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Pope says condoms increase the risk of AIDS


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I really thought this was funny. It reminds me of Pope John Paul saying politicians who advocate gay rights will have a place in hell reserved for them.

Pope says condoms increase the risk of AIDS

The Vatican has its head so far up its own ass that it's no wonder the flocks are flocking away from the Catholic Church.

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I really thought this was funny. It reminds me of Pope John Paul saying politicians who advocate gay rights will have a place in hell reserved for them.

Maybe this idiot Pope is a friend of Gary Goodyear's?

I made a correction of the idiot Pope.."but has said the Roman Catholic Church is in the forefront of the battle to increase AIDS "

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Possibly the Pope could ask God to snap his fingers and end AIDS. I think God's made his point that having sex with a monkey will not be permitted.

God will cure AIDS when people stop having sex outside of marriage.

I mean, it's not like there's anything totally natural about having sex. It's not like our bodies are engineered to want to do the dirty. It's an evil and dirty thing.... :angry:

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If you are a one man woman or a one woman man you don't need silly condoms. Condoms are for people who treat other people like objects - masterbation machines that are interchangable. What happened to love and loyality? If you are not the property of some sort of wife or husband than you are everybodys' property..and f**** everyone is like having a cup of coffee...well - maybe some aids is a good thing for those that are less than animals.

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True, we have abortions for any errors.

It's never an error - every woman I ever slept with I was prepared to father a child - call me Mr. Patriarch if you want - but I do enjoy the female form..and I do know why sex feels good and what it is designed for..In another time I would have had 200 offspring - and I would have been able to have my own orchestra of angels...as for errors and abortions - I believe that every person you come in contact with is devinely placed and you are supposed to mate and bear a child.

:lol: ...I don't believe in errors - most of you do - and most of you believe in aborting your own flesh - but ---- I am very very old school - sometimes I feel like I dropped out of a time warp into the wrong place - You modernist just don't have a clue what life is really about - It's about life and making more... :lol: Here is my confession - When young and sowing my oats - I slept with over 200 woman with out a condom - and I am sure - there are lots of people out there that would love to call me dad ---- maybe even you!

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It brings into focus again the question of 'what is the best guide for making rules,' -- the deontological approach used by religious and every early ethical systems that categorize actions as either good or evil -- or the teleological approach, which maintains that good rules should lead to good consequences, that began when John Stuart Mill created a moral philosophy he called Utilitarianism.

Most modern, pragmatic-thinking people prefer the consequence-based method in everyday life and even in on issues like condom distribution, the same person may not like sex outside of marriage, but will agree with condom distribution if it demonstrates a successful record of reducing AIDS and HIV infection rates....and it does, since one of the few African nations to take a modern approach to the AIDS crisis - Uganda - is one of the few success stories.

Why should we be surprised that the Pope doesn't care how many people die of AIDS? He has a vested interest in upholding a system that focuses on actions, and he and his followers can always justify the deaths caused by their disregard of the consequences, by maintaining that these people have violated their divine rules and are condemned to hell anyway, so who gives a rats ass if they die of AIDS?

I'm not so much bothered that the Pope thinks this way - that can be expected; what bothers me is that we now have a Prime Minister who is voicing this same claptrap about how his faith informs him about right and wrong to fundamentalist conservative supporters, indicating that he will take a Pope/George Bush approach to social policy issues here in Canada.

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Here is my confession - I slept with over 200 woman with out a condom - and I am sure - there are lots of people out there that would love to call me dad ---- maybe even you!

Its the internet, of course you slept with 200 woman, unless of course you missed a zero and its 2000 woman.But crikey, who cares how many you sleep with.

I had actual sex with over 200 woman , some with and some without a condom.(Internet meaning of course-I also transport via beam to Vancouver)

You aint my dad. Not a chance in hell

Edited by guyser
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It's never an error - every woman I ever slept with I was prepared to father a child - call me Mr. Patriarch if you want - but I do enjoy the female form..and I do know why sex feels good and what it is designed for..In another time I would have had 200 offspring - and I would have been able to have my own orchestra of angels...as for errors and abortions - I believe that every person you come in contact with is devinely placed and you are supposed to mate and bear a child.

