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Bush's Bible Prophecy:God Wants to "Erase" Mid-East foes

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Absolutely frightening.
In 2003 while lobbying leaders to put together the Coalition of the Willing, President Bush spoke to France's President Jacques Chirac. Bush wove a story about how the Biblical creatures Gog and Magog were at work in the Middle East and how they must be defeated.

Since we are getting third hand information from people that think Bush is an idiot, it's easy to point out fallacies that exist in the above quote, written by someone who heard someone who got third hand info from Chirac, who seems quite uniformed on the matter.

Gog and Magog refer to Russia. In Ezekiel 39:1, Gog is refered to as a prince, and in verse 2, from the far north. Gog and Magog is certainly not a biblical creature, that's in Revelations. The war of Gog and Magog is a prophecy that most of today's conservative christian leaders refers to Russia, Iran, and several other nations listed in the bible passage, who attempt to attack Israel. They fail. Anyone notice that Russia and Iran having been getting pretty friendly, something unparalleled in history? And they both have a pretty dim view of Israel...

I will not waste the time of those who wouldn't believe the whole prophecy anyway, but it's pretty obvious that Iraq has nothing to do with either Gog, Magog, Tubal, Meshech or Rosh. Bush probably made a bible reference to Chirac in passing which got taken out of context and grew into another 'Bush is a hated christian' moment. Which he is, they got that part right.

If anyone is interested in this Magog thing, Joel Rosenburg lays it out pretty well in his book, Epicenter.

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Kuzad, don't you find it a little bit odd that an ancient race of people that had been nearly decimated several times in history somehow manage to not disappear as so many did? Instead, they somehow hang around for thousands of years and do not fade into history. Then, after once such attempt at genocide (and why do so many the world over simply hate Jews?) the weirdest decision in the world is made, to form a nation for these ragtag survivors in their ancient home land. Doesn't that seem a little unbelievable? I mean, if someone you know came up to you and just told you this story you'd go,"come on, what do you take me for?".

Oh, and one more thing. The whole freakin thing was foretold in a story book, which also foretold the Greek and Roman Empires. I know, it's better to just ignore the facts and keep your particular brand of 'faith'.

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If you're proposing that God has a covenant with Israel, could you explain why he allowed half of the world's Jewish population to be exterminated by the Nazis, without lifting an ethereal finger to stop the genocide?

A more likely explanation is that the pogroms and other hostile practices that persecuted against Jews, enabled them to remain a tightknit, cohesive community in Europe. Many American Jewish leaders worry about that the open acceptance of Jews in America has led to assimilation through mixed marriages and a decline in interest in maintaining demanding rituals and observances that their gentile friends do not have to observe. Acceptance, rather than persecution, is the greater enemy of religious and ethnic minority groups!

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Oh, and one more thing. The whole freakin thing was foretold in a story book, which also foretold the Greek and Roman Empires. I know, it's better to just ignore the facts and keep your particular brand of 'faith'.

I seen all of the "proofs" from prophecy over the years! The claimed prophecies that have been verified are taken from sources like the Book of Daniel, which was actually written during the Maccabean revolt against Ptolemy, not during the captivity in Babylon as claimed by the author. The end time prophecies that were supposed to accompany the overthrow of the Ptolemaic Greek Dynasty were obviously not fulfilled. The prophet's vision of the future became clouded when he was trying to prophecy actual events that hadn't occured during his time.

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Fifty million people free today who were in giant gulags prior to his actions. And now, rather than face this humanitarian miracle in celebration, many just try to obscure the achievements by sullying the reasons. I couldn't carre less if it was a bowliing bet he host or, if it had the sound political and strategic motivation that so far as I see, it had. In any case, two countries, fifty million people freed is akin to a miracle.

