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Canadian Political Polls

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I believe the numbers were down around 23 if we want to be accurate. Either way, even if there isn't that significant a shift in support for the Liberals, just look at the numbers in Ontario. The Tories can get 70% of the vote in Alberta (which by the way skews the national numbers) but they can't win anymore seats than they already have. Ontario is the province you win to win government and for the Tories, the numbers here are awful. That's not bias my friend, just a little dose of reality.

Yes because other areas of this country are over represented, although in 2014 Alberta will at least have a couple of more seats, if we are still in this country.

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Yes because other areas of this country are over represented, although in 2014 Alberta will at least have a couple of more seats, if we are still in this country.

Ontario is probably the most under represented country in Confederation at the moment. I know westerners hate to admit that, but the reality is, they're missing about 30 seats. The only province that's probably got a nearly perfect population to representation ratio is Quebec. The lower population provinces have too many MPs, and Alberta, BC, and Ontario have too few...especially Ontario.

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Ontario is probably the most under represented country in Confederation at the moment. I know westerners hate to admit that, but the reality is, they're missing about 30 seats. The only province that's probably got a nearly perfect population to representation ratio is Quebec. The lower population provinces have too many MPs, and Alberta, BC, and Ontario have too few...especially Ontario.

And those 30 seats are all mostly all in Southern Ontario and the GTA.

Also, a couple more seats in Alberta? That's certainly too little, but may be too late.

Edited by nicky10013
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Also, a couple more seats in Alberta? That's certainly too little, but may be too late.

Last I've heard, Alberta will get 7 more seats, to bring the total to 35, where it should be. Ontario will still be underrepresented if they get the 15 - 20 seats expected.

Edited by Smallc
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yes... again... the mindless, numbing separatist bleat - that has absolutely no foundation in Alberta.

You would be surprised, Alberta is tired of being stepped on by you and your type. Why do you think Morton was elevated to the Finance position, you do realize that another equalization battle is brewing since it has to be revisited in the next two years. It was to try an appease Albertans. Why do you think that the Wildrose has so much Firewall letter platform? There is a big fight brewing, but yet no pollsters want to breach this subject I wonder why? Why do you think Klien was so popular, you eastern creeps and bums ect. There is so much resentment in this province because of the treatment of it Western Alienation is not dead, but the province did give Harper the opportunity to attempt to change this, but the sentiment is going since people like you are still unwilling to listen.

We even hear it in the enviornmental debate, Ontario and Quebec beat on us even though they are wrong. The City of Toronto puts 80,000 metric tons of C02 a year, the oilsands in Alberta half of that ( and yet we supply you and most of north America with energy), but don't let facts get in the way. You want our wealth, our resources to burn but none of the responsibility.

So Waldo shove it, I doubt you have ever set foot in this province have no knowledge of it and really know little of its people and what drives them. So but out.

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You would be surprised, Alberta is tired of being stepped on by you and your type. Why do you think Morton was elevated to the Finance position, you do realize that another equalization battle is brewing since it has to be revisited in the next two years. It was to try an appease Albertans. Why do you think that the Wildrose has so much Firewall letter platform? There is a big fight brewing, but yet no pollsters want to breach this subject I wonder why? Why do you think Klien was so popular, you eastern creeps and bums ect. There is so much resentment in this province because of the treatment of it Western Alienation is not dead, but the province did give Harper the opportunity to attempt to change this, but the sentiment is going since people like you are still unwilling to listen.

We even hear it in the enviornmental debate, Ontario and Quebec beat on us even though they are wrong. The City of Toronto puts 80,000 metric tons of C02 a year, the oilsands in Alberta half of that ( and yet we supply you and most of north America with energy), but don't let facts get in the way. You want our wealth, our resources to burn but none of the responsibility.

So Waldo shove it, I doubt you have ever set foot in this province have no knowledge of it and really know little of its people and what drives them. So but out.

