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Why Our Soldiers Fight!


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Although you nor i will ever know i am sure CSIS has had to do some questionable things........when dealing with terrorist's the gloves have to come off, they don t play by rules neither should we!

Allow me to repeat myself: the job of CSIS is not to police or administer justice. Ergo, there is no need to use CSIS' tactics - whether fair or not - to punnish criminals, as it is the job of the justice system.

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it's weird that you say stuff like that since none of the 9/11 hijackers are from afghanistan.

True, they weren't. But the organization that trained and supported them was given free reign in Afghanistan by its former government. The Taliban has certainly been so scattered and distracted by the Afghan invasion that they can no longer provide the refuge terrorists were once given. However, both the Taliban and terrorist groups seem to now be re-forming elsewhere, notably Pakistan.

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by us being in afghanistan, we increase the chances of getting on the extremists' shitlist and getting attacked at home by, for example, some emotional nationalist afghani canadian teen whose uncle's family was bombed by NATO in afghanistan.

Yes, so instead we should sit here trembling in fear of said emotional teen. We should let our nation's policy be determined by the irrational whims of extremists, because we are afraid we might offend them.

I can't believe someone would actually write such drivel. If the world had more people like you, the terrorists would have already won.

Edited by Bonam
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Yes, so instead we should sit here trembling in fear of said emotional teen. We should let our nation's policy be determined by the irrational whims of extremists, because we are afraid we might offend them.

I can't believe someone would actually write such drivel. If the world had more people like you, the terrorists would have already won.

Exactly right Bonam!!................They seem more worried about offending Extremists then defending their own country!!

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Do you think the CIA or CSIS plays fair??? of course not! they do torture, assassinations and the like..it is what is needed to win this war ...we are in a fight for survival not just in Afghanistan but soon it will be on our shores here too!! 9/11 has shown the Americans that the hard way! Actually the enemy is already here and is growing everyday

If one side does not play fair, you can't cry foul when the other side does not play fair. Simple as this. For some reason this point is lost on those who support the unfair play of the CIA and CSIS. You can't call them terrorists or torturers when our guys are doing the same thing. I can't stress this enough. I know many cannot see the hypocritical problem here, but this is part of the reason the WoT cannot be won the way it is being pursued.

thanks to years of Liberal corruption. We will be fighting them on our own streets soon enough i am sure......it will likely take a 9/11 attack here before Canadians look away from their Hockey and Timmy's and their simple passiveness and realize their way of life is in great danger!

Fearmongering. According to some posters here we are already fighting them in our streets (introduction of Sharia Law in Canada, but was stopped and never allowed) My double double this morning was fantastic.

I agree the next 9/11 will be a spectacle and a half, making 9/11 look like the Oaklahoma bombing.

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Fearmongering. According to some posters here we are already fighting them in our streets (introduction of Sharia Law in Canada, but was stopped and never allowed) My double double this morning was fantastic.

I agree the next 9/11 will be a spectacle and a half, making 9/11 look like the Oaklahoma bombing.

The day Sharia law is introduced into Canada is the day i move to the U.S.A! We will soon be at

war with Terrorist's here in Canada if changes to our open immigration policy are not changed, even CSIS

admits there are terrorist's operating within our borders...hiding in Mosques and such....Canadians had better wake up in a damn hurry! It has nothing to do with fear mongering and everything to do what is happening in this country,people should be afraid!! we are being attacked from the inside out and more of the enemy flooding in everyday! you don t have to look far to find articles on terrorist's and Canada....the one link i supplied even states

terrorist's are scouting out targets in Canada......what the hell does it have to take to wake this country up? a

Biological or nuke attack in Toronto or Ottawa? We are at war with these maggots...people need really to pull their heads out of their asses and start worrying about their familes and the danger they are in from these terror groups!!

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The day Sharia law is introduced into Canada is the day i move to the U.S.A!

Chicken Little.

It won't be introduced into Canada. And because of that the Jews lost their 'courts' as well. Because we have only one recognized judicial system (sure sharia law may be for family courts, or matters of religion.... do they really need a court for this?????)

We will soon be at war with Terrorist's here in Canada if changes to our open immigration policy are not changed, even CSIS

admits there are terrorist's operating within our borders...hiding in Mosques and such....Canadians had better wake up in a damn hurry! It has nothing to do with fear mongering and everything to do what is happening in this country,people should be afraid!! we are being attacked from the inside out and more of the enemy flooding in everyday! you don t have to look far to find articles on terrorist's and Canada....the one link i supplied even states terrorist's are scouting out targets in Canada......what the hell does it have to take to wake this country up? a Biological or nuke attack in Toronto or Ottawa? We are at war with these maggots...people need really to pull their heads out of their asses and start worrying about their familes and the danger they are in from these terror groups!!

