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Secu-Socialist war on Jesus Christ


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This thread is full of Mr.Canada bashing which is also Christian bashing. This thread, the amount of views and responses it has is certainly proof that a deep hatred for our Lord Jesus Christ is alive and well to this day. I suspect it always will be.

In modern times it began with the birth of Marxist Leninist Communism which is the handbook Canada's own left wing play by. He is their God and their handbook is their Bible. Make no mistake Canada's socialists are really just communists, socialism is a polite way of saying communism.

Communism is an Atheist religion make no mistake about that. Communists/Socialists hate Jesus Christ, they hate the power he has. They want that power for themselves and many socialists spend every waking hour of their lives thinking of ways to confuse the good people of Canada and make them doubt their Lord.

We mustn't allow this evil to permeate our lives. It's a disease, a virus that must be eliminated from our society. The Socialist/Communists are winning atm, make no doubt about it, they are winning.

Any time anyone speaks out against them they throw many guilt trips our way. They play the racist card a lot. If they cannot win an argument they'll call us racist in order to end any debate.

I'll include more at a later date. I really want you all to think about what I'v3e said and look around in your life for instances where this bears true. They hide it well but if you look and listen carefully you will see it almost every time you open a paper or turn on your TV. They are brainwashing us, be mindful of there devious ways. We must resist.

Jesus is dead. Get over it.

Your insistence doesn't prove anything, so if you want to gain some sense of integrity, prove unequivocally that Jesus is is alive. Otherwise just shut up about it already.

You are evil. The proof is in your sinning. So as long as you believe in sin, so do you do the work of Satan. Faith in not in faith alone but in works. Show me your works and I will show you faith. But without works, faith is dead.

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Jesus is dead. Get over it.

Your insistence doesn't prove anything, so if you want to gain some sense of integrity, prove unequivocally that Jesus is is alive. Otherwise just shut up about it already.

You are evil. The proof is in your sinning. So as long as you believe in sin, so do you do the work of Satan. Faith in not in faith alone but in works. Show me your works and I will show you faith. But without works, faith is dead.

So you like to say God isn't real on one hand then quote my faith on the other? If there is no God why do you hold me to such a high standard which you fail to hold yourself to?

Are you mentally unstable?

More proof that Jesus Christ is under attack by the Socialist, which again my friends is a polite way of saying Communist. I'm hitting a nerve so the socialist/communist lashes out in efforts to dissuade me from my ultimate goal. They hate it when the truth is spoken and prefer their own smear campaigns to any semblance of truth.

You see, my friends the above post proves my point. The socialist communist will almost always re post to some sort of smear tactic to try to silence their critics. He want's us quiet and obedient so he will try to bait us, troll if you will, not giving in and lashing out back at them. At which time they'll post and say "See!" don't give them the opportunity.

Keep your eyes open and listen to the language the use on the news. The will almost always try to cover up the facts with double talk. There is a slant to the news as it's reported really listen for it. When you finally hear it as I do, you'll be amazed that you never heard it before now.

Communism is a religion which goes by the name Atheism. You see communism has negative connotations in today's world so they choose their words very carefully. Any time the words socialist, Atheist or environmentalist is used replace those words with communist and you'll begin to see.

We must resist their guilt sticks, these are their weapons to make us feel guilt. Once we feel that guilt they have us, do not give in.

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So you like to say God isn't real on one hand then quote my faith on the other? If there is no God why do you hold me to such a high standard which you fail to hold yourself to?

Are you mentally unstable?

More proof that Jesus Christ is under attack by the Socialist, which again my friends is a polite way of saying Communist. I'm hitting a nerve so the socialist/communist lashes out in efforts to dissuade me from my ultimate goal. They hate it when the truth is spoken and prefer their own smear campaigns to any semblance of truth.

You see, my friends the above post proves my point. The socialist communist will almost always re post to some sort of smear tactic to try to silence their critics. He want's us quiet and obedient so he will try to bait us, troll if you will, not giving in and lashing out back at them. At which time they'll post and say "See!" don't give them the opportunity.

Keep your eyes open and listen to the language the use on the news. The will almost always try to cover up the facts with double talk. There is a slant to the news as it's reported really listen for it. When you finally hear it as I do, you'll be amazed that you never heard it before now.

Communism is a religion which goes by the name Atheism. You see communism has negative connotations in today's world so they choose their words very carefully. Any time the words socialist, Atheist or environmentalist is used replace those words with communist and you'll begin to see.

