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Svend Robinson

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FAS, a private company that sells off government, estate and personal property, has a "zero-tolerance policy" toward theft of any kind.
The Federal Auction Service caught Svend Robinson red-handed on videotape, but accepts his apology for swiping an expensive ring last weekend. In a statement released through the company's lawyer yesterday, the Brampton-based FAS said its primary concern was to recover the missing jewelry. It won't press authorities to lay charges but will co-operate with investigators.

Zero tolerance unless you are famous. This guy belongs in jail, whatever his personal problems are. Maybe there, away from all that 'pressure' he can find his way.

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FAS, a private company that sells off government, estate and personal property, has a "zero-tolerance policy" toward theft of any kind.
The Federal Auction Service caught Svend Robinson red-handed on videotape, but accepts his apology for swiping an expensive ring last weekend. In a statement released through the company's lawyer yesterday, the Brampton-based FAS said its primary concern was to recover the missing jewelry. It won't press authorities to lay charges but will co-operate with investigators.

Zero tolerance unless you are famous. This guy belongs in jail, whatever his personal problems are. Maybe there, away from all that 'pressure' he can find his way.

FAS sells off government assets so of course it has to state that it has a zero tolerance in order to keep the contract.

But they just ran into the scenario where a "government asset" was stealing the government assets.

They were told to back off. Can you doubt that?

What a joke.

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You guys have it wrong...

Svend will walk away from this smelling like a rose.

Whatever brainfart happened that caused him to take the ring is irrelevant. He humbled himself, and took himself out of the running for the next election...so he wasn't doing this stunt for votes.

Conservatives are pissed...

They lost their favorite whipping boy. Svend was an icon of the rage against the liberal social agenda in Canada. Svend could be rightly painted as an extremist in his views, but with him out of the way, they will most certainly cannibalise themselves.

Which is bigger?

Svend's $50,000 stolen ring?

Liberals $100 million adscam and $1 billion gun registry sinkhole?


the Conservative party's $MANY billions of GST they created?

Its all in perspective...and if I was a conservative, I would walk away from this topic really quick.

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Which is bigger?

Svend's $50,000 stolen ring?

Liberals $100 million adscam and $1 billion gun registry sinkhole?


the Conservative party's $ they created?

You mean the $50,000 ring stolen by a Left Wing leader and the '$100 million adscam and $1 billion gun registry sinkhole' as carried out by the Left vs the MANY billions of GST imposed by a party that no longer exists? You know, the tax that the Left promised to get rid of but never did?

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I have also got a kick out Diana Davidson who is a practicing lawyer. She wrote:

"Many have found themselves on the fateful side of the retail door with something they have absentmindedly popped in a purse, a pocket, tucked under an arm."

My question is .... how does she know about the "tucked under an arm" trick?

It's been so long since I used that one, I can't even remember. .......... OH YES I CAN ......... a crystal ashtray, made in the CSSR. In the town of Niagara Falls. In the early seventies.

I STILL feel guilty about that.

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Which is bigger?

Svend's $50,000 stolen ring?

Liberals $100 million adscam and $1 billion gun registry sinkhole?


the Conservative party's $ they created?

You mean the $50,000 ring stolen by a Left Wing leader and the '$100 million adscam and $1 billion gun registry sinkhole' as carried out by the Left vs the MANY billions of GST imposed by a party that no longer exists? You know, the tax that the Left promised to get rid of but never did?

Oh? When did "NDP Prime Minister Svend Robinson" impose the Gun Registry or the Adscam fiasco?

Nice try pal..

Oh, and the GST that was created by Brian Mulroney's PC government, was also a regime that Stephen Harper worked for as a young staffer in the 1980's.

You cannot accept the historical links you want and reject the ones you do not want. The PC party still very much exists, as a colonial attachment of the Alliance party.

The conservatives will wear the baggage of big government, big taxes, big deficits, and big patronage of Mulroney's PC party government.


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You lumped the right together so I merely returned the favor.

Did the PC and Alliance party merge? YES

Did the NDP and Liberals merge? NO

With the severe underfunding of healthcare, their failure (lie) to rescind the regressive GST and the liberal PM's stunt of having his companies registered off shore to avoid paying Canadian taxes, the Liberals are certainly not "left" either...Paul Martin is a Conservative.

All Conservatives are the same, George Bush, Paul Martin, Stephen Harper, Gordon Campbell......pigs, eating from the same trough...

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All Conservatives are the same, George Bush, Paul Martin, Stephen Harper, Gordon Campbell......pigs, eating from the same trough...

I don't know how you put idiots like Harper and Campell in the same basket as Mr Martin and George Bush, and I don't care.

What DID get my attention is your mention of "eating from the same through".

Did you know that Czechs have that very same expression for politicians?


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All Conservatives are the same, George Bush, Paul Martin, Stephen Harper, Gordon Campbell......pigs, eating from the same trough...

I don't know how you put idiots like Harper and Campell in the same basket as Mr Martin and George Bush, and I don't care.

What DID get my attention is your mention of "eating from the same through".

Did you know that Czechs have that very same expression for politicians?


In past times in Czeckoslovakia, eating from the pig's trough was more or less all that was left the communist dictators got their fill.

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Wow funny how the left gets sidetracked yet again. Hmmmm, lets compare the liberals and conservatives to Mr. Robinson so it pales in comparison. Wow neat trick, but somehow that still does not erase the fact that the man STOLE!!! YES STOLE!!!! a $50,000 ring. Keep comparing apples and oranges lefties. You are sure making your point of how the left thinks and acts on emotion rather than reason and logic.

Hey NDP can I borrow that big broom you guys use to sweep the actions of your leaders under the rug. :o

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All Conservatives are the same, George Bush, Paul Martin, Stephen Harper, Gordon Campbell......pigs, eating from the same trough...

