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Indoctrinate U

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Has anyone seen this exceptional documentary "Indoctrinate U"?

I suggest for anyone interested in politics that you have a look. This young filmmaker films his documentary in "Michael Moore" style (for lack of a better description), but, refreshingly, instead of Moore's predictable "tyranny of the right" schtick, the filmmaker in this doc does a really god job of portraying the "tyranny of the left" on campuses around the country.

This is an interesting study because of (a) the simple reality and exposure of what's going on on campus these days and (B) because the right wing has, until now, had a very tough time exposing the VERY REAL tyranny of the left that exists in man venues throughout today's western world.

You can either youtube the whole movie or buy it for $15 bucks at the link below.

Watch the trailer here.


Edited by JerrySeinfeld
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There's certainly a kind of liberalism on campus in America, but it hasn't resulted in anything like a socialistic tax system, a welfare state, universal healthcare or programs that support the lowest earners. If the leftist indoctrination program helped to produce the current capitalist playland that is the US, then conservatives should consider helping to fund it.

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There's certainly a kind of liberalism on campus in America, but it hasn't resulted in anything like a socialistic tax system, a welfare state, universal healthcare or programs that support the lowest earners. If the leftist indoctrination program helped to produce the current capitalist playland that is the US, then conservatives should consider helping to fund it.

Your reply may have ben relevant a few decades ago.

But in the wake of Obama's victory (thanks in large part to universities), we're looking at $10 trillion in unprecedented government programs to fund


health care


plus the nationalizaton of many key industries, I think you'd be rethinking your reply.

Obama is Canada's trudeau and they'll be paying for it for generations.

Taxes are going up, so is government funding for myriad of programs. Your response, again, is dated by the unprecedented actions of a President elected largel;y by on-campus participation.

Watch the movie.

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There's certainly a kind of liberalism on campus in America, but it hasn't resulted in anything like a socialistic tax system, a welfare state, universal healthcare or programs that support the lowest earners. If the leftist indoctrination program helped to produce the current capitalist playland that is the US, then conservatives should consider helping to fund it.

Socialism is a progression of increasing state power. It isn't a static condition. There certainly is less socialism in the States than in other countries but it is definitely not void of socialism and Obama is very interested in increasing State power. Socialism's end is totalitarianism.

It isn't that the leftist indoctrination program has helped to produce the current capitalist playland that is the US. It has produced the current level of socialism and interference in what is now confused as a capitalist playground despite the people's Constitutional resistance to big government.

"Capitalist playland", that's a good one!

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Socialism is a progression of increasing state power. It isn't a static condition. There certainly is less socialism in the States than in other countries but it is definitely not void of socialism and Obama is very interested in increasing State power. Socialism's end is totalitarianism.

Boy, are you out of date.

The only socialism in the US right now is government bailing out the capitalists! :lol:

It isn't that the leftist indoctrination program has helped to produce the current capitalist playland that is the US. It has produced the current level of socialism and interference in what is now confused as a capitalist playground despite the people's Constitutional resistance to big government.

"Capitalist playland", that's a good one!

It was a good one ... but like anything out of control, it imploded ... self destructed ... ate itself and its young.

I think the capitalists better stop demonizing socialists, and start learning how to work with them, for the betterment of all humankind instead of for plunder by a few.

Extremes are the problem. Never works.

Neither capitalism nor socialism alone work, imo. On their own, each one leads to totalitarianism .... rigidity ... inability to cope with the complexity that is the earth and its people. :) imo

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Oh really? Why don't you look up AIG on bloomberg.

Guess who's now listed as the owner?

The United States of America.

Obama's takin over big time. He also recently fired the pres of GM.

This is big time socialism and government intervention. These organizations should be allowed to fail, not swallowed up by this massive, unprecedented government annexing of the formerly private economy.


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Oh really? Why don't you look up AIG on bloomberg.

Guess who's now listed as the owner?

The United States of America.

Obama's takin over big time. He also recently fired the pres of GM.

This is big time socialism and government intervention. These organizations should be allowed to fail, not swallowed up by this massive, unprecedented government annexing of the formerly private economy.


Who are you responding to JS?

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Boy, are you out of date.

