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Isn't it time to slow down immigration?

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I didn't say "overthrow English". I said "become a state language" just like English and French.

I'm sure the Quebequois Chinese won't (btw, their French is usually horrible, much worse than Chinglish)

Still, there are no politically tied bounds with the Mandarin language, it would never slide.. And despite the numbers of mandarin speakers, English is still largely dominant

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Still, there are no politically tied bounds with the Mandarin language, it would never slide.. And despite the numbers of mandarin speakers, English is still largely dominant

Also, the ethnic Chinese population remains a minority. The minority is just heavily saturated into specific areas. (GTA area in Toronto, Ontario)

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Soon immigrants will be able to walk into our homes and make themselves a sandwich and get some juice from the fridge.

If we complain or call the cops they will just state that we are racists and impeding his human rights.

That is where we're headed.

Isn't this what happened to the aboriginal people one hundered or so years ago? I heard the analogy, that the indian great grandparents allowed the European visitors to stay a night. Then that turned into several nights until it became years. Before they knew it--they were in the basement and the European immigrants took over the house. The indians have been complaining for yeasr and just shut out--now that it's happening to non-native, caucasian it becomes and issue--cough cough--what goes around comes around

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Soon immigrants will be able to walk into our homes and make themselves a sandwich and get some juice from the fridge.

If we complain or call the cops they will just state that we are racists and impeding his human rights.

That is where we're headed.

Isn't this what happened to the aboriginal people one hundered or so years ago? I heard the analogy, that the indian great grandparents allowed the European visitors to stay a night. Then that turned into several nights until it became years. Before they knew it--they were in the basement and the European immigrants took over the house. The indians have been complaining for yeasr and just shut out--now that it's happening to non-native, caucasian it becomes and issue--cough cough--what goes around comes around

Except we actually have the power to enforce and assert our interests. The un-assimilated Canadian group still remains a minority, there are many immigrant to citizen inhabitants who cherish the "Canadian culture" and it's values as much as anybody else.

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not judging by the dates and names

So you want to work on Christmas and Easter, which is the holiest day in the Christian calander?

This country was founded on Judeo-Christian values. Are laws are based on the same system. The majority of people in this country are Christians. You couldn't tell by this board but over 70% of the population are Christians. Yet people on this board want to throw out all of our stat holidays for a minority of the population?

We are a very tolerant society but you secularists are going to push too far one day and their will be a backlash.

Freedom of religion was put in but no religion was ever meant to displace Christianity.

I can't understand what you Atheists/Secularists have against tradition anyways?

None of you give gifts and spend time with family at Christmas time is what you're all telling me?

That's a sad life if you ask me. Sure it's negative here a lot of the time but the holidays are a happy time for me where I can forget everything negative and cynical and just be happy and enjoy my family. We can't let politics define who we are all time. There are more important things out there believe it or not.

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So those things are pretty good huh? I always look at 'em and think nahhh, cant be worth it. I shall take your word.

Now if we could only convince city hall to loosen the street food BS, imagine what this city could offer? I would go downtown for a stroll just to partake in some good int'l street food.

Hot dogs and sausage-----ugh.

Not smarmy enough for you?

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If it happens gradually there won't be people willing to fight... Remember Gore's story about the frog in hot water? ;)

The process has already begun - Spanish Dora the Explorer was replaced with Ni Hao, Kai-lan on Treehouse.

In a corporate workplace you can't say "Merry Christmass" anymore - it has to be "Happy Holidays"...


Christmas ins't "religious" it is actually "anti religious" a commercial tradition started in the 1900's by CocaCola taking tradition of the Roman Tree Festival (you know those people who nailed jesus to the cross. It is so artificial.

If it was religious it would be called "Christ's Mass" - people would go to church that day not open presents such as Game Consoles and clothing and the odd fruit cake. Also what is so "Merry" about Christmas. It tells the story about there not being enough room for travellers... but they put up a pregnant woman with the animals --- then oddly three kings (who I don't see how they got lodging either - which is probably why they didn't stick around gave gifts befit for a king - but very little use for a baby. Anyway after Jesus sang with the animals the end? The thing is Christians also celebrate his "death" or should we call it his crucifiction and locking in a cave and when he rose up again and left everyon it was once again celebrational - However I do got to wonder, what is so good about Jesus having abandoned everyone again? Does blindness not still exist, what about other diseases.. why didn't god employ the guy full time? Why only 1 benny hinn? These are serious question. The point was Christmas is almost nonexistant as a religious holiday these days. As far as what you can and cannot say --- you can say whatever the hell you'd like. If you don't like the workplace then say merry christmas get fired and when your next employer asks you why you were let go, it will be fairly obvious if you'll enjoy working in this place.

