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The President Who Hates His Country

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If Barack Obama shared the extreme racist ideas of that lowlife Cone, I'd say he's a racist. The man who made this speech is not a racist, and he is not someone who hates his country.


you actually believe BO wrote that?! ahahaha!

If you believe that reading a TelePrompter with a pre-written speech expertly produced by a passel of professional speech writers is somehow proof that a person's believes and agrees every word he reads... then you are a fool and a sucker and that is that.

The proof is there... Cone is the central author of books distributed by Obama's Trinity Church... Obama by being a devoted member of a racist black supremacist church for 20 years MUST AGREE WITH AT LEAST MOST OF THE DOCTRINAL FUSTIAN of that incredible "church". I mean unless you are simply being dishonest (which I suspect you are) you don't pal around with black supremacists just for the hell of it...

If a white person pals around with Ku Kluxers, the chances are he's a racist... so why should this be different for blacks?

Get a copy of the Black Value System (http://illinoisreview.typepad.com/illinoisreview/2006/12/obamas_black_va.html)

replace the words "black" with "white" ... and tell me that if a white candidate embraced such a "cult" if he would have a chance at the presidency... you know and everybody knows he wouldn't..

Bush lied about WMD's in Iraq... why should you trust anything a president reads on a teleprompter?

oh I know why! Because obama isn't white and hence automatically morally superior and incapable of lying right? Admit that's what you think...

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you actually believe BO wrote that?! ahahaha!

I believe that it representative of his thoughts.

If the speech had been about how superior white men are, you would praise him for writing a brilliant speech

oh I know why! Because obama isn't white and hence automatically morally superior and incapable of lying right? Admit that's what you think...

Why would I think something as stupid as "skin colour is an indicator of honesty and moral superiority"?

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the "God Damn america" is not at all what i'm referring to, if you actually read on James Cone and Wright, and read about black liberation theology, you'd know that they think the US should be abolished because it's a monument to white oppression.

If Wright or Cone would have been white spewing similar venom towards non-whites... they'd be identified as hate-speech mongers and doubtlessly jailed.

I think Cones work is interesting in context, he wrote the book in the late sixties, where racism was rampant and the only solution he could see to black oppression was revolution. I can also understand why he would reject a christian god that was part of the reason (however perverted) that flaming crosses were ending up on peoples lawns.

Later in his life he expanded that interpretation (1977):

"I think the time has come for black theologians and church people to move beyond a mere reaction to white racism in America and begin to extend our vision of a new socially constructed humanity in the whole inhabited world...For humanity is whole, and cannot be isolated into racial and national groups"

I believe that Obama has the ability to understand these people and the root of their motivation, as I do. I also happen to believe that Obama is not himself racist or anti-white, all of the family he knew growing up were white, I just don't see it.

I have the ability to read and understand someone thoughts and ideas without necessarily supporting those ideas myself. Its part of being an independent human being with independent thought. I put more weight on a persons actions than potential influences, and so far, all of the work that Obama is doing indicates no racist intent.

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Don't forget Obamas' mentor - Rev. Wright..remember what he said..he spill the beans on what is in the core of our new political messiah..to destroy what white Christian culture built up. As if we are to blame for all the worlds ills. Obama is like the Jesus that cryptically threatens to tear down the temple and build it up again in a new and better design - at least Christ was intelligent and did build up a new system over time - Obama is not one tenth as intelligent as Jesus - so we are in trouble.

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Don't forget Obamas' mentor - Rev. Wright..remember what he said..he spill the beans on what is in the core of our new political messiah..to destroy what white Christian culture built up. As if we are to blame for all the worlds ills. Obama is like the Jesus that cryptically threatens to tear down the temple and build it up again in a new and better design - at least Christ was intelligent and did build up a new system over time - Obama is not one tenth as intelligent as Jesus - so we are in trouble.

Sorry, don't see any evidence of that.

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Sorry, don't see any evidence of that.

