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What the Governor General Has to Do!

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Sorry you are wrong. Parliament has been specifically designed to assure a ruling government in one of two ways; i-a party with a majority of seats; ii-a party with a minority of seats which requires they have support from members of other parties to pass a bill.

In regards to ii, the constitution and the law and the government system is clear. You do not automatically call an election simply because there is no majority government and you keep holding elections until a majority government is obtained. That is nonsense.

A minority government rules by obtaining cooperation of others from across the floor. If it can not then the other parties BEFORE there is an election have the legal right to form a coalition government or form an agreement as they have, to rule and guarantee sufficient votes to keep them going.

In fact it would be undemocratic to ignore the majority of the people voted into Parliament for the sake of one political party. Democracy is about parties cooperating and forming alliances, it is not just one party wins and rules all. It has never been about one party rule. That is why we have an opposition and that is why our system allows coalitions.

No the Governor General can not call an election simply because the Tories say so. She first according to the constitution and law (she is only a symbolic position, she has no discretion) has to allow the process to ascertain whether other parties can form a majority to rule. If they can, the GG does not and can not exercise any discretion. The GG has only two choices neither of which are her decision. Either she calls an election because all parties agree that there should be one, or she appoints a government based on the party or parties which indicate they have the confidence of the house to pass bills.

If and only if the Liberal-NDP coalition falls apart, the GG then by law and the constitution, would then call an election because then there would have been two failed governments. Until all possibilities to rule have failed, an election is not called. The GG is merely a symbolic position that carries out the wishes of the ruling government or where the ruling government is defeated any alternative coalition until that coalition is defeated.

Its actually no that complicated. We have a government that has 4 parties and none of them have a majority. So those that coalesce rule in such situations. That is the majority ruling.

You can bitch all you want about the Bloc Quebecois but they have not done anything illegal or immoral or hippocritical. You want to poibnt fingers point them at Harper and Layton and that nasty Jean Chretien who could not resist putting the screws to Harper. I doubt very much Ignatieff or Rae saw this coming. Its very Much a Chretien-Layton manouver, two obsessed ego maniacs responding to the ego maniac Harper.

Harper has no one but himself and that idiot Guy Guardino and the fool Flaherty to blame for this. If Guy Giardino and Flaherty think Canadians will blame unions, political parties other then the Tories and the unemployed for the current problems, they are mistaken.

Let them eat cake Flaherty says-and now the cake is thrown back in his face.

I think the GG can call and election. Evety news outlet in Canada has been saying that she has 3 options, accept the coalition gov't, call an el;ection, or say no and make Harper go back and try again with the financial stuff.

Yes, the bloc is no doing anything illegal, none of them are, but Bloc should not be allowed to pull the strings. Personally, I don't know why the Bloc is even allowed to debate during the campaign.

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Interesting how "fiscally" responsible conservatives are calling to spend another $300million only after the first $300million was spent when nobody really knew the reason why - oh yeah, Parliament was dysfunctional.

Well, the Conservatives called it. The Parliamentary rules are still the same. Three of the parties are in agreement to make Parliament work for at least 18 months.

What more could Harper want?

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I think the 3 parties should be allowed to govern, at least until Oct./ 09 and then have that election. Harper has had his chances and he blew it! I want to see what the group can do for Canadians and then make my mind up in Oct./09.

How about they tell us what they want to do and let the voters decide.

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How about they tell us what they want to do and let the voters decide.

Apparently 3 distinct and often warring parties especially the BQ and LPC have set aside their differences in order to make parliment work. The CPC proved unable to do this or respect the opposition position in the house. Opposition statements after the election talked of a cooperative parliment and unfortuneately Mr Harper failed to get the message, or more importantly choose to ignore it, while in a minority position. Another election cannot guarrantee that the house will be shaped any differently then another minority government. The GG will have to take into consideration that a coalition has been formed with a Majority of seats in the house and with the intent to provide stability to parliment for 18 months.

General layouts of what the coalition intends to do have been outlined. Already above and beyond anything the Harper government has provided, but that says more about the circumstances of the Harper Government then it does about the coalition. The Conservative government is now focussed on attack. That is about all the CPC will be able to provide the Canadian Public.

