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Religious Right in Canada

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I read the article, but it doesn't go into detail on some of what you are claiming. For example, how does the Bible say to vote? I admit I'm not an avid reader of it, but I doubt it mentions the Conservative Party of Canada. What policies of the Conservatives are in line with Biblical teachings? Please be more specific, Mr. Canada.

The Bible says a lot of things, so it's always a dependable source of ammo for whatever policy is being pushed! The point of the newspaper article focuses on evangelicals voting for the Conservative Party, but what it fails to notice is that activist preachers and religious right organizations like the Canada Family Action Coalition, are following the same grassroots strategy devised by Francis Schaeffer and Jerry Falwell to take over the Republican Party -- the Canadian version of course involves getting their flock to sign up as Conservative Party members and take over the local party organizations


May as well add this one to the pile too:

Charles McVety's clout over Telefilm illustrates rising influence of Canada's "Theo-Cons".

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LEt's try to stay on topic instead of making this thread about queers and abortion. Which it isn't, ok.

You got a lot of nerve expecting people to respect your crazy beliefs when you refer to the minority of the population attracted to members of their own sex as "queers." Does this hateful, derogatory term also apply to unusually high percentage of your clergy who share that same-sex attraction?

And abortion -- the only reason it's an issue is because you think your concern over fertilized embryos gives you the right to order pregnant women to go through a nine month pregnancy regardless of their own personal desires!

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You got a lot of nerve expecting people to respect your crazy beliefs when you refer to the minority of the population attracted to members of their own sex as "queers." Does this hateful, derogatory term also apply to unusually high percentage of your clergy who share that same-sex attraction?

And abortion -- the only reason it's an issue is because you think your concern over fertilized embryos gives you the right to order pregnant women to go through a nine month pregnancy regardless of their own personal desires!

'Crazy Beliefs'? Well there are millions of Christians in Canada who live their faith daily. I think the number of homosexuals is a far lesser number.

I thought 'queer' was acceptable. 'Queer eye for the straight guy' and all that. I didn't say it as a derogatory term. Iguess only homosexuals or sympathizers can say queer, I will use the term homosexual from now on if this is still acceptable.

There will always be homosexuals and that's life and I accept it but I don't think they should be pushing their views onto our children and trying to tell all of us that it's the norm. It certainly isn't. IF they remained quiet and didn't try to push us all to be married in our Churches I wouldn't care one way or the other.

Being homosexual in and of itself isn't a sin. The act of homosexuality is what is sinful. The priesthood has suffered a lot due to homosexuals being ordained, this was due to the 60's and 70's and trying to get with the times and accept that people may be homosexual but have chosen celibacy, which is the correct thing to do. Over the past 10 years or so homosexuals are being weeded out of the seminaries quietly. The amount of damage done to the Church by accepting homosexuals far outweighs any bad press that would come from kicking them out. This is fact.

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The Bible says a lot of things, so it's always a dependable source of ammo for whatever policy is being pushed! The point of the newspaper article focuses on evangelicals voting for the Conservative Party, but what it fails to notice is that activist preachers and religious right organizations like the Canada Family Action Coalition, are following the same grassroots strategy devised by Francis Schaeffer and Jerry Falwell to take over the Republican Party -- the Canadian version of course involves getting their flock to sign up as Conservative Party members and take over the local party organizations


May as well add this one to the pile too:

Charles McVety's clout over Telefilm illustrates rising influence of Canada's "Theo-Cons".

This is an excellent post and very accurate. It is also a brilliant strategy. Same way the Liberal party was taken over by NDP'ers and dragged to the left.

I don't understand what the big deal is. Christians have a higher sense of morality and a sense of what's wrong and what's right. We should be so lucky to have their input into how to improve our country. Christians are good people who want what's best for Canada. High morals, ethics and family values. How is this bad?

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What exactly do politics have to do with a fairy tale? Is Santa Claus going to affect your next trip to the polls? :blink:

The major religions that hate each other are all in agreement that Jesus Christ once walked the Earth. I'm not going to argue with an Atheist too much here. I do enough of that at Catholic.com. Atheism is flawed anyhow.