And I've only had sex with three different women in my entire life! And that could be why I don't feel wrapped up in whatever guilt trip makes you prattle on preaching about sinfulness and decadence. Feel free to self-flagellate over your past hedonistic ways, just don't assume it applies to everyone else!

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Condoms do increase the risk of aids - as is in Canada we teach our young that sex is like having breakfast and EVERYONE should be having sex with everybody all the time...we have debased our young..as for condoms - It's still about birth control than anything else..They are pushed because the powers that be are more interested in curbing the breeding of the population than guarding against STDs.....also: If you have the slightest nick or rash or even a scratch pimple near the genitals - it is an entry point and condoms do not cover the whole body - so I agree to a degree with the Vatican...more sex with more partners increases the risk of aids...and condoms cause more recreational reckless sex.

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... condoms cause sex.....

That's a bit like saying speeding causes cars.

Condoms do encourage sex - look at the propoganda that's out there....they push condoms on mere children who are not even thinking of sex. Your "speeding causes cars" analogy makes no sense....Cars cause speeding- without cars there is no speeding and with less encouragement of condom use - would cause less sex - Why are adults so vacarious when it comes to the sex life or potential sex life of our youth? This whole idea about debasing young woman and making them feel less unless they are having sex is akin to sexual interference - as Pink Floyd said "Teachers leave the kids alone" - Sex is sacred and the more we promote the idea that it is as usual as farting the lower we take the human race - but some like the UN - want to remove the concepts of good and evil from education - and the ideas of right and wrong -- even animals mate and hold that mate till death - we promote a morality that makes animals appear to be higher on the food chain.

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Geez Oleg, 40 years ago it finally became OK for women to have sex outside of marriage. Now you're trying to teach men that sex outside of marriage is wrong. What will all of us liberated women do if men listen to you? :(;)

If most of them listen, there will always be me ! And my odds will increase.....hmmm....

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Condoms do encourage sex - look at the propoganda that's out there....they push condoms on mere children who are not even thinking of sex.

Really! You think they're not thinking about sex because you're the last one they are going to admit it to, if you handle sex ed in a manner similar to what you do here: railing about sin, followed by bragging about how many girls you f####d back in your day, followed by more anguish about sin and immorality.....you'll be the last one to know if they are engaging in any sort of sexual activity.

Try the non-confrontational approach instead. Say, if you're thinking about it (which you probably are) make sure you know how to use condoms, oral dams, etc. and bring them along even if you think there is the slightest chance they might be used. Better safe than sorry.

This whole idea about debasing young woman and making them feel less unless they are having sex is akin to sexual interference - as Pink Floyd said "Teachers leave the kids alone" - Sex is sacred and the more we promote the idea that it is as usual as farting the lower we take the human race - but some like the UN - want to remove the concepts of good and evil from education - and the ideas of right and wrong -- even animals mate and hold that mate till death - we promote a morality that makes animals appear to be higher on the food chain.

I've always been a Pink Floyd fan, but I always hated "Another Brick in the Wall part 2," thanks for knocking it right off my playlist! I'd like to hear from some of the female members of the club in regards to your point about young women being pressured into having sex. What I suspect is that most teenage girls get used to the fact that guys are always trying to see how far they can get, and they will either tell them to f@@k off, or will start the negotiating process to see what the guy is willing to do for them. Or the girl may just decide that she wants to have sex! When you talk about debasing young women and sex being sacred, it sounds like you have divided the female half of the population into madonnas and whores -- bad girls have sex, good girls keep their virginity.....this is 2009 b;y the way, not 1959.

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Getting back to the guy in the funny hat, I was under the impression that the Catholic Church had changed its absolute stand against condom use within marriage, a couple of years ago, when East African Church officials were bombarded with the simple question of how women married to migrant workers were supposed to protect themselves from getting AIDS when they were certain that their husbands were having sex with infected women during the months that they were away. But from the news stories surrounding the pope's Africa trip, he repeated standard Church dogma that any methods which interfere with procreation are sinful. Here is another question from Bonnie Erbe, of U.S. News and World Report that should have been asked:

The Pope is correct in saying that AIDS cannot be eradicated by condom use alone. Clearly, when young women are raped or otherwise forced into sex against their will, the men abusing them will not commit to use condoms.

