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Why many Canadian people have inaccurate knowledge of China

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You sound like some kind of nationalist nut already. Does this represent the Canadian Alternative Members party? With that kind of attitude, you can forget about my support.

I tell it like it is bud. I'm not afraid to be Canadian. I'm also tired of all this political correctness stuff too.

You are perfectly within your rights to support who ever you choose so carry on.


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I tell it like it is bud. I'm not afraid to be Canadian. I'm also tired of all this political correctness stuff too.

You are perfectly within your rights to support who ever you choose so carry on.


Right. Political correctness or not, you're perfectly withn your rights to tell it "like it is" in your deranged mind.

And outing types like you for what you really are, is a pleasure.

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It won't change my view that media here are not better than China or many other countries western media often blamed.

What is making a lasting impression on Canadians about China is that West-Coast Canadians have found, in the recent past, Chinese illegal immigrants dead in ship containers.

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I find it strange that some people would deny or excuse the Human Rights abuses of the Chinese government. Watch the following video's and try to deny any abuse, I first saw this back in the nineties and was shocked then, I'm still shocked now.

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So, is this all just lies?

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I find it strange that some people would deny or excuse the Human Rights abuses of the Chinese government. Watch the following video's and try to deny any abuse, I first saw this back in the nineties and was shocked then, I'm still shocked now.

Visit My WebsiteThis is 1 of 4

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3 of 4

4 of 4

So, is this all just lies?

Yes, China has one child policy, it is a contribution to the world. If China did not do that for more than 30 years, now there can be already 2 billion Chinese people. 30 years after, there will be 4 billion, 60 years after, there will be 8 billion Chinese.Is that the result you want?

There are crime exist. It is nothing to be suprised. Even if there is no this policy, there can be other kinds of crimes.

BTW, lots of comments in the videos are lies. That is just the style of western media.

In Canada, there is no one child policy, 50,000 kids dead in residential schools.

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I'm not saying all soldiers are patient like the soldiers in these Tanks, but most of them are, and they are also human, so most of them also have certain moral criteria like us. There did have a lot of died and casualties, according Chinese government it was hundreds died and over 2000 wounded, the figure may be higher than that, because if someone's wound was slightly no need lying in a hospital, he would not want police knew. But if anyone watches these CNN Photos, thanks photographers, they didn't photoshoped them like "writers", he will find that considering the numbers of the protestors in the street showed on photos, the life loss can hardly consider as a massacre. It's a crackdown by using army, but not a massacre.

But from where the massacre came out? I remember I listened from VOA, it told us the massacre happened in the square, tanks squashed students, "thousands to tens thousands"(I could not listen English then, it was Chinese words 成千上万, the re-translation to English is bit odd) of student died at the night. CPC soon found out western media's flaw and reliesed their video that students evacuated from the square leading by a Taiwan singer Hou De Jian---because the so-called "protest leaders" all fled on 3rd, June with American and French passports. And then CPC began to accuse western medias "fake" the news. And then, VOA lowered the life loss to "hundreds to thousands" and no longer talked about Tanks squashing students, but still called it massacre.

When i first read this coffee actually came out my nose as i choked and spit all over my key board ....i can not believe you could down play this incident as you've tried....as some trival matter to be brushed off....shit you and BJRE can not even get your story straight, one says it did'nt happen and the other says it was a minor military crack down.....

If this had happened in say toronto every major and minor hospital across the city would have quickly been overwhelmed trying to deal with the dead and wounded......i know one can not compare the size of toronto to any city in China but that is still is enough to perhaps make someone take pause and think.....every hospital....

Put another way during the D Day beach landings at Juno there was just over 1200 cas for the entire day....and serveral hundred killed....that was a dug in enemy using mines, rifles, Machine guns, Mortars, arty, and planes on men as the streamed helpless across open beaches....and they where trying to kill as many as possiable, this went on for the entire day.....and still just over 1200 cas where incured...and those men that where there describe it as being in hell.....

Omaha Beach perhaps the worst beach of them all suffer just over 2100 cas for the day....once again this was a very detremined enemy gunning down soldiers as the crossed the beachheach.....trying to kill as many as them as possiable knowing they had to stop them on the beaches, or give the allieds a foot hold in Europe....so they continued to rush into machine gun fire

Now with all that in mind, how can anyone sit there and say this was not a massacre unless there has been so many of these types of massacres as to trivalize these numbers....how could the Chinese soldiers accomplish this in mere hours when the Germany army took all day, with machine guns, mortars, arty guns and planes .....perhaps it was because they where unarmed civilians in mass panick, with no training, just trying to flee for thier lifes....