Do me a favor though and don't slam my God like that. I'm not personally attacking you. I'll wager that many of the people who attack me here are very young and most likely don't have much life experience. I would guess 16-23 or so. Still fresh from the brainwashing of the socialist education system. It fades over time and you'll start thinking for yourselves. I feel sorry for you guys more than anything.

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Thanks, BC_Chick. I was beginning to feel like a dog with a bone, but you're right, and I guess I'll just let it go now.

You are right. There is NO CPC socially conservative agenda, which Harper has continually reiterated, all of this is simply a scare tactic, there is nothing that he can point out to prove his point. Any attempts to bring them forward at conventions are voted down.

There are people in both parties who would like to see abortion laws changed, the Liberals have their share of them, and there are some conservative people who are very angry with Harper who refuses to put forward their agenda. Stockwell Day is a prime example, of what would happen if they did, it won't happen again.

Prime Minister Paul Martin on abortion:

“I am personally against abortion on demand, but I believe it is very clear that there must be legislation brought in that will deal with what is becoming simply a mish-mash of approaches” - Paul Martin (Halifax Daily News, July 20, 1989)

Joe Volpe’s comments on abortion: “The government has contented itself with casting the issue in the context of abortion, a context which invariably favours the rights of those who are present against those who are silent, a context which too often is seen as purely a woman’s issue” (Hansard, November 22, 1989)

Then there's Tom Wappel (also against gay marriage)l and J. Karrygiannis among others who are against abortion rights, including Paul Stick, Paul Szabo, Joe Comzzi et al.

When attempting to lay a label on Harper, these people are conveniently forgotten.

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Mr. Canada,

This is an excellent post and very accurate. It is also a brilliant strategy. Same way the Liberal party was taken over by NDP'ers and dragged to the left.

I don't understand what the big deal is. Christians have a higher sense of morality and a sense of what's wrong and what's right. We should be so lucky to have their input into how to improve our country. Christians are good people who want what's best for Canada. High morals, ethics and family values. How is this bad?

The strategy may be good or bad, but as I have posted here several times it's not working.

If you look at the numbers closely in the original post here, evangelicals are moving away from the Conservative party relative to the average Canadian.

Also, btw, I do believe you are correct - that it's ok to use the term 'Queer' which was re-appropriated by homosexuals in the 1990s. I know gay men who use the term freely.

Score one point for you on this one.

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The major religions that hate each other are all in agreement that Jesus Christ once walked the Earth. I'm not going to argue with an Atheist too much here. I do enough of that at Catholic.com. Atheism is flawed anyhow.

Do me a favor though and don't slam my God like that. I'm not personally attacking you. I'll wager that many of the people who attack me here are very young and most likely don't have much life experience. I would guess 16-23 or so. Still fresh from the brainwashing of the socialist education system. It fades over time and you'll start thinking for yourselves. I feel sorry for you guys more than anything.

How about argueing with CBC???? :o


How about Dan Brown's Divinci Code? :blink:


And Last but not least?

Perhaps Jesus was a plain out Fraud as outlined by Moses :(


Deuteronomy 13 (King James Version)

Deuteronomy 13

1If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder,

2And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them;

3Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.

4Ye shall walk after the LORD your God, and fear him, and keep his commandments, and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him.

5And that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death; because he hath spoken to turn you away from the LORD your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed you out of the house of bondage, to thrust thee out of the way which the LORD thy God commanded thee to walk in. So shalt thou put the evil away from the midst of thee.

6If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers;

7Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you, nigh unto thee, or far off from thee, from the one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth;

8Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him:

9But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people.

Of course anyone with mental reasoning skills and not suffering from dementia of sorts will be able to apply the "miranda rule" to the words of Jesus

http://www.duhaime.org/LegalDictionary/M/Mirandawarning.aspx ;)

Miranda warning

Also known as the Miranda Rule, this is the name given to the requirement that police officers, in the U.S.A., must warn suspects upon arrest that they have the right to remain silent, that any statement that they make could be used against them in a court of law, that they have the right to contact a lawyer and that if they cannot afford a lawyer, that one will be provided before any questioning is so desired.

