CANADIEN Posted May 13, 2009 Report Posted May 13, 2009 I just did read it, and I read the intelligent posturings of a young woman finding herself on the outside of a predominantly white society at Princeton.I found more hate in one of your posts than I did in her entire thesis. For lictor, it is not sufficient that Blacks be pushed to the margins or even out of society. They have to accept it with joy. Quote
lictor616 Posted May 13, 2009 Report Posted May 13, 2009 Imagine that... Members of a minority group being encouraged to be supportive of their community. Far better that they not only be at the margin but also do nothing about it, right?If this has been written by a white minority church in a Black-majoruty America, you would not call it racist. Guess what, neither would I. And by the way, Barack Obama has clrealy showed the way to best serve the needs of minority communities in the U.S. - by seeing past racial divisions and difference. And you call that racism... Pathetic. a minority group encouraged to be supportive of their RACE... I agree there's nothing wrong with that... its perfectly natural. However it presents us with the obvious double standard that WHITES are not similarly allowed this measure of racial advocacy and self support. where is the White Value System!??! 1. Commitment to God 2. Commitment to the White Community 3. Commitment to the White Family 4. Dedication to the Pursuit of Education 5. Dedication to the Pursuit of Excellence 6. Adherence to the White Work Ethic 7. Commitment to Self-Discipline and Self-Respect 8. Disavowal of the Pursuit of "Middleclassness" 9. Pledge to make the fruits of all developing and acquired skills available to the White Community 10. Pledge to Allocate Regularly, a Portion of Personal Resources for Strengthening and Supporting White Institutions 11. Pledge allegiance to all White leadership who espouse and embrace the White Value System 12. Personal commitment to embracement of the White Value System. Come on Canadien, don't play stupid with me... if anybody would write this as a pledge on their page here: you would loose your mind with another of your hate filled ad hominem temper tantrums (you know you've done it for far far less) And B.O. doesn't see PAST racial divisions you nonce: he SEES NOTHING BUT THEM. And judging by your pathetic capitulation here neither do you: you see nothing but atoms or units of race and culture... You hold that ethnic identity should be a central factor in community, educational and other policy decisions. You think its quite right to have collections of separatist groups each competing for power with the others. Honest and consistent "anti racists" say that people are individuals and expect to be treated as such, they cannot be dealt with merely as ciphers. But you are not a rational egalitarian: to you its okay to treat people as "members of a racial community" and acknowledge them FOR THEIR race and culture. You are the opposite of color blind: you're a plain old racist like me! AHAHA! And what about the other quotes you completely avoid? How about Obizzle's best bud and mentor calling white people in 12 taped procession "the white enemy" i mean for god's sake: how would blacks react if Bush's favorite pastor went around making sermons about the Black Enemy or the "Negro Problem"? again why the HUGE double standard? Why do you think its okay to have people treated differently on the count of race? Your contradicting yourslef again. how about the Masthead in the TUCC with the two GOLD PLATED QUOTES from James Cone?: "Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill gods who do not belong to the black community ... Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love." still don't see the racism.!!?!? yeah.. SUUURE!!! .. of course not you backsliding cartwheel doing barefaced hypocrite! of course not! Its one thing to be a racist... or racialist like me (and be honest about it!) and QUITE another to say you are an egalitarian and actually nothing more then a simperingly ugly bigot/racist anti white fraud like yourslef. You must really hate the world... Quote -Magna Europa Est Patria Nostra-
waldo Posted May 13, 2009 Report Posted May 13, 2009 this is a clip of Michelle using the word "whitey" and spewing other anti-white rhetoric: uhhh... no, it's not. It's a video referencing the "supposed" existence of a tape that, allegedly, includes the references you make. In the heat of the campaign where both the Clinton and McCain camps would surely have reveled in bringing forward such a tape for obvious political gain... if it existed... no such tape was ever produced during the campaign... and no such tape has ever been shown to exist. Quote
