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this is why israel doesn't want a just peace


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Bingo! No fun in that.....they can't play their Jew baiting game.

Even Shakespear got in on this one...This whole jewish bait game and others connected to it are very tiresome...it seems that the tradition of the scape goat ( you took a goat and put all the sins of the tribe on that goat and sent it out in the desert to die - and all was set right) Seems that non-jews have taken up this mystical non-sense - and now the jews are goats....? Heaven forbid...what a stupid game. You would think the world would have evolved past this crap.

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It doesn't make any sense....Quebec is a nation within a nation, but those "Joooooooooos" are evil Zionists! :lol:

That's what I leaned the hard way - it's the honorary anglo jews who adopted values out of the Old Testiment and ignored the new..who really like that mind and time warping Cabal garbage that facinates them so much that they use as a guide book to do buisness....Love the part where you can go to the rabbi and say ....I will be signing contracts this year and want permission to not honour them - the rabbi says "done" - Once the anglo bankers got wind of this old tradition - they all became Zionists ---- and the Joooooooooos became non-entities to be dragged up and burned when THEY get caught defrauding the world...what a game!

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And continue to happen, without many people seeming to care much about them.

Because those conflicts don't have the fortune to be occurring in a region that is at the centre of Christianity, or involve a people at the centre of the supposed Rapture. If us Jews weren't in the bible, or Jesus was born in Addis Addaba, than people would simply not care much about either the creation of Israel or Palestinian independence.

How often do we hear about Kurdish independence for example? Not much.

How many threads on the slaughter in Darfur are there compared to Israeli threads? There are deos at the Israeli embassy almost daily. No one protests at the Sudanese embassy except the occasional expatriate group.

While I admit that there is definitely some bias and over-emphasis in the amount of coverage Israel gets, there are also some rational reasons why this is the case. Like I mentioned before: Israel recieves aid from the US, Sudan doesn't, Canada voted down security resolutions that would have limited Israeli actions in Gaza - but it initiates resolutions AGAINST Sudan. In short, most Western governments are involved in supporting the Israeli occupation of Palestine to some degree, some more than others. People are generally more politically active when something bad happens and their government is directly involved, versus Sudan where the case is that governments are simply negligent in dealing with the problem but not physically or politically supporting it.

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Because those conflicts don't have the fortune to be occurring in a region that is at the centre of Christianity, or involve a people at the centre of the supposed Rapture. If us Jews weren't in the bible, or Jesus was born in Addis Addaba, than people would simply not care much about either the creation of Israel or Palestinian independence.

How often do we hear about Kurdish independence for example? Not much.

The real reason is that those conflicts don't have five star restaurants and hotels with swimming pools nearby, and aren't almost entirely safe for foreign correspondents to cover. Foreign correspondents don't want to go out in the desert and live in tents without AC, and then risk getting their asses shot off by riding some rickety jeep across the border to where the killing is.

it's just soooo much easier to hole up in storied Jerusalem, send the cameraman out to take some video for local colour, and call in your story about the poor underdog being abused by the evil militarists.

While I admit that there is definitely some bias and over-emphasis in the amount of coverage Israel gets, there are also some rational reasons why this is the case. Like I mentioned before: Israel recieves aid from the US, Sudan doesn't

I doubt that plays much part in things. It's become almost like a long-running soap opera, where everyone knows the actors and players involved, so doesn't have to get much in the way of explanations for who's doing what.

Canada voted down security resolutions that would have limited Israeli actions in Gaza - but it initiates resolutions AGAINST Sudan.

Usually, the way those security resolutions work is that the Palestinians will do something outrageous, often for months on end, and the UN will remain entirely silent. Then Israel will do something to retaliate, and suddenly the Muslims at the UN will produce some sort of resolution demanding Israel stop being evil butchering scum - or words to that affect - without a single word regarding what the Palestinians or anyone else might have done. Most western nations simply regard these as nuisance resolutions, and abstain so as to not offend anyone. I'm quite happy to see Canada voting against them these days.

In short, most Western governments are involved in supporting the Israeli occupation of Palestine to some degree, some more than others.