I don't know how you put idiots like Harper and Campell in the same basket as Mr Martin and George Bush, and I don't care.

What DID get my attention is your mention of "eating from the same through".

Did you know that Czechs have that very same expression for politicians?


In past times in Czeckoslovakia, eating from the pig's trough was more or less all that was left the communist dictators got their fill.

How intreseting.

So you think the saying "politicians at the trough" over here in Canada means that that's all the slop that is left over for our poor mandarins after the Canadian piggy population has had their fill?

Very interesting, I thought it meant quite the opposite...as it does in CZ.

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Wow funny how the left gets sidetracked yet again. Hmmmm, lets compare the liberals and conservatives to Mr. Robinson so it pales in comparison. Wow neat trick, but somehow that still does not erase the fact that the man STOLE!!! YES STOLE!!!! a $50,000 ring. Keep comparing apples and oranges lefties. You are sure making your point of how the left thinks and acts on emotion rather than reason and logic.

Hey NDP can I borrow that big broom you guys use to sweep the actions of your leaders under the rug. :o

Dont make me laugh.

Where was the rights indignity when Premier Campbell was caught DUI? ;)

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Where was the rights indignity when Premier Campbell was caught DUI?

Amazingly enough he was charged, and had a trial.

Svend made sure he wouldn't have to go through with something as dumb as that.

And Campbell didn't go on national TV with news conferences crying big old crocodile tears armed with a well crafted 6 day old confession letter written by a half a dozen staffers and blaming his past for his crimes.

I am amazed that Sven didn't lump in all of us homophobes as the main cause for him STEALING the ring.

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I am amazed that Sven didn't lump in all of us homophobes as the main cause for him STEALING the ring.

You know why he stole it, don't you?

You know the Cinderella and the glass slipper story?

Yeah yeah yeah, he snapped & stole it because it was just the perfect size and he was going to use it to find his ideal mate.

In other words, Goodbye Max!

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Dont make me laugh.

Where was the rights indignity when Premier Campbell was caught DUI?

Ahh Maple maybe its just me, but the way I see it you are strengthening my position on the way the left likes to compare apples and oranges. This thread is on Mrs. Robinson, not Mr. Campbell. Anyhoo!

Looking at the subsequent messages there is your answer to the Mr. Campbell drinking driving saga. I am surprised that someone like you, someone with obviously an enormous amount of time on your hands, wouldn't actually follow through on reading the whole story and not just focus on the parts you like.

Let me pose this question to you Maple!!!!

Would you actively support me if I performed the theft that Mr. Robinson did?

Hmmmmmm probably not, cause you wouldn't give a damn, you would see me as a regular Joe Blow wouldn't ya. Thats exactly how the rest of us see Svend, just as a regular Joe Blow, who should be held accountable for his actions.

Funny how on the one hand you do not want Svend held accountable for unlawful behaviour, yet surprise you want the Liberals lynched. Hmmmm I think I smell something, oh ya its hypocrisy. Its people like you who will set a precedent for making it possible for the Fed. Liberals to get away scott free, with these kind of views. You cannot have it both ways Maple, either you are on the side of the same law for all, or you are above the law because you support the NDP. Make your choice!!!!!

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I don't know if anyone has made the point that a man is usually judged to how he responds under stress.

George Bush responded very well during those weeks following Sept. 11. I couldn't imagine anything more stressfull and yet what followed ensured G.W. Bush will be remembered as a heroic leader.

I really coudn't say the same about Clinton because after an attack on the World Trade Centre and an attack on the Cole and a genocide in Africa, there was no unpopular moves to make postitive changes in the world. Just oral sessions in the oval office.

We all know Cretiens response to a stressfull situation in the1995 referendum was to steal money from tax payers.

So we see what a person is truly made of in stressful situations. If Svend was hero to some because he attended rallies and protests and had a shoving match with a border guard in Isreal and heckled Reagan in Parlaiment, then this, "unthinkable act", won't change how you feel.

I would hope that just showing up for work and saying popular or uttering politically correct things, as Clinton and Svend has done isn't what made or makes them electable.

To blame a criminal act or immoral act on stress is an admission of weakness of character. I think alot of Svend detractors have always believed this, that his moral superiority on issues sounded hallow. So now we have confirmation.

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Hey I hope the lefties are reading the papers or watching the news, seems like the facts are starting to come out about Mr. Robinson. Hope you actually make yourself aware to them, rather than ignore them because they make your guy look bad.

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This guy belongs in jail, whatever his personal problems are. Maybe there, away from all that 'pressure' he can find his way.

The point of jail is, as I see it, these:

1) As a punishment, to encourage the criminal to repent and reform.

2) As a vengeance, to gain closure and sense of justice for the victim.

3) As a deterrent to similar would-be criminals.

4) To remove a threat to society from society.

Here, as I see it, are the problems:

1) Jail would not make Svend any more sorry or willing to reform than he already is.

2) The victims have waived their rights to vengeance and do not wish the matter pursued.

3) I don't think there are too many more would-be jewellery thieves in Parliament. Other thieves cannot expect to be judged the same way, unless they are suffering from mental issues and are repentant in the way that Svend is, in which case not jailing him might be a better precedent.

4) If Svend is indeed a danger to society it's because he's a kleptomaniac, not a career criminal. Therefore, his 'threat' can better be contained by a suspended sentence (for instance), parole terms, and mental healthcare. I do think that jail time makes less sense for nonviolent crime, personally, and not just for Svend but for all citizens.

Jail for Svend, as I see it, is a waste of about $50,000 taxpayer dollars per year. That's the cost to keep a criminal in jail. I don't feel it's a justified cost.

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