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McCain's dirty politics may lead to violence

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What Obama has done is not shit on America, he's rubbed America's nose in its own shit. There's a huge difference.

Gee...that's what I do for Canada but you guys get all pissed off too! :lol::lol::lol:

I really fear for what might happen if Obama is assasinated. America is on such thin ice right now that widespread civil violence could easily erupt in the wake of such an event especially on the approach to an election.

Then be afraid...be very afraid. :o

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No, actually Obama has a hidden agenda that is being kept under wraps. He is not rubbing America's nose in anything, no politician who wants to win any election (let alone while running for president) says anything for public consumption that could be construed as rubbing their nose in it.

What BC brought up was something that Obama did not mean to get out, and was an embarrassment to his campaign. Luckily for him the MSM is in the tank for the dems and it blew over rather quickly.

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Guest American Woman
No, actually Obama has a hidden agenda that is being kept under wraps.

If it's "hidden" and "being kept under wraps," how the hell would you know about it? Does he confide in you? :lol:

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Come come, AW, you don't think just about every politician running for president in the last 20 years has had an agenda of some things they don't want made public? Is making that assumption so wild? Of course Obama, being a left wing activist has some things he's keeping under wraps, just as Bush Jr. did. :lol:

Edited by sharkman
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No, actually Obama has a hidden agenda that is being kept under wraps. He is not rubbing America's nose in anything, no politician who wants to win any election (let alone while running for president) says anything for public consumption that could be construed as rubbing their nose in it.

What BC brought up was something that Obama did not mean to get out, and was an embarrassment to his campaign. Luckily for him the MSM is in the tank for the dems and it blew over rather quickly.

Do you have stocks in Alcan???


Come come, AW, you don't think just about every politician running for president in the last 20 years has had an agenda of some things they don't want made public? Is making that assumption so wild? Of course Obama, being a left wing activist has some things he's keeping under wraps, just as Bush Jr. did.

So what is McCains hidden agenda then?

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I saw McCain interviewed yesterday at his home - I did not know that he and his wife adopted a non-white child - so much for the racist agenda that some seek to stick on the guy.

If you believe McCains approach to Obama will lead to violence..be prepared for the real violence - Obama in my estimation will wage war on a grand scale - this is the real violence - not some heckler yelling insults from a drunked boyish mouth.

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So what is McCains hidden agenda then?

I think if you reread the posts of mine that you quoted, you will see that I am essentially agreeing that McCain has a hidden agenda (just about every politician has...) and since it's kept under wraps I probably don't know what it would be.

However, since McCain is a centrist moderate who has annoyed rank and file conservatives like me for several years, I suspect his policies would be similar, yet not left wing.

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I think if you reread the posts of mine that you quoted, you will see that I am essentially agreeing that McCain has a hidden agenda (just about every politician has...) and since it's kept under wraps I probably don't know what it would be.

However, since McCain is a centrist moderate who has annoyed rank and file conservatives like me for several years, I suspect his policies would be similar, yet not left wing.

Ahh so it is all speculatiuon on both sides, but most of the speculation is propped up here like it is the gospel truth. Once we get past that bit, we can really dig into the candidates and test their substance. This needs to happen in every country, we need to hold their feet to the fire. They work for us, not the other way around. This is something we the people in every country need to get back to.

We all want more transparency in our governments, and we want them to be accountable for their actions. Not only that we have to be accountable for our actions of voting in someone when we know that is not what we want. We throw our vote to one guy because he is the lesser of the two evils, and not because you actually supoport their platform. Campaigning is a media circus where the politician who can give the best non-answer, wins. Sad sad sad state of affairs. The win also goes to the polititican who can lie their ass off about the other candidate to make themselves look better, which gives the opposite result of a candidate propping themselves up by standing on their own record. This is why most elections piss me off, substance means nothing anymore. Everything is fake and clean on the surface, because no one wants to see the broken uglyness that is beneath the clean fake surface.

If you are voting for an image, then you should not be voting at all. Sure you have the right to vote, but you also owe it to yourself and your fellow countrymen to make an informed decision. I know that I cannnot vote in the US elections, however, if someone wanted to vote for McCain because of his record, and really beleives McCain is the right choice, then at least the person had done the homework and weighed all the options. Of that means a votr for McCain then that is the way it will be. Most are not going to take the time to really dig into their candidates. We on this board here are the exceptions, we are at least trying to make sense of it all.