CANADIEN Posted May 13, 2009 Report Posted May 13, 2009 (edited) a minority group encouraged to be supportive of their RACE... I agree there's nothing wrong with that... its perfectly natural. However it presents us with the obvious double standard that WHITES are not similarly allowed this measure of racial advocacy and self support. where is the White Value System!??! 1. Commitment to God 2. Commitment to the White Community 3. Commitment to the White Family 4. Dedication to the Pursuit of Education 5. Dedication to the Pursuit of Excellence 6. Adherence to the White Work Ethic 7. Commitment to Self-Discipline and Self-Respect 8. Disavowal of the Pursuit of "Middleclassness" 9. Pledge to make the fruits of all developing and acquired skills available to the White Community 10. Pledge to Allocate Regularly, a Portion of Personal Resources for Strengthening and Supporting White Institutions 11. Pledge allegiance to all White leadership who espouse and embrace the White Value System 12. Personal commitment to embracement of the White Value System. In a society where the institutional and cultural references are mostly white, that's a bit redundent, don't you think? And of course, you neglect (likely on purpose) two things here: first, that Black identity in the USA is as much cultural as it is racial; second that minority groups that turn to an identification policy as responding to marginalization, while those who do the same for majority groups are doing so because they want minorities to be even more marginalized Come on Canadien, don't play stupid with me..I have no attention of doing that. You've proved the expert at that game, for example with this:You must really hate the world... :lol: . if anybody would write this as a pledge on their page here: you would loose your mind with another of your hate filled ad hominem temper tantrums (you know you've done it for far far less) And B.O. doesn't see PAST racial divisions He does see past them. Don't be confused just because you see nothing but them and want to make them worse. You hold that ethnic identity should be a central factor in community, educational and other policy decisions. You think its quite right to have collections of separatist groups each competing for power with the others. Thank you for pointing that out. Must be from postings I didn't write. And what about the other quotes you completely avoid? How about Obizzle's best bud and mentor calling white people in 12 taped procession "the white enemy" i mean for god's sake: how would blacks react if Bush's favorite pastor went around making sermons about the Black Enemy or the "Negro Problem"? We've already established that Wright is a racist, and that I said so. Nice bit of your usual intellectual dishonesty. The important thing is... what if Bush went around and said. "My pastor is wrong." "We cannot act like if racism and disparities didn't exist, but we must see beyond them". What if he then left that Church. I'd believe him at face value on that one, and I am on record as saying he lied on other things. And that's things that Obama did. Actually, let's not got any further that what some lunatic like Falwell and Robertson said about 9/11, that it happened because "America had turned its back on God". There is no doubt that Bush was in synch with them on many fronts, yet was there any doubt that he didn't believe that cr*p? Edited May 13, 2009 by CANADIEN Quote
M.Dancer Posted May 13, 2009 Report Posted May 13, 2009 uhhh... no, it's not. It's a video referencing the "supposed" existence of a tape that, allegedly, includes the references you make. In the heat of the campaign where both the Clinton and McCain camps would surely have reveled in bringing forward such a tape for obvious political gain... if it existed... no such tape was ever produced during the campaign... and no such tape has ever been shown to exist. I think his MO is to produce half baked claims backed up with spurious sources.... in this case he has been pantsed... Quote RIGHT of SOME, LEFT of OTHERS If it is a choice between them and us, I choose us
lictor616 Posted May 13, 2009 Report Posted May 13, 2009 In a society where the institutional and cultural references are mostly white, that's a bit redundent, don't you think? And of course, you neglect (likely on purpose) two things here: who cares if they're white... doesn't race count for nothing and is only an illusion? And why do blacks care if its white? White aren't supposed to care if their neighbors are black... so why don't blacks suck in white diversity and culture instead of preserving their own? I mean if diversity is a strength and enrichment why do blacks walk disdainfully away from it? Redundant cultural references!? Really- when was the last time you saw European Cultural Pride week? Last time a European Heritage parade was proposed (by mayor brown in Halifax) the Bnai Brith shut it down... saying that in essence whites shouldn't be allowed to celebrate their culture, community and roots. And to add insult to injury the city had to proclaim a gay pride event... But blacks can be advocates for THEIR OWN ETHNIC AND RACIAL interests... and you think its not only acceptable but ESTIMABLE of them to do so... Surely you must see the obvious hypocrisy here... stop being obtuse Canadien you're not fooling me or anyone here! So a person's race can allot him measures of culture and self identity? Whites have maximum quota for celebrating and preserving their culture, but persons with blacks skin are encouraged to compete with DIFFERENT cultures? What's the point? to have blacks celebrate Kwanza and speak Zulu, while whites celebrate Christmas and learn latin? I mean how is that in any way fostering togetherness and inclusiveness? Why is it okay to have racial divides and more potential for ethnic and racial tensions? What? How is it that using race as a quota index somehow the answer to racism? Treating people like racial units and giving them special privileges and various special treatment according to their race is a bit like racism... Do you end racism with more racism? Quote -Magna Europa Est Patria Nostra-