This was not a military crack down seen in any western country....as it's government would have been ripped apart by it's citizens....

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....how could the Chinese soldiers accomplish this in mere hours

Because most people gone after they heard broadcast many hours ago.

This was not a military crack down seen in any western country....

Watch the following examples:

as it's government would have been ripped apart by it's citizens....

That may have long way to go if you manage to do that because 73% Chinese people trust their government, and only 34% Canadians trust Canada government in 2007

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Yes, China has one child policy, it is a contribution to the world. If China did not do that for more than 30 years, now there can be already 2 billion Chinese people. 30 years after, there will be 4 billion, 60 years after, there will be 8 billion Chinese.Is that the result you want?

There are crime exist. It is nothing to be suprised. Even if there is no this policy, there can be other kinds of crimes.

BTW, lots of comments in the videos are lies. That is just the style of western media.

In Canada, there is no one child policy, 50,000 kids dead in residential schools.

The whole point about your thread "Why many Canadian people have inaccurate knowledge of China" is ludicrous in the first place, since the Chinese government effectively censors the information their own people receive, so a better question to ask is why the Chinese people have an inaccurate knowledge of their own country? Needless to say, the big part of the reason, is censorship that is being enabled by U.S. corporations like Google providing the filtering software to maintain a totalitarian system:

The Great Firewall of China: Internet Censorship Run Wild


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BTW, lots of comments in the videos are lies. That is just the style of western media.

Why am I not surprised by your response? It's all a big stinky pile of lies, right?

The live footage shot was just a Hollywood illusion, right?

The baby girls tied to crude wooden chairs with a pot under their ass were just child actors staged for the filming by the Chinese government, Right?

Get real.

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The whole point about your thread "Why many Canadian people have inaccurate knowledge of China" is ludicrous in the first place, since the Chinese government effectively censors the information their own people receive, so a better question to ask is why the Chinese people have an inaccurate knowledge of their own country? Needless to say, the big part of the reason, is censorship that is being enabled by U.S. corporations like Google providing the filtering software to maintain a totalitarian system:

The Great Firewall of China: Internet Censorship Run Wild


Although I don't like the idea that many content be filtered out, I think it has its bright side.

Most porn content have been filtered out. Actually Canada does the same thing, it doesn't allow children porn on internet.

And there is hate crime defined in Canada, so if CHRC's censor find anything, they will start to act.

As for the political ideas, China did not shot journalists using tank as US in Iraq.

And because there are too many rumors in western media, I think filter out some has its advantage, it make China more stable, it makes children and university students focus on learning more skills so that more people will have ability to build, to generate real values, instead of fighting each other, blame each other everyday. If China does this everyday, Canadians will not so happy with the economy hurt not large enough, because if not for China, US economy will be far worse, that will affect Canada.

When more Chinese people become more skillful, China will grow faster.

And Canadian children have more human rights, more youth crime happening, more jails need. More cost need, More jobs go to China.

OK enjoy this kind of human rights until the economy become worse and worse and politician will take more and more of your human rights back.

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Although I don't like the idea that many content be filtered out, I think it has its bright side.

Most porn content have been filtered out. Actually Canada does the same thing, it doesn't allow children porn on internet.

And there is hate crime defined in Canada, so if CHRC's censor find anything, they will start to act.

As for the political ideas, China did not shot journalists using tank as US in Iraq.

And because there are too many rumors in western media, I think filter out some has its advantage, it make China more stable, it makes children and university students focus on learning more skills so that more people will have ability to build, to generate real values, instead of fighting each other, blame each other everyday. If China does this everyday, Canadians will not so happy with the economy hurt not large enough, because if not for China, US economy will be far worse, that will affect Canada.

When more Chinese people become more skillful, China will grow faster.

And Canadian children have more human rights, more youth crime happening, more jails need. More cost need, More jobs go to China.

OK enjoy this kind of human rights until the economy become worse and worse and politician will take more and more of your human rights back.

Our primary youth crime problem - is a black problem based on poor immigration policy and liberal destruction of poor nuclear families...China does not need to grow - they need to have more civilization - with the removal of religon by the communist - you do not have crimminaly with the poor but with your administration - furthermore.........the Canada you see is not what truely is - you have not met the core culture yet - do not critize our nation - you are a guest still---we would not travel to China and talk about what we do not know...lets be fair and patient - to early for you to pass judgement.

