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Spitzer descendant....

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That's what someone who know's they're lying says. You can't provide links because you know you're wrong. Links or you're lying. It's your choice.

No, I'm not lying and I told you to do your own homework or ask someone who knows. If you don't then I will have to punish you by making you wait until tomorrow. Now all you have to do is say you have tried and I will help you again. Even an American should be able to understand tough love shady.

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The lie about the tanks and troops on the Saudi border is not false from what I have read. I found this while reaseaching:

"SEPTEMBER: The Pentagon says that 250,000 Iraqi troops with 1500 tanks are massed on the Saudi border. The photos are never made public.

Soviet satellite imagery taken that day shows no troops near the border.


Journalist Jean Heller learns about the Soviet satellite imagery and presents them to Dick Cheney's office at the Pentagon. They ignore the story."

"...What you expected to see were tanks on the border. There was none that we could see.

I said, look, if you can prove to me that our story isn't true, we won't run it. And they just ignored it.

They have never shown those (U.S. satellite images) photos. Not then and not since."

Edited by Who's Doing What?
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I agree with a commentator on CNN that it's not the sex angle so much, but that it opened Spitzer to the possibility of blackmail. A state Governor is not your garden variety politician.

There's also the fact that the hooker traveled from New York to Washington on Spitzer's instructions to provide sex. It's something to do about prostitution services and crossing state lines which amounts to a federal offence. Surely he must have been aware of that statute.

I wonder if he will soon find himself a bachelor?

He violated the federal Mann Act of 1910 (transporting a woman across state lines for immoral purposes).

The US has a long (but recent) history in charging people with a different crime than their true guilt. Spitzer was a specialist in the genre. It is this form of intrusion into people's lives that will come to no good.

Spitzer was no more a likely victim of blackmail than any other politician or executive. And so what if his wife leaves him? Margaret Trudeau's wife left Trudeau and he was re-elected.

I just don't see the moral or criminal case here. In a better world, this wouldn't be in the news at all because the FBI would not be wire-tapping these kinds of escort services and banks wouldn't be monitoring cash withdrawals. It's this kind of public intrusion into private affairs that I find objectionable. OTOH, Spritzer made a career of this kind of obnoxious intrusion so I guess he deserves whatever penalty he receives. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Although I will clarify my position and say that Saddam was set up by the US to invade Kuwait and the US played a major role in creating provocations against Iraq by Kuwait.
That's 9/11 conspiracy whacko and it's also pompous. You've also highjacked a perfectly good thread. Please take this discussion elsewhere.
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I just don't see the moral or criminal case here. In a better world, this wouldn't be in the news at all because the FBI would not be wire-tapping these kinds of escort services and banks wouldn't be monitoring cash withdrawals. It's this kind of public intrusion into private affairs that I find objectionable. OTOH, Spritzer made a career of this kind of obnoxious intrusion so I guess he deserves whatever penalty he receives. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

According to NPR , Spitzer was caught not by the Feds looking into prostitution, but rather they were alerted due to shady financial movements. By the way, Spitzer was instrumental in getting the law that caught him put into effect.

Apparently he will resign in a few moments...if not by now.

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I watched Spitzer on t.v. last night and saw his wife standing beside him and really started to feel a lot of pity for his wife more than I cared about just another US bum being exposed. Then I thought, hey, maybe his wife was in the thing with him and was part of three-ways with prostitutes? That would certainly make a difference and it's definitely not beyond the realms of possibility knowing what is currently happening in that country. Do they have any politicians who are not either doing it with prostitutes or doing it with preachers or playing wide stance games in public washrooms? And what if his wife had a problem herself and didn't fulfill her marital functions in a normal manner?

Or what if US society has degenerated to the point where it's no big deal to go and buy prostitutes and even take them home for wifey to share. Not to say that was the case with Spitzere but is it really such a big deal for Americans to cheat on their wives with prostitutes? As with wide stance Larry, they take the high road and pounce on gays every opportunity they get but then are found to be performing filthy acts in public washrooms! What is the rest of the world to think??

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Whatever they wish...worrying about what the rest of the world thinks is a decidely Canadian value, not so much for "Merkins. IMHO, we have the best prostitutes too!

Considering that you needed to make the comment then let me ask you. Do you recommend your prostitutes from personal experinece?

Your behaviour is getting us nowhere b/c.