Brewster's Millions starring Richard Pryor. 'Vote for None of the Above!'

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If you are voting for an image, then you should not be voting at all. Sure you have the right to vote, but you also owe it to yourself and your fellow countrymen to make an informed decision. I know that I cannnot vote in the US elections, however, if someone wanted to vote for McCain because of his record, and really beleives McCain is the right choice, then at least the person had done the homework and weighed all the options. Of that means a votr for McCain then that is the way it will be. Most are not going to take the time to really dig into their candidates. We on this board here are the exceptions, we are at least trying to make sense of it all.

This is not your call, and would "disenfranchise" millions of voters. The vote belongs in the voter's domain, not to those who would pass judgement, on foreign nationals no less.

Brewster's Millions starring Richard Pryor. 'Vote for None of the Above!'

Gotcha....love posts dripping with Americana!

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This is not your call, and would "disenfranchise" millions of voters. The vote belongs in the voter's domain, not to those who would pass judgement, on foreign nationals no less.

I am not sure where you are comming from on this, can you clarify? Are you arguing that holding our elected leaders accountable for their actions will 'disenfranchise' millions of voters?

Gotcha....love posts dripping with Americana!

Not all my posts are aimed at Ignorant America. That post was for ignorant people everywhere.

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I am not sure where you are comming from on this, can you clarify? Are you arguing that holding our elected leaders accountable for their actions will 'disenfranchise' millions of voters?

No, I am arguing that you want to disenfranchise voters simply because they may not meet your arbitrary standards. Do have any frickin' idea what women suffrage and the Voting Rights Act were about? Who died and left you sole arbiter of what other nationals should or shouldn't do when it comes to voting for local, state/provincial, or federal office?

Not all my posts are aimed at Ignorant America. That post was for ignorant people everywhere.

No doubt they are all familiar with Richard Pryor's body of work. :blink:

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No, I am arguing that you want to disenfranchise voters simply because they may not meet your arbitrary standards. Do have any frickin' idea what women suffrage and the Voting Rights Act were about? Who died and left you sole arbiter of what other nationals should or shouldn't do when it comes to voting for local, state/provincial, or federal office?

Touched a nerve here now didn't I? The fact is we need standards. Because the bar that the current batch is trying to raise only makes me limbo lower now. And if you are voting for someone based on an image, do you really deserve the right to vote?? It does not matter what country you are in. If you vote for an image, you don't vote for substance, and wasting your vote, and allowing the current status quo of asshats to carry on with the bullshit. So again, I ask you and everyone else to vote, and make it count. Vote because you support the person and the platform. Vote because you really believe that your man or woman is right for the job. Vote because you have done the homework.

Don't vote because he/she is black, white, man, woman. Check their record. Which needs to be done more on both sides. Everything else is just a distraction from what really matters. To me this is common sense. And if common sense needs to arbitered to those nationals, then that is what will happen. I am not telling you WHO to vote for. I am just making sure YOU know who you are voting for.

No doubt they are all familiar with Richard Pryor's body of work. :blink:

By that, not many are familiar with women suffrage or even granting blacks the right to vote. Not many of us lived through that time.

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Touched a nerve here now didn't I? The fact is we need standards. Because the bar that the current batch is trying to raise only makes me limbo lower now. And if you are voting for someone based on an image, do you really deserve the right to vote?? It does not matter what country you are in. If you vote for an image, you don't vote for substance, and wasting your vote, and allowing the current status quo of asshats to carry on with the bullshit. So again, I ask you and everyone else to vote, and make it count. Vote because you support the person and the platform. Vote because you really believe that your man or woman is right for the job. Vote because you have done the homework.

Bunk....Twaddle....and Nonsense. Votes already count whether you approve of why they were cast or not. Vote because you can.

Don't vote because he/she is black, white, man, woman. Check their record. Which needs to be done more on both sides. Everything else is just a distraction from what really matters. To me this is common sense. And if common sense needs to arbitered to those nationals, then that is what will happen. I am not telling you WHO to vote for. I am just making sure YOU know who you are voting for.