Of course the court of law is God's judgement and scrutiny. That God? God of Jacob, God of Moses, God of Abraham, God of Isreal, so on and so forth.

Now do I really need to elaborate on what Jesus said?? and did to bring about his death? If this Jesus existed what he did was no different than going into an airport yelling I have a bomb and I am going to shoot you all. We all know what will happen to such an individual who is stupid enough to do that.


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whowhere, you are free to take works of fiction as fact. Be my guest. It makes me laugh that how much of a threat Christianity really is to everyone. Christianity is under constant attack. If people don't have faith, that's fine leave it then but why try to prove it wrong? Will these pundits have enough courage to slam Islam like this and tell them that Islam is false? I doubt it, they're way to scared to state Islam is false.

Makes me laugh how much Jesus Christ is the enemy, just as the Bible said it would be.

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whowhere, you are free to take works of fiction as fact. Be my guest. It makes me laugh that how much of a threat Christianity really is to everyone. Christianity is under constant attack. If people don't have faith, that's fine leave it then but why try to prove it wrong? Will these pundits have enough courage to slam Islam like this and tell them that Islam is false? I doubt it, they're way to scared to state Islam is false.

Makes me laugh how much Jesus Christ is the enemy, just as the Bible said it would be.

Who really cares? We shouldn't be so insecure.. Let them think whatever they want. You can try to spread the gospel; but in the end, it is an individual responsibility.

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Who really cares? We shouldn't be so insecure.. Let them think whatever they want. You can try to spread the gospel; but in the end, it is an individual responsibility.

Pretty reasonable post.

I just think it's a good thing that some Christians are getting involved in the political process in order to help shape the future of our country. Canada is supposed to inclusive for everyone not just non Christians.

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I just think it's a good thing that some Christians are getting involved in the political process in order to help shape the future of our country. Canada is supposed to inclusive for everyone not just non Christians.

Mr Canada,

In your usual manner, you misrepresent, ignore and misunderstand.

As I have explained clearly, the original article is mistaken. In fact, the influence of evangelical Christians on the Conservatives is declining according to the numbers in the article.

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Pretty reasonable post.

I just think it's a good thing that some Christians are getting involved in the political process in order to help shape the future of our country. Canada is supposed to inclusive for everyone not just non Christians.

Where in this quote do I mention numbers or the article? I don't. You're the one misinterpreting what I say.

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Mr Canada, here's your post again:

Well as we can Christians are waking up to the secularism that is destroying Canada. Not only that but Christians are starting to vote as the Bible says. For a party that best identifies with Christians, has the best party policies that are in line with Church teachings. That party is the Conservative party or Tories and they are led by Stephan Harper, an evangelical Christian, a family man, a Joe everyman, just like you and me friends.

Read the article in its entirety it explains things far better than I could.

You're incorrect - the average Canadian was more likely to switch to the CPC than the average evangelical.

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What a surprise. A Torontonian trying to tell us how we should live. Urban folks know best right? Liberal arrogance.

Shame someone couldn't show you how to think.

Now pay attention...

Not what to think, just how to think. It seems that exrecise has been neglected.

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Greek and Russian churches separated from the RC brand many years ago. Don't try to tell me something you have no idea about ok Dancer. You've over stepped.

Soory chump, but I don't think I have reached the point yet where I am teling you something I don't knw about. For instance, the schism. The Orthodox churches didn't separate from the RC church, the RC church separated from them.

Bet you have no idea why either...

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If I understand tis right, we have a thread about a fringe sect of protestant christianity (evangelicals) and their mores are being extrapolated to those of al christians. And this fringe tends to vote conservative even less than the generqal public....

On top of that, using the supposed moral values of a fringe sect, Mr Canada believes they are the bench mark for all Christians.

My Canada ignores that the vast majority of church goers tend tp have the same values of the vast majority....that includes Anglicans, United, Catholics and even those church goers who go to Synagogue....

Another stupid thread...

