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McCain picks woman for VP slot

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...says the rube with his tits caught in his racist wringer.

Lets recap here. I said Clarence Thomas was not a qualified jurist. I pointed out that he had only one years experience as a judge (among other things).

Instead of presenting one iota of evidence that he was a qualified jurist you keep calling me racist (and "rube", I think there was also some other sort of insult in another thread as well)

Are your arguments/mind so weak thats all you can come up with ?

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But I'm interested in international politics and concerned about events around us.

I am interested too and curious about events but real concern is something I reserve for our own Canadian politics, like our impending federal elections, our involvement in Afghanistan etc.

I don't want a weak, naive, inexperienced US President going up against the Russians, Chinese and Iranians. That concerned me about Obama, but the idea of this woman as President is downright scary.

I guess I am wrong to think that an American President, regardless of his/her c.v., has legions of advisers, diplomats and specialists to go up against those powers. I may also be wrong to think that the American system has processes in place to neutralize a President who screws up in the worse ways imaginable.

Fact is, as a Canadian citizen I am not in a position to affect the outcome of the American vote. Honestly, this presidential election is the first time I have paid such close attention and I have learned a lot about American elections. Through this learning process I have developed more confidence in the American people and their political process than in their politicians. That's the main reason I don't get too excited about the choice they'll make which will be what's best for them.

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Lets recap here. I said Clarence Thomas was not a qualified jurist. I pointed out that he had only one years experience as a judge (among other things).

Instead of presenting one iota of evidence that he was a qualified jurist you keep calling me racist (and "rube", I think there was also some other sort of insult in another thread as well)

Are your arguments/mind so weak thats all you can come up with ?

We're off topic, but you also said his only qualification was being black. And to cover your tracks, you continued the racist nonsense by saying that "white" appointments were also based on race. I called you on it, and you blew it.

Should have stopped by just saying he was not as qualified a jurist as some others, black, white, or any "color' in between. But nope, you were attracted to your darkest fears! :lol:

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We're off topic, but you also said his only qualification was being black. And to cover your tracks, you continued the racist nonsense by saying that "white" appointments were also based on race. I called you on it, and you blew it.

Should have stopped by just saying he was not as qualified a jurist as some others, black, white, or any "color' in between. But nope, you were attracted to your darkest fears! :lol:

Obama is not black! He's a white guy..who works for white guys - only a racist would actually believe that he was black - and only a delluded fool thinks this developement in American politics is a warm and fussy historical moment where the oppressed are finally free. Do you think Ophra is sending off millions to east LA..to help poor blacks - and do you really think that Obama will do the same - both - are employed by white corporates who hate blacks and both have sold out their own families and tradition.

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Kimmy, like it or not, the people who most disdain beauty contest contestants are not men but women.

Sarah Palin seems like quite a capable person, and perhaps, if she had more experience she might be considered a viable option as a VP candidate. But given the numbers, the lack of experience, and given how old McCain is, well, I just don't see it.

I have no interest in debating her merits as a potential Vice President. I don't know, don't care, don't think she'll win, and wouldn't support her if I had the chance.

That's completely beside the point I was making.

Re-read the Stephen Best's posts in this thread. While to some people it might be an interesting aside that she competed in the Miss Alaska pageant in 1984, Stephen is so taken with that tidbit that he mentions it in each of his first 3 posts in this thread, seizing on it as a means of ridiculing Palin. I reiterate:

You can be sure that if it's true that Palin is McCain's VP choice, laughter mixed with incredulity is roiling through the world's newsrooms.

I can see the headline now, "Miss Congeniality McCain VP pick".

Now, Stephen obviously fancies himself some kind of "progressive"... but does that seem very progressive to you?

If a man who'd competed in sports when he was 20 ran for office, would the idea that "Jock seeks public office" be hilariously funny? Of course not. People think athletes have character and admire competitive drive. People also tend to assume that a man has amassed considerable life-experience between the time he's 20 and the time he's 44. When a 44 year old man sets out to do something, I don't think people view him in the context of being what he was when he was 20. So why is Sarah Palin still "Miss Congeniality"? And she was apparently also a student leader and a standout athlete when she was in highschool, so if we're defining people by what they were when they used to be, then is Palin "Miss Congeniality" and not "captain of the basketball team" or "Christian-club president"?

To summarize, Argus, I don't care much about Sarah Palin, but I care a lot about the terms in which she's being discussed, and I find it pathetic.


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Obama is not black! He's a white guy..who works for white guys - only a racist would actually believe that he was black - and only a delluded fool thinks this developement in American politics is a warm and fussy historical moment where the oppressed are finally free.