The only socialism in the US right now is government bailing out the capitalists! :lol:

Socialism is a progression toward the totalitarian state. Socialism grants privilege tp some people over others. Their graduated income tax, social security, medicare and medicaid, and an abundance of welfare and social programs, corporate welfare, marketing boards, other methods of taxation are all part of the progression toward the total state. The end result of socialism is government reform that installs a regime to run the State and engineer society or socialism is rejected.

Extremes are the problem. Never works.

I could agree with that but how much socialism is too much? I would prefer to work toward individual responsibility for self and society rather than toward the State being increasingly responsible for individuals. The State is of course "people" and why should a few people direct the lives of the citizenry, determining ultimately, what foods are eaten, clothes are worn and shelters are built.

Neither capitalism nor socialism alone work, imo. On their own, each one leads to totalitarianism .... rigidity ... inability to cope with the complexity that is the earth and its people. :) imo

All organizations are socialist. The only difference between a capitalist organization and a governmental organization is that government has a monopoly on the use of force. Capitalists may at times use force but it must meet the approval of government or, as may occur on the rare occasion, be attempting to take over government. Normally it doesn't take over government it buys it. Remember too that government is parasitical to the economy so it must at least make some concession towards those it extracts it's living from.

Socialism is a progression of the concentration of powers and the concentration or centralization of power is what is the problem in both government and capitalism. The people have more of a say in how capitalism is concentrated. Capitalist enterprises are about supplying a good or service to the public. The public, through competition, makes their choices. As long as government isn't their with a helping pot of money to bail them out they go the way of the dodo should they fail to deliver a good product for a good price. Thus it is harder to concentrate power in a free market. Capitalist organizations are easily downsizied if the public so desires. Government rarely relinquishes power and any threat to do so is generally met with a further concentration of power not a decentralization.

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This thread is getting warped toward yet again a discussion about socialism versus capitalism, and thanks to the recent recession all the dead and buried marxists are all coming back out of the wordwork for one last hurrah.

But that's for another thread. This isn't a debate about the MERITS of left or right wing thinking, but rather an expose of the bias and tyranny that exists on campuses today.

Please debate the topic.

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This thread is getting warped toward yet again a discussion about socialism versus capitalism, and thanks to the recent recession all the dead and buried marxists are all coming back out of the wordwork for one last hurrah.

But that's for another thread. This isn't a debate about the MERITS of left or right wing thinking, but rather an expose of the bias and tyranny that exists on campuses today.

Please debate the topic.

"This isn't a debate I just want you to agree with me."

I get it.

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"This isn't a debate I just want you to agree with me."

I get it.

Again, this isn't a debate about socialism or capitalism.

It's about the biases on campuses.

Obviously you have no clue.

Take a moment and think about it, then address the topic at hand. There are other (countless) thread on which to debate the merits of political or economic philosophies.

This is a thread dealing with the behaviors and tyrannies (or lack thereof) of those who espouse certain philosphies.

Do you have the ability to distiguish the difference? If so, then please, do your best to keep you eye on the ball and debate freely.

Please and thanks. :lol:

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Again, this isn't a debate about socialism or capitalism.

It's about the biases on campuses.

Obviously you have no clue.

Take a moment and think about it, then address the topic at hand. There are other (countless) thread on which to debate the merits of political or economic philosophies.

This is a thread dealing with the behaviors and tyrannies (or lack thereof) of those who espouse certain philosphies.

Do you have the ability to distiguish the difference? If so, then please, do your best to keep you eye on the ball and debate freely.

Please and thanks. :lol:

............AND you say the bias on Campus is too far to the left. IE Socialism? I know it is hard for you to digest but you don't get to shape the debate when it is not going in the direction you wish.

"Agree with me or get out of the thread" is what you are saying.

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............AND you say the bias on Campus is too far to the left.

As I've already stated, in Canada, pro-life groups have actually been banned from organizing on campus, and their funding has been stripped away by leftwing extremists.

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As I've already stated, in Canada, pro-life groups have actually been banned from organizing on campus, and their funding has been stripped away by leftwing extremists.

Pro lifers are individuals - people who are family minded and believe in having one wife or husband for life - to be loyal to their family ----- the lefties believe that family is a disease and it is tribal and that all tribal families have to be destroyed by duping the proletariate into committing race and familiar suicde via abortion - some one should weed out these professors that stink up the minds of students with commie internationlist gay socialist shit.