So we will ignore and forget about Rev. Wright..and all he said - and imagine that Obama has been washed clean of these teachings - OK ----be like that - for me I do not need courtly and polite evidence - I go by feel - the fact that he represents a segiment of powerful white anglo society...some of which are extremeist who truely want to destroy what America has become - instead of fixing it.. You would be surprised who radical some of our old corporate heads are - some are so overly invironmentally conscious that they are more than willing to rid the planet of what they consider intruders on good old fashioned duck hunting marshes - Obama - swaggers and has no substance - he is a sell out - a man who sold his soul to sit on top of the heap...personally I do not see him leading us out of Egypt ..to the promised land - I see more slavery and abuse comming.

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Why would I think something as stupid as "skin colour is an indicator of honesty and moral superiority"?

Because you clearly show your bias for "da prezzy-dent" despite him being a racist, war mongering, lying, finagling individual. You pathetically gloss over his Black Power "church", and disgustingly avoid commenting on the truly nasty nonsense of his favorite ideologue James Cone...

have you read the black value system link?

(Update: 02.20.2008 -- FROM The TUCC.org's website)

1. Commitment to God

2. Commitment to the Black Community

3. Commitment to the Black Family

4. Dedication to the Pursuit of Education

5. Dedication to the Pursuit of Excellence

6. Adherence to the Black Work Ethic

7. Commitment to Self-Discipline and Self-Respect

8. Disavowal of the Pursuit of "Middleclassness"

9. Pledge to make the fruits of all developing and acquired skills available to the Black Community

10. Pledge to Allocate Regularly, a Portion of Personal Resources for Strengthening and Supporting Black Institutions

11. Pledge allegiance to all Black leadership who espouse and embrace the Black Value System

12. Personal commitment to embracement of the Black Value System.

If racism disgusts you, and you hate racism... (as you despise me for "racism") well then if you are rationally consistent you should feeel the same way about B.O. The commandants of the black value system outlined here are as important or MORE important to Trinity Unity Church of Christ members then the 10 commandments...

Obizzle by being a member of this all black church, who sold books (and STILL sell books) from noted black supremacists Dwight York who faunded the Nuwaubians: who believe in black people's superiority to white people, that white people are "devils," devoid of both heart and soul, that the color of white people is the result of leprosy and genetic inferiority, and that the ancestors of white people are the sexual partners of dogs and jackals.

The TUCC also count as members the ex-Death Angels, a small splinter group of the Nation of Islam, who were responsible for the Zebra murders (black on white free kills during the 70's)... I mean this is a black KKK church...

This is the church Obama comes from, that he attended religiously, and developed a deep connection with its most vehement member rev. Wright.

And all of this is "nothing to get worked up about"....

yet when Whites are just a little racist: you bark and spit on them and tell them how much you "despise" them...

alarm bells are wringing Canadien... the jig is sooo up... you believe racism is bad ONLY when the people embracing it are WHITE...


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I was told by a young Muslim extremist - that he has been taught since childhood to breed us out of existance...the black racism mention seems exceptable these days - but white protectionism and white racism is not - we are stupid. Why should I not protect my own clan - why should my blood line be driven into oblivion _ I have a right to life and survival and to loyalty - royalty is loyalty - is success...we should all practice racism - all races!

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I was told by a young Muslim extremist - that he has been taught since childhood to breed us out of existance...the black racism mention seems exceptable these days - but white protectionism and white racism is not - we are stupid. Why should I not protect my own clan - why should my blood line be driven into oblivion _ I have a right to life and survival and to loyalty - royalty is loyalty - is success...we should all practice racism - all races!