We must resist their guilt sticks, these are their weapons to make us feel guilt. Once we feel that guilt they have us, do not give in.

Nah. You aren't hitting any nerve, believe me.... I merely point out that you have no proof that Jesus is alive. So unless you can prove it, you are merely trying to push your unsubstantiated religious views on everyone here. There is no value to the discussion in doing that.

I would suggest that you might very well be mentally unstable. You continue to advance a point of view that is not based on reality. You repeat your mantra over and over again, and yet you demonstrate your own hypocrisy over and over again by creating threads and posting responses that are merely designed to bait people in to raucous discussion. According to Einstein the definition of insanity is doing (or saying) the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. That would lead one to conclude that YOU are in fact more on the crazy side than you are on the stable side of reality.

We all know how much you adore Hitler and Nazism. You have pretty much made that clear. And if you indulge yourself in those skinhead ideas then you can never call yourself a Christian. Since history has shown Hitler to be evil, it is very likely you espouse those same qualities.

So there is no guilt and no fear of people like you. I mean most of us step aside when we encounter the kind of bullshit lying in one's path. But every once and a while someone like me comes along and moves it out of the way so others don't don't inadvertently step in it. So consider yourself shoveled.

In the famous words of Forest Gump: "Stupid is as stupid does."

And you are looking pretty stupid right now.

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So you like to say God isn't real on one hand then quote my faith on the other? If there is no God why do you hold me to such a high standard which you fail to hold yourself to?

Are you mentally unstable?

More proof that Jesus Christ is under attack by the Socialist, which again my friends is a polite way of saying Communist. I'm hitting a nerve so the socialist/communist lashes out in efforts to dissuade me from my ultimate goal. They hate it when the truth is spoken and prefer their own smear campaigns to any semblance of truth.

You see, my friends the above post proves my point. The socialist communist will almost always re post to some sort of smear tactic to try to silence their critics. He want's us quiet and obedient so he will try to bait us, troll if you will, not giving in and lashing out back at them. At which time they'll post and say "See!" don't give them the opportunity.

Keep your eyes open and listen to the language the use on the news. The will almost always try to cover up the facts with double talk. There is a slant to the news as it's reported really listen for it. When you finally hear it as I do, you'll be amazed that you never heard it before now.

Communism is a religion which goes by the name Atheism. You see communism has negative connotations in today's world so they choose their words very carefully. Any time the words socialist, Atheist or environmentalist is used replace those words with communist and you'll begin to see.

We must resist their guilt sticks, these are their weapons to make us feel guilt. Once we feel that guilt they have us, do not give in.

Pay no attention to people who attempt to derail this thread based on truth and justice. An attack on me is an attack on Christianity and an attack on personal freedom which we must all have in order to be free from their communist rule they wish to impose on us all and are getting closer to everyday.

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Pay no attention to people who attempt to derail this thread based on truth and justice. An attack on me is an attack on Christianity and an attack on personal freedom which we must all have in order to be free from their communist rule they wish to impose on us all and are getting closer to everyday.

The god complex that Mr. Canada is brandishing here explains why he doesn't feel the need to justify his opinions.

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You think people who hate you must therefore hate Jesus Christ? Wow. :lol:

I am a devout Christian and live myself accordingly, like any true Christian I wish to be as Christ like as possible. Therefore any attack onto me is attack on Jesus Christ and quite naturally Christianity.

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Pay no attention to people who attempt to derail this thread based on truth and justice.

Are you telling yourself to iognore people who question your illogic?

An attack on me is an attack on Christianity and an attack on personal freedom which we must all have in order to be free from their communist rule they wish to impose on us all and are getting closer to everyday.


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I am a devout Christian and live myself accordingly, like any true Christian I wish to be as Christ like as possible. Therefore any attack onto me is attack on Jesus Christ and quite naturally Christianity.

It is true that Christ didn't provide evidence for what he said, but he arrived on the scene with better credentials than you.

Plus, he cured the leopards... ;) If you could bless us with a small miracle, even just curing some acne on a homely teen, then we would be satisfied.

Edited by Michael Hardner
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I am a devout Christian and live myself accordingly, like any true Christian I wish to be as Christ like as possible. Therefore any attack onto me is attack on Jesus Christ and quite naturally Christianity.

