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Indoctrinate U

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Grow up.

Governments generally budget money for arts and culture without micromanaging how it is spent. When governments take a hands-on role in deciding which projects should get funded or get denied, they create the appearance of partisanship and get accused of bias and censoring dissenting views. The Harper Conservatives were in considerable controversy last year for exactly this reason, as you'll recall. Elected officials, smart ones at least, keep at arms from the process of deciding which specific projects deserve money, because the results can always come back to bite them in the ass.

As for barring pro-life/anti-abortion clubs from campus, it's not a budget issue. You look like a fool attempting to suggest it might be. No Students Union is going to sit there and pretend they have money to fund the Manga-Anime Otaku Baka Bukkake Club but didn't have any left for the anti-abortion club.

If you look at Students Unions that have done this, such as (again) Carleton, they have taken the position that anti-abortion clubs violate the rights of female students.


I think you are confusing government, and student government, with Student Unions. These are not student senates, they are unions much like labour Unions. They have every right to chose who and what type of speech they fund with student money.

There is a very easy work around. Make it a ballot issue. How about instead of being whining babies they put it on the ballot this is how the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender & queer alliance got funding at Dalhousie. It is pretty simple I think at most universities to have a referendum on an issue like this you need like 20 signatures. You know why they don't? Because the student body does not want to fund it plain and simple. It is silly to pretend that something elected officials don't support, and the students of the school don't support should get their money.

Edited by punked
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I think you are confusing government, and student government, with Student Unions. These are not student senates, they are unions much like labour Unions. They have every right to chose who and what type of speech they fund with student money.

Students Unions are nothing like labor unions.

The percentage of students who are involved in student body politics is miniscule. Student Councils are breeding grounds for future NDP candidates, but serve little other function.

There is a very easy work around. Make it a ballot issue. How about instead of being whining babies they put it on the ballot this is how the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender & queer alliance got funding at Dalhousie. It is pretty simple I think at most universities to have a referendum on an issue like this you need like 20 signatures. You know why they don't? Because the student body does not want to fund it plain and simple. It is silly to pretend that something elected officials don't support, and the students of the school don't support should get their money.

If a club being unpopular is sufficient reason to bar it from campus, should the Campus Communists also be shut down? The Campus Dungeons And Dragons And Star Trek Club?


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Friendly forum facilitator! ┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)

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Yes that is what elected officials are given the right to do. THEY GET TO DECIDE HOW THE MONEY IS SPENT. This usually called a Budget. Ever hear of it?

Can they just decide to include a party for their friends in the budget?

What is their mandate? To whom are they responsible?

Are politically active students screened for support in the first place? Do doors magically open for them if they hold the correct political concepts?

Realizing the weight of individuals is far less than that of groups, would it be fair to say that individuals that support individuality are usually stuck with making it on their own or with some assistance from other individuals willing to invest some support, and individuals that are members of groups that support collectivism, i.e.the State, will receive support from groups who are proponents of collectivism?

Edited by Pliny

I want to be in the class that ensures the classless society remains classless.

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If you look at Students Unions that have done this, such as (again) Carleton, they have taken the position that anti-abortion clubs violate the rights of female students.


The Students Union should represent the views of Students, I believe. Some students are females and some of them members of anti-abortion clubs. Can the Students Union choose which students they support? Should Those students not being represented be able to demand their student union fees back?

I want to be in the class that ensures the classless society remains classless.

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This thread is getting warped toward yet again a discussion about socialism versus capitalism, and thanks to the recent recession all the dead and buried marxists are all coming back out of the wordwork for one last hurrah.

But that's for another thread. This isn't a debate about the MERITS of left or right wing thinking, but rather an expose of the bias and tyranny that exists on campuses today.

Please debate the topic.

Since this was posted after my post I think it was directed to me.

The title of the thread is left wing oppression on campus. I think it pertinent to define what is meant by "left wing" and so I did as I generally do so that people at least understand my concept of it if they aren't clear on their own or they have a different, what I would consider "erroneous" concept of it.

In 1952 an article was published about left wing influences on campuses.

The concerns are elegantly expressed here: Link

Today those concerns are even more evident. Indoctrinate U does it's best to expose the bias.

It is odd that what was occurring on campuses in 1952 was a push toward socialism , i.e. the prominence of the State and centralization of power in engineering society. Especially, in light of the fact that the Allies had just recently defeated the totalitarian socialist regimes of the Nazis and Fascists in WW II. They did lose a lot of ground from the war and simply morphed into a sort of benign and benevolent, as opposed to militaristic, influence in society. Campuses of course are great targets of influence and if the State wished to influence anything it would be education, especially the faculty of education, that is if education were not able to be totally nationalized. "Free" education means education the State determines you should have. If the State were me not many people would like the cost of my education. If it were Castro's they would like the "free" part, forgetting the content and the students direction are dictated by the State and that a free education cannot be sustained by an economy controlled by State educated Economists as opposed to free market interests. The view of the socialist is that everything is free in a totally socialist state and everything appears to be - except the market.

