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White Liberals who live in white towns


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decent canadians? self respecting folk? non-crypto communist... non "god I hate white people" people? oh I know:

Centrist/right wing canadians.

Something tells me you are not representative of either centrists or most of the right wing. Say some of the things you say here in a Tory policy convention, and I suspect you'd be handed back your party fees and shown the door.

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Something tells me you are not representative of either centrists or most of the right wing. Say some of the things you say here in a Tory policy convention, and I suspect you'd be handed back your party fees and shown the door.

Tories are more centrist anyways.

But what I would say would perhaps offend some party bosses (who know which side their bread is buttered on), but many ordinary Canadians who vote Conservative share many of the opinions stated here. A majority of canadians oppose third world immigration. A majority of them reject multiculturalism (albeit not very vocally for fear of racism smears).

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I'd like to know what experience with multiculturalism liberals have living in a pretty much 100% white community?

Liberals are always telling these forums how great it is yet you refuse to live in it, why is that?

Isn't that a tad hypocritical?

It's ignorant at the very least. Liberals not living in Toronto yet telling the forums how great minorities are of which you have no idea about.

Liberals are another fine example of the white liberal idealist who likes the sound of helping out minorities but would never live near them.

I find it hilarious.

1 - The more multicultural a community is, the more "liberal" it tends to be. Take a look at election results, then take a look at demographic data in terms of which regions are diverse in ethnic makeup, there's a clear correlation there - and it goes beyond ethnic lines - even white folks are much more likely to be "liberal" if they live in a diverse community.

So I dispute your belief that the supporters of Multiculturalism for the most part don't live in Multicultural areas, it's just simply not true.

2 - You seem to be saying that people who do not directly experience living in a Multicultural community don't have as much credibility when it comes to discussing the merits of Multiculturalism. I completely agree with you on this, but in my experience the people who don't live in Multicultural communities are often the most opposed to the policy, while people who live in Montreal, Vancouver, Toronto, etc are mostly for the policy.

I've actually said this before: If folks in small rural cities and towns don't like people in Toronto telling them how to run their lives, and claiming to know their day-to-day reality better than they do - than how come they return the favour? Frankly I dismiss out of hand the personal musings of someone who visited Toronto 20 years ago and is basing his opinion on Multiculturalism in this city on the newspaper articles he cherry-picks out of the National Post.

3 - How multicultural is Georgetown? How much of a right do you have to comment on this issue? Just saying - you put it out there.

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The immigrants that come here nowadays must feel the same way because no matter how much white liberal love they get they still create their own little ghettos in and around our cities.

Where are these ghettos? Brampton? There are more white folks in Brampton than there are non-white people in Rosedale or Forest Hill - aren't those neighourhoods ghettos of self-segregation? Or is it only an ethnic ghetto when the majority in an area isn't white?

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Sure do. Dundas/Hwy 10 in Mississagua is prime Muslim territory. Store signs not in English. They're trying to make it into the Middle East it seems. They do have the best falafel down there but that's besides the point that they're turning the area into a ghetto. 25 years ago that was a fairly nice area, no it resembles some third world hell.

Can you say anything without using hyperbole? 3rd world hell? If you stopped using this extreme language to describe everything you might find less people would respond to your posts as if you were joking?

That stretch of Hurontario is probably one of the most urban streets in all of 'sauga. It's one of the few places where people actually walk to their destination, and it's partly because of all the great grocerry stores, shops and restaurants along there. Back when there were no Hookah joints where I lived, I used to drive out their with my buddies or girlfriend's cousins to have some double-apple n honey shisha and some great Lebanese food.

If it was such a "3rd world hell hole" I don't think 'sauga city council would be studying things like sidewalk widening and landscaping, bike lanes, and a streetcar right-of-way. Those things are being seen more and more as necessary in that area because of it's livability.

What about it makes it a 3rd world hell-hole in your eyes? Be specific here? Is it the mere fact that there are a lot of businesses that aren't owned by white people?

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decent canadians? self respecting folk? non-crypto communist... non "god I hate white people" people? oh I know:

Centrist/right wing canadians.

Most White Nationalists like yourself are on the fringe of the right wing. They're the other side of the coin to full-out communists on the fringe of the left wing.