Correct...Obama is not black, in fact, he represents the most progressive outcome in the history of American social development...and slavery was not involved. Obama gets to check the "other" box on all those forms created by all the race obsessed liberasl and conservatives alike.

Do you think Ophra is sending off millions to east LA..to help poor blacks - and do you really think that Obama will do the same - both - are employed by white corporates who hate blacks and both have sold out their own families and tradition.

There is only one color that counts...the color of money.

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Kimmy, like it or not, the people who most disdain beauty contest contestants are not men but women.

Argus, as woman here is my take on this. The disdain and repugnance I feel about beauty contests is not toward the contestants. It is for those who perpetuate the myth that physical beauty is worthy of being assigned value and prizes. I cannot hold disdain for a teen or a young adult who has been lured by opportunists and buck chasers who treat them as objects. Aren't beauty contests just another rung in the devaluation of women? I suppose Sarah Palin fell into the trap and now she is being unfairly fingered for it.

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Argus, as woman here is my take on this. The disdain and repugnance I feel about beauty contests is not toward the contestants. It is for those who perpetuate the myth that physical beauty is worthy of being assigned value and prizes. I cannot hold disdain for a teen or a young adult who has been lured by opportunists and buck chasers who treat them as objects. Aren't beauty contests just another rung in the devaluation of women? I suppose Sarah Palin fell into the trap and now she is being unfairly fingered for it.

People exault ugly white trash girls with plastic boobs and with the other hand they dispise naturally beautiful woman - the average American skank hates Iraqi and Afghan woman because they have natural beauty and all we have are illusions of beauty - where if you have enough money and makeup - you are "hot" while poor woman with beauty are persecuted - America does not know what female beauty is - look at the old film stars...great genetics and real beauty - don't tell me that the fat lipped pig eyed starletts of today are beautiful - they are plain...as for contests - the best liar and falatioist wins.

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Argus, as woman here is my take on this. The disdain and repugnance I feel about beauty contests is not toward the contestants. It is for those who perpetuate the myth that physical beauty is worthy of being assigned value and prizes. I cannot hold disdain for a teen or a young adult who has been lured by opportunists and buck chasers who treat them as objects. Aren't beauty contests just another rung in the devaluation of women? I suppose Sarah Palin fell into the trap and now she is being unfairly fingered for it.

I don't particularly care for beauty pageants either, but the competitors tend to be extraordinarily confident, highly poised, and very ambitious. These are traits that make for highly successful people in our society (Palin is probably an excellent example.)

Dismissing someone whose background includes an activity that tends to select traits that make people highly successful strikes me as being somewhat counterintuitive.

People exault ugly white trash girls with plastic boobs and with the other hand they dispise naturally beautiful woman - the average American skank hates Iraqi and Afghan woman because they have natural beauty and all we have are illusions of beauty - where if you have enough money and makeup - you are "hot" while poor woman with beauty are persecuted - America does not know what female beauty is - look at the old film stars...great genetics and real beauty - don't tell me that the fat lipped pig eyed starletts of today are beautiful - they are plain...as for contests - the best liar and falatioist wins.

I am continually amazed that you're able to operate a computer.


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I don't particularly care for beauty pageants either, but the competitors tend to be extraordinarily confident, highly poised, and very ambitious. These are traits that make for highly successful people in our society (Palin is probably an excellent example.)

Agreed...it is the competitive spirit that counts, not the nature of the competition. Sometimes we even call political events ..."beauty contests".

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I don't particularly care for beauty pageants either, but the competitors tend to be extraordinarily confident, highly poised, and very ambitious. These are traits that make for highly successful people in our society (Palin is probably an excellent example.)

Dismissing someone whose background includes an activity that tends to select traits that make people highly successful strikes me as being somewhat counterintuitive.

I am continually amazed that you're able to operate a computer.


Me too! You can just trash away at the keys and say what ever you want and answer to no one - if you are wrong...Type fast - kind of like playing piano - my point was - the idea of beauty has changed and I am old school - I like angels - and only weasily minions pretending to be female with a vomiting problem who are married to dogs - are called beautiful..all the makeup and gym training will not give you good genetic lineage.

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Since the US politicans keep saying we have to stop depending on "foreign oil" there may be some US voters that may not like the idea when she signed with TransCanada Corp a license to build and operate a 1,175 mile, $26 Billion pipeline to transport natural gas from the North Slope to the Lower 48 states through Canada, especially Alberta by 2017. I was on another forum, a US, and someone was very angry she signed a foreign company and not a US one. I checked over on the Wikipedia page and there were a US company and a Chinese co. but she said the Canadian company fit the bid. I see in the news today, Enbridge Inc. and BP are going to spend $1 and 2 BILLION to expand the existing pipelines and new connections to deliver up to 250,000 barrels of oil a day to Gulf Coast refiners by 2012.