According to you and some other posters, we are already at war with them here at home. I don't fear them. Ottawa has a pretty big muslim population. I don't fear them attacking us anytime soon.



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Watched a documentary on the Battle Of Stalingrad. My dad was there...I understood why the Russian fought...I wonder why they did not have a Highway Of Heros...and ship all the "fallen" off to have private autopsys? Don't want to seem un-patriotic or disrespectful to our troops - but no one has explained to me why our soldiers fight. The only thing I can see is that some very rich and powerful old men sitting in ivory towers - are just having some fun..and snuffing out the flower of youth that they will never have - maybe they fight on behalf of the old bastards - maybe they fight out of sheer spite.?

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Watched a documentary on the Battle Of Stalingrad. My dad was there...I understood why the Russian fought...I wonder why they did not have a Highway Of Heros...and ship all the "fallen" off to have private autopsys? Don't want to seem un-patriotic or disrespectful to our troops - but no one has explained to me why our soldiers fight. The only thing I can see is that some very rich and powerful old men sitting in ivory towers - are just having some fun..and snuffing out the flower of youth that they will never have - maybe they fight on behalf of the old bastards - maybe they fight out of sheer spite.?

If you believe that i feel sorry for you!! We are spending money in Afghanistan ....nobody is making any money in thia war

but what Our brave soldiers are doing is keeping the Taliban at bay and keeping them disorganized so they can't organize another 9/11 by not allowing Al Qaeda to use training bases uninterupted to plan attacks against the west! and on top of that we are in Nato..the United States was attacked on 9/11 which means an attack on one is an attack on all...by hunting and killing the Taliban we are forcing them to fight for their own survival and they can' t cordinate an attack outside their borders, the truth is that we will likely always stay there! even soldiers i talk to say the mission will likely continue...the Government will wait until the last minute in 2012 then tell Canadians things have changed and that we have to stay in Afghanistan.The way to destroy these people is by introducing the young Muslim's to Western culture that is why the Taliban has become so desperate! the last thing they want is a backlash against Islam like what is starting to happen in Iran. In Iran recently

the young are turning their back on the old Islamic way of doing things!! because of the internet and exposure to the Western world they are learning there is more than suicide bombings and a rigid old religion that has outlived it's usefullness!

Edited by wulf42
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Watched a documentary on the Battle Of Stalingrad. My dad was there...I understood why the Russian fought...I wonder why they did not have a Highway Of Heros...and ship all the "fallen" off to have private autopsys? Don't want to seem un-patriotic or disrespectful to our troops - but no one has explained to me why our soldiers fight. The only thing I can see is that some very rich and powerful old men sitting in ivory towers - are just having some fun..and snuffing out the flower of youth that they will never have - maybe they fight on behalf of the old bastards - maybe they fight out of sheer spite.?

Of all the battles you had to chose from on the eastern front you choose Stalingrad, Why ? ....Then you go on to talk about old and powerful men sitting in ivory towers having some fun and snuffing out the flowers of youth for thier own enjoyment....

Stalingrad was not even on the orginal battle plan for the german's. It was to be bypassed, instead Hilter thought it would be fun to take the city nanmed after Stalin.....And Stalin let pride get in his way and defended it as he did not want this city with his name sake falling into the hands of the Germans....Stalingrad was a meat grinder, millions died so 2 old and powerful men could play thier games....nothing more....

Russia has many places of rememberances for the battle of stailingrad, and it's not my intention to lessen any of what your father faught for, or for what he believed in at the time....But stalingrad is a perfect example of 2 old men wasting a very valuable resource, thier nations youth.....

Why Canadian soldiers fight in Afghan....i don't think you can narrow it down to our nation,our flag, the Queen

in fact i think every soldier has a different reason why they volunteer ? and when i think back on the 3 tours i've done each one has a different reason...

