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Left wing hypocrisy

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Because you are constantly full of it.

I speak the truth. You just don't like it because I constantly say what is popular but makes the socialists uncomfortable. This infuriates you and you lash out with emotion and anger. Hehe.

Am I always right? Of course not, nobody is.

Am I often right? Of course I am. Partisanship is what makes my detractors attack me. If I wasn't a threat and if I was unable to sway popular opinion they wouldn't attack me at all.

I was suspended for two weeks, this is my first day posting again and already people are attacking me.

Edited by Mr.Canada
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I speak the truth. You just don't like it because I constantly say what is popular but makes the socialists uncomfortable. This infuriates you and you lash out with emotion and anger. Hehe.

Am I always right? Of course not, nobody is.

Am I often right? Of course I am. Partisanship is what makes my detractors attack me. If I wasn't a threat and if I was unable to sway popular opinion they wouldn't attack me at all.

I was suspended for two weeks, this is my first day posting again and already people are attacking me.

Why were you suspended?

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Why were you suspended?

Basically for acting like a jackass. I deserved it and am trying to learn from my mistakes. Sorry for the OT post guys.

EDIT _ I was hyperpartisan and making posts to purposely inflame others then I was reporting them for personal attacks after they responded to me. As I said, I was acting like a complete jackass.

Edited by Mr.Canada
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I'm a strong social conservative but if we as a country did everything I wanted to do, the country would fail but if we did everything that the left wanted to do, the country would also fail.

We, as a country need good ideas for policy from both sides in order to be successful.

We finally

Main Entry:

common sense





: sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts

synonyms see sense

— com·mon·sense Listen to the pronunciation of commonsense \ˈkä-mən-ˈsen(t)s\ adjective

— com·mon·sen·si·ble Listen to the pronunciation of commonsensible \-ˈsen(t)-sə-bəl\ adjective

— com·mon·sen·si·cal Listen to the pronunciation of commonsensical \-ˈsen(t)-si-kəl\ adjective

— com·mon·sen·si·cal·ly Listen to the pronunciation of commonsensically \-si-k(ə-)lē\ adverb

found it!

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The eye exam and some of the rest is covered, but plenty isnt. I am not really complaining about it. Perhaps some of it is experimental so I am unsure. I pay attn to getting her there and whe n she should take her meds, apart from that...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ in the lounge of the Toronto Western or looking at the entertainment that walks through.

Its the same doc that worked oin Bryan Berard.

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The eye exam and some of the rest is covered, but plenty isnt. I am not really complaining about it. Perhaps some of it is experimental so I am unsure. I pay attn to getting her there and whe n she should take her meds, apart from that...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ in the lounge of the Toronto Western or looking at the entertainment that walks through.

Its the same doc that worked oin Bryan Berard.

Guyser, you gotta move out here. The wait times at Georgetown Hospital or Orangeville are almost nonexistent...haha.

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Admit it, "ironstone", what makes you most upset is they have declared "non-confidence" before any bill has been tabled. This would be highly irregular unless they have actually seen the yet to be written budget.

Don't laugh, all they need is a flux capacitor and DeLorean or chronoton particle generator and they can very easily obtain the next budget now.

Without these the coalition is already screwed. Mr. Ignatieff's public statements about seeing the budget first shows that they now understand their fatal blunder. They cannot change governments just because they do not like Mr. Harper.

If they do vote against the next budget then we would have a similar situation to the one between China and Taiwan a few years ago. We could have the Republic of Canada in the west and the People's Republic of Canada in the east. No, that is too confusing. How about Canada in the east and Cascadia in the west.

These sure are interesting times.

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Guyser, you gotta move out here. The wait times at Georgetown Hospital or Orangeville are almost nonexistent...haha.

What wait times? I dont suffer wait times, neither does my mother. Appt, show up , get seen, pay bill and leave.

As for Georgetown and Orangeville, they would only refer back to Toronto Western since it has the dept that yours doesnt.

I didnt wait so much as a week for my cancer specialist. Would have been even shorter but I told my doc I was in Algonquin Park for a couple days and refused to change my plans.

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What wait times? I dont suffer wait times, neither does my mother. Appt, show up , get seen, pay bill and leave.

As for Georgetown and Orangeville, they would only refer back to Toronto Western since it has the dept that yours doesnt.

I didnt wait so much as a week for my cancer specialist. Would have been even shorter but I told my doc I was in Algonquin Park for a couple days and refused to change my plans.

Yeah wait times....I had a complaint I felt I had to see my doctor about, called on a friday, saw him on a Tuesday. He said I needed some tests so I had to wait 10 minutes and then 6 days for a follow up.