lictor616 Posted May 13, 2009 Report Posted May 13, 2009 We've already established that Wright is a racist, and that I said so. Nice bit of your usual intellectual dishonesty.The important thing is... what if Bush went around and said. "My pastor is wrong." "We cannot act like if racism and disparities didn't exist, but we must see beyond them". What if he then left that Church. I'd believe him at face value on that one, and I am on record as saying he lied on other things. And that's things that Obama did. Actually, let's not got any further that what some lunatic like Falwell and Robertson said about 9/11, that it happened because "America had turned its back on God". There is no doubt that Bush was in synch with them on many fronts, yet was there any doubt that he didn't believe that cr*p? Correct Wright is a racist, he was the mentor of Obama... to say that Obama attended numerous processions and went on vacation and all manner of social situations (his own wedding for god's sake) for 25 years accompanied by the deranged pastor- it would be impossible to claim that Obama didn't know about Wright or Cone's (Obama's favorite ideologue) racism. Obama knew this LONG LONG ago... Its not like Cone talks about the white devil enemy once in a blue moon... its the central THESIS of this theology! Its a part of EVERY SERMON. So clearly he knew and absolutely went along with... ENTHUSIASTICALLY went along with it in fact! He made the Racist Wright: his friend and mentor... even to refuse to disavow him AFTER WRIGHT PUT HIM IN A DIRE SITUATION! Lets say Bush had as his pastor William Pierce say or The American Nazi Party Leader George Rockwell? That he attended their services for 20+ years and had them on innumerable family pictures... You'd let him off if he made a 2 minute speech about.. "America is a land of immigrants... blah blah blah.. we're really all the same inside... blah blah blah ... and we must have brotherhood...blah blah blah..." What liberal in his right mind would even think of accepting such an obvious lie? FAILwell and Robertson aren't racists...(they don't go around telling people about the black enemy and citing White Supremacist Literature) they might be homophobic (but guess what so is Wright!) so the comparison is nill. And Bush told everyone "let us not listen to deranged conspiracies"- Bush was adamant that the attacks were because of "terrorists hating our freedom"... Quote -Magna Europa Est Patria Nostra-
bush_cheney2004 Posted May 13, 2009 Report Posted May 13, 2009 .....I think what Bush and Cheney have done to the United States and all those caught in a senseless war is the most hideous thing in modern history and yet its so important to condemn a President who has been in power all of 5 months, yet on Bush/Cheney's watch in their 1st 9 months lost over 3,000 lives on their watch! What do you consider "modern history"? Gonna need to count way higher than 3,000. Quote Economics trumps Virtue.
Oleg Bach Posted May 13, 2009 Report Posted May 13, 2009 Corporate America is using Obama to finish off and bring to completion their ultimate plan - to have the biggest private corporation of earth. The only way to do this is to bring about socialism - the elite are very pleased that their ambitions are being fulfilled - I guess they are copying Canada... Quote
CANADIEN Posted May 13, 2009 Report Posted May 13, 2009 who cares if they're white... doesn't race count for nothing and is only an illusion? And why do blacks care if its white? White aren't supposed to care if their neighbors are black... so why don't blacks suck in white diversity and culture instead of preserving their own? I mean if diversity is a strength and enrichment why do blacks walk disdainfully away from it? Redundant cultural references!? Really- when was the last time you saw European Cultural Pride week? Last time a European Heritage parade was proposed (by mayor brown in Halifax) the Bnai Brith shut it down... saying that in essence whites shouldn't be allowed to celebrate their culture, community and roots. And to add insult to injury the city had to proclaim a gay pride event... But blacks can be advocates for THEIR OWN ETHNIC AND RACIAL interests... and you think its not only acceptable but ESTIMABLE of them to do so... Surely you must see the obvious hypocrisy here... stop being obtuse Canadien you're not fooling me or anyone here! So a person's race can allot him measures of culture and self identity? Whites have maximum quota for celebrating and preserving their culture, but persons with blacks skin are encouraged to compete with DIFFERENT cultures? What's the point? to have blacks celebrate Kwanza and speak Zulu, while whites celebrate Christmas and learn latin? I mean how is that in any way fostering togetherness and inclusiveness? Why is it okay to have racial divides and more potential for ethnic and racial tensions? What? How is it that using race as a quota index somehow the answer to racism? Treating people like racial units and giving them special privileges and various special treatment according to their race is a bit like racism... Do you end racism with more racism? Whatever Quote