My first tour in Afghan, There were many different reasons, I'd already completed multiple tours in Bosina, Rwanda, most of which where UN missions, the kind where we would watch and report, and while Canada earned a reputation as the worlds "peacekeepers", these mission could have been done by the boy scouts of Canada, very rarely did we get to take direct action and save lives....most of the time it was watch and report, which tears at a soldier, who has the training and wpns to make a difference but is force to watch as inocent people are killed, etc etc then report back to higher HQ's and nothing happened....It was not until Bosina is taken over by NATO that things began to change for the better....soldiers where allowed to take dirrect action and where making a difference on the ground....and you could see things changing for the better, it validated the WHY, all your blood sweat and tears where for....

Afghan comes along a full combat mission, finally i will get a chance to validate all my training, test my skills, get to serve in combat with my buddies and peers....for a Infantry soldier i will get to ply my trade...put it to use for something good....riding the world of a few terrorists, and other extremists bent on shoving thier ways by use of force on others....

My second tour , i had already interacted with the Afghan people gotten to know thier story, thier culture, gotten to know really well the bad guys and thier story, thier culture....got to see first hand all to often thier handy work....my second tour i volunteered to actually help the people of Afghan, it was during this time that the Afghan mission was not very popular with the people of Canada....me and most of those that i served with did'nt volunteer for them, the people of Canada, in fact could not give a rats ass what they thought of the mission.... but instead volunteered for the people of Afghan and making a difference....this mission had become the forces, not Canada's.....

Canada has so much, and was rich in so many ways....and i was serving in the dept that could make a direct difference in those peoples lives.

My third tour, was more to do with my comrads, peers, and section than anything else and if my being there could save one of thier lifes then so be it, i was going....but not after alot of grief from my wife...

Will thier be a forth tour, not if my wife has anything to say about it....but deep down she knows that if they ask , i'll be there....but i think the RSM will be getting a colorful call from the wife

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Will thier be a forth tour, not if my wife has anything to say about it....but deep down she knows that if they ask , i'll be there....but i think the RSM will be getting a colorful call from the wife

Well just come back with all your parts intact. Good luck soldier.

I will also pipe in here about supporting the troops vs supporting the mission. I don't overall approve of the mission, but I do not want to see our soldiers getting killed for what I think is a lost cause. I can support the troops without supporting the mission. And this seems to confuse some. Why?

Army Guy, what is your take on this?

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Well just come back with all your parts intact. Good luck soldier.

I will also pipe in here about supporting the troops vs supporting the mission. I don't overall approve of the mission, but I do not want to see our soldiers getting killed for what I think is a lost cause. I can support the troops without supporting the mission. And this seems to confuse some. Why?

Army Guy, what is your take on this?

I think for me and for other soldiers it is a touchy subject, and comes up at most social functions i attend and i tend to beat around the bushes to aviod upsetting anyone, normally the wifes friends....

Everyone is entitled to thier opinions and thoughts on all polictical topics that surround our nation, and i respect them for viewing them, even defending them, does not mean one is right or wrong...just something they believe in at the time....

For me both are knit very closely, and one has to pull them apart separately and examine them closely, All soldiers really enjoy the support we recieve from across the nation, and it has done wonders for the Dept of National Defense and has done alot for improving soldiers benifits....and i hope it continues...as it saves lives on and off the battle fields....be it from new equipment, to improved mental health services etc ....

The mission is as good as any other we have taken on in the past....standing up for the Afghan people when they have been beaten into submission is a great cause in my opinion....as good as Cyprus, Golan, Bosina....

Most soldiers i talk to feel somewhat abandoned by Canadains when it comes to the mission....keep in mind DND wanted no part in Afghan at the very beginning, we where not ready, nor manned for a protracted mission....still not but thats another story.....At the time of the mission a majority of Canadians stood behind the liberal government and thier decision to send us, SO we packed our kit and left....

Once we where over there Canadians changed thier minds....mission support fell dramatically, and yet we where still over there .....failing suport for the mission made the news daily for years ....DND was wasting away trying to keep our countries commitment to NATO....Soldiers decided to make it thier mission....and for the most part there is still a majority of soldiers that feel we are making a difference in others lives....after all these years of multiple tours soldiers are still going back over and over....still believing we are making a difference still improving conditions in Afghan, and preventing the Taliban and the other thugs from taking control of the country....

Most soldiers believe that "IF" we had a majority support for the mission it could and would make our jobs alot easier over here....funding would be available for both equipment and in country projects....i should say more funding ....