Went 6 days later and the tests didn't shed light on the complaint so I had to get a Colonoscopy (What! Moi? A STAR! In my own Movie?) Had to wait 3 days for an appointment....

Now I have to wait 12 weeks for the medicine to work...

I wonder if they have faster working medicine in Georgetown?

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I had to get a Colonoscopy (What! Moi? A STAR! In my own Movie?) Had to wait 3 days for an appointment....

Bet that hurt?

If you ever have to go for a biopsy on the prostate, go good and drunk, that hurts like hell, all 12 snips were painful. (or was it 16?)

I wonder if they have faster working medicine in Georgetown?

I imagine the wait times are less, for emerg stuff, but not significantly better and can be more time too.

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If they do vote against the next budget then we would have a similar situation to the one between China and Taiwan a few years ago. We could have the Republic of Canada in the west and the People's Republic of Canada in the east. No, that is too confusing. How about Canada in the east and Cascadia in the west.

These sure are interesting times.

All we ask is that we focus on the economic crisis. Don't use the economic crisis, Mr Harper, to take down your enemies (Liberals, feminists, and unions) Listen to the opposition once and a while, don't govern like you have a majority, compromise for a while, and this parliament has a chance. Refuse to do things and you will be taken down.

As Ignatieff said: "Is it up to you Mr. Harper." Harper's rhetoric sounds good, let see if the rhetroic and the action match

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What wait times? I dont suffer wait times, neither does my mother. Appt, show up , get seen, pay bill and leave.

As for Georgetown and Orangeville, they would only refer back to Toronto Western since it has the dept that yours doesnt.

I didnt wait so much as a week for my cancer specialist. Would have been even shorter but I told my doc I was in Algonquin Park for a couple days and refused to change my plans.

Guyser, I wasn't making trying to make a silly statement. You may well be right about being referred, I have no idea. For the record I'm glad that you and your mother are getting the best of care, as Canadians we deserve no less. God knows we have enough in this world to worry about. Politics is a hobby, it's enthralling and passionate at times but that takes a back seat to things that actually matter.

I won't cheapen my statement by saying anything further about this.

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Bet that hurt?

The procedure is painless...the prep is a pain in the bum....you take an industrial strength laxative the day before (preceded by a 24 fast )

The during the scope they inflate your colon with air....Afterwards I was nearly doubled from cramps....Nurse tried to encourage my to let one go but I couldn't. She said don't worry, there would be no odour....but nothing would pass....

So my wife takes me to a quite bar in Rosedale for some coffee (haven't had anything to drink in 14 hours and some eggs (no food for 30+ hours). Finally I feel the ability (the need was felt for an hour or more) to pass wind. I excuse myself and go to the washroom and sit. What happened next was the longest, the loudest fart of my entire life. Easily a 30 second 100 member marching band tattoo. Then came 4 more even louder and longer.

I washed my hands, composed myself and went back to the table. In the bar at the time beside my wife and I were a couple we knew having a quiet moment and the bartender. They all looked at me with the shock. The bartender said I rattled the glasses and shock the pictures. I blushed, took a sip of my coffee and had to escuse myself again....this went on for a hour.

Anyway, it was fun, you can't put a price tag on good noisy (but sweet smelling flatulence)

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I excuse myself and go to the washroom and sit. What happened next was the longest, the loudest fart of my entire life. Easily a 30 second 100 member marching band tattoo. Then came 4 more even louder and longer.

. They all looked at me with the shock. The bartender said I rattled the glasses and shock the pictures. I blushed, took a sip of my coffee and had to escuse myself again....this went on for a hour.

Anyway, it was fun, you can't put a price tag on good noisy (but sweet smelling flatulence)

Oh jesus, I cant stop laughing !.

You might as well have gont to a church and sat on pews for that sound resonance .

No dutch ovens that night? The poor dear.

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Yeah wait times....I had a complaint I felt I had to see my doctor about, called on a friday, saw him on a Tuesday. He said I needed some tests so I had to wait 10 minutes and then 6 days for a follow up.

Went 6 days later and the tests didn't shed light on the complaint so I had to get a Colonoscopy (What! Moi? A STAR! In my own Movie?) Had to wait 3 days for an appointment....

Now I have to wait 12 weeks for the medicine to work...

I wonder if they have faster working medicine in Georgetown?

Wait until you need a surgery. I tried to cut my thumb off a couple years ago. Ok I'm dramatic, it was eight stitches. However spent 5 1/2 hours in the ER waiting room with a puddle of blood under me. I was surprised how little anyone cared.

I'm very happy that Canadian health care is there, I am happy to pay for it, but like any other government run organization, it's very sick.