The French are actively involved in supporting Sudan. I don't see the European media trying to talk that up. Most western governments support, to one degree or another, a lot of crappy governments. And the ones they don't support are supported by other governments. But again, I don't think that really impacts anything. I think most people who are agitated about Israel are simply because Israel is shoved in their faces day after day by an international media which is lazy and which finds it satisfied their "if it bleeds it leads" modus operendi without them having to go to uncomfortable third world hellholes.

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The great UN - has a code of silence. If there is genocide in Africa going on and their true agenda is the re-wilding of the area by depopulating it.. They get quiet about what's going on. They will let the body count rise as high as possible - then they will comment and have a study..by then a hundred thousand are gone - I sometimes wonder about these guys.

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who here doesn't want to acknowledge the smelly elephant in the room?

this is why israel doesn't want peace and by israel, i mean the right wing, fascist and racist israelis who control the government. they know that any peace deal will inevitably include agreeing to no more settlements and no more land, even giving back a chunk of what they've already stolen.

Oh yes Israel is horrible, ain't it? Compared to this? Really? (link) Excerpts below:

Congo, Somalia conflicts make 350,000 new refugees

By Frank Nyakairu Frank Nyakairu – Sun Feb 22, 5:49 am ET

NAIROBI (Reuters) – Enduring conflicts in east and central Africa have produced some 350,000 new refugees since October, worsening an already dire humanitarian situation, aid agencies say.

The region already hosts the continent's biggest number of refugees, but conflicts in Democratic Republic of Congo and Somalia are forcing many more from their homes.

"Multiple conflicts in the region have worsened the refugee situation in the region," said Hassan Yusuf, spokesman for the U.N. refugee agency (UNHCR) in Kenya.

"We have seen the worst in recent months, seeing thousands of new refugees both internally and externally," he said.

Somalia, the Horn of African country plagued by war since 1991 has the highest numbers of internal and external displacements, uprooted since Islamist insurgents started fighting the Western-backed government more than two years ago.

The crisis considered most acute and edging toward a humanitarian catastrophe is the displacement hundreds of thousands of Congolese by Ugandan rebels of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) and Congolese Tutsi rebels.

Since December at least 150,000 Congolese refugees have been uprooted by insurgency in the volatile northeast and forced to seek refugee in neighboring Southern Sudan and Uganda.

"The latest group of refugees and most affected is in Orientale Province of Congo, where over 150,000 people have been forced to flee LRA attacks and for the first time 15,000 of those fleeing to southern Sudan," said Hassan.

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who here doesn't want to acknowledge the smelly elephant in the room?

this is why israel doesn't want peace and by israel, i mean the right wing, fascist and racist israelis who control the government. they know that any peace deal will inevitably include agreeing to no more settlements and no more land, even giving back a chunk of what they've already stolen.

They are not traditional facists. Think of them as a group of old Italian mafia guys who are granted a track of land - This I find distrubing - when a person committs fraud - and wanders off to Israel with a suit case full of cash - He is asked one question about the money during the deposit process - "country of origin" - they don't care how you got it - they just want to know where you got it. The world is under the impression that we protect Israel because they are the poor down trodden former holocaust victims...which they are and that is dreadful end embarassing pock mark on the face of all humaity..That WE allowed such an evil to be perpetrated on our other human members. Time has marched on - things have changed and the past is forgotten along with the lessons learned - Israel...has changed in the last 35 years. It is a very lucrative place to be and control - forget about the religious and political diversional idealogy...It's about the money - just like everywhere else - why would a group of creeps...who really don't care about the average jew or gentile give up such a cushy state?

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Because Israel is part of "the world".

They are every where ! Bawwk! They are every where! All is autrocious....had a lot of time on my hands today --- you sure are a fatalist when it comes to the human race going down the toilet. It probably is very unhealthy for the people in powerful western nations to occupy themselves exclusively with Israel and ignore the rest of the mess in the house - but what do you expect of a culture that worships millionares who take honour and award themselves an Oscar for "Slum Dog Millionares" - what the hell was that all about...diamond clad nerds that pretend for a living - caring so much....awwwww...

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no, i'm curious; why are you using other events around the world to downplay and even stop discussion about israel's atrocities?

should we let a man who rapes off the hook because there is another man who is killing?