I want to be in the class that ensures the classless society remains classless.

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Has anyone seen this exceptional documentary "Indoctrinate U"?

I suggest for anyone interested in politics that you have a look. This young filmmaker films his documentary in "Michael Moore" style (for lack of a better description), but, refreshingly, instead of Moore's predictable "tyranny of the right" schtick, the filmmaker in this doc does a really god job of portraying the "tyranny of the left" on campuses around the country.

This is an interesting study because of (a) the simple reality and exposure of what's going on on campus these days and (B) because the right wing has, until now, had a very tough time exposing the VERY REAL tyranny of the left that exists in man venues throughout today's western world.

You can either youtube the whole movie or buy it for $15 bucks at the link below.

Watch the trailer here.


i've seen this - finally someone who was bothered enough to speak about the deafening double standards in our university campuses.

We should sincerely thank Evan Coyne Maloney for having so frankly and transparently shown us what goes on under the skulls of "Liberal intellectuals."

Finally, we must thank the showcased "universities" for having shown us, however unintentionally, what disgustingly self righteous little mangy curs now squawk and squeal about "human rights" "racism" while they are out communist fronting in OUR universities.

They should run one on the capuses of McGill and Concordia and UQAM, my god there's more filth there then one can muster.

When Hercules was given the seemingly impossible task of "mucking out" the stables King Augeas had neglected for years, he diverted two rivers and let their torrents wash away the mounds of accumulated filth. I do not know where the directors of Indoctrinate U can find rivers big enough for the task they have assumed, but I wish them luck.

Edited by lictor616

-Magna Europa Est Patria Nostra-

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Students Unions are nothing like labor unions.

The percentage of students who are involved in student body politics is miniscule. Student Councils are breeding grounds for future NDP candidates, but serve little other function.

If a club being unpopular is sufficient reason to bar it from campus, should the Campus Communists also be shut down? The Campus Dungeons And Dragons And Star Trek Club?


This is where you are wrong they are very much like labour unions. Union dues are paid, representatives elected, and their job is to forward the movement of students rights. If you look back in history some unions have even at differing in their history gone on strike, the 1969 General strike was started by.........get this.......a student Union and they shut the country down.

Being a Union they are are able to take a stand on issues, they have a taken a stand on this issue. They are pro choice get over it. They however haven't tackled the issue of Dungeons and Dragons and I bet they wont. Their however main issue which they represent the students for is lower tuition and higher standards of education. I am sure their are some students on campus who are against these causes too (their are crazy's every where) does that mean the student union should support them too? Nope they aren't a government, they don't have to give money to everyone that is not how they are structured.

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Being a Union they are are able to take a stand on issues, they have a taken a stand on this issue.

Yes, but they can't usurp people's constitutional rights. They have the right to be pro-choice. But they don't have the right to forbid pro-life groups from organizing on campus. That's fascist.

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This is absolutely can't miss video of liberal fascism on campus. John Zielger is arrested at USC, for asking people why they're attending an event. The event? The Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Journalism. Apparently some journalism just can't be tolerated, and the irony meter is off the charts on this one! Enjoy!

Ziegler Arrest

Ladies and Gentlemen. This is Obama's America.

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Yes, but they can't usurp people's constitutional rights. They have the right to be pro-choice. But they don't have the right to forbid pro-life groups from organizing on campus. That's fascist.

No but they have the right to not recognize an organization as a Union, and they have a right to deny them private Union funds and Union buildings to them. This what we are talking about, you seem to be talking about something that isn't happening. I know you have private organization rights, but us who believe and love freedom don't.

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No but they have the right to not recognize an organization as a Union, and they have a right to deny them private Union funds and Union buildings to them. This what we are talking about, you seem to be talking about something that isn't happening. I know you have private organization rights, but us who believe and love freedom don't.

No, I'm absolutely talking about something that is happening, and has happened. You just can't defend the fascist nature of leftists on campus. Pro-life students have been banned from organizing on campus, and they've had their funding taken away. Funds, I might add, in which pro-life students pay to the school and student unions by way of tuition.

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This is absolutely can't miss video of liberal fascism on campus. John Zielger is arrested at USC, for asking people why they're attending an event. The event? The Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Journalism. Apparently some journalism just can't be tolerated, and the irony meter is off the charts on this one! Enjoy!

Ziegler Arrest

Ladies and Gentlemen. This is Obama's America.

does anyone seriously debate anymore that liberals are the would be commissars or "red guards" of tomorrow? How much more PC insanity and encroachment on personal liberty will it take before we resolve fight back?