I think that if Canadians actually seen what goes on here on a daily basis support may change....if they seen what our soldiers see every day....both sides of the coin our lives, and our equipment....and the Afghan lives and thier standard of living.....it's like watching one of those sponsor a child programs....you can't help but feel for the Afghans....most of them are good people...and deserve our help....as for the bad guys....there as bad as they come....And i'm damn glad the Canadian government decided to take a stand, and ordered it's military to take them scumbags down....if ever it defined why soldiers became soldiers it is these guys...the classic good verses evil....

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The mission is as good as any other we have taken on in the past....standing up for the Afghan people when they have been beaten into submission is a great cause in my opinion....as good as Cyprus, Golan, Bosina....

Most soldiers i talk to feel somewhat abandoned by Canadains when it comes to the mission....Once we where over there Canadians changed thier minds....mission support fell dramatically, and yet we where still over there .....

I suspect there's a whole raft of reasons for this fickle turn of events. Not only have Canadians - as with most of the West - come to expect instant gratification, they've also been brainwashed by decades of Liberal dogma into believing in pacifistic mush, illogical and unreal yet so much more palatable and self-satisfying, especially in contrast to the militaristic, Monroe Doctrine patriotism of the US. Thus, even though the Minister of Defense at the time said Afghanistan was going to be a combat, not peacekeeping, mission, nobody seemed to pay attention and remained under the impression this would be a peacekeeping job. Further evidence of the depth and permanence of the brainwashing lies in the fact that even though it was a Liberal government that initiated Canadian participation in the invasion, whole swaths of the population now believe that Canadian soldiers were put in Afghanistan because the Conservative government loved George Bush and his policies, so hard is it for those individuals to believe that their beloved Liberal (natural-governing-singular-embodiment-of-true-and-pure-Canadianism) Party could have supported an actual violent, armed invasion of another country, in alliance with the evil US, no less!

I feel rather sorry for soldiers in the face of this vast stupidity on the part of the populace they serve. I wonder if it's not the lack of popular support that affects military morale, but, rather, it's that the unpopularity is mostly based on illogic, factual inaccuracy, and historical revisionism. That must become incredibly frustrating.

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I think for me and for other soldiers it is a touchy subject, and comes up at most social functions i attend and i tend to beat around the bushes to aviod upsetting anyone, normally the wifes friends....

Everyone is entitled to thier opinions and thoughts on all polictical topics that surround our nation, and i respect them for viewing them, even defending them, does not mean one is right or wrong...just something they believe in at the time....

For me both are knit very closely, and one has to pull them apart separately and examine them closely, All soldiers really enjoy the support we recieve from across the nation, and it has done wonders for the Dept of National Defense and has done alot for improving soldiers benifits....and i hope it continues...as it saves lives on and off the battle fields....be it from new equipment, to improved mental health services etc ....

The mission is as good as any other we have taken on in the past....standing up for the Afghan people when they have been beaten into submission is a great cause in my opinion....as good as Cyprus, Golan, Bosina....

Most soldiers i talk to feel somewhat abandoned by Canadains when it comes to the mission....keep in mind DND wanted no part in Afghan at the very beginning, we where not ready, nor manned for a protracted mission....still not but thats another story.....At the time of the mission a majority of Canadians stood behind the liberal government and thier decision to send us, SO we packed our kit and left....

Once we where over there Canadians changed thier minds....mission support fell dramatically, and yet we where still over there .....failing suport for the mission made the news daily for years ....DND was wasting away trying to keep our countries commitment to NATO....Soldiers decided to make it thier mission....and for the most part there is still a majority of soldiers that feel we are making a difference in others lives....after all these years of multiple tours soldiers are still going back over and over....still believing we are making a difference still improving conditions in Afghan, and preventing the Taliban and the other thugs from taking control of the country....

Most soldiers believe that "IF" we had a majority support for the mission it could and would make our jobs alot easier over here....funding would be available for both equipment and in country projects....i should say more funding ....

I think that if Canadians actually seen what goes on here on a daily basis support may change....if they seen what our soldiers see every day....both sides of the coin our lives, and our equipment....and the Afghan lives and thier standard of living.....it's like watching one of those sponsor a child programs....you can't help but feel for the Afghans....most of them are good people...and deserve our help....as for the bad guys....there as bad as they come....And i'm damn glad the Canadian government decided to take a stand, and ordered it's military to take them scumbags down....if ever it defined why soldiers became soldiers it is these guys...the classic good verses evil....

We are very proud of our soldiers and the work they do to help the Afghan people. The problem comes when we feel that we, and the soldiers, are being used to further a corporate agenda that has nothing to do with freedom of peoples and in fact works against that.

