ambassador and ask him to take it up with our Foreign Affairs Minister.

Although she can still be arrested for hate speech, and she is not a member of an identifiable group worth recognizing. I mean stupid people really aren't all that special.

if you are in canada YOU ARE protected under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.!!!!!!!

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Well, it looks as though the forces of intolerance have won out in Ottawa. The leftwing fascists have yet again, stomped out the virtue of free speech in Canada.

...intolerant of an intolerant racist bigot...ya that's real a problem, if Germany had students like that we might have missed the joys of Adolph and WW2...
U of O should be embarassed, as should the country as a whole Apparently this is the first instance of her not being allowed to speak at an academic institution.
they make me proud to be Canadian, that was better than 10 Olympic golds... :D
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Women are indeed included, but not just women, anyone with a gender....


So she could claim that as a white, American, Christian, Female, of a certain age and marital status, inclined sexually towards something or another, with boney wrists....

Nutjobs are not an identifiable group under out Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

She really has no idea what constitutes a hate crime under our legislation.

Then again, constitutional law has never really been her strong suit.

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