CANADIEN Posted May 13, 2009 Report Posted May 13, 2009 even to refuse to disavow him AFTER WRIGHT PUT HIM IN A DIRE SITUATION! Is your problem that you cannot read, or you're just a liar? Because this bit of non-sense is contrary to the known truth. Lets say Bush had as his pastor William Pierce say or The American Nazi Party Leader George Rockwell? That he attended their services for 20+ years and had them on innumerable family pictures... You'd let him off if he made a 2 minute speech about.. "America is a land of immigrants... blah blah blah.. we're really all the same inside... blah blah blah ... and we must have brotherhood...blah blah blah..." What liberal in his right mind would even think of accepting such an obvious lie? People who KNOW THE TRUTH when they hear it. Quote
Oleg Bach Posted May 13, 2009 Report Posted May 13, 2009 The truth is not heard it is translated though logical thought - If it does not make complete sense - then it is usually stupidity or a lie. OR if there are contradictions - it means that the liar has a faulty memory. Quote
M.Dancer Posted May 13, 2009 Report Posted May 13, 2009 Is your problem that you cannot read, or you're just a liar? Well as a fascist, he could be both. Quote RIGHT of SOME, LEFT of OTHERS If it is a choice between them and us, I choose us
lictor616 Posted May 14, 2009 Report Posted May 14, 2009 Is your problem that you cannot read, or you're just a liar? Because this bit of non-sense is contrary to the known truth. HE DIDN'T DISAVOW HIM AT ALL are you denying this liar? What are you retarded? Stop trying to fool people with your brazen denial. In this video Obizzle says of Wirght: "I can no more dissown him then I can dissown the black community" ahahha again: Imagine Bush saying: "I can no more dissown KKK member David Duke, as I can the WHITE COMMUNITY"... again the double standard is painfully obvious... but you choose to completely ignore it because YOU ARE HAPPY WITH THE REALITY THAT RACISM IS OKAY AND EVEN ESTIMABLE FOR BLACKS, BUT A SIN FOR WHITES... YOU YOURSELF ARE AN UNABASHED RACIST... so please... do not comment on my or anybody elses racism... Quote -Magna Europa Est Patria Nostra-
lictor616 Posted May 14, 2009 Report Posted May 14, 2009 People who KNOW THE TRUTH when they hear it. yeah right... the american (and canadian) sheeple are never fooled! what huge whooper! like the majority of americans's wereN,t fooled by ficticious WMD'S in Iraq, A "war to end wars" in 1917, "uncle Joe stalin" in 1944, Viet Nam, the Year 2000 bug... whata are you talking about... the majority of people ARE FOOLS! and again... why do you believe that Obama is meaning what he says? WHERE IS YOUR EVIDENCE we both know HIS ACTS (ie 20 year membership in a racist church- clearly put the lie on that), on top of it Obama has so much incentive to lie.. imagine if he came out and said: "Kill Whitey" why be so honest and risk seeing his popularity polls decline- so of course he would lie... again, you simply "TRUST" Obama because of his skin color... he'S black (well sort of) how could he lie... only white politicians lie right? (that's what you think Canadien, we all know it) Quote -Magna Europa Est Patria Nostra-
CANADIEN Posted May 15, 2009 Report Posted May 15, 2009 HE DIDN'T DISAVOW HIM AT ALL are you denying this liar? What are you retarded? Stop trying to fool people with your brazen denial. In this video Obizzle says of Wirght: "I can no more dissown him then I can dissown the black community" Of course we should forget the part where he said Wright was wrong. And his subsequent well document break-uup with Wright, and leeaving Wright's Church. Keep on ignoring that fact. I have said often enough. Feel free to let me know when you are something new, and I am sure as stupid, to contribute. YOU ARE HAPPY WITH THE REALITY THAT RACISM IS OKAY AND EVEN ESTIMABLE FOR BLACKS, BUT A SIN FOR WHITES... YOU YOURSELF ARE AN UNABASHED RACIST. :lol: Quote
CANADIEN Posted May 15, 2009 Report Posted May 15, 2009 (edited) again, you simply "TRUST" Obama because of his skin color... he'S black (well sort of) how could he lie... only white politicians lie right? (that's what you think Canadien, we all know it) And everyone knows that I believe in the existence of Santa Claus, that residential schools were man's noblest invention since the wheel, and that white are genetically more intelligent than Blacks. While you, of course, do not believe that whites are superiors, and would never stoop so low in stupidity as to call a Black woman chimp-like just because of her skin colour. Whatever. Edited May 15, 2009 by CANADIEN Quote