But instead of offering these women useless verbiage, the Pope could have offered the vast resources of the Church to distribute anti-viral foam to young married women in AIDS-infested areas. Foam is the only form of AIDS prevention that young wives completely control and can use without their husbands' permission.

Distributing anti-viral foam to young married women would help prevent the spread of AIDS while still creating the babies the Church so desperately needs to fill its pews. But Pope Benedict made no mention of offering such help to African AIDS victims. He showed no understanding of the terrible lives these women endure, or the damage done to their children, many of whom are born HIV-positive or with AIDS.

So, how about those antiviral foams! Is it a sin to interfere with the HIV virus's right to infect its victims in the same way that every hurdle put in front of a sperm cell is a sin? Surely someone has asked Catholic Church dogmatists this question before!

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Condoms do increase the risk of aids - as is in Canada we teach our young that sex is like having breakfast and EVERYONE should be having sex with everybody all the time...we have debased our young..as for condoms - It's still about birth control than anything else..They are pushed because the powers that be are more interested in curbing the breeding of the population than guarding against STDs.....also: If you have the slightest nick or rash or even a scratch pimple near the genitals - it is an entry point and condoms do not cover the whole body - so I agree to a degree with the Vatican...more sex with more partners increases the risk of aids...and condoms cause more recreational reckless sex.

The pill prevents pregnancy ... but does not prevent aids ... the condom helps prevents aids AND pregnancy. It may not be the best at each, but it is the best option (besides abstinence .. and that ain't gonna happen) that you have right now.

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The pill prevents pregnancy ... but does not prevent aids ... the condom helps prevents aids AND pregnancy. It may not be the best at each, but it is the best option (besides abstinence .. and that ain't gonna happen) that you have right now.

The chances of abstinence happening are decrease with the increased incouragement ot have more and more sex with more and more partners. Sex is the bond that is marriage - seeing marriage has been tossed aside then all we are now is monkies with condoms pulled over or pitiful and useless penis.. What bothers me is that we have perverse and vacarious adults that insist that all 13 year olds are having sex - this is untrue - they are not even thinking of having sex -

untill the idea is emplanted...much like homo-sexuallity - a child is not going to ever consider putting a penis in his mouth..unless the idea is introduced...as for lonely and disconnected adults..who are so oppressed that sex is presented as a relief from a cruel and corrupt world...Sex is the bond between male and female and should be encouraged to last for a life time - propogating condomes escpecaily with the very young ...is an attack on marriage - If you are with one person and share the same body fluids etc ...You don't need to be covered in rubber - they are very un-natural.

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The chances of abstinence happening are decrease with the increased incouragement ot have more and more sex with more and more partners. Sex is the bond that is marriage - seeing marriage has been tossed aside then all we are now is monkies with condoms pulled over or pitiful and useless penis.. What bothers me is that we have perverse and vacarious adults that insist that all 13 year olds are having sex - this is untrue - they are not even thinking of having sex -

untill the idea is emplanted...much like homo-sexuallity - a child is not going to ever consider putting a penis in his mouth..unless the idea is introduced...as for lonely and disconnected adults..who are so oppressed that sex is presented as a relief from a cruel and corrupt world...Sex is the bond between male and female and should be encouraged to last for a life time - propogating condomes escpecaily with the very young ...is an attack on marriage - If you are with one person and share the same body fluids etc ...You don't need to be covered in rubber - they are very un-natural.

You seem bitter about something.

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You seem bitter about something.

Yah I am still a tad bitter about a woman that I never courted - nor planned to marry - who had four of my children - and after 25 years dumped me....I need to get laid..there now you know. I wasted my time with this person and feel insulted...and old and broke..but I will recover....With the same partner for that period you don't use condoms ....I hate to go back to being a sex machine with a rubber on the end...I want a wife - finally.

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