So when you said you were against the death penalty, and I showed you the posts where you said you were for the death penalty, was that an attack on Jesus or simply pointing out that you are inconsistant and muddled?

You are quite the addled chap..

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Plus, he cured the leopards...

They still have spots..

If you could bless us with a small miracle, even just curing some acne on a homely teen, then we would be satisfied.

If he couldn't get the spots off a leopard, why would a teen's acne be any easier?

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I am a devout Christian and live myself accordingly, like any true Christian I wish to be as Christ like as possible. Therefore any attack onto me is attack on Jesus Christ and quite naturally Christianity.

That's just about the most outrageous and arrogant thing I've ever seen you post. You are not typical of Christianity, nor do you represent Christianity. You're just a blowhard on a web forum who usually demonstrates such ignorance and contempt for your fellow man that it's sometimes difficult to see what association you could possibly have with Jesus of Nazareth. An attack on you is an attack on ignorance, conceit, hubris, irrationality, foolishness and ill-tempered self-righteousness.

I'm sure I could add more, but I think I've made your point. You're not a typical Christian, you're just a typical twit.

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That's just about the most outrageous and arrogant thing I've ever seen you post. You are not typical of Christianity, nor do you represent Christianity. You're just a blowhard on a web forum who usually demonstrates such ignorance and contempt for your fellow man that it's sometimes difficult to see what association you could possibly have with Jesus of Nazareth. An attack on you is an attack on ignorance, conceit, hubris, irrationality, foolishness and ill-tempered self-righteousness.

I'm sure I could add more, but I think I've made your point. You're not a typical Christian, you're just a typical twit.

I really like that you were able to skewer Mr. Canada, and spare Christianity in the same post. :)

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Pay no attention to people who attempt to derail this thread based on truth and justice. An attack on me is an attack on Christianity and an attack on personal freedom which we must all have in order to be free from their communist rule they wish to impose on us all and are getting closer to everyday.

There is no attack on you. However, in your instability I can certainly see how you might fear that. Rather it is your unsubstantiated ideas and unqualified statements that are being countered.

You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ass (that is a big target). Your constant statements have never been backed up with fact, and your assertions have more holes than swiss cheese.

We would all be much better served if 1. you either started providing some proof and fact for your claims, or 2. you left this board altogether and went someplace where they will have you and accept you at blind faith (Texas has a vacant compound that you might want to investigate). From what I hear you have been kicked out of so many discussion boards already that no one in the real world - save and except your wife (and that may be doubtful) - even gives you the time of day. So what makes you think you have any more legitimacy here?

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That's just about the most outrageous and arrogant thing I've ever seen you post. You are not typical of Christianity, nor do you represent Christianity. You're just a blowhard on a web forum who usually demonstrates such ignorance and contempt for your fellow man that it's sometimes difficult to see what association you could possibly have with Jesus of Nazareth. An attack on you is an attack on ignorance, conceit, hubris, irrationality, foolishness and ill-tempered self-righteousness.

I'm sure I could add more, but I think I've made your point. You're not a typical Christian, you're just a typical twit.

There is no arrogance whatsoever, just a man living his faith.

The goal of any Christian is to be like Christ. Right now I am suffering for my faith as Christ suffered. I try my very best to lead a good life and stand up to immorality. In this day and age anyone who stands against immorality is an outcast I understand that. My struggle to find the good in mankind continues.

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There is no arrogance whatsoever, just a man living his faith.

The goal of any Christian is to be like Christ. Right now I am suffering for my faith as Christ suffered. I try my very best to lead a good life and stand up to immorality. In this day and age anyone who stands against immorality is an outcast I understand that. My struggle to find the good in mankind continues.

Personally I would rather live for my religion than suffer for it. But that's just me. Mankind knew about basic morals before religion was even part of our everyday lives. Me being an agnostic does not mean I don't abide by a list of common moralities we all want to live by.

I have a feeling people can be better Christians than what you represent, and that is without even being a Christian.

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There is no arrogance whatsoever, just a man living his faith.

The goal of any Christian is to be like Christ.

Well, you sure been pegged if not nailed.

Right now I am suffering for my faith as Christ suffered.

I don't recall anywhere in the Gospels Christ making himself look like a pompous ass and getting nailed for it.

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All detractors please leave this thread and let it be read by the people who agree with Jesus.