More nonsense...have you ever heard of political parties? Or "strategic voting". People can vote any way they damn please, and for whatever reason they please. Example: Some women in the US will vote for McCain simply because Obama snubbed Hillary. Payback is a bitch!

By that, not many are familiar with women suffrage or even granting blacks the right to vote. Not many of us lived through that time.

Excuse me, but "blacks" already had the right to vote....the struggle was at an entirely different level, but over 40 years later, you decide you know better.

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More nonsense...have you ever heard of political parties? Or "strategic voting". People can vote any way they damn please, and for whatever reason they please. Example: Some women in the US will vote for McCain simply because Obama snubbed Hillary. Payback is a bitch!

Again if this is the sole reason you vote for the other guy, then you are wasting your vote and allowing more of the same to continue. Since you support lies and deceit,(based on many posts of yours) it is no wonder you are frothing at the mouth when it comes to this. You have no problem with pointing out Canada whenever something is said about the US. So, I have no problem in telling you how to vote. Everyone else is trying to tell you who to vote for, I just want to make sure you know HOW to vote. I want to make sure you make the best decision possible. This is an election, or is it a popularity contest? Both?

You are proof that there is ignorance abroad, and that is something I would like to see go away in this world. There is no room for it anymore.

Excuse me, but "blacks" already had the right to vote....the struggle was at an entirely different level, but over 40 years later, you decide you know better.

And when you made your statement, women already have the right to vote. So bringing that up again is not working for you. Having blacks and women voting is a good thing. But go ahead and call me a racist and elitist again, please.

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Again if this is the sole reason you vote for the other guy, then you are wasting your vote and allowing more of the same to continue. Since you support lies and deceit,(based on many posts of yours) it is no wonder you are frothing at the mouth when it comes to this.

Not frothing, but laughing at this fatal flaw in your code. I have direct personal reasons/experiences for supporting McCain related to the military, in addition to other alignments. But that doesn't matter at all...I could vote for McCain just because I feel like it and it would be just as valid.

You have no problem with pointing out Canada whenever something is said about the US. So, I have no problem in telling you how to vote. Everyone else is trying to tell you who to vote for, I just want to make sure you know HOW to vote. I want to make sure you make the best decision possible. This is an election, or is it a popularity contest? Both?

Best decision for who? You? Don't make me laugh even harder. I have been voting a lot longer than you, rookie...in elections that matter a lot more according to Canadian navel gazers. How did that Harper thing work out last night?

You are proof that there is ignorance abroad, and that is something I would like to see go away in this world. There is no room for it anymore.

And your posts are proof that ignorance is alive and well in Canada as well. Welcome to the club....it's not going away...especially for you it seems.

And when you made your statement, women already have the right to vote. So bringing that up again is not working for you. Having blacks and women voting is a good thing. But go ahead and call me a racist and elitist again, please.

OK...you are an elitist and racist for advocating a return to voter qualification, testing, intelligence...just like the poll taxes and voter tests the US and Canada abolished many years ago. What size hood do you wear?

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Not frothing, but laughing at this fatal flaw in your code. I have direct personal reasons/experiences for supporting McCain related to the military, in addition to other alignments. But that doesn't matter at all...I could vote for McCain just because I feel like it and it would be just as valid.

Good for you. See, you have , in your view, valid reasons for voting for McCain. I can't knock that. But to anyone that just votes because they have no clue... or votes because she is a woman, or he is a man, or he/she is black/white/yellow, those are the ones we all needs to address. If we vote A, just for the heck of it, and if A messes up, people complain that A is no longer what they thought the voted for. Actually it is because they did not think and just put an X somewhere. This is a problem.

Best decision for who? You? Don't make me laugh even harder. I have been voting a lot longer than you, rookie...in elections that matter a lot more according to Canadian navel gazers. How did that Harper thing work out last night?

I guess it worked out well for Harper. I did not vote for him. It is too bad that the candidates don't represent everything I want, hell they don't even represent half of what I want. I made a choice, it came close to what I support, however, it's much less than what I wanted. But Harper get another minority government. Which is alright for me. The opposition will keep them in check.

And your posts are proof that ignorance is alive and well in Canada as well. Welcome to the club....it's not going away...especially for you it seems.

Actually it proves that there is ignorance in terms of the population being knowledgeable in their government and candidates, worldwide. And this is the crux of my post before you called me a racist elitist. Sorry for wanting something better than what we have. Actually we deserve a lot better from our governments. Something tells me, I don't want to be part of your club. Might be your attitude.