Hail Saint Bush!!!

uhhh... is the mission accomplished - yet? Even with the militias "on hiatus" there's a growing trend of violence in Iraq that has contributed to a delay in Iraq's national parliamentary elections. Just yesterday, Casey, US Army General Staff Chief, suggests the U.S. could be in Iraq another 10 years to, as Casey states, “fight extremism and terrorism within Iraq”. In the last couple of weeks the "safety" of the Green Zone has been infiltrated twice... ya, ya - "mission accomplished"!

as for Bush the Great Liberator, as I stated previously, whether the U.S.–Iraq war is actually over (yet), a prevailing sentiment holds to the view that Iran has won/will win the war. Krusty, that “democracy” you speak of has a strong alliance with Iranians whether it’s the governing Dawa Party of al-Maliki, or the opposition United Iraqi Alliance of Mogtada al-Sadr… for the first time in over 1300 years, Iraq is now governed by the Shia. The long standing concerns of the Sunni Arab Middle East to the threat of Shia Persians has come right to it’s doorstep - thanks to the destabilizing influence of the unwarranted U.S. invasion of the sovereign country of Iraq.

the waiting game has been playing itself out ever since the U.S. first announced it’s intentions to leave Iraq… sorry, it wasn’t the “Bush surge”; rather, al-Sadr’s militia - and "others" - essentially disengaged from active combat, content to wait the relatively short time frame for the U.S. to begin wholesale troop departures. It remains to be seen whether Iraqis will continue to accept being governed by Shia… content to being a satellite of Iran. We may yet see the full-on country wide civil-war that “stopped/started” over recent years… we may yet see the split of Iraq into 3 distinct countries. Thank you Cowboy Bush! Hee Haw – Bush, the Great Liberator!!!

a humanitarian miracle? A country devastated, 100K+ killed, its citizens lacking essential basic services (water, electricity, sewage, etc.), much of it's oil dollars being funneled out of the country... a freaking Bush humanitarian miracle!

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For every one he saved - a hundred died - I guess saint Bush was an average run of the mill saint - a high ranking saint would have had more skill in the saviour buisness - the numbers should be for every hundred that he saved a hundred lived and no one died - Now that would be impressive. And the Pope would have called saint George to the Vatican and crowned him a Christian king - problem being he failed at being a top notch saint along with a top notch western leader - to much myth and mystery and a bit to much of dabbling in concocted Christian occultism...he should have climbed up on a cross and defied the Judeans and the Romans..but he passified them with rhetoricals - and the over mentioning of God and that Jesus guy - as he saw him - To bad George did not discover the wisdom of Christ on his own instead of being handed instruction by some Christian mullah.

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Your topic thread is a lie. It was either a mistake, or a purposely crafted distortion.

The correct quote is God wants to erase mid-east enemies. Not that God wants to erase the mid-east. Correct your "mistake" please.

What happened i see now is that i entered the entire title including "enemies" but the character cap only let me write up to "mid-east". I tried again and erased the space after the colon character ":" and i only got the first letter of "enemies.

Will try to correct further.

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What happened i see now is that i entered the entire title including "enemies" but the character cap only let me write up to "mid-east". I tried again and erased the space after the colon character ":" and i only got the first letter of "enemies.

Will try to correct further.

Some times it gets over loaded - back space and erase the quote - and it may print out. You have to toy with the machine and fool the thing with some haphazzard randomness... Getting to the distressing "erase" of the middle east - only God could conduct such a campaign with perfect accuracey - a human being might do like an ancient pope suggested to the confused and befuddled cruxaders..."Kill them all and we will be sure" _ this was regarding the knights not being able to tell the good guys from the bad guys - Bush did not have the skill to discriminate between good and evil with accuracey - If he had his way he would have killed 50 good people for every terrorist hater - that is not exceptable.

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Some times it gets over loaded - back space and erase the quote - and it may print out. You have to toy with the machine and fool the thing with some haphazzard randomness... Getting to the distressing "erase" of the middle east - only God could conduct such a campaign with perfect accuracey - a human being might do like an ancient pope suggested to the confused and befuddled cruxaders..."Kill them all and we will be sure" _ this was regarding the knights not being able to tell the good guys from the bad guys - Bush did not have the skill to discriminate between good and evil with accuracey - If he had his way he would have killed 50 good people for every terrorist hater - that is not exceptable.

Hey what am I saying - he did erase 50 good people for every one evil one...I guess he was of the school of - Kill them all and let God sort it out" -- this reckless disregard for innocence is no way to wage war on an enemy - It seem to be the same approach that Israel has when dealing with their enemies ------ human beings can not play God - they just don't have the eye for it or perfect judgement - they end up doing a butcher job as carpenters say of less skilled craftsman.