Also: Those who program our children to not be racists are the sameones that insist that a father is not head of the family - that a mother may not be a matriarch unless husbanded by the state - that non-breeding humans are equal to productive and reproductive people. That submission to ulitiarianism is good and that the indiviual free thinker is evil...we are being conned by delluded freaks who actually think they can devise a better human world than nature.. It is natual to protect your young - and natural to be racist...BUT there are those who do not want us to protect ourselves. To hell with them - let all racists and all families have atonomy - racism does not cause war - it is familiar disloyalty and and seperation of family members that causes war....If you want to survive well and prosper you are considered a RACIST...RACISM HAS TO BE REDEFINED...AS DOES THE WORD DISCRIMINATE...OR JUDGE - I HAVE A RIGHT A HUMAN RIGHT TO DISCRIMINATE AND JUDGE ON WHAT IS GOOD FOR ME AND MY FAMILY - INCLUDING NATIONAL FAMILY.

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I believe that it representative of his thoughts.

? Why would you believe that... as I have showed you: his ACTIONS and 20+year membership to a black supremacist church CLEARLY put the lie on Barack being a lovely racial egalitarian... .

Upon what evidence do you believe him?

First we know he writes about 0.5% of his own speeches, second you have his 20 YEAR MEMBERSHIP of a black racist church... then you have his anti white buddies that he STILL HASN'T PUBLICLY RENOUNCED... Then you have some of the published anti white raving s of his chimp-like wife: michelle apparently agrees with York on the notion that whites are genetically inferior: she calls them "albinos" creatures with a congenital or genetic deficiency.

And btw, we don't even know WHAT Obama wrote during his Harvard tenure has been published (rumors are that they were terribly inept and some of his essays for elective poli sci courses are tainted with black racism and proto-communist rantings)

I mean you probably still would'nt DARE call him what he is even he came out and made a speech about how we needed to "kill whitey"...

which again reaffirms your sickening double standards and glaring hypocrisy... which makes everything you say suspect and like a wet turd falling on my keyboard.

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she has a snout... that's simply a fact silly. and how about responding to massah obambo's racism?

I look at Obama and his actions and I see no signs of Racism.

I look at this thread and see many signs of yours. You disgust me.

"which makes everything you say like a wet turd falling on my keyboard."

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I look at Obama and his actions and I see no signs of Racism.

I look at this thread and see many signs of yours. You disgust me.

"which makes everything you say like a wet turd falling on my keyboard."

A man associates with a church that is exclusively Black, preaches black dominance, prats on about the inferiority of the white race, disseminates anti white literature, has as its members extremists who had a part in the Zebra black on white murder of the 70's...

but you see no signs of racism?

Let me gag and puke at that one...

why do I disgust you? please answer... i suspect its because you believe i'm racist and that you hate racists...

if you really think about it- you'll see the hypocrisy in your thinking..

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A man associates with a church that is exclusively Black, preaches black dominance, prats on about the inferiority of the white race, disseminates anti white literature, has as its members extremists who had a part in the Zebra black on white murder of the 70's...

but you see no signs of racism?

Not from Obama

why do I disgust you? please answer... i suspect its because you believe i'm racist and that you hate racists...

if you really think about it- you'll see the hypocrisy in your thinking..

The fact that you went after Michelle Obama, who has none of the background of Barak, as well. Your targets real associations obviously aren't important, the fact that she is BLACK does. I can see that having a black person in power drives you crazy.


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Not from Obama

The fact that you went after Michelle Obama, who has none of the background of Barak, as well. Your targets real associations obviously aren't important, the fact that she is BLACK does. I can see that having a black person in power drives you crazy.


Biden the white guy is in charge.

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Not from Obama

The fact that you went after Michelle Obama, who has none of the background of Barak, as well. Your targets real associations obviously aren't important, the fact that she is BLACK does. I can see that having a black person in power drives you crazy.



Not for Obama? are you high? He IS A MEMBER OF A RACIST CHURCH... are you denying what he even admits himself? Are you this deluded?

Michelle has a carbon copy background to the Messiah Obambo...

Michelle was a marxist leaning anti white bigot in Princeton, some of her leaked essays are riddled with talk about an "ascertainable deficiency in whites" and similar CLEARLY racist epithets.