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Spitzer was caught because he withdraw cash from an ATM. Why is the government monitoring such withdrawals?

They only do that when your in a position of power and Wall Street hates your guts. Investigating a $15,000 bank transaction for someone of his financial ilk...hmmmm.

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Spitzer was no more a likely victim of blackmail than any other politician or executive.

A politician unblemished by scandal is less likely to be blackmailed than a politician that has gone astray. Yet, bribery is a different matter. Politicians are fertile ground for law breakers and unscrupulous profiteers to offer bribes for specific favours. Blackmail on the other hand is only possible if law breakers have "the goods" on a politician.

I just don't see the moral or criminal case here. In a better world, this wouldn't be in the news at all because the FBI would not be wire-tapping these kinds of escort services and banks wouldn't be monitoring cash withdrawals. It's this kind of public intrusion into private affairs that I find objectionable. OTOH, Spritzer made a career of this kind of obnoxious intrusion so I guess he deserves whatever penalty he receives. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

US law notwithstanding, the fact is politicians are held to a high code of behaviour, on the job and in their private life. If Spitzer broke the law, he should be charged, just as you and I as private citizens would be charged under similar circumstances. Some observers have said he has paid the price and he should be left alone. I don't buy the argument that he has paid plenty because he resigned his governorship and, brought shame upon himself and his family. It's not a sure bet that he will escape criminal charges, not for the prostitution angle so much but something to do with the money angle.

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QUOTE(August1991 @ Mar 11 2008, 07:06 PM)

Spitzer was caught because he withdraw cash from an ATM. Why is the government monitoring such withdrawals?

Because Spitzer signed into law after 9-11 a new program that monitors and reports suspicious monetary transactions such as "bundling" , whatever that is ( I kind of know)

It was designed to report transactions that are under the $10,000 mandatory report limit. As I read it earlier, it would catch 5000- $2 transfers , although that would not meet the "report threshold".

They only do that when your in a position of power and Wall Street hates your guts. Investigating a $15,000 bank transaction for someone of his financial ilk...hmmmm.

I am not so sure. I have no doubt that Wall St brokers and Ins execs were hoping something might trip him up, but to suggest he was investigated because of who he is does not sound right. I believe the computer program that caught him would only identify an account number , not a name. Of course later when a name is attached it would elicit giggles but thats after the fact.

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I am not so sure. I have no doubt that Wall St brokers and Ins execs were hoping something might trip him up, but to suggest he was investigated because of who he is does not sound right. I believe the computer program that caught him would only identify an account number , not a name. Of course later when a name is attached it would elicit giggles but thats after the fact.

So they linked the account number with Spitzer. When discovering who it belonged to, wouldn't you think that they would just move on? He could probably spend those $5000 withdrawals on fueling up his vehicle and other stuff, for a weekend camping trip with his family. They were looking for something to get him on and they hit paydirt. Then they bugged the call girl outfit that they already knew existed. It is just too ridiculous to think that somebody like him would be investigated for such small transactions. He had many enemies.

Guess we'll just have to wait and see what else transpires with this weird story.

Edited by Carinthia
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So they linked the account number with Spitzer. When discovering who it belonged to, wouldn't you think that they would just move on? . They were looking for something to get him on and they hit paydirt. Then they bugged the call girl outfit that they already knew existed. It is just too ridiculous to think that somebody like him would be investigated for such small transactions. He had many enemies.

Guess we'll just have to wait and see what else transpires with this weird story.

From what I have read, no they would not move on , no matter who it was. There was bundling of money from various accounts, being wired around the country, apparently setting alarm bells off.

"Such small transactions" ? When the suspicion is fraud I dont think anyone would NOT be interested. When it was found to be Spitzer, the one who campaigned to rid NY of corruption, the one who campaigned to implement laws so this type of abuse could stop , oh you can bet someone had a big ol grin on his/her face.

There is nothing better than to rub someones face in a big steaming pile of hypocrisy. Eliot , youse been rubbed boy!

The libs love rubbing the cons in the pile, lord knows the libs know just how it feels. Vice versa works too !

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Surprise! Three ways happen in Canada, too! Speculating on his wife's sex life is not really relevent, though. Whatever her tastes were, the charges are against him.

Do they indeed Melanie? And how would you know that for sure? I think you may be hearing repors from the land of the gun and you just think they are in Canada. Or do you have it on better authority dear?