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Since the US politicans keep saying we have to stop depending on "foreign oil" there may be some US voters that may not like the idea when she signed with TransCanada Corp a license to build and operate a 1,175 mile, $26 Billion pipeline to transport natural gas from the North Slope to the Lower 48 states through Canada, especially Alberta by 2017. I was on another forum, a US, and someone was very angry she signed a foreign company and not a US one. I checked over on the Wikipedia page and there were a US company and a Chinese co. but she said the Canadian company fit the bid. I see in the news today, Enbridge Inc. and BP are going to spend $1 and 2 BILLION to expand the existing pipelines and new connections to deliver up to 250,000 barrels of oil a day to Gulf Coast refiners by 2012.

He picked a vibrant female because he is about to dither and drown in his own age spots - had to do something to ad some beauty to his decaying carrcas.

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The chances of having a Down's Syndrome child do increase dramatically with age, but the percentage shady gave is pretty accurate. According to The American College of Obstetrics and Gynocology, the chance of a 43 year old having a baby with Down's Syndrome is 1 in 49 and the risk of having a child with any chromosomal disorder is 1 in 33. This compares with the chances of Down's Syndrome at age 35 being 1 in 378 with the risk for any chromosomal disorder at age 35 being 1 in 192. At age 25 the risk for Down's Syndrome is 1 in 1250 while the risk for any chromosomal disorder is 1 in 476.

Thanks! Part of reason I was pissed off last night is because I couldn't find a handy chart with estimated risk levels. Some of the links I clicked probably had them, but I wasn't interested in wading through pages of medical journal reports to find the numbers.

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, an estimated 25 percent of Down syndrome cases can be attributed to increased age of the father.

This point should be given a little more attention, because it's only been a couple of years that we've been hearing that the father's age is a contributing factor towards birth defects. This is a cause for concern because, not only are women having children at later ages, older men are also having more children than was common years ago.

We've known for ages that older eggs are less fertile, and more prone to birth defects, but now these middle-aged guys who are often on 2nd or 3rd marriages and want to start another family have to be informed that their sperm is more subject to DNA fragmentation than the sperm cells of younger men, and adds to the risk of birth defects also.

If Palin doesn't believe in birth control, that's fine for her. I don't think that makes her guilty of having "reckless disregard" for the children she and her husband conceived.

And, we were getting along so well!

I don't know how much consideration she gave to the risks, but apparently not enough to avoid getting pregnant. To me, this puts her in the same category as these aging actresses who put off having children for career reasons until they were in their 40's. It's wonderful if the children turn out okay, but it starts becoming a game of Russian Roulette as the biological clock ticks down!

Many women these days have babies after 40 and women in general are waiting longer to have babies. I don't think that means women in general have less disregard for their babies.

Modern life is certainly making both men and women have to wait longer to get careers established before getting married and starting families. But maybe they should be strong enough to, either have fewer children, or if they have to wait too long -- adopt children. Babies are always in demand by the majority looking to adopt, but there are many young children who have had to have been removed from their birth homes and placed in fostercare, and when they get to their teenage years, they get dumped from one group home after another.

And Ms. Paulin's baby is "beautiful." I strongly hope no one would dare make any negative comments about her baby as part of the campaign.

Oh! I'm afraid that's wishful thinking in an election year! I found that there is a rumour in Alaska being spread by bloggers, that the last baby is really her 16 year old daughter's child . If there is any truth to this rumour, then that would take the story of late pregnancies off the table!

There most definitely is an increased risk of Down's Syndrome at her age. Any pregnancy after age 35 is generally considered "high risk" by the medical field. Yet I don't see this as something to be used against her.

I'm as pro-choice as they come, and I think every child is beautiful-- and they are. Beauty is not dependent on perfection. Every life is precious and to insinuate that Ms. Palin's baby is less beautiful because it has Down's is really an inappropriate comment, imo. Furthermore, there are many people with Down's who are wonderful people living very happy, fulfilling lives, so taking that view is a real insult to them. Not to mention there are many classically beautiful, highly intelligent people living miserable lives.

Nor were either of them required to. So why should they be faulted? To fault them for that is truly bizarre.

If you wouldn't mind climbing down from your soapbox for a moment, I'd like to point out that I am not disparaging children with Down's Syndrome! But all of your blather about how beautiful and wonderful they are doesn't hide the fact that neither you, nor I would choose to have a child with this mutation if we could prevent it, or at least significantly lower the odds!