OK...you are an elitist and racist for advocating a return to voter qualification, testing, intelligence...just like the poll taxes and voter tests the US and Canada abolished many years ago. What size hood do you wear?

When people have standards, the people they vote in will have standards. You have standards in most of your daily activities, why can't voting with knowledge be one of them? I can't force people to do it, but I can sure bring it to their attention and possible make them think more about what/who they are voting for.

I hope you have something to back up calling me a racist. Some might consider this a personal attack. That could get you banned from MLW, but I will chalk it up to ignorance on your part, eventhought you know better. I know you know better. I know same sex marriage might not be acceptable in your parts or even allowed, but I think we would make a perfect couple.

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Good for you. See, you have , in your view, valid reasons for voting for McCain. I can't knock that. But to anyone that just votes because they have no clue... or votes because she is a woman, or he is a man, or he/she is black/white/yellow, those are the ones we all needs to address. If we vote A, just for the heck of it, and if A messes up, people complain that A is no longer what they thought the voted for. Actually it is because they did not think and just put an X somewhere. This is a problem.

No, it is not a problem at all. "A" can "mess up" regardless of the investment made by any voter. Your position is untenable and rather silly for several reasons...this is just another one. No logic at all.

I guess it worked out well for Harper. I did not vote for him. It is too bad that the candidates don't represent everything I want, hell they don't even represent half of what I want. I made a choice, it came close to what I support, however, it's much less than what I wanted. But Harper get another minority government. Which is alright for me. The opposition will keep them in check.

See...it all worked out either way, and nobody gave a rip for why you voted the way you did. Just vote (or don't), just like everybody else. Hell, turnout was a measly 59%.

Actually it proves that there is ignorance in terms of the population being knowledgeable in their government and candidates, worldwide. And this is the crux of my post before you called me a racist elitist. Sorry for wanting something better than what we have. Actually we deserve a lot better from our governments. Something tells me, I don't want to be part of your club. Might be your attitude.

Tough noogies....I live in the real world with 6 billion others of many stripes and varying "knowledge". Fortunately, you are not the arbiter of what that knowledge should be. Anybody who advocates intelligence or knowledge thresholds for voters is not only a racist, but a bunch of other "ists".

When people have standards, the people they vote in will have standards. You have standards in most of your daily activities, why can't voting with knowledge be one of them? I can't force people to do it, but I can sure bring it to their attention and possible make them think more about what/who they are voting for.

No, in fact, you will have no impact at all. You cannot orient things your personal way, even if you think you are right. That's why it is only one vote to customer.

I hope you have something to back up calling me a racist. Some might consider this a personal attack. That could get you banned from MLW, but I will chalk it up to ignorance on your part, eventhought you know better. I know you know better. I know same sex marriage might not be acceptable in your parts or even allowed, but I think we would make a perfect couple.

Right...the much dreaded Canadian death label..."RACIST"...Oh God...anything but that. Call me a child molester or sex offender, but please...please...anything but THAT! If I get banned, so be it....anytime you spout such nonsense about voting rights for Americans, or other nationals for that matter, I will call you a racist, because the historical record (and resulting laws) back me up.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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Secret Service says "Kill him" allegation unfounded

SCRANTON – The agent in charge of the Secret Service field office in Scranton said allegations that someone yelled “kill him” when presidential hopeful Barack Obama’s name was mentioned during Tuesday’s Sarah Palin rally are unfounded.

The Scranton Times-Tribune first reported the alleged incident on its Web site Tuesday and then again in its print edition Wednesday. The first story, written by reporter David Singleton, appeared with allegations that while congressional candidate Chris Hackett was addressing the crowd and mentioned Obama’s name a man in the audience shouted “kill him."

News organizations including ABC, The Associated Press, The Washington Monthly and MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann reported the claim, with most attributing the allegations to the Times-Tribune story.

Agent Bill Slavoski said he was in the audience, along with an undisclosed number of additional secret service agents and other law enforcement officers and not one heard the comment.

“I was baffled,” he said after reading the report in Wednesday’s Times-Trib.


Looks like it was just liberal BS created in order to play the race card for the 100 millionth time.

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