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whowhere, you are free to take works of fiction as fact. Be my guest. It makes me laugh that how much of a threat Christianity really is to everyone. Christianity is under constant attack. If people don't have faith, that's fine leave it then but why try to prove it wrong? Will these pundits have enough courage to slam Islam like this and tell them that Islam is false? I doubt it, they're way to scared to state Islam is false.

Makes me laugh how much Jesus Christ is the enemy, just as the Bible said it would be.

Oh you also you want me to go in on Islam as well?? Ok

Parallels between Christianity and Islam is this Angel Gabriel. Angel Gabriel supposedly appeared unto Joseph (Jesus's father?) and he appeared onto Mohammed. Whynot God himself?? It sounds like those of Christianity and Islam smoked the same crack pipe. Take works of fiction as fact?? Not sure what you are saying. I will say the Bible is mostly allegory than one of facts. That is not to say there isn't some facts sprinkled in theire somewhere. Who's to really say, no one can. If Christianity is under attack its because its a fraud and people are recongizing that fact. I have faith in the God of Jacob. Case and point. I am not Jewish, I am not Christian, and I not Muslim. However, I acknowledge the messages of all "so called" prophets including Jesus and Mohammed. Christianity does a good enough job proving itself wrong but that does stop people from drumming the beat. Hey who wouldn't want to be apart of a religion that the media says you can be and do anything you want and get to go to heaven afterwards because jesus says so :rolleyes: . Talk about having your cake and eating it.

Like the New Testament, the Koran can be written on toilet paper and i will wipe ass with it everyday. :D

Make you laugh? Hmmm, see the difference between me and most people is I actually truly beleive there was and is an actual God of Jacob and he is personified and described by Moses. That said, I know it's near impossible for me to abide by those laws and statues and that makes me a sinner: I do the best I can to be "rightous" So what!! It's for God to Forgive me or not. That's the conundrum. I don't answer to fellow man. So Jews, Christians, and Muslim and can all go fak off and kiss my ass.

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Oh you also you want me to go in on Islam as well?? Ok

In the grand scheme of things you're a no body as am I. When I say 'someone' I'm speaking about someone in the MSM. Only Mark Steyn has had the courage to do so in his book 'America Alone'. Barbra Hall took him before a sec 13 tribunal but he beat it. Barbra Hall is the leader of the thought police.

A religious right is forming here in Canada and they are gravitating towards the CPC and PM Harper. This shouldn't be surprising at all but apparently many here don't choose to believe this. The religious right is much like the one in the States. I for one that a group which has a higher moral standard than Hollywood ios taking shape in this country which I love Canada.

I don't understand why so many here hate me. It must be because I'm a Christian and say that I believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and that he died for my sins.

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Out of curiosity, I went to find the religion of our PM , the Christian and Missionary Alliance and find it generally like any other Christian religion but I'm sure there will be various differences but it did help me get alittle better picture how his minds works. It also listed Chuck Strahl and Preston Manning as members and 3-4 hockey players.

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Religion is forced on children. As Richard Dawkins mentioned, would you call your child a 'liberal child'?...a 'conservative child'? No...of course not. But when you're born you can be darn sure you'll be refered to as a 'Christian child' or a 'Muslim child', etc. The whole 'God is a Conservative' thing is a typical byproduct of such brainwashing. It reminds me of the mindset that exsisted at the start of WW1 where each nation sent men to war officially believing 'God was on their side'.


With so many mindbytes to be downloaded, so many mental codons to be replicated, it is no wonder that child brains are gullible, open to almost any suggestion, vulnerable to subversion, easy prey to Moonies, Scientologists and nuns. Like immune-deficient patients, children are wide open to mental infections that adults might brush off without effort.

---Richard Dawkins

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I don't understand why so many here hate me. It must be because I'm a Christian and say that I believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and that he died for my sins.

Hate is a pretty strong word :ph34r: ; I think we can disagree and question each other's views without hatred. Simply answer the questions that are asked, and stop giving vague responses without any actual substance to them. Saying people hate you because of your beliefs is just silly.

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