lictor616 Posted May 15, 2009 Report Posted May 15, 2009 (edited) Of course we should forget the part where he said Wright was wrong. And his subsequent well document break-uup with Wright, and leeaving Wright's Church.Keep on ignoring that fact. I have said often enough. Feel free to let me know when you are something new, and I am sure as stupid, to contribute. :lol: yes yes... he SAID he was wrong... but really, there is no reason to BELIEVE HIM... why? First: he's politician Second: He was a supremely active member in a racist black supremacist church for all of 20+ years (about half of his life) Third: the woman he chose for marriage happens to be a hate filled black supremacist that sees white people as diseased and inferior albinos... Fourth: His favorite Ideologue is James Cone (that's like if McCain's favorite author was a KKK Dragon) Fifth: He's a lawyer (!) Sixth: he has NO CHOICE to say he's wrong... because that would cost too much in "political capital" Seventh: HE'S A POLITICIAN.... finally: He calls wright his father like mentor and best friend... and still refuses to disown him (and even if he did again: that would be nugatory: there no reason to believe he would do so for any other reason then to gain political capital... You believe him because he's black... (sorta black) and you're a dupe... Edited May 15, 2009 by lictor616 Quote -Magna Europa Est Patria Nostra-
lictor616 Posted May 15, 2009 Report Posted May 15, 2009 While you, of course, do not believe that whites are superiors, and would never stoop so low in stupidity as to call a Black woman chimp-like just because of her skin colour.Whatever. I don't claim to be an egalitarian: YOU DO... And it had more to do with a snout like appearance then skin tone but anyways... Quote -Magna Europa Est Patria Nostra-
stevoh Posted May 15, 2009 Report Posted May 15, 2009 I don't claim to be an egalitarian: YOU DO... And it had more to do with a snout like appearance then skin tone but anyways... I have read all about wrights beliefs, cones beliefs, Obamas years in church, and, thanks to you, even read Michelle Obama's thesis, and STILL come to the conclusion that Obama is not racist, this automatically makes me reverse racist? Sounds to me like you think anyone that disagrees with you is simply reverse racist, rather than capable of independent thought. Pretty easy way to justify your own racism I suppose. Quote Apply liberally to affected area.
CANADIEN Posted May 16, 2009 Report Posted May 16, 2009 (edited) Quite frankly, you're crap has gone beyond hilarious to became just boring, so I won't waste my time with it. Now to the next non-sense. the woman he chose for marriage happens to be a hate filled black supremacist that sees white people as diseased and inferior albinos... The infamous tape that was announced but neever produced... because it does not exists. Admit that, you take that myth as a truth because 1) she looks like a chimp... err I mean she's Black 2) she committed one of the worst crimes possible for a Black person - saying she didn't like being pushed to the margins of society because of her skin colour. Edited May 16, 2009 by CANADIEN Quote
CANADIEN Posted May 16, 2009 Report Posted May 16, 2009 I don't claim to be an egalitarian: YOU DON'T Here, corrected to be more accurate. Quote
CANADIEN Posted May 16, 2009 Report Posted May 16, 2009 I have read all about wrights beliefs, cones beliefs, Obamas years in church, and, thanks to you, even read Michelle Obama's thesis, and STILL come to the conclusion that Obama is not racist, this automatically makes me reverse racist?Sounds to me like you think anyone that disagrees with you is simply reverse racist, rather than capable of independent thought. Pretty easy way to justify your own racism I suppose. It's not that. To lictor, racism is the most noble and most admirable attitude that a man can have... when it's directed as non-whites of course... Therefore, I think he cannot accept the possibility that speople would shortchange themselves and refuse their true calling to be racists too, even if it's reversed racism.. Quote
jbg Posted May 16, 2009 Author Report Posted May 16, 2009 Of course we should forget the part where he said Wright was wrong. And his subsequent well document break-uup with Wright, and leeaving Wright's Church.While I agree with you that the issue of Obama's birth is a non-issue, I don't believe the "break-up" with Wright for one minute. I think Obama is at best a "citizen of the world" and forgets that he's also "President of the United States". Quote Free speech: "You can say what you want, but I don't have to lend you my megaphone." Always remember that when you are in the right you can afford to keep your temper, and when you are in the wrong you cannot afford to lose it. - J.J. Reynolds. Will the steps anyone is proposing to fight "climate change" reduce a single temperature, by a single degree, at a single location? The mantra of "world opinion" or the views of the "international community" betrays flabby and weak reasoning (link).
CANADIEN Posted May 16, 2009 Report Posted May 16, 2009 (edited) While I agree with you that the issue of Obama's birth is a non-issue, I don't believe the "break-up" with Wright for one minute. And I believe you're wrong. I think Obama is at best a "citizen of the world" and forgets that he's also "President of the United States". Like seeing beyond a narrow vision of a country's national interest is a wrong thing... By engaging the world, Obama is reversing the policy of the Bush administration with its inilateralism and disregard for the moral foundation of its own country. Being President of the United States means sometimes knowing that doing what's right for the U.S. means doing what's right, period. Edited May 16, 2009 by CANADIEN Quote
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