Michelle writes that the path she chose by attending Princeton would likely lead to her "further integration and/or assimilation into a white cultural and social structure that will only allow me to remain on the periphery of society; never becoming a full participant."

you can read her hate filled essay for yourself (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0208/8642.html)

Most alarming is her use of the terms “separationist"and “integrationist" when describing the views of black people. She clearly identifies herself with a “separationist�? view of race.

this is a clip of Michelle using the word "whitey" and spewing other anti-white rhetoric:

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"and social structure that will only allow me to remain on the periphery of society; never becoming a full participant."

you can read her hate filled essay for yourself (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0208/8642.html)

I just did read it, and I read the intelligent posturings of a young woman finding herself on the outside of a predominantly white society at Princeton.

I found more hate in one of your posts than I did in her entire thesis.

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I just did read it, and I read the intelligent posturings of a young woman finding herself on the outside of a predominantly white society at Princeton.

I found more hate in one of your posts than I did in her entire thesis.

If a white person in a majority black college (it happens) would have used the term "darkie" when reacting to a predominantly BLACK society at that college, I'd wager it'd be more of the same double standards for you...

Michelle says whitey and speaks with the hatred of white people... and its A-OK to you... its justified racism...

furthermore her and her diseased husband are STILL members of a noted racist black supremacist Church, and even refuse to disavow their allegiances with some notorious bloodthirsty inciter of riots and known accessories to the Zebra murders... and you disgustingly gloss over that...

and you attack MOI instead of them... insanity

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Because you clearly show your bias for "da prezzy-dent" despite him being a racist, war mongering, lying, finagling individual.

Yhere most be two Presidents, then since Barack Obama has demonstrated (at least to most decent people) that he is not a racist.

By the way, I would think the same if he were white.

You pathetically gloss over his Black Power "church"

I van't said anything about the Church in question, but thanks for the intellectual dishonesty.

and disgustingly avoid commenting on the truly nasty nonsense of his favorite ideologue James Cone...

What part of me calling him a racist did you miss?

yet when Whites are just a little racist(...)

Now you have shortchanging yourslef.

you bark
and spit on them
:lol: .
alarm bells are wringing Canadien... the jig is sooo up... you believe racism is bad ONLY when the people embracing it are WHITE...
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(Update: 02.20.2008 -- FROM The TUCC.org's website)

1. Commitment to God

2. Commitment to the Black Community

3. Commitment to the Black Family

4. Dedication to the Pursuit of Education

5. Dedication to the Pursuit of Excellence

6. Adherence to the Black Work Ethic

7. Commitment to Self-Discipline and Self-Respect

8. Disavowal of the Pursuit of "Middleclassness"

9. Pledge to make the fruits of all developing and acquired skills available to the Black Community

10. Pledge to Allocate Regularly, a Portion of Personal Resources for Strengthening and Supporting Black Institutions

11. Pledge allegiance to all Black leadership who espouse and embrace the Black Value System

12. Personal commitment to embracement of the Black Value System.

Imagine that... Members of a minority group being encouraged to be supportive of their community. Far better that they not only be at the margin but also do nothing about it, right?

If this has been written by a white minority church in a Black-majoruty America, you would not call it racist. Guess what, neither would I.

And by the way, Barack Obama has clrealy showed the way to best serve the needs of minority communities in the U.S. - by seeing past racial divisions and difference.

And you call that racism... Pathetic.

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If a white person in a majority black college (it happens) would have used the term "darkie" when reacting to a predominantly BLACK society at that college, I'd wager it'd be more of the same double standards for you...

Talking about the "whitey" tape? The MYTHICAL whitey tape?

furthermore her and her diseased husband are STILL members of a noted racist black supremacist Church,

First, she is chimp-like, and now being Black is a disease. Don't worry, we will not mention the KNOWN FACT that the Obamas have left the church previously led by Wright.

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