Christmas is so rotted in the modern era and so many people irreligious or religious by passtime - how many christians do you know that actually OBEY the old testment - or the laws of god.. I know most I know eat pork merrily even though it is tainted with evil spirts, how many do you know sacrifice animals to god? How many christians do you know actually obey the laws of Kashrut? Technically for Christians to be observant they need to obey all the laws of the Orthodox Jews.

Most arn't real christians they are lay people who call themselves christians, but only have misconceptions of what a real christian is.

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Christmas ins't "religious" it is actually "anti religious" a commercial tradition started in the 1900's by CocaCola taking tradition of the Roman Tree Festival (you know those people who nailed jesus to the cross. It is so artificial.

A Christmas carol, written by Dickens in 1843 predates coca cola by quite a lot. Most of the Christmas traditions we enjoy now predate coke by centuries. Including gift giving,

If it was religious it would be called "Christ's Mass" - people would go to church that day not open presents such as Game Consoles and clothing and the odd fruit cake.

Yet people do go to church and do open presents...so your dillema is false, it is not an either or...

Also what is so "Merry" about Christmas. It tells the story about there not being enough room for travellers... but they put up a pregnant woman with the animals --- then oddly three kings ....]

It doesn't help if you don't know what you're talking about. Please provide a biblical citation for 3 kings and putting a woman up with animals.

Edited by M.Dancer
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Christmas ins't "religious" it is actually "anti religious" a commercial tradition started in the 1900's by CocaCola taking tradition of the Roman Tree Festival (you know those people who nailed jesus to the cross. It is so artificial.

If it was religious it would be called "Christ's Mass" - people would go to church that day not open presents such as Game Consoles and clothing and the odd fruit cake. Also what is so "Merry" about Christmas. It tells the story about there not being enough room for travellers... but they put up a pregnant woman with the animals --- then oddly three kings (who I don't see how they got lodging either - which is probably why they didn't stick around gave gifts befit for a king - but very little use for a baby. Anyway after Jesus sang with the animals the end? The thing is Christians also celebrate his "death" or should we call it his crucifiction and locking in a cave and when he rose up again and left everyon it was once again celebrational - However I do got to wonder, what is so good about Jesus having abandoned everyone again? Does blindness not still exist, what about other diseases.. why didn't god employ the guy full time? Why only 1 benny hinn? These are serious question. The point was Christmas is almost nonexistant as a religious holiday these days. As far as what you can and cannot say --- you can say whatever the hell you'd like. If you don't like the workplace then say merry christmas get fired and when your next employer asks you why you were let go, it will be fairly obvious if you'll enjoy working in this place.

Christmas is so rotted in the modern era and so many people irreligious or religious by passtime - how many christians do you know that actually OBEY the old testment - or the laws of god.. I know most I know eat pork merrily even though it is tainted with evil spirts, how many do you know sacrifice animals to god? How many christians do you know actually obey the laws of Kashrut? Technically for Christians to be observant they need to obey all the laws of the Orthodox Jews.

Most arn't real christians they are lay people who call themselves christians, but only have misconceptions of what a real christian is.

You are seriously misinformed about Christianity. I won't even speak with you about theology as you're too far behind for me to teach you the truth.

I actually feel sorry for you. You must be really miserable in your life, wow. I wouldn't want to walk around with so much negativity in my heart. How can you be so angry all the time? If you really hate this country and its traditions you can always immigrate someplace else. Your views are held by a very small minority in our country I might add.

Apart from that what's wrong with having a Christmas tree and giving presents? I think it's a nice and happy time.

Edited by Mr.Canada
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Christmas ins't "religious" it is actually "anti religious" a commercial tradition started in the 1900's by CocaCola taking tradition of the Roman Tree Festival (you know those people who nailed jesus to the cross. It is so artificial.

If it was religious it would be called "Christ's Mass" - people would go to church that day not open presents such as Game Consoles and clothing and the odd fruit cake. Also what is so "Merry" about Christmas. It tells the story about there not being enough room for travellers... but they put up a pregnant woman with the animals --- then oddly three kings (who I don't see how they got lodging either - which is probably why they didn't stick around gave gifts befit for a king - but very little use for a baby. Anyway after Jesus sang with the animals the end? The thing is Christians also celebrate his "death" or should we call it his crucifiction and locking in a cave and when he rose up again and left everyon it was once again celebrational - However I do got to wonder, what is so good about Jesus having abandoned everyone again? Does blindness not still exist, what about other diseases.. why didn't god employ the guy full time? Why only 1 benny hinn? These are serious question. The point was Christmas is almost nonexistant as a religious holiday these days. As far as what you can and cannot say --- you can say whatever the hell you'd like. If you don't like the workplace then say merry christmas get fired and when your next employer asks you why you were let go, it will be fairly obvious if you'll enjoy working in this place.