-Magna Europa Est Patria Nostra-

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No, I'm absolutely talking about something that is happening, and has happened. You just can't defend the fascist nature of leftists on campus. Pro-life students have been banned from organizing on campus, and they've had their funding taken away. Funds, I might add, in which pro-life students pay to the school and student unions by way of tuition.

No they haven't been banned from Campus, and their funds taken away. The Student Union has never granted them funds, and does not allow them to use their private buildings. They are a Union and as such have every right to organize and take a stand on issues. They have on this one and you or anyone else can not tell Unions what issues they can or can not take a stand on. If the pro life clubs weren't such babies they might try to have referendum on funding as the gay rights organization did at Dalhousie three years ago. They can run for Union office as well.

Yep they pay Union dues as many people who belong to Unions do, does not mean the Union needs to recognize their organization. Anti unionist who belong to Unions such as CAW and so on pay Union dues too does not mean the Union has to support their efforts or beliefs. Get over yourself, it isn't a student government, it is a UNION figure it out.

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If you look back in history some unions have even at differing in their history gone on strike, the 1969 General strike was started by.........get this.......a student Union and they shut the country down.

What General Strike in 1969?

I have no recollection of that at all.

My Canada includes rights of Indigenous Peoples. Love it or leave it, eh! Peace.

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Yes, but they can't usurp people's constitutional rights. They have the right to be pro-choice. But they don't have the right to forbid pro-life groups from organizing on campus. That's fascist.

They do have the right if the pro-life groups go over the line into harassment and hate speech, which they have.

My Canada includes rights of Indigenous Peoples. Love it or leave it, eh! Peace.

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What General Strike in 1969?

I have no recollection of that at all.

My bad not 69, it was 68 the students shut down the country.


PS they don't even need the pro life groups to do anything. They are a Union, and a private organization. They get to deiced where their dues go, and who uses their buildings. Funny thing about that whole private rights things.

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My bad not 69, it was 68 the students shut down the country.


PS they don't even need the pro life groups to do anything. They are a Union, and a private organization. They get to deiced where their dues go, and who uses their buildings. Funny thing about that whole private rights things.

Oh ... in France. k thanks.

My Canada includes rights of Indigenous Peoples. Love it or leave it, eh! Peace.

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Sorry their have been really few General strikes in history so one usually does not have to name what country.

Who the F cares about what happened in France? What were talking about is what's happening in Canada in respect to freedom of speech, and freedom of assembly. I'm not sure if you're aware, but France has many different laws than us.

And in Canada, universities and colleges are suppose to be institutions of higher learning, which invite discussion and debate, not a shutting down of political speech and opinion. And you're quite mistaken if you think that student unions have the power to deny people protected charter rights and freedoms. It's sad that you're so blinded by partisanship that you're unable to see what's clearly going on.

YFS pushes ban on pro-life groups

York Federation of Students (YFS) is set to put forward a motion that will ban “anti-choice” groups from operating on on campus, at a semi-annual general meeting of the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS)


CFS-Ontario passes pro-life ban motion

At a conference in January, CFS-Ontario approved a motion to support student unions that wish to ban pro-life groups from their campuses.


Free speech for me, but not for thee. Hmm, I wonder what would happen if a gay/lesbian group was at the receiving end of something like this...hmmm.

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Who the F cares about what happened in France? What were talking about is what's happening in Canada in respect to freedom of speech, and freedom of assembly. I'm not sure if you're aware, but France has many different laws than us.

And in Canada, universities and colleges are suppose to be institutions of higher learning, which invite discussion and debate, not a shutting down of political speech and opinion. And you're quite mistaken if you think that student unions have the power to deny people protected charter rights and freedoms. It's sad that you're so blinded by partisanship that you're unable to see what's clearly going on.

Free speech for me, but not for thee. Hmm, I wonder what would happen if a gay/lesbian group was at the receiving end of something like this...hmmm.

I love Bizzaro Right Wing Land.

First are you saying there are not universities and colleges that are suppose to be institutions of higher learning in France, which invite discussion and debate? That seems silly and ignorant.

You do have freedom of speech and freedom of assembly but you don't get to assemble on Private Land because you feel like it. Can pro life groups walk into a Catholic Church and start their protests there? No becuase private institutes get to say what happens on their land and in their buildings. I love the double standard though free speech applies where you want it too right Shady?

Students Union have the right to tell give their money and their dues to whatever groups they so choose they are a private organization, get over it. You are wrong.

I think I remember what happened when the Dal student union would not increase funding to the Gay and Lesbian group on campus, they acted civilized got students to sign a sheet to have referendum. They all voted it passed and a 50 cent levee was added to the student fees which went to the group. Why doesn't the pro life groups do that, instead of acting like victims the lbgt didn't pretend to be victims. If the students wanted their money to go to this group it is pretty easy to do something like this.

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