Can you name an Israeli atrocity for the class?


Nicky Santoro: So in other words - I'm f**ked.

Ace Rothstein: In so many words, yes.


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even though the israeli government has always supported settlement expansion, the majority of israelis are actually against the settlements.

however, what i found interesting during israel's attack on gaza was the overwhelming number of israelis who supported the slaughter while the rest of the world did not. a friend of mine who lived in israel for a few years in the 90's and has family living there, tried to explain the reason for this. he mentioned that it mostly had to do with the mainstream media in israel which continues to be a mouthpiece for the israeli government. the government issued a ban on media from covering the story inside gaza so all the media could rely on was information released by the military while the pundits and zionists kept pushing the victim button.

The media is only one part of the equation. Misplaced nationalism is the other.

As an example, there is a vast divide between the number of Canadians that think the seal hunt is a fine activity, compared to the rest of the world.

Believing in Israel's right to protect itself by killing children is as much a part of the Israeli identity as clubbing baby seals is a part of the Canadian identity.

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Believing in Israel's right to protect itself by killing children is as much a part of the Israeli identity as clubbing baby seals is a part of the Canadian identity.

Please repeat this come spring so my tomatoes grow strong.

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As an example, there is a vast divide between the number of Canadians that think the seal hunt is a fine activity, compared to the rest of the world.
Many Canadians support the seal hunt in Saskatchewan and oppose the one in the neighboring province of Newfoundland.
Believing in Israel's right to protect itself by killing children is as much a part of the Israeli identity as clubbing baby seals is a part of the Canadian identity.

There is a huge difference between deliberately attacking a school, restaurant or pizzeria and collateral damage from an attack on military targets or unavoidable attacks because of the use of families as human shields.

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Many Canadians support the seal hunt in Saskatchewan and oppose the one in the neighboring province of Newfoundland.


There is a huge difference between deliberately attacking a school, restaurant or pizzeria and collateral damage from an attack on military targets or unavoidable attacks because of the use of families as human shields.

The deliberate equating of terrorists attacks against soft targets and the military response against the origin of those attacks is one of the features of the new anti semitism.The another feature is blaming Israel for provoking terrorism against her and legitimizing the terrorist attacks..

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Can you name an Israeli atrocity for the class?

only for the students who have the attention span of a fish:

how about israel's recent attacks on gaza which left over 1000 palestinians dead, with over 1/3 of them children, over 5000 injured for life and the open air prison israel had created flattened?

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The deliberate equating of terrorists attacks against soft targets and the military response against the origin of those attacks is one of the features of the new anti semitism.The another feature is blaming Israel for provoking terrorism against her and legitimizing the terrorist attacks..

and you were doing so well. i had not seen you use the anti-semitism card in a few days.

why are you being a bad person by trying to spread misinformation?

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only for the students who have the attention span of a fish:

how about israel's recent attacks on gaza which left over 1000 palestinians dead, with over 1/3 of them children, over 5000 injured for life and the open air prison israel had created flattened?

That's what Hamas and their chums tells us...baby milk factories...kindergartens...flocks of fluffy kittens. All targets of the evil Zionist invaders. However, I think we'll find the numbers are quite a bit lower if past conflicts are our guides....

There you go with the personal attacks, again, btw. Does it make you feel like a big man to call folks names?


I forgive my mom for being a psycho and my dad for being a loser.

---Nikki Sixx

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BS! Palestinian children seeking refuge in the schools under the supervision of the UN get bombed by the israeli raids. Hmmm! yes it's all because of Hammas forcing them to stay in school :huh:

The school wasn't bombed. Old news really.

The United Nations has reversed its stance on one of the most contentious and bloody incidents of the recent Israel Defense Forces operation in Gaza, saying that an IDF mortar strike that killed 43 people on January 6 did not hit one of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency schools after all.

It seems that the UN has been under pressure to put the record straight after doubts arose that the school had actually been targeted. Maxwell Gaylord, the UN humanitarian coordinator in Jerusalem, said Monday that the IDF mortar shells fell in the street near the compound, and not on the compound itself.


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