And since you identify yourself as pro choice, that raises another troubling ethical problem with this issue: many women are aborting these children when an amniocentesis or other prenatal testing detects birth defects. I agree that (unlike this fanatical governor of Alaska), women should have the option to abort a fetus that has birth defects like Down's Syndrome; but it's not hard to figure out that many older women have an opinion that they can get pregnant, and just abort defective fetuses until they get it right.

It's one thing to have an abortion for unforseen circumstances; but this is totally immoral to discount the risk by having a series of abortions until the perfect baby comes along. Regardless of whether it can be dealt with by the legal system, it is still a disgusting practice!

Plenty of people over the age of 40 have babies. Plenty of people under the age of 40 have babies with one problem or another. Maybe some of them didn't eat 'right,' or have the best medical care for one reason or another, or drank alcohol on occasion, or smoked, or this-that-and-the-other thing they did that may not have been 'by the book.' If we start faulting Ms. Palin for her decision to have a baby and "blame" her for the baby having Down's Syndrome, we start going down a scary slippery slope.

Well, what do you think of younger women who drink or smoke during pregnancy? Just because that's bad too, this doesn't absolve women like Governor Palin, who are over 40 years old and don't believe in practicing in practicing birth control. If everyone followed the advice of crazy, reactionary theocrats like these, every woman would still be having 8 kids!

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Thanks! Part of reason I was pissed off last night is because I couldn't find a handy chart with estimated risk levels. Some of the links I clicked probably had them, but I wasn't interested in wading through pages of medical journal reports to find the numbers.

This point should be given a little more attention, because it's only been a couple of years that we've been hearing that the father's age is a contributing factor towards birth defects. This is a cause for concern because, not only are women having children at later ages, older men are also having more children than was common years ago.

We've known for ages that older eggs are less fertile, and more prone to birth defects, but now these middle-aged guys who are often on 2nd or 3rd marriages and want to start another family have to be informed that their sperm is more subject to DNA fragmentation than the sperm cells of younger men, and adds to the risk of birth defects also.

And, we were getting along so well!

I don't know how much consideration she gave to the risks, but apparently not enough to avoid getting pregnant. To me, this puts her in the same category as these aging actresses who put off having children for career reasons until they were in their 40's. It's wonderful if the children turn out okay, but it starts becoming a game of Russian Roulette as the biological clock ticks down!

Modern life is certainly making both men and women have to wait longer to get careers established before getting married and starting families. But maybe they should be strong enough to, either have fewer children, or if they have to wait too long -- adopt children. Babies are always in demand by the majority looking to adopt, but there are many young children who have had to have been removed from their birth homes and placed in fostercare, and when they get to their teenage years, they get dumped from one group home after another.

Oh! I'm afraid that's wishful thinking in an election year! I found that there is a rumour in Alaska being spread by bloggers, that the last baby is really her 16 year old daughter's child . If there is any truth to this rumour, then that would take the story of late pregnancies off the table!

If you wouldn't mind climbing down from your soapbox for a moment, I'd like to point out that I am not disparaging children with Down's Syndrome! But all of your blather about how beautiful and wonderful they are doesn't hide the fact that neither you, nor I would choose to have a child with this mutation if we could prevent it, or at least significantly lower the odds!

And since you identify yourself as pro choice, that raises another troubling ethical problem with this issue: many women are aborting these children when an amniocentesis or other prenatal testing detects birth defects. I agree that (unlike this fanatical governor of Alaska), women should have the option to abort a fetus that has birth defects like Down's Syndrome; but it's not hard to figure out that many older women have an opinion that they can get pregnant, and just abort defective fetuses until they get it right.

It's one thing to have an abortion for unforseen circumstances; but this is totally immoral to discount the risk by having a series of abortions until the perfect baby comes along. Regardless of whether it can be dealt with by the legal system, it is still a disgusting practice!

Well, what do you think of younger women who drink or smoke during pregnancy? Just because that's bad too, this doesn't absolve women like Governor Palin, who are over 40 years old and don't believe in practicing in practicing birth control. If everyone followed the advice of crazy, reactionary theocrats like these, every woman would still be having 8 kids!

It really does not matter if a woman damages here child though toxins while pregnant - the mothers genetics would be substandard if she partook in vicious behaviour - (vice - vicious) - the offspring may be damaged - and it maybe better that this human be less strong than stronger - like I said to this clever and manipulative lieing cocaine addict of a woman - "without coke and booze you would be dangerous" > It may be better to let them weaken themselves and any potential minion of an offspring. :blink::P

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.....Well, what do you think of younger women who drink or smoke during pregnancy? Just because that's bad too, this doesn't absolve women like Governor Palin, who are over 40 years old and don't believe in practicing in practicing birth control. If everyone followed the advice of crazy, reactionary theocrats like these, every woman would still be having 8 kids!