Oh god, there's nothing more pathetic than seeing Albertans moan about their lot in life, and how if they're not finally taken seriously, they're going to pick up their toys and go home.

It's almost as pathetic as your constant apologetic for Harper. In both cases, it's based on living in some sort of weird little fantasy land.

Grow up. If Quebec, which actually has an organized separatist movement, won't leave, then the Alberta separatists, who are generally a bunch of malcontents like yourself, who don't even make up a majority of Albertans, certainly have no chance.

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yes... again... the mindless, numbing separatist bleat - that has absolutely no foundation in Alberta.

ya there's this myth that albertans are separatists...albertans come from all across Canada for the jobs they're not separatists, they're Canadians...the separatists are a delusionary bunch on the extreme fringe in a referendum they'd be crushed...

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Ontario is probably the most under represented country in Confederation at the moment. I know westerners hate to admit that, but the reality is, they're missing about 30 seats. The only province that's probably got a nearly perfect population to representation ratio is Quebec. The lower population provinces have too many MPs, and Alberta, BC, and Ontario have too few...especially Ontario.

No I don't hate to admit it, ont should have the same representation per person as any other province. The Problem was trudeaus deals with the constitution, seats can't be moved the government can only be grown. We need an elected body that has the same per person representation across this country as well as a body that that is elected and has an equal regional representation to end this tyranny of a majority that we call the Canadian government. Although you know as well as I do when the Trudeau and the liberals reworked our constitution for 1982 they deliberately made sure the power base in Canada would forever remain in Ont. and Quebec.

This is the same as in 1905 when it was decided to not have one large province in the west but to split up Alberta and Saskatchewan as it had the possibility to become to large an economic and political entity to rival central canadas political and economic power we are now divided under two governments and easier to marginalize. The same old same old regional politics of Canada

Edited by Alta4ever
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ya there's this myth that albertans are separatists...albertans come from all across Canada for the jobs they're not separatists, they're Canadians...the separatists are a delusionary bunch on the extreme fringe in a referendum they'd be crushed...

If the growth in immigrants coming into places like Calgary and Edmonton is any consideration, I'd be scared poopless if I was an Alberta WASP. In a generation or two, those two cities might look more like Vancouver or Montreal, and Alberta could suffer a titanic political shift in urbania.

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Oh god, there's nothing more pathetic than seeing Albertans moan about their lot in life, and how if they're not finally taken seriously, they're going to pick up their toys and go home.

It's almost as pathetic as your constant apologetic for Harper. In both cases, it's based on living in some sort of weird little fantasy land.

Grow up. If Quebec, which actually has an organized separatist movement, won't leave, then the Alberta separatists, who are generally a bunch of malcontents like yourself, who don't even make up a majority of Albertans, certainly have no chance.

The last poll on western separation that was done showed 40%+ support in Alberta for separation. Again I wonder why polling firms seem reluctant to broach this issue in Alberta.

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No I don't hate to admit it, ont should have the same representation per person as any other province.

That's a very contradictory statement. Is Ontario or is it not underrepresented? It is, but do you see it that way?

Keep fighting for that EEE and defending Harper at the same time though. Hypocrisy at its finest.

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The last poll on western separation that was done showed 40%+ support in Alberta for separation.

No it didn't. It said they might consider voting for separation if the question were asked. That's not even close to supporting separation.

Edited by Smallc
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If the growth in immigrants coming into places like Calgary and Edmonton is any consideration, I'd be scared poopless if I was an Alberta WASP. In a generation or two, those two cities might look more like Vancouver or Montreal, and Alberta could suffer a titanic political shift in urbania.

don't have to wait a generation or two it's already here...NE Calagry is very much South Asian, NW Calgary has a huge East and SE Asian population, my kids Jr and Sr high school the vast majority 80-90% are asians...1/3 of Calgarys population is from Sask and I'm sure Edmonton is the same, many people have moved here from BC as well neither of those provinces citizens have any wish to leave Canada...