For example, the 'government' put in place in Afghanistan through US intervention ... It's my understanding and belief that this is not a government 'of the people', but puppets chosen to further the US corporate hegemony.

These are the issues we struggle with: Even if our soldiers are successful, will their wishes for the Afghan people ever be realized? Are we just engaged in rescuing the people from oppression by the Taliban, and exchanging that for oppression by foreign corporations that will oppress strip Afghanistan of its resources and only do further damage to their lives?

Perhaps it's about Canadians finally coming of age and doffing the rose tinted glasses. Perhaps we just don't trust our politicians anymore, because we see the environmental and human devastation all around us that unfettered corporate control has caused here in our own land. (Eg, See thread on 'dump site 41')

We feel strongly about supporting our troops, and perhaps this deadly Afghan mission is the one that finally made us look deeper into the role played by our own governments in oppressing other countries, as well as our own, to serve corporate greed.

It's not a soldier's job to question the mission. It used to be that it wasn't considered appropriate for us, the people, to question such decisions either but only to blindly 'rally round the flag' in support.

However, it is our job to ask those hard questions because ultimately we are the ones putting our soldiers in harm's way. We must be sure that the results will be worthy of the efforts of our soldiers, because we know they are giving everything they've got in the belief that the mission is honourable.

We have to make sure it is honourable, for their sakes.

It's difficult to get across, perhaps, but when we appear to struggle against the mission by questioning, protesting, etc, we are in fact fighting for the safety and honour of our soldiers.

The same people who question the mission are those who are appalled and protested loudly, for example, when our soldiers were sent to a desert in bush fatigues.

We are strong, perhaps the strongest, supporters of our soldiers because we question the leaders motives and actions that put our soldiers at risk.

I hope that makes some sense, army guy, because we care very much.

Edited by tango
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... It's my understanding and belief that this is not a government 'of the people', but puppets chosen to further the US corporate hegemony.

Of course. that's why the current government was elected and why more elctions are just around the corner, to give your beliefs and the corporate tinfoil hegemony a boost....

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Of course. that's why the current government was elected and why more elctions are just around the corner, to give your beliefs and the corporate tinfoil hegemony a boost....

Indeed...just wait unitl Ignatieff becomes PM...he will be one of the USA's finest "puppets".

Tinfoil demand will go through the roof!

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Indeed...just wait unitl Ignatieff becomes PM...he will be one of the USA's finest "puppets".

Ah, but every leftie wants to be the puppet of The Resplendent and Most Glorious Barack Obama! Even the New Democratic Party is considering a name change to the Democratic Party, partly to be more visually associated with His Splendidness south of the border.

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It's not a soldier's job to question the mission.

I just want to dispell some myths here ....It is of the upmost importance that a soldier questions every order he recieves to ensure it is legal and morally right....Soldiers are not a bunch of mindless robots that our government uses to control the population, or do it's bidding.....

However, it is our job to ask those hard questions because ultimately we are the ones putting our soldiers in harm's way. We must be sure that the results will be worthy of the efforts of our soldiers, because we know they are giving everything they've got in the belief that the mission is honourable.

We have to make sure it is honourable, for their sakes

And while you say it is your job, the job of every Canadian to ensure our soldiers lifes are not pissed away....from a soldiers piont of view "when is that going to happen" it's now been well over 7 years now since we've been deployed to Afghanistan with the majority of Canadians "not Supporting this mission for a large number of those.....in our eyes you've failed in this one simple task "protecting our nations soldiers"

If the majority of Canadians feel this way then i think it would be a fair question of when are they going to act.....i also think it would be fair to ask "if your not going to act then for our sake get on board with the mission which will allow for more funding and a quicker end to this....

You did say that the citizens are the ones putting thier soldiers lifes in harms way, and you must be sure that the results are worthy of the soldiers efforts.....and while i agree this should be happening, i find it alittle ironic that you totally shut out the vioces and opinions of those very same soldiers the citizens are so worried about , you know those very people thats lifes are on the line every day, those lives that live that very same problem you've been trying to figure out for all these years.....which is why i think in most soldiers minds this is not a Canadian mission....But rather a Canadian military mission....and there is a major wall there....

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Do you think the CIA or CSIS plays fair??? of course not! they do torture, assassinations and the like..it is what is needed to win this war ...we are in a fight for survival not just in Afghanistan but soon it will be on our shores here too!! 9/11 has shown the Americans that the hard way! Actually the enemy is already here and is growing everyday

thanks to years of Liberal corruption. We

will be fighting them on our own streets soon enough i am sure......it will likely take a 9/11 attack here before Canadians look away from their Hockey and Timmy's

and their simple passiveness and realize their way of life is in great danger!