Fellow Christians let yourself not be dragged down by the words of fools. Don't question your faith, you all know that voice inside you is our Lord speaking to you, guiding you, helping you. Don't be led astray by the devil who wants you to turn away from Jesus. The devil wants you to deny Him and deny His love. Never do this not even is jest for the price will be your eternal soul.

Just as Jesus was tempted we too are tempted almost daily by Satan himself. He is cunning and he is sly. He has made the world believe that He doesn't even exist. See how cunning this devil is?

We must remain on guard and ever vigilant against all forms of devil worship and temptation by Satan. It comes in many forms. it could be some of your own family that tempt you, it could be your best friend, it could be your boss...watch for it, the devil is a devious adversary but if you are aware of it you can side step his traps he will lay out before you almost daily.

The devil will put words into the mouths and hearts of those who are already weakened and refuse to believe, he will come to them first as they are already weak in spirit.

To deny Jesus Christ is to deny your entry into heaven.

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There is no arrogance whatsoever, just a man living his faith.

The goal of any Christian is to be like Christ. Right now I am suffering for my faith as Christ suffered. I try my very best to lead a good life and stand up to immorality. In this day and age anyone who stands against immorality is an outcast I understand that. My struggle to find the good in mankind continues.

Even if this were true (and I don't actually think you're trying hard to do anything but justify your ignorance and prejudices), it does not mean that attacking you is attacking Christianity. You are not typical of Christianity. You seem to believe that the strong reactions to you are because you're a Christian. That is where you're wrong. Those strong reactions are not to your religion, but to the kind of person you are. I've known many Christians who I have respected and indeed called friends.

You suffer because you're an ignorant jerk who espouses all manner of contradictory views (Christ-like, and yet seems to be greedy and unforgiving), generally seems to know very little about any subject you insert yourself into, makes glaring oversimplifications and broad generalizations and then draws all manner of conclusions from them. You're a walking talking fallacy.

The only thing that I can find thus far that I see as a positive personality trait is that you're not a raging raving racist like Lictor.

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All detractors please leave this thread and let it be read by the people who agree with Jesus.

Fellow Christians let yourself not be dragged down by the words of fools. Don't question your faith, you all know that voice inside you is our Lord speaking to you, guiding you, helping you. Don't be led astray by the devil who wants you to turn away from Jesus. The devil wants you to deny Him and deny His love. Never do this not even is jest for the price will be your eternal soul.

Just as Jesus was tempted we too are tempted almost daily by Satan himself. He is cunning and he is sly. He has made the world believe that He doesn't even exist. See how cunning this devil is?

We must remain on guard and ever vigilant against all forms of devil worship and temptation by Satan. It comes in many forms. it could be some of your own family that tempt you, it could be your best friend, it could be your boss...watch for it, the devil is a devious adversary but if you are aware of it you can side step his traps he will lay out before you almost daily.

The devil will put words into the mouths and hearts of those who are already weakened and refuse to believe, he will come to them first as they are already weak in spirit.

To deny Jesus Christ is to deny your entry into heaven.

Good try Satan.

Matthew 7:15-20

"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. "

And by what fruits has Mr. Canada borne but he has sown discord and thorns amongst us. He has embraced Nazism and Hitler and created controversy and heresy.

Acts 20:28-30

"Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them."

Go away Satan and take your perverse and deceptive passions with you.

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All detractors please leave this thread and let it be read by the people who agree with Jesus.

Fellow Christians let yourself not be dragged down by the words of fools. Don't question your faith, you all know that voice inside you is our Lord speaking to you, guiding you, helping you. Don't be led astray by the devil who wants you to turn away from Jesus. The devil wants you to deny Him and deny His love. Never do this not even is jest for the price will be your eternal soul.

Just as Jesus was tempted we too are tempted almost daily by Satan himself. He is cunning and he is sly. He has made the world believe that He doesn't even exist. See how cunning this devil is?

We must remain on guard and ever vigilant against all forms of devil worship and temptation by Satan. It comes in many forms. it could be some of your own family that tempt you, it could be your best friend, it could be your boss...watch for it, the devil is a devious adversary but if you are aware of it you can side step his traps he will lay out before you almost daily.

The devil will put words into the mouths and hearts of those who are already weakened and refuse to believe, he will come to them first as they are already weak in spirit.

To deny Jesus Christ is to deny your entry into heaven.

In the opinion of other posters, is religion prosthelytizing against forum etiquette ?

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