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Most porn content have been filtered out. Actually Canada does the same thing, it doesn't allow children porn on internet.

And there is hate crime defined in Canada, so if CHRC's censor find anything, they will start to act.

Heyyyyyyy....is that why I can't get any Chinese porn. India has plenty! :lol:

When more Chinese people become more skillful, China will grow faster.

Yes...that's why I go there in 1990's....it was called "technology transfer".

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Our primary youth crime problem - is a black problem based on poor immigration policy and liberal destruction of poor nuclear families...

Whatever the reason it is, did you solved it yet?

So you are, too, just stop at the blame stage without a solution that can actually work.

Edited by bjre
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Although I don't like the idea that many content be filtered out, I think it has its bright side.

Most porn content have been filtered out. Actually Canada does the same thing, it doesn't allow children porn on internet.

And there is hate crime defined in Canada, so if CHRC's censor find anything, they will start to act.

As for the political ideas, China did not shot journalists using tank as US in Iraq.

And the Tienanmen Square Massacre was a figment of everyone's imagination!

Here's filtering at work...courtesy of Google in a comparison of a Google search page of the "Falun Gong" carefully filtered for the Chinese citizen opposite the same page without the filtering software: http://blogoscoped.com/censored/

And because there are too many rumors in western media, I think filter out some has its advantage, it make China more stable, it makes children and university students focus on learning more skills so that more people will have ability to build, to generate real values, instead of fighting each other, blame each other everyday. If China does this everyday, Canadians will not so happy with the economy hurt not large enough, because if not for China, US economy will be far worse, that will affect Canada.

Over the last two years, there have been numerous reports of riots in Chinese cities over factory closures, environmental disasters and the aggressive enforcement of the one-child policy in rural villages. Does it make the country more stable to try to cover up information about dissent and unrest?

And Canadian children have more human rights, more youth crime happening, more jails need. More cost need, More jobs go to China.
Not if we start doing what China does with its own domestic economy -- putting up tariffs to stop the flood of cheap imports, so we can rebuild our own manufacturing sector.
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Our friend from China seems one dimentional in his perspective of our nation- I did become preturbed when he as a visitor attempted to paint our youth as crimminal and that they may be in need of little uniforms so they could all stand in a nice utlitarian line like robots..There is a bit of communist indoctrination first generation going on here - this person is a product of a revolution - one of the bloodiest in human history. Not to get personal with him - but he must understand who and what he is - a product..of an experiment - that as we can see did not have optimal results.

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Whatever the reason it is, did you solved it yet?

So you are, too, just stop at the blame stage without a solution that can actually work.

It's a reality - youth vilolence for the most part along with youth crimminality is pocketed in the mentioned community. Your suggest "solution" might apply to one one thousandth of a percent of our youth - our young people for the most part are good...If you can provide a solution or some suggestions on how to cure the problem that is mostly in the suburbs of Toronto...then feel free to suggest - but just remember...this is but a pimple on the body - embarrassing all the same.

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Whatever the reason it is, did you solved it yet?

So you are, too, just stop at the blame stage without a solution that can actually work.

No one blames any one - you seem to be carrying the blaming and are critical of one of our defects -- I will mention again - do not look at our freedom as a weakness. I would rather have a bit of gun violence with the first generation Jamacian Canadians - who are a tiny group - rather than have a billion human beings sitting dressed in yellow clothing like bees - at an essembly line making useless junk. If I were to go to China and begin to do what you are attempting to do here...I would be jailed and abused....also - remember - this nation is not a free for all --- the reason asian immigrants are here is because we let them on mass - based on economics and mostly based on the fact that we are still a compassionate CHRISTIAN nation..something you can not understand.

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If you can provide a solution or some suggestions on how to cure the problem that is mostly in the suburbs of Toronto...then feel free to suggest -

I have posted lots of times. I believe there are too many laws. It is better to abolish some laws that generate more problems than it solves. Remove most functions of CAS. Abolish 0 tolerate policy because everyone made mistakes, what we need to do is make them understand what is the better way to solve problems and make others understand they can be the reason to lead to the crime even if they did not do it directly. Ask psychologist to do more studies on the reform of current education system and make the education system to add more on responsibilities, make kids proud of reading and learning, make them tolerate, understand, think of, care about, love to help others. make more policies to encourage boss to hire poor people and more.

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