First let me make clear I do not work for CSIS nor Mossad, the CIA, Deuxieme Bureau, MI-6,

FBI, NCIS, Shin Bet, South Korean Intelligence Agency, Mexican State police nor have I ever worked for the RCMP

and I do not own a taser.

Secondly, may I state with certainty although I can not reveal my sources, that no

CSIS has not assassinated anyone.

It barely has a budget to operate and it has very little if any funds to go overseas and do much of anything.

As for the CIA while they use drones to try locate terrorists, chances are it is a conventional armed force in the United States, most probably the navy that is responsible for the actual missiles sent to take a terrorist out in Pakistan.

Don't watch too much of that James Bond stuff. Reality is a lot more boring.

As well, there is a lot of disinformation sent back and forth as to these things-I doubt any of us will find out the actual truth until many years later when its no longer strategically compromising to reveal what actually happened.

Play fair you say? How does one play fair with a terrorist?

The reality is anything goes. Terrorists follow no rules. Trying to play paddy cake with someone who is trying to amputate your limbs is not a good idea.

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My third tour...Will thier be a forth tour, not if my wife has anything to say about it...

You have done more then was asked. May I thank you (as I have in the past) but respectfully ask you stay with your wife even though it is not my business or place to say so.

You know what I mean dude. Its said with a sigh not a bark.

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Will thier be a forth tour, not if my wife has anything to say about it....but deep down she knows that if they ask , i'll be there....but i think the RSM will be getting a colorful call from the wife

I'm with rue...someone needs to stay back and train the young ones and preferably a vetran. now if that your teaching skills are sub par, then respectfully I suggest you apply for an embassy post on the south of france.

The wife would like that...

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I just want to dispell some myths here ....It is of the upmost importance that a soldier questions every order he recieves to ensure it is legal and morally right....Soldiers are not a bunch of mindless robots that our government uses to control the population, or do it's bidding.....

I'm glad to hear that.

And while you say it is your job, the job of every Canadian to ensure our soldiers lifes are not pissed away....from a soldiers piont of view "when is that going to happen" it's now been well over 7 years now since we've been deployed to Afghanistan with the majority of Canadians "not Supporting this mission for a large number of those.....in our eyes you've failed in this one simple task "protecting our nations soldiers"

Perhaps it's a matter of misinterpretation. As you said and I said, questioning everything is our responsibility (and the soldiers). It should not be interpreted as lack of Canadian support for the soldiers day to day work: We know they are doing their best for the Afghan people, and we want it not to be in vain in the long run.

If the majority of Canadians feel this way then i think it would be a fair question of when are they going to act.....i also think it would be fair to ask "if your not going to act then for our sake get on board with the mission which will allow for more funding and a quicker end to this....

"Act" how?

You did say that the citizens are the ones putting thier soldiers lifes in harms way, and you must be sure that the results are worthy of the soldiers efforts.....and while i agree this should be happening, i find it alittle ironic that you totally shut out the vioces and opinions of those very same soldiers the citizens are so worried about , you know those very people thats lifes are on the line every day,

How do you feel I have done that? I don't think I did, and it certainly was not my intention.

those lives that live that very same problem you've been trying to figure out for all these years.....which is why i think in most soldiers minds this is not a Canadian mission....But rather a Canadian military mission....and there is a major wall there....

Sorry but ... it's a US military/corporate mission.

Canada's role there is punishment for Chretien's refusal to go to take over the oil wells of Iraq. Harper's sop to Bush was to send Canadian troops to Afg. to clear the route for the oil pipeline through Pakistan.

There is absolutely no question that the Afghan people need help to rid themselves of the Taliban, and that our soldiers' actions in trying to do so are valiant, honourable, well intentioned, professional and successful.

However, the overall purpose of the whole US led Iraq/Afghanistan mission is still of highly questionable merit. We no longer accept the word of the corporate community about what is best for the world because they have demonstrated many times over that their purpose is to take money out of the pockets of the millions and put it in the pockets of a few.

That's the dilemma of the Canadian people.

If we stay there indefinitely, the future of the Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan is guarding the US corporate oil pipeline from Iraq to India.

As for funding ... I'm not well informed of this aspect, and not aware of funding being voted down. Please clarify.

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