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uhhh... is the mission accomplished - yet? Even with the militias "on hiatus" there's a growing trend of violence in Iraq that has contributed to a delay in Iraq's national parliamentary elections. Just yesterday, Casey, US Army General Staff Chief, suggests the U.S. could be in Iraq another 10 years to, as Casey states, “fight extremism and terrorism within Iraq”. In the last couple of weeks the "safety" of the Green Zone has been infiltrated twice... ya, ya - "mission accomplished"!

And the Iraqi people are free nonetheless Waldo. Mandating through the UN further US help.


as for Bush the Great Liberator, as I stated previously, whether the U.S.–Iraq war is actually over (yet), a prevailing sentiment holds to the view that Iran has won/will win the war. Krusty, that “democracy” you speak of has a strong alliance with Iranians whether it’s the governing Dawa Party of al-Maliki, or the opposition United Iraqi Alliance of Mogtada al-Sadr… for the first time in over 1300 years, Iraq is now governed by the Shia. The long standing concerns of the Sunni Arab Middle East to the threat of Shia Persians has come right to it’s doorstep - thanks to the destabilizing influence of the unwarranted U.S. invasion of the sovereign country of Iraq.

And this is the decision of whom? Saddam Hussein or the free Iraqi people through their representatives?


the waiting game has been playing itself out ever since the U.S. first announced it’s intentions to leave Iraq…

That would be something you should take up with Mr Obama as Bush agrees with you on this one.


Thank you Cowboy Bush! Hee Haw – Bush, the Great Liberator!!!

That he was - fifty million people are now free to determine their future.


a humanitarian miracle? A country devastated, 100K+ killed, its citizens lacking essential basic services (water, electricity, sewage, etc.), much of it's oil dollars being funneled out of the country... a freaking Bush humanitarian miracle!

You forgot to mention the opportunity for hundreds of millions of future generations to choose their own destiny. Freedom is never free Waldo.


For every one he saved - a hundred died - I guess saint Bush was an average run of the mill saint - a high ranking saint would have had more skill in the saviour buisness - the numbers should be for every hundred that he saved a hundred lived and no one died - Now that would be impressive. And the Pope would have called saint George to the Vatican and crowned him a Christian king - problem being he failed at being a top notch saint along with a top notch western leader - to much myth and mystery and a bit to much of dabbling in concocted Christian occultism...he should have climbed up on a cross and defied the Judeans and the Romans..but he passified them with rhetoricals - and the over mentioning of God and that Jesus guy - as he saw him - To bad George did not discover the wisdom of Christ on his own instead of being handed instruction by some Christian mullah.

Bush freed fifty million people Oleg. While he was doing that, less than twenty thousand died. Once those people were free, they killed each other to the number of about a hundred fifty thousand. All that compared with the deaths on Saddam’s shoulders of a million and a half through wars, UN sanctions which he could have averted in a moment and his day to day administering of his country. So, for every person freed (which is what I believe you mean by ‘saved’) which is fifty million, there would have to be a trail of bodies five billion strong according to your math..

Did five billion people (half the population of the earth) die in the last few years in Iraq and Afghanistan?

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Kuzad, don't you find it a little bit odd that an ancient race of people that had been nearly decimated several times in history somehow manage to not disappear as so many did? Instead, they somehow hang around for thousands of years and do not fade into history. Then, after once such attempt at genocide (and why do so many the world over simply hate Jews?) the weirdest decision in the world is made, to form a nation for these ragtag survivors in their ancient home land. Doesn't that seem a little unbelievable? I mean, if someone you know came up to you and just told you this story you'd go,"come on, what do you take me for?".

Oh, and one more thing. The whole freakin thing was foretold in a story book, which also foretold the Greek and Roman Empires. I know, it's better to just ignore the facts and keep your particular brand of 'faith'.

since you have demonstrated that you too are a fanatic. And believe that "God says, does and gives"

Therefore every crappy action and decision is justified by God, Like other fanatics, be they Islamic, Israeli or Christian.

I will let the words of a great thinker take this one away!

Over to you Albert!

Albert Einstein described belief in God as "childish superstition" and said Jews were not the chosen people, in a letter to be sold in London this week, an auctioneer said Tuesday.

As a Jew himself, Einstein said he had a great affinity with Jewish people but said they "have no different quality for me than all other people".

"The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish.

"No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this,"

thank you Albert, well said!!!

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