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Why do Black men rape White women?


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By the way, and completely out of the blue as to the topic at hand other than I came across the numbers while looking through various reports....

Only 1% of inmates in American prisons are natives.

In Canada, the figure is 20%

So what are we not doing that the US is doing in terms of remedying social problems among natives?

Perhaps best left to another thread. But it does show that race based statistics can pose interesting questions.

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By the way, and completely out of the blue as to the topic at hand other than I came across the numbers while looking through various reports....

Only 1% of inmates in American prisons are natives.

In Canada, the figure is 20%

So what are we not doing that the US is doing in terms of remedying social problems among natives?

Perhaps best left to another thread. But it does show that race based statistics can pose interesting questions.

that's a good question argus.

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fine black women? I've seen very few of those, usually I encounter the swarthy, loud, waddling colossi that reeks of baby powder and surrounded by her brood of runny-nosed ape-like children

That's a pretty steep comment.

You place yourself in a position where everything you say on race is no longer relevant.

This reminds me of Mark Verhman in the OJ Simpson case, all Johnny had to do was attack his past actions and comments, he became an witness with no credibility.

Every time you present something its automatically discounted even if there's a possibility its true, simply because of the comments like the one I quoted.

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Guest TrueMetis
By the way, and completely out of the blue as to the topic at hand other than I came across the numbers while looking through various reports....

Only 1% of inmates in American prisons are natives.

In Canada, the figure is 20%

So what are we not doing that the US is doing in terms of remedying social problems among natives?

Perhaps best left to another thread. But it does show that race based statistics can pose interesting questions.

Isn't there a higher percentage of first nations in Canada?

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One fact stood out. Of those convicted, 66 were black or mixed race, 13 were white and the remainder were from other countries including Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.

Clearly this is not a crime exclusive to black communities, but I found it impossible to ignore the fact that such a high proportion were committed by black and mixed-race young men. As a black man as well as a journalist, I wanted to understand what lay behind such attacks.

Gang rape: Is it a race issue?

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One fact stood out. Of those convicted, 66 were black or mixed race, 13 were white and the remainder were from other countries including Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.

Clearly this is not a crime exclusive to black communities, but I found it impossible to ignore the fact that such a high proportion were committed by black and mixed-race young men. As a black man as well as a journalist, I wanted to understand what lay behind such attacks.

Gang rape: Is it a race issue?

What now Argus? Do we build a wall around Africa and around all white communities? Perhaps a second holocaust, this time dealing with blacks? I mean, we have to protect the white race somehow? Right? What is the final solution to this?

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One fact stood out. Of those convicted, 66 were black or mixed race, 13 were white and the remainder were from other countries including Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.

Clearly this is not a crime exclusive to black communities, but I found it impossible to ignore the fact that such a high proportion were committed by black and mixed-race young men. As a black man as well as a journalist, I wanted to understand what lay behind such attacks.

Gang rape: Is it a race issue?

Gang rape? Lord Of The Flys. It's stunning that society in Britain has debased to such a low level in the short period of 20 years! I listened to documentary regarding this new culturless young culture in Britian - It's deeply distrubing. How did it happen and why?

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Gang rape? Lord Of The Flys. It's stunning that society in Britain has debased to such a low level in the short period of 20 years! I listened to documentary regarding this new culturless young culture in Britian - It's deeply distrubing. How did it happen and why?

You had to ask....

and lictor in....three...two....one....

anyyyyyytime now.....

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One fact stood out. Of those convicted, 66 were black or mixed race, 13 were white and the remainder were from other countries including Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.

Clearly this is not a crime exclusive to black communities, but I found it impossible to ignore the fact that such a high proportion were committed by black and mixed-race young men. As a black man as well as a journalist, I wanted to understand what lay behind such attacks.

Gang rape: Is it a race issue?

no matter where you look in the world... its always the usual suspects... fascinating that no one wants to comment on this ...

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What now Argus? Do we build a wall around Africa and around all white communities? Perhaps a second holocaust, this time dealing with blacks? I mean, we have to protect the white race somehow? Right? What is the final solution to this?

maybe we could start by stopping forced integration and repealing our floodstyle immigration policy.

Perhaps limiting child welfare (blacks typically owe their income to their prodigious fecundity)

But the least we could do is stop pretending like everything is hunky dory and actually REPORT and TALK about the out of control black crime... instead of never talking about lest we be accused of so called "racism"...

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One fact stood out. Of those convicted, 66 were black or mixed race, 13 were white and the remainder were from other countries including Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.

Clearly this is not a crime exclusive to black communities, but I found it impossible to ignore the fact that such a high proportion were committed by black and mixed-race young men. As a black man as well as a journalist, I wanted to understand what lay behind such attacks.