The fact that 3 very estranged parties can work together is a sign of strength not weakness. The attack strategy of the CPC may or may not work, but it will not change the face of government or how Harper runs his ship. And that is why the GG has some serious concerns before her on handing power over to the coalition.

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Apparently 3 distinct and often warring parties especially the BQ and LPC have set aside their differences in order to make parliment work. The CPC proved unable to do this or respect the opposition position in the house. Opposition statements after the election talked of a cooperative parliment and unfortuneately Mr Harper failed to get the message, or more importantly choose to ignore it, while in a minority position. Another election cannot guarrantee that the house will be shaped any differently then another minority government. The GG will have to take into consideration that a coalition has been formed with a Majority of seats in the house and with the intent to provide stability to parliment for 18 months.

General layouts of what the coalition intends to do have been outlined. Already above and beyond anything the Harper government has provided, but that says more about the circumstances of the Harper Government then it does about the coalition. The Conservative government is now focussed on attack. That is about all the CPC will be able to provide the Canadian Public.

The fact that 3 very estranged parties can work together is a sign of strength not weakness. The attack strategy of the CPC may or may not work, but it will not change the face of government or how Harper runs his ship. And that is why the GG has some serious concerns before her on handing power over to the coalition.

What i am here is that the ground work for this coalition was raised long before the budget stament was to be release I am hearing that is was just after the election. They never ment for the govenerment to work. What harper put in the budget statement just made them move up the time table.

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If it comes to her decision:

1) Would not be wise and acceptable to not have parliament working during the "economic crisis".

2) Sending Canadians back to the polls and having parties in campaign mode instead of "working mode" is not a wise idea during thie "economic crisis".

3) Accept the coalition gov't (regardless of right or wrong how it came to be) is probably her best decision as it provides "some stability" and working parliament to address this "economic crisis".

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no Johnny she's not delusional... Betsy's "conservative" math is correct in her mind -- conservatives tend to believe that they "require" considerably less education than their more liberal counterparts and thus 37% (or so) is considered "most" to them and they are ok with that. 50%, 30% what's the diff?

If it's good enough for Betsy, it ought to be good enough for everybody, you betcha, gosh darn it all anyway! :lol:

(A client of mine is having a 50% off sale... for conservatives the savings is only 30%, but they are ok with that. Half off is half off even when it's only a third!)

Never mind that 63% (or so) of Canadian voters DIDN'T vote for Harper... :lol:

How many percentage of voters voted for Dion?

How many percentage of voters voted for Layton?

How many percentage of voters voted for Diuceppe?


In the past election, Dion had to specifically reassure Canadians that there would be no coalition with the NDP. Now, not only did he break that promise 6 WEEKS after he made that promise, he also sold out the Liberal values and threw his own in the garbage - just for this power grab! Huh, the lure of seating as Prime Minister is too much of a glitter to resist....even for this so-called "hero" of united Canada!

If the two traitors (Liberal and NDP) are sincerely thinking of the people of Canada....they will gladly bring this problem to the people! Having had an election and spending another 300 million dollars for the election is peanuts compared to the scale of this event. No federlaist party had ever gone and given power to the Separatists EVER IN CANADIAN HISTORY! This alone is powerful reason why this should be brought before the people. What more with the economic crisis that we are about to face!

Diuceppe did not prop up the two traitors for nothing! A reporter from Quebec had revealed on CPAC that Diuceppe demanded $400 million for Quebec in the first budget, and another $400 in the second. Layton and Dion had already agreed to that!

The only one being honest about this Coalition is Diuceppe! He had made it plainly clear that he's doing this for the interest of Quebec. A sovereign Quebec!

This situation is unprecedented. I am scared for our economy! For Canada!

This is a coup. All that is lacking is military might.

I want another election! Let the people decide!

I want another election! Let the people decide!