You don't want to play with me Melanie.

Edited by UShaditComing
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Because Spitzer signed into law after 9-11 a new program that monitors and reports suspicious monetary transactions such as "bundling" , whatever that is ( I kind of know)

It was designed to report transactions that are under the $10,000 mandatory report limit. As I read it earlier, it would catch 5000- $2 transfers , although that would not meet the "report threshold".

It used to be called smurfing - or serial deposits of $9999.

In his case, I think he was caught because he had to come up with about $4000 cash and he probably used several different bank machines or different accounts to do it given maximum withdrawal amounts. (I've known people who have driven to different ATMs.)

Incidentally, my question about government monitoring about bank withdrawals was rhetorical - or even philosophical. It's my libertarian side.

A politician unblemished by scandal is less likely to be blackmailed than a politician that has gone astray. Yet, bribery is a different matter. Politicians are fertile ground for law breakers and unscrupulous profiteers to offer bribes for specific favours. Blackmail on the other hand is only possible if law breakers have "the goods" on a politician.
True but in this political world, people are judged first and questioned later.

From what I understand, as DA and Atttorney-General, Spitzer was investigating escort services but never one where he was a client. Isn't that a conflict of interest? Did he get priviliged treatment as a client?

This raises the big question of why such a smart guy like Spitzer did all this in such a stupid way. Indeed, why did he choose to put himself in the spotlight and have a political career if he wished also to live on the wildside?

We're left with Bill Clinton's explanation for Lewinsky. "I did it because I could." I think that's what Spitzer thought too. He did it because he thought he could.

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Do they indeed Melanie? And how would you know that for sure? I think you may be hearing repors from the land of the gun and you just think they are in Canada. Or do you have it on better authority dear?

You don't want to play with me Melanie.

Whatever authority I have it on, the point remains that Spitzer's wife's sexual preferences have no bearing on this thread. But if you think they don't happen in Canada, maybe you need to leave the basement more often.

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This raises the big question of why such a smart guy like Spitzer did all this in such a stupid way. Indeed, why did he choose to put himself in the spotlight and have a political career if he wished also to live on the wildside?

Also, if he wanted sex on the side, how could he be so stupid as to leave a trail, i.e. cash withdrawals, phone conversations, etc. He should have known better. He could have had a mistress as I'm sure many politicians and high flyers do. It's almost like he wanted to play with fire until he got burnt. A sad tale for his family.

We're left with Bill Clinton's explanation for Lewinsky. "I did it because I could." I think that's what Spitzer thought too. He did it because he thought he could.

To this day, the Lewinski business hangs over his head and Hillary's. There's no getting away from it. How can people caught up in such things lead a normal life?

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Also, if he wanted sex on the side, how could he be so stupid as to leave a trail, i.e. cash withdrawals, phone conversations, etc. He should have known better. He could have had a mistress as I'm sure many politicians and high flyers do. It's almost like he wanted to play with fire until he got burnt. A sad tale for his family.
Or, Spitzer booked his room at the Mayflower using the name of a wealthy donor/friend. Why didn't Spitzer get that guy to do his negotiating on his behalf?

This may seem obvious to you and me but the kind of person who makes it to the governor's mansion or the White House doesn't have a mind that works that way.

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From what I have read, no they would not move on , no matter who it was. There was bundling of money from various accounts, being wired around the country, apparently setting alarm bells off.

Oh, I didn't know that part.

I was just watching a documentary on the whole sordid mess and they were saying that he has been doing the call girl thing for years though. So why would they have not caught on to his bank account shenanigans before? I still think they have known for a very long time too and they turned a blind eye until they needed a reason to bring him down. Which, in my mind, is where he belongs.

There must be many of these high rollers doing this and how are they paying for it? What method are they using? They must be on the right side of somebody.

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I watched Spitzer on t.v. last night and saw his wife standing beside him and really started to feel a lot of pity for his wife more than I cared about just another US bum being exposed.
I don't feel pity for his wife. His wife, also a Harvard Law grad, picked a life in the fast lane, and wanted the glory and money that went with it.

I do feel badly for the kids though.

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Maybe his wife likes three-ways. Who knows what happens in the land of the gun.
That comment is utterly offensive both for your cheap shot at his wife and your cheap shot at my country.
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