Christmas is so rotted in the modern era and so many people irreligious or religious by passtime - how many christians do you know that actually OBEY the old testment - or the laws of god.. I know most I know eat pork merrily even though it is tainted with evil spirts, how many do you know sacrifice animals to god? How many christians do you know actually obey the laws of Kashrut? Technically for Christians to be observant they need to obey all the laws of the Orthodox Jews.

Most arn't real christians they are lay people who call themselves christians, but only have misconceptions of what a real christian is.

You are seriously misinformed about Christianity. I won't even speak with you about theology as you're too far behind for me to teach you the truth.

I actually feel sorry for you. You must be really miserable in your life, wow. I wouldn't want to walk around with so much negativity in my heart. How can you be so angry all the time? If you really hate this country and its traditions you can always immigrate someplace else. Your views are held by a very small minority in our country I might add.

Apart from that what's wrong with having a Christmas tree and giving presents? I think it's a nice and happy time.

First of all, how does a secular response mean that you hate the country?? Please don't shove words into people's mouths. Anyway, he has a point. Take a look at the general population and tell me that Christmas is still a specific Christian thing.. What does the Christmas tree, presents, Santa Claus, partying have to do with the birth of Jesus Christ? If it was a religious thing, everybody would go to church that day and not spend it partying. Of course there are the ones who still go to church, but I am quite sure that isn't the majority of the population.

Furthermore, the celebration around Christmas time was not always Christian. It started with pagan tradition, at least it predates anything other contemporary beliefs. Our barbarian ancestors would celebrate the worship of the Sun-God during this time because of how the days would start to lengthen around Christmas time.

The celebration of "Christmas time" has many traditional ties. Protestantism just happened to be the official religion back then, so it arose above everything else.


"And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted". (Matthew 23:12)

There is no room for egoism in Christianity, if one is misunderstood, you must explain.

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So you want to work on Christmas and Easter, which is the holiest day in the Christian calander?

This country was founded on Judeo-Christian values. Are laws are based on the same system. The majority of people in this country are Christians. You couldn't tell by this board but over 70% of the population are Christians. Yet people on this board want to throw out all of our stat holidays for a minority of the population?

We are a very tolerant society but you secularists are going to push too far one day and their will be a backlash.

Freedom of religion was put in but no religion was ever meant to displace Christianity.

I can't understand what you Atheists/Secularists have against tradition anyways?

None of you give gifts and spend time with family at Christmas time is what you're all telling me?

That's a sad life if you ask me. Sure it's negative here a lot of the time but the holidays are a happy time for me where I can forget everything negative and cynical and just be happy and enjoy my family. We can't let politics define who we are all time. There are more important things out there believe it or not.

I'm not against them - not being religious I still come from a country with a very strong Christian Orthodox tradition.

But apparently the "Christ" part of Christmas is insulting to Jews and Muslims and as such is not used as a greeting in big companies. Same goes for Easter.

The Islam momentum should not be underestimated. At this point in time Christianity is not putting up enough of a fight globally or domestically and is losing ground.

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A Christmas carol, written by Dickens in 1843 predates coca cola by quite a lot. Most of the Christmas traditions we enjoy now predate coke by centuries. Including gift giving,

Yet people do go to church and do open presents...so your dillema is false, it is not an either or...

It doesn't help if you don't know what you're talking about. Please provide a biblical citation for 3 kings and putting a woman up with animals.

Coke made Santa - santa is the birth of commercialization of Christmas - gift giving isn't ONLY for chirstmas. That is another bad thing about christmas.. it makes people think like the only time to give a gift is for a wedding birth of a child, birthday, anniversary, or the gift giving holidays. No people can give gifts ANY DAY. It makes it utterly artificial and shallow.

Why don't you provide biblical citations that it didn't happen that way. Do you know aramaic? Have you studied the period? There is no historical evidence jesus even lived, only a mention in a cult bible from a bunch of people that were edited heavily by the later churches. A lot didn't even make it in the bible. Don't patronize me by saying I don't know what I'm talking about. If you'd like to say that the three kings/wise men never existed that is your call for you. However I tell the "normative" version of this that is reinacted in children and not so young children plays around hte country annually.

Why don't you give me some evidence jesus existed?

PS I'm a Rev, and a doctor of Divinity.

Edited by William Ashley
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Christmas ins't "religious" it is actually "anti religious" a commercial tradition started in the 1900's by CocaCola taking tradition of the Roman Tree Festival (you know those people who nailed jesus to the cross. It is so artificial.