Gang rape: Is it a race issue?

here's another stat from that ghastly cesspool of savagery and corruption named south africa..

apparently, at least one out of four blacks ADMITS to having raped more then once...


sample this video and ask yourself if that mentality is inborn in blacks... I think it is...

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maybe we could start by stopping forced integration and repealing our floodstyle immigration policy.

Perhaps limiting child welfare (blacks typically owe their income to their prodigious fecundity)

But the least we could do is stop pretending like everything is hunky dory and actually REPORT and TALK about the out of control black crime... instead of never talking about lest we be accused of so called "racism"...

More shootings in Toronto - I don't need them to report on what race perpetuates this mayhem - I know it's primarily black. Forced intrigation has created ghettos..I don't believe in the "we are all one" stuff. I do believe that all families are entitled to their own home - to walls - to seperation - AND to mingle and make friends at WILL - Why try to fix the human condition if it is not broken..It is what it is. The ghettoization is also now ghettoization of the mind--If I walk down the street I dare not look a black in the eye - nor he me - because we have been trained by our liberal system that we are enemies..the other day I had a problem

- I dare not ask the tough looking black kid for help - but I did - I was surprised - He came off like a Rhodes scholar..having said that - liberalism looks for problems and creates them..then creates a bureacracy to cure them. The few blacks that I have befriended I did not because I was force to (I am to old to have been part of this program) _ I do it once I discriminate and judge - who is my friend and who is not - some are some are NOT..It's up to me to decide not the damned state.

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Only 1% of inmates in American prisons are natives.

In Canada, the figure is 20%

So what are we not doing that the US is doing in terms of remedying social problems among natives?

American Indians and Natives make only about 1% of the population. First Nations and the Metis make about 4% of the Canadian population.

Still, their proportion in prisons is very high relative to their proportion in the population. The question is justified: why?

Perhaps Americans shoot their criminal natives instead of incancerating them?

Perhaps Americans are incarcerating so many people from the non-native population, that the native's proportion is vanishing? The incarceration rate in 2005 was 131 in Canada and 738 in the USA (over 1000 in 2008, but I don't know the Canadian number). This is always from 100,000 people (i.e. over 1% of the US population was in prison in 2008).

But then the question comes up: what do the American non-natives do to be incarcerated in that high proportion? Alternatively: which crimes let Canadian pass without any serious penalty?

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One fact stood out. Of those convicted, 66 were black or mixed race, 13 were white and the remainder were from other countries including Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.

Clearly this is not a crime exclusive to black communities, but I found it impossible to ignore the fact that such a high proportion were committed by black and mixed-race young men. As a black man as well as a journalist, I wanted to understand what lay behind such attacks.

Gang rape: Is it a race issue?

other examples of black savagery:

for some reason this types of acts seem to be typically black... they are carried out with the carrelessness that only they seem to be able to...

Edited by lictor616
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Perhaps Americans shoot their criminal natives instead of incancerating them?

Perhaps Americans are incarcerating so many people from the non-native population, that the native's proportion is vanishing? The incarceration rate in 2005 was 131 in Canada and 738 in the USA (over 1000 in 2008, but I don't know the Canadian number). This is always from 100,000 people (i.e. over 1% of the US population was in prison in 2008).

Further options:

Perhaps Canadian natives have less money for good lawyers (having a good lawyer is much more useful than abiding by the laws in the best juducial system of the world).

Perhaps Canadian non-native criminals are smarter than their American counterparts in not letting themselves caught.

Only one thing is sure: in Canada neither the judicial system, nor the praxis is particuarly harsh towards native criminals. Just the opposite: it is enough to have been in residential school or to have lived a troubled life in a native community to get off easily in the sentencing.

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Further options:

Perhaps Canadian natives have less money for good lawyers (having a good lawyer is much more useful than abiding by the laws in the best juducial system of the world).

Perhaps Canadian non-native criminals are smarter than their American counterparts in not letting themselves caught.

Only one thing is sure: in Canada neither the judicial system, nor the praxis is particuarly harsh towards native criminals. Just the opposite: it is enough to have been in residential school or to have lived a troubled life in a native community to get off easily in the sentencing.

Those who had been in residential schools are all to old to be crimminal or they have passed on.. so - a good lawyer is better than abiding by the law hugh? Translated. If you have money you walk away free? I doubt it - a father I know spent 80 dollars on lawyers and the kid still got six years. To be less bitter about the judical system than I usually am - If you conduct yourself well, and the powers that be know you can be trusted - you can manuver through the system lawyer free and survive it well - BUT if you are litigating - If you don't pay in to the club fund - buy hiring one of the boys - you get what you pay for - nothing!