There's not too many of either that sit on the centre, or close to it. I think you're employing wishful thinking by believing that centrist Canadians agree with your White Nationalist views.

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Most White Nationalists like yourself are on the fringe of the right wing. They're the other side of the coin to full-out communists on the fringe of the left wing.

There's not too many of either that sit on the centre, or close to it. I think you're employing wishful thinking by believing that centrist Canadians agree with your White Nationalist views.

I still haven't met a self confessed Tory (at my university or anywhere for that matter) that wasn't in complete agreement with: more guns, less 3rd world immigrants, more freedom, less taxes... less enforced diversity and multiculturalism. with opinions on each issue ranging from near indifference to vehement agreement.

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I still haven't met a self confessed Tory (at my university or anywhere for that matter) that wasn't in complete agreement with: more guns, less 3rd world immigrants, more freedom, less taxes... less enforced diversity and multiculturalism. with opinions on each issue ranging from near indifference to vehement agreement.

Where do you go to school? What program? This may be a localized phenomenon.

The "less 3rd world immigrants" option is most suspect - after all, there simply is not a big enough pool of "1st world immigrants" for Canada to draw on to meet our economic needs.

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Where do you go to school? What program? This may be a localized phenomenon.

The "less 3rd world immigrants" option is most suspect - after all, there simply is not a big enough pool of "1st world immigrants" for Canada to draw on to meet our economic needs.

More likely that self confessed tories aren't interested in associating with social pariahs like white nationalists.

Edited by M.Dancer
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Where do you go to school? What program? This may be a localized phenomenon.

The "less 3rd world immigrants" option is most suspect - after all, there simply is not a big enough pool of "1st world immigrants" for Canada to draw on to meet our economic needs.

We have no "economic needs" that require us to bring in ~300,000 immigrants per year. Was immigration slowed during 2008 when our economy was losing jobs rather than gaining them? Nope, not really. We may have had economic needs that required rapid immigration at some point in the past, but we no longer do. We can more than meet our economic needs through increased automation and use of robotics, reduced unemployment, increased youth employment, and increased retirement age as people's life expectancies continue to increase. And if we really need more people, the government can encourage increased birth rates, such as with increased maternity/paternity leave and increased child payments / tax exemptions.

Immigration at this point is not about the economic benefits, it is about political correctness and getting votes.

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We have no "economic needs" that require us to bring in ~300,000 immigrants per year.

I'm not picky about numbers, but I do believe we need a certain level of immigration to meet our economic needs. At the very least, we need immigration to fill unskilled labour jobs, which just are not attractive to people at their current rate of pay and with their complete lack of benefits.

I suppose the alternative is to raise minimum wage and/or institute a national benefit program for all low-wage employees, then you may not have to have current immigration levels. But as it stands right now, not too many Canadian-born folks are too enamored by the idea of working in retail for their whole lives, for example.

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It's about economic needs and nothing else.

Why would the Conservatives and Liberals continue immigration policies that favoured a minority of Canadians for political reasons ? How would that make sense ?

Within a generation, immigrants pay their own way, pay taxes and raise families that are as Canadian as the rest of us. Canada will continue to thrive because of them - especially in ultra-Liberal Toronto (voted all Liberal in the last election) where the immigration levels are highest.

Mr. C has no case here.

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It is of course a well known fact that limousine liberals and parlor pinks who force us to be be merry in multiculturalism, are usually fairly well off and live well isolated from all squalor and discordia of "integrated" areas...

The great first "black" president himself William Clinton lives in upstate New York, near Chautauqua country, which is 98.7% white. It was the same with the infamous loathsome creature called teddy kennedy... Its the same with a huge number of these hypocrites.

The above is about as absurd a stereotype as suggesting you live in a trailer park, have tatoos, bad teeth, are white, unemployed, unshaven, and resent anyone who has things you do not have.

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It's about economic needs and nothing else.

Why would the Conservatives and Liberals continue immigration policies that favoured a minority of Canadians for political reasons ? How would that make sense ?

Within a generation, immigrants pay their own way, pay taxes and raise families that are as Canadian as the rest of us. Canada will continue to thrive because of them - especially in ultra-Liberal Toronto (voted all Liberal in the last election) where the immigration levels are highest.