Celebration of new year (Christmas) dates back much further - it derived from an old pagan winter feast:

The modern English word Yule likely derives from the word yoole, from 1450, which developed from the Old English term geōl and geōla before 899. The term has been linked to and may originate from the Old Norse Jōl, which refers to a Germanic pagan feast lasting 12 days that was later Christianized into Christmas.[4]


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Not smarmy enough for you?

Street Hot dogs and sausages are kind of smarmy....I have a taste for finer food.

Main Entry: smarmy

Pronunciation: \ˈsmär-mē\

Function: adjective

Inflected Form(s): smarm·i·er; smarm·i·est

Etymology: smarm to gush, slobber

Date: 1924

1 : revealing or marked by a smug, ingratiating, or false earnestness <a tone of smarmy self-satisfaction — New Yorker>

2 : of low sleazy taste or quality

This city could use a serious shakeup on the street food front.

You can knock yourself out on Beaver tails.

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Celebration of new year (Christmas) dates back much further - it derived from an old pagan winter feast:

The modern English word Yule likely derives from the word yoole, from 1450, which developed from the Old English term geōl and geōla before 899. The term has been linked to and may originate from the Old Norse Jōl, which refers to a Germanic pagan feast lasting 12 days that was later Christianized into Christmas.[4]



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Coke made Santa - santa is the birth of commercialization of Christmas - gift giving isn't ONLY for chirstmas.

Nope....Santa predates Coke


Why don't you provide biblical citations that it didn't happen that way.

I'm not the one making erroneous claims. You make the claim, you back it up or it is considered withdrawn.

Do you know aramaic? Have you studied the period?

How is that relevant? What part of the Bible is written in Aramaic?

Answer. None.

Don't patronize me by saying I don't know what I'm talking about.

You are not using patronize correctly. I was certainly not patronizing you.

If you'd like to say that the three kings/wise men never existed that is your call for you. However I tell the "normative" version of this that is reinacted in children and not so young children plays around hte country annually.


PS I'm a Rev, and a doctor of Divinity.

Sure you are. By the way, I'm patronizing you here.

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Coke made Santa - santa is the birth of commercialization of Christmas - gift giving isn't ONLY for chirstmas. That is another bad thing about christmas.. it makes people think like the only time to give a gift is for a wedding birth of a child, birthday, anniversary, or the gift giving holidays. No people can give gifts ANY DAY. It makes it utterly artificial and shallow.

Why don't you provide biblical citations that it didn't happen that way. Do you know aramaic? Have you studied the period? There is no historical evidence jesus even lived, only a mention in a cult bible from a bunch of people that were edited heavily by the later churches. A lot didn't even make it in the bible. Don't patronize me by saying I don't know what I'm talking about. If you'd like to say that the three kings/wise men never existed that is your call for you. However I tell the "normative" version of this that is reinacted in children and not so young children plays around hte country annually.

Why don't you give me some evidence jesus existed?

PS I'm a Rev, and a doctor of Divinity.

Coke made Santa - santa is the birth of commercialization of Christmas - gift giving isn't ONLY for chirstmas. That is another bad thing about christmas.. it makes people think like the only time to give a gift is for a wedding birth of a child, birthday, anniversary, or the gift giving holidays. No people can give gifts ANY DAY. It makes it utterly artificial and shallow.

- Yep, just like Valentine's day

There is no historical evidence jesus even lived, only a mention in a cult bible from a bunch of people that were edited heavily by the later churches. A lot didn't even make it in the bible. Don't patronize me by saying I don't know what I'm talking about. If you'd like to say that the three kings/wise men never existed that is your call for you. However I tell the "normative" version of this that is reinacted in children and not so young children plays around hte country annually.

Why don't you give me some evidence jesus existed?

- Actually, there are historical pieces of evidence, like the JEWISH historian Josephus. The real question asked by unbelievers is if Jesus was actually the man he claimed to be, and if he actually performed all those miracles.

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It appears that your capacity of drawing conclusions from facts is inactive.

The origin of this celebration has got nothing to do with Christianity, Romans or Coca-Cola.

That is what I said before, this only shows that celebration during "Christmas time" is not entirely Christian tradition. Therefore, leading back to the first claims of a secular Christmas time.

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That is what I said before, this only shows that celebration during "Christmas time" is not entirely Christian tradition. Therefore, leading back to the first claims of a secular Christmas time.

For most people however, it is not a secular holiday.

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For most people however, it is not a secular holiday.

The secular group is probably just as large, or even larger than the religious group. At any rate, Christmas time is not what a religion would like it to be, it is probably more commercial than anything else.

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The secular group is probably just as large, or even larger than the religious group. At any rate, Christmas time is not what a religion would like it to be, it is probably more commercial than anything else.

Around 70% of Americans consider themselves christian. I doubt they see Christmas as anything but a christian holiday. The numbers for Canada are similar.

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