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Guest TrueMetis
Those who had been in residential schools are all to old to be crimminal or they have passed on.. so - a good lawyer is better than abiding by the law hugh? Translated. If you have money you walk away free? I doubt it - a father I know spent 80 dollars on lawyers and the kid still got six years. To be less bitter about the judical system than I usually am - If you conduct yourself well, and the powers that be know you can be trusted - you can manuver through the system lawyer free and survive it well - BUT if you are litigating - If you don't pay in to the club fund - buy hiring one of the boys - you get what you pay for - nothing!

In 1979 there were 12 residential schools and the last residential school closed in 1996.

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Really? in 1979 there were 12 residential schools and the last residential school closed in 1996.

You did not have to say "Really?" Must have lost my residential school calander...96 hugh-- let me count on my fingers...if they got out when they were ten and tainted by the "school" - then..guess you are correct..prime crimmal material - just old enough to graduate to being able to drink the economy size bottle of mouth wash on a sunny day in the park. A month ago an ageing native female gave a great discript of how a sweet nun type would line up the young girls and punch then in the face one at a time knocking them down like bowling pins - what the hell were the authorities thinking? I guess there was a way of thinking - if you kicked a dog hard enough it would become the cat you always wanted..It's really quite horrific..I run into a few natives here and there - a couple I know well - I thought I was mutilated by the system - some of these people never had a chance at life - and racists love to put them down - saying they have so many opportunities..what can you make of yourself once they break your spirit like that of a horse?

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You are probably pulling that question out of your arse because you believe I am being racist and wish to reflect that back on to me.

The way to disarm racist assumptions which arise from information gathering activities such as this is to properly follow through and gain the FULL picture of what is actually happeneing. The information is concerning and indicated a need to know more. Personally I doubt that following the trail will lead to some kind of 'blacks are inferior savages' ephinany. I think it would lead to other things completely. Things which can't be dealt with without putting them under a real spotlight. I believe the reason this kind of information should be gathered is for the purpose of finding ways to change them in future. I don't like Canada's approach which does not allow such information to be gathered or made public - probably because they don't want to give fuel to the lictors of the world. It denies any opportunity to work on problems which do exist and can create real misery for some however.

Fair enpugh.

That being said, you will excuse me if I have a problem with data that indicates that the number of reported sexual assaults where the victim is White and the attacker is considered to be Black is so low in the USA that it does not register statistically speaking. 1000, I would say "that low, really?". 100, I would say, "there is something wrong with the numbers". 10, I say "Excuse me?"

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White Men don't date black women all that often... but yeah people who date outside of their race KNOW what they're doing, its not like their dating someone REGARDLESS of their race ... its often BECAUSE of it.

Not any of the intercultural or interracial couples I know.

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To see a blonde haired nordic beauty leading by the hand some dusky hued denizen of the African jungle is rather astonishing... its an act of self hatred in a sense, it means that she hates her own traits.

And in the event that they engender offspring, it would mean having a baby with none of her features, which is odd, since one of the joys of child rearing is to see your traits perpetuated and preserved ... to have a miniature version of you.... mixed race couples can't ever have that.

Have you actually even seen ONE baby of a interracial couple? I have seen a few ones and have NEVER had any problem seeing the similarities between the little bundles of joy and their parents.

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I speculated that it was. If not, then I don't know where they would have gotten it.

The federal statistics are the definitive numbers available for the United States.

Therefore these numbers are either invented, inverted, or simply mistaken.

It's like Stats Canada saying inflation is at 1% and some nobody university no one has ever heard of in asshat Sasaskatchewan saying no, inflation is at 72%, and there you are sneering at me for accepting Stats Can's numbers instead of the other ridiculous ones.

As demonstrated by more than one poster here, the very methodology used in arriving at the federal numbers is problematic. Those numbers are not definitive, and saying they are diminshes whatever limited usefulness they may already have.

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It doesn't matter if most rape isn't reported

It matters. Women (and in some cases men) are too afraid or too ashamed to report a vicious crime. Which makes it more likely to happen again, and justice is not done.

and it doesn't matter if they're reported as opposed to convicted.
It does when one concludes the numbers are those of rapes COMMITTED.
The numbers appear in multiple locations and are traceable to the Justice Department. Even those who question the methodology behind the the numbers don't question their origin.

Still doesn't change the fact that is the methodology is not sound, the numbers are uselss.

And in any case, the satistics you refer to are not for rape. Their are for all sexual assaults, is based on a survey, not an aggregate of data, the methodology is contested, and one of the numbers quoted is so ridiculously low that it renders the who set meaningless. But as long as you can use it for suit your bigotry, you do not care.

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I googled it, and found the number on Frontpage, which is hardly a "far right wing" blog.

I must have gotten to a different FrontPage, then. :lol::lol:

As is typical with the politically correct, you don't like the facts

Less than ten sexual assaults by American Whites on Amercian Blacks a year, and you call that a fact?

You will not even admit that the numbers you quote are wobblyyyy, because you don't care.

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