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What angers me about this whole thing is that people are acting like this is a foreign thing to Canadaian politics. While it is not common, it has happened before. At least a vote of non-confidence and the fall of a goverment has. Joe Clark's PC goverment won a minority goverment. Joe is a good man but he tried to run the country as if he had a majority vote. He did a few things that were not popular with the public. Long story short is that he ended up loosing his goverment to a nonconfidence vote. A federal election was called and the Liberals came in with a sound majority, something that this country has not seen in years now.

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What angers me about this whole thing is that people are acting like this is a foreign thing to Canadaian politics. While it is not common, it has happened before. At least a vote of non-confidence and the fall of a goverment has. Joe Clark's PC goverment won a minority goverment. Joe is a good man but he tried to run the country as if he had a majority vote. He did a few things that were not popular with the public. Long story short is that he ended up loosing his goverment to a nonconfidence vote. A federal election was called and the Liberals came in with a sound majority, something that this country has not seen in years now.

Coalitions may have existed before but never such as this one where-in:

The federalist parties had practically sold out Canada to a Separatist party just to grab on to power in the pretext of fighting for the economy. Only 6 weeks after a federal election that saw the sitting government given a STRONGER mandate by the people of Canada.


We need government stability more than ever right now because of this crisis.

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Never mind that 63% (or so) of Canadian voters DIDN'T vote for Harper... :lol:

Boy, 75% of people did not vote for Dion....and here he is, poised to be the Prime Minister! 6 WEEKS after the last election, where -in he promised there'll be no alliance with the NDP!

Not only did they form a cozy coalition together and like a loot, divided up seats in Canadian Parliament, but also sold out Canada to the Separatist! On top of that, Dion is bringing up Elizabeth May - who soundly lost in the election - to have a possible seat in the Senate or in a Cabinet post. Like a shark, Elizabeth did not lose any time giving press conference and prepared to take on her share of the loot!

Only in a banana republic!

If this coalition goes through...I'll be another Canadian so disillusioned with our politics.

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I would like to see what these 3 parties can do to for Canada. The Libs do have a track record of good financial planning and I'm sure Paul Martin is in there helping so why not, a free new government, without the 300 Mil. $ cost! If they do fail then the Conservatives are back on top.

Now is not the time to dabble on the unknown just to satisfy your curiousity. The economy is at stake!

What I would love to see is what deal the traitors had given to the Bloc just so they can grab power and ignore the election results.

$300 million is peanuts. That's just a crumb falling off the breakfast table. Let's not be such cheapskate when the future of our country is at stake.

One thing for sure, we need GOVERNMENT STABILITY!

It is highly questionable that the coalition will have that stability since they are all practically against one another. Therefore, with all the concessions that would go on between all three of them....you bet the decisions will never center around the best interest of Canada.

Then there's the leadership race of the Liberals, and the highly possible turmoil that they are having inside their party....that will add to the current crisis.

After 5 months we will go into another transition again????

Nah! Having this coalition sitting in power is the worst possible scenarion for us all!

Sit back and take off your partisan hats and think about this: Your leader did not enter into this backroom deal for your good or the country's sake.

One thing I must say that Dion is having a great experience with: BACKROOM DEALS!

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No, nor is it a coup attempt as nothing has yet happened. This is democracy in action.

There is no solid reason to do this since we really did not hear the budget speech yet. Furthermore, Layton had been plotting this move right after the election. This was premeditated.

The result of the election will be tossed out no matter what!

So yes, this is a coup! Hiding behind that constitution.

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I certainly hope they never forget this

The experts are all warning about the backlash of the people.

And some politicians are trying to play it safe.

Ignatieff had intimated to Duffy that he was not really in favor of this coalition. That he "mas moosetrapped into it." Greg Westen scoffed at that and said: I saw Ignatieff after the signing with a big smile on his face.

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There is no solid reason to do this since we really did not hear the budget speech yet. Furthermore, Layton had been plotting this move right after the election. This was premeditated.

The result of the election will be tossed out no matter what!

Perhaps Harper should have invited the NDP to form a coalition. Everyone knew Layton has been shopping around for this since the 2006 election.

So yes, this is a coup! Hiding behind that constitution.

You do realize that this is an oxymoron, right?

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