I've grown accustomed to meeting people here who are not native Albertans in my first two years here I met only 2 adults who where actually born here, since then I've stopped asking I just assume everyone is from somewhere else...

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Polls since then have shown over 90% approval for Canada among Albertans.

So, at best, we have a 1/3 of the population who thinks it might be a good idea. There's a significant gap between that and "We're going." The Clarity Act would apply here as well.

Sorry, all you Alberta separatists. You and your kooky malcontent whacko brethren in BC will have to be content with trying to win arguments on Internet forums by threatening to leave.

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don't have to wait a generation or two it's already here...NE Calagry is very much South Asian, NW Calgary has a huge East and SE Asian population, my kids Jr and Sr high school the vast majority 80-90% are asians...1/3 of Calgarys population is from Sask and I'm sure Edmonton is the same, many people have moved here from BC as well neither of those provinces citizens have any wish to leave Canada...

I've grown accustomed to meeting people here who are not native Albertans in my first two years here I met only 2 adults who where actually born here, since then I've stopped asking I just assume everyone is from somewhere else...

My brother works in the trades in Calgary, and he tells me every place he's worked at for the last five years is being taken over by Filipinos.

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My brother works in the trades in Calgary, and he tells me every place he's worked at for the last five years is being taken over by Filipinos.

Filipinos, Vietnamese, but mostly Chinese...I've been in construction my entire life when I first started it was Germans, Ukranians, Italians, Dutch, Portugese and Canadians of course...all euro ancestry, it's very different now...
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What's at stake for the West?

We've heard speculation on what a coalition government could mean for the economy, and others say the move is a bonus for the Bloc Quebecois. But Alberta in particular seems to be taking all of this very hard. What would this mean for the rest of the west?

Potential separation, for one thing:

The hostile takeover bid by the opposition coalition in Ottawa sparked mass outrage Tuesday in Alberta, with politicians and business leaders warning it could trigger a new wave of regional discontent.


"Maybe it's now time we have a threat (in Alberta).Maybe we do need a western separatist party to represent the West," argued George Gosbee, CEO of Tristone Capital, a brokerage and investment bank that specializes in the energy industry. "I've never seen so much rage in Calgary."

Read more: http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/posted/archive/2008/12/03/outrage-swells-in-western-canada.aspx#ixzz0ebNs7Ymz'>http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/posted/archive/2008/12/03/outrage-swells-in-western-canada.aspx#ixzz0ebNs7Ymz

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And now we have the race to Google. Nothing in any of that polling suggested the West was going to split away if the Coalition took over. I realize this was one of your vapid talking points during that period, but come on, it's time to admit there ain't the numbers to secede. Time to get off that fantasy cloud of yours.

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This getting interesting, First I am nothing more then a Harper shill, now I am kooky western separatist.

Which is it am I an nationalist shill or not?

Is all you've got left to marginalize Alberta, is that your only argument left? You don't like the message so you attack the messanger.

Until you people can grasp that whether you beleive it or not Alberta does not think it gets its share of respect in Confederation these thoughts and movements will linger and strengthen.

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This getting interesting, First I am nothing more then a Harper shill, now I am kooky western separatist.

Which is it am I an nationalist shill or not?

You're both. I haven't met a Harper shill from Alberta that didn't espouse Alberta separatism, sort of a "If you don't like our fine PM, Stephen Harper, that clearly indicates you hate Alberta, and we're gonna leave."

Is all you've got left to marginalize Alberta, is that your only argument left? You don't like the message so you attack the messanger.

Until you people can grasp that whether you beleive it or not Alberta does not think it gets its share of respect in Confederation these thoughts and movements will linger and strengthen.

Look, you're the one that made daft claims about Alberta seceding by 2015. Don't get all sore because folks called your bluff. If you think the only way you can win an argument is by getting all red faced, tears welling in your eyes as you declare "You guys are jerks, I'm goin' home and never playin' with you again", waddya expect?

Grow up. Harper ain't Jesus Christ and Alberta ain't separating.

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