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The procedure is painless...the prep is a pain in the bum....you take an industrial strength laxative the day before (preceded by a 24 fast )

The during the scope they inflate your colon with air....Afterwards I was nearly doubled from cramps....Nurse tried to encourage my to let one go but I couldn't. She said don't worry, there would be no odour....but nothing would pass....

So my wife takes me to a quite bar in Rosedale for some coffee (haven't had anything to drink in 14 hours and some eggs (no food for 30+ hours). Finally I feel the ability (the need was felt for an hour or more) to pass wind. I excuse myself and go to the washroom and sit. What happened next was the longest, the loudest fart of my entire life. Easily a 30 second 100 member marching band tattoo. Then came 4 more even louder and longer.

I washed my hands, composed myself and went back to the table. In the bar at the time beside my wife and I were a couple we knew having a quiet moment and the bartender. They all looked at me with the shock. The bartender said I rattled the glasses and shock the pictures. I blushed, took a sip of my coffee and had to escuse myself again....this went on for a hour.

Anyway, it was fun, you can't put a price tag on good noisy (but sweet smelling flatulence)

Thanks alot pal...

I think I just ruined my keyboard as two(2) streams of water just came shooting out of my nose after reading that!!!!

I should learn not to have any liquids near the computer!!!

ROTFLMAO!!!!! :lol::lol::lol:

Edited by Jack Weber
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The procedure is painless...the prep is a pain in the bum....you take an industrial strength laxative the day before (preceded by a 24 fast )

The during the scope they inflate your colon with air....Afterwards I was nearly doubled from cramps....Nurse tried to encourage my to let one go but I couldn't. She said don't worry, there would be no odour....but nothing would pass....

So my wife takes me to a quite bar in Rosedale for some coffee (haven't had anything to drink in 14 hours and some eggs (no food for 30+ hours). Finally I feel the ability (the need was felt for an hour or more) to pass wind. I excuse myself and go to the washroom and sit. What happened next was the longest, the loudest fart of my entire life. Easily a 30 second 100 member marching band tattoo. Then came 4 more even louder and longer.

I washed my hands, composed myself and went back to the table. In the bar at the time beside my wife and I were a couple we knew having a quiet moment and the bartender. They all looked at me with the shock. The bartender said I rattled the glasses and shock the pictures. I blushed, took a sip of my coffee and had to escuse myself again....this went on for a hour.

Anyway, it was fun, you can't put a price tag on good noisy (but sweet smelling flatulence)

I just spit orange juice EVERYWHERE :lol:

Reminds me of Robin Williams' standup routine. "Once they pull that thing out of your ass, you. are. an. EVINRUDE!"


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Canadian style universal health care is poison, private people aren't allowed to open practices and help people. Workers aren't given shares in a company, they work for them - they are earned. Nationalizing industry is complete and utter poison. I have no problem with gov't starting industry, as a taxpayer I get a return on investment, but stealing industry from private firms is flat out evil.

I'm mostly in agreement here, yet somewhat conflicted.

The existance of a public healthcare system is a greater good. However, the way our system forces everyone to settle for the socialized system to the exclusion of all others is nothing short of evil. I want an MRI on my back. If my doctor doesn't think I need one, I won't get one (regardless of the wait time). Then, I'm not even ALLOWED to pay out of my own pocket for one at a private clinic? What kind of bullshit is that?

The way Americans and Canadians do healthcare may be practically polar opposites, but they are also both equally terrible. Universal care should be there for those who are willing to settle, and for profit should also be unencumbered for those who choose to pay extra. At bare minimum, we need more private delivery of services within the public system.

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I'm mostly in agreement here, yet somewhat conflicted.

The existance of a public healthcare system is a greater good. However, the way our system forces everyone to settle for the socialized system to the exclusion of all others is nothing short of evil. I want an MRI on my back. If my doctor doesn't think I need one, I won't get one (regardless of the wait time). Then, I'm not even ALLOWED to pay out of my own pocket for one at a private clinic? What kind of bullshit is that?

The way Americans and Canadians do healthcare may be practically polar opposites, but they are also both equally terrible. Universal care should be there for those who are willing to settle, and for profit should also be unencumbered for those who choose to pay extra. At bare minimum, we need more private delivery of services within the public system.

The argument being, private high paying health care siphons skilled doctors out of the realm of public health care.

A pretty good argument.

I think all government services should be contracted out via P3, but still guaranteed via contractual penalty. Imagine the tax payer savings.

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The argument being, private high paying health care siphons skilled doctors out of the realm of public health care.

A pretty good argument.

A shorter line at the public system also means more money per user is available to pay those doctors if needed. Taking the strain off of the public system is a strong argument for private care, IMO.

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