WTF? Are you advocating that women over age 40 should not have more pregnancies/children? Birth defects can happen even under the youngest/healthiest/genetically perfect conditions.

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They have lots of qualified women available. Thats what drives me NUTS!. What causes very smart, very experienced politicians like the first Bush and McCain to screw their chance at being elected but putting a ball of fluff on the ticket ?

(note, when I say "ball of fluff" in regards to Palin, I am talking about her resume) She seems like a very bright, very personable lady. She has an 80% approval rating or something as a governor.

This would have been a reasonable pick if McCain were desperate, a "hail Mary" pass if you will. But the score is getting tighter and its still early in the game.

There aren't a whole lot of Republican women in positions of power, and the few who are, like Kay Bailey Hutchinson, are mostly pro choice; and McCain needed a woman who was also a religious fanatic to balance the ticket, since he is regarded with suspicion by all of the televangelists and evangelical leaders.

I have to agree with you that Sarah Palin seems bright and articulate, but she has almost no resume to justify putting her literally a heartbeat away from the presidency.

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WTF? Are you advocating that women over age 40 should not have more pregnancies/children? Birth defects can happen even under the youngest/healthiest/genetically perfect conditions.

Double WTF - there is so much abortion and childlessness that any woman that wants to go for it and birth a child ( most beautiful and honourable achievement) let her try - what are they saying? _ Do give birth - ? The reason woman have put off children is because they were used and lied to by a society not interested in the real wealth of an individual - I say go girl go...and trust the cosmic forces.

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I have to agree with you that Sarah Palin seems bright and articulate, but she has almost no resume to justify putting her literally a heartbeat away from the presidency.

It doesn't have to be justified....she meets all the constitutional requirements to be vice president and president. Nobody is a heartbeat away from the presidency.

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It doesn't have to be justified....she meets all the constitutional requirements to be vice president and president. Nobody is a heartbeat away from the presidency.

Speaking of heart beat - I sense great possible heart break - Obama may be dupe and may not make it...even if he does - America has played this game before - as far as the Clintons..put it this way - they keep company with unsavory persons...I don't don't much about this potential American Bhutto...but from the one photo - she is a charismatic - charisma means to have a grace that OTHERS benefit by..a benevolence assisted by charm - the other charisma is a selfish one.

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Speaking of heart beat - I sense great possible heart break - Obama may be dupe and may not make it...even if he does - America has played this game before - as far as the Clintons..put it this way - they keep company with unsavory persons...I don't don't much about this potential American Bhutto...but from the one photo - she is a charismatic - charisma means to have a grace that OTHERS benefit by..a benevolence assisted by charm - the other charisma is a selfish one.

I hope Obama does win and these rubes get a nice dose of reality. Change my ass.

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I hope Obama does win and these rubes get a nice dose of reality. Change my ass.

Just between you and I - the Rev. Wright rant - was accurate as far as SOME poorly behaved elite...the silence of the Wright is temporal as is his with drawn personal influence...a bit of a blood bath may result politically and legally speaking - as long as it's contained and not emotional or abusive - I can live with it. AND mercey...you will have to have that to show the world we are not barbarians.

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WTF? Are you advocating that women over age 40 should not have more pregnancies/children? Birth defects can happen even under the youngest/healthiest/genetically perfect conditions.

Yes, and you can also get hit by a bus when you step out into the street! But, if you look before you step off the curb, your odds are much better than people who don't look unless they hear a car coming; it's all a matter of being careful and not taking unnecessary risks.

And when you get older, you should be aware of the fact that risks of birth defects, complications during pregnancy, are going to increase.

Q: What is my chance of having a baby with a birth defect?In the United States, about 3% of babies are born with birth defects. Some women have a higher chance of having a child with a birth defect. Women over the age of 35 years have a higher chance of having a child with Down syndrome than women who are younger. If taken when a woman is pregnant, certain drugs can increase the chance of birth defects. Also, women who smoke and use alcohol while pregnant have a higher risk of having a baby with certain birth defects. Other women have a higher chance of having a baby with a birth defect because someone in their family had a similar birth defect.

My wife and I, thought about having another child when she was in her late 30's and I was in my mid-40's, but we decided that along with a few minor health problems my wife has, that the odds weren't high enough in our favour.

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