Mr. C has no case here.

I am still waiting to have him define what he means by "Liberal". One might assume he does not mean it in the sense you use it, i.e., do describe supporters of the above two political parties.

If we follow Hannibal Lictor's stereotype it is a rich white person who lives in a white neighbourhood (as opposed to a poor white person who lives in a white neighbourhood).

I have assumed Mr. Canada was using the word to suggest anyone who is white and has no problem living and co-existing with non white people.

Now in my case I though I was liberal because I do suffer from waves of guilt. But then that may be because I am Jewish and Italian people tell me their mothers and chuirch do the same thing to them so then I thought no wait, we Jews and Italians are assumed to be Liberals because we were more likely with most immigrants to vote Liberal although that of course has changed over the years as the COnservative party under Mulroney switched from elite WASP to more of a rural v.s. urban vote and deliberately cultivated ethnic andFrench votes which Harper seems to be doing a good job of alienating.

Then I said hmmm, maybe by Liberal he means intellect-you know people with corderoy jackets and patche son their elbows and teach or are journalists, social workers, or things with the term ologist in it.

Then I said, no not all Liberals are proctologists so I thought, maybe he means people who have sex outside their race but then I said, nah, Mr. Canada surely must know even redknecks think Halle Berry is hot.

So you tell me. When you figure out what Liberal means to tell me.

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It's about economic needs and nothing else.

Immigration seems to now be a net economic loss to the country, not a gain.

Why would the Conservatives and Liberals continue immigration policies that favoured a minority of Canadians for political reasons ? How would that make sense ?

Liberal immigration policies were designed to support the Liberal party, and it's worked very well for them. They designed lax immigration rules, and then cultivated key ethnic figures (with our money) setting them up as "representatives" of those communities, who of course, turned around and called on those communities to vote Liberal. To this day they get most of the immigrant vote.

The Tories used to be against huge immigration numbers, but they've been burned by accusations of being racists too many times, and the party now has turned around and openly embraced immigration so as to avoid further accusations. Now they're trying to do what the Liberals have done, bringing in people from specific areas, and spending money with "community representatives" to buy support. Time will tell whether they'll be successful with this, but don't mistake the purpose. Like the Liberals, they support huge numbers of immigrants for their own short-term political goals, not because it's good for Canada.

Within a generation, immigrants pay their own way, pay taxes and raise families that are as Canadian as the rest of us.

There's NO evidence whatsoever that the current generation of immigrants will follow the pattern of previous generations. They've already broken with them on a variety of economic measurements. Previous immigrants, ie those from 25 years ago, would earn more than Canadians within a few years. Current immigrants do not. Their economic performance at 5 and 10 years after immigration is far worse than previous generations.

Canada will continue to thrive because of them - especially in ultra-Liberal Toronto (voted all Liberal in the last election) where the immigration levels are highest.

Toronto is a crap hole of pollution, massive congestion, and massive budgetary deficits, to say nothing of brutal ethnic street gangs gunning each other down in the streets (and anyone else who crosses their paths). It is probably the worst place in Canada anyone would want to raise a family.

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I'm not picky about numbers, but I do believe we need a certain level of immigration to meet our economic needs. At the very least, we need immigration to fill unskilled labour jobs, which just are not attractive to people at their current rate of pay and with their complete lack of benefits.

Those jobs have such a low rate of pay BECAUSE of immigration. Absent immigration, the pay rates will rise and Canadians will take them.

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I'd like to know what experience with multiculturalism liberals have living in a pretty much 100% white community?

Liberals are always telling these forums how great it is yet you refuse to live in it, why is that?

Isn't that a tad hypocritical?

It's ignorant at the very least. Liberals not living in Toronto yet telling the forums how great minorities are of which you have no idea about.

Liberals are another fine example of the white liberal idealist who likes the sound of helping out minorities but would never live near them.

I find it hilarious.

People living in urban areas where there are more minorities tend to be more liberal, and more conservatives tend to live in rural areas. So your argument could easily be reversed. Why do conservatives (mostly white folk) complain about multiculturalism if they have less exposure to it than liberals? Compare people living in Ontario to those in Alberta.

Part of the answer is that people fear what they do not understand.

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