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As I've already stated, in Canada, pro-life groups have actually been banned from organizing on campus, and their funding has been stripped away by leftwing extremists.

You mean by Student Unions. You don't think elected representatives should chose who the students money goes too? I know you hate democracy but this is crazy.

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As I've already stated, in Canada, pro-life groups have actually been banned from organizing on campus, and their funding has been stripped away by leftwing extremists.

Life is bad - death is good - there is no right or wrong..welcome to the Trotskyite United Nations agenda...our universities are being destroyed by selfish commie sodmite creeps......who in their deeply distrubed atheism seek to play god..and in the process detroy creation.. :lol:

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Life is bad - death is good - there is no right or wrong..welcome to the Trotskyite United Nations agenda...our universities are being destroyed by selfish commie sodmite creeps......who in their deeply distrubed atheism seek to play god..and in the process detroy creation.. :lol:

That's pretty accurate Bach - if a little shocking...

I actually saw an environmentalist in England stating that she's not having childeren because humans ae the scourge of the earth.

I guess that's Left wing thinking coming full circle: I suck, so I shouldn't be alive.


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You mean by Student Unions. You don't think elected representatives should chose who the students money goes too? I know you hate democracy but this is crazy.

Students Unions deciding which clubs should and shouldn't be funded is exactly the same kind of "democracy" as governments pulling funding from artists and productions that don't share their views. Are you the sort of person who opposes censorship except in cases where somebody is saying something you don't agree with?

My favorite example of political correctness run amok on campus is the one where the Carleton student's union decided to cancel the cystic fibrosis charity event because CF is not an "inclusive" illness.


Edited by kimmy
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Students Unions deciding which clubs should and shouldn't be funded is exactly the same kind of "democracy" as governments pulling funding from artists and productions that don't share their views. Are you the sort of person who opposes censorship except in cases where somebody is saying something you don't agree with?

My favorite example of political correctness run amok on campus is the one where the Carleton student's union decided to cancel the cystic fibrosis charity event because CF is not an "inclusive" illness.


And then changed their position in response to public pressure. Don't forget that detail!

Free speech works. We all have it.

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Students Unions deciding which clubs should and shouldn't be funded is exactly the same kind of "democracy" as governments pulling funding from artists and productions that don't share their views. Are you the sort of person who opposes censorship except in cases where somebody is saying something you don't agree with?

My favorite example of political correctness run amok on campus is the one where the Carleton student's union decided to cancel the cystic fibrosis charity event because CF is not an "inclusive" illness.


Yes that is what elected officials are given the right to do. THEY GET TO DECIDE HOW THE MONEY IS SPENT. This usually called a Budget. Ever hear of it?

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Yes that is what elected officials are given the right to do. THEY GET TO DECIDE HOW THE MONEY IS SPENT. This usually called a Budget. Ever hear of it?
Grow up.

Governments generally budget money for arts and culture without micromanaging how it is spent. When governments take a hands-on role in deciding which projects should get funded or get denied, they create the appearance of partisanship and get accused of bias and censoring dissenting views. The Harper Conservatives were in considerable controversy last year for exactly this reason, as you'll recall. Elected officials, smart ones at least, keep at arms from the process of deciding which specific projects deserve money, because the results can always come back to bite them in the ass.

As for barring pro-life/anti-abortion clubs from campus, it's not a budget issue. You look like a fool attempting to suggest it might be. No Students Union is going to sit there and pretend they have money to fund the Manga-Anime Otaku Baka Bukkake Club but didn't have any left for the anti-abortion club.

If you look at Students Unions that have done this, such as (again) Carleton, they have taken the position that anti-abortion clubs violate the rights of female students.


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All left wing males seek the comfort and safety of the herd - most are not very manly... nor do they think for themselves...for instance if a REAL man who most consider right wing get a girl pregnant - we do the honourable thing and stand by the woman and child ---- lefties are girly men and they abort their own child - as the leftist collective nods with approval...lefties are not the bulls in the herd they are the cows....Have you ever noticed that university lefty male student types all have the same voice - king of girly - not male or female - but thing like.....these weak males and their bitter aggressive female counter parts are easy to indoctrinate.

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