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Will Brian Mulroney kill Stephen Harper's political career like he


Will Brian Mulroney kill Stephen Harper's political career like he did to Kim Campbell?  

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i sure hope so. but in reality it will be the voters who will get this "man who would be king" back to the sidelines where he belongs. him and his bullying buddies are on the way to changing our country and democratic values to better accommodate their American ideals . we have fought wars against leaders who acted and sounded like our supreme leader.

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i sure hope so. but in reality it will be the voters who will get this "man who would be king" back to the sidelines where he belongs. him and his bullying buddies are on the way to changing our country and democratic values to better accommodate their American ideals . we have fought wars against leaders who acted and sounded like our supreme leader.

North America has alway tried to stand up for the little man. If we read they history of the countries our founding fathers came from we know that ordinary people were treated like surfs, right into the early 20th century. We don't want bullies, we want people in government who care about us.

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I think Campbell's own downfall was much her own doing.

That's just so wrong. It wouldn't have mattered if god himself was leader of the Tory's after Mulroney resigned - they would have gotten trounced just the same. People were so fed up with Mulroney and his corrupt government that no one in that government was safe, even if the constituents liked their individual representative.

The result? Liberals who thought they could do anything any time because of lack of effective opposition. Hopefully we won't repeat that experiment again ............. no matter how bad Harper gets. :lol:

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That's just so wrong. It wouldn't have mattered if god himself was leader of the Tory's after Mulroney resigned - they would have gotten trounced just the same. People were so fed up with Mulroney and his corrupt government that no one in that government was safe, even if the constituents liked their individual representative.

Were the PCs not tied with the Liberals at the start of the campaign?

Did Mulroney approve the ads mocking Chretien's facial deformity?

Did Mulroney say something about no significant job creation?

Did Mulroney say something about a campaign not being a place for serious policy debate?

Had the PCs won any semblance of a decent campaign in 1993 they could have at least held the Liberals to a minority.

Kim Campbell was the leader. Ergo she was responsible.

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Had the PCs won any semblance of a decent campaign in 1993 they could have at least held the Liberals to a minority.

Kim Campbell was the leader. Ergo she was responsible.

Kim Campbell had a little help from Alliance and Bloc vote splitting in certain ridings, don't you think?

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Old-bold and crusty we already know you are a delusional violence threatening nobody so why do you think your opinion should hold any more weight than anyone else's here or in the real world where the majority will NEVER ,I REPEAT NEVER GIVE HARPERBIZZARRE ANY MAJORITY?

What exactly are you smoking over there in your cage(hows the booze flowing tonight?)

shavluk that's rude :angry:

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Kim Campbell had a little help from Alliance and Bloc vote splitting in certain ridings, don't you think?

Reform not Alliance.

Both parties would have picked up some seats regardless of what happened. But the tremendous success both enjoyed was thanks to Campbell.

The Reform weren't a factor in 1988, they weren't much of a factor at the start of the election. They were only polling 10 percent nationally at the start of the campaign.

Campbell's terrible campaign pushed them to 19% on election day.

The Bloc was only polling 8% nationally at the start of the campaign and Campbell's terrible campaign pushed them to 14% nationally on election day.

Mulroney left Campbell with a chance to win at the start of the campaign, or at the very least hold the Liberals to a minority.

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Mulroney left Campbell with a chance to win at the start of the campaign, or at the very least hold the Liberals to a minority.
Thanks for the explanation. I do recall it being explained to me, on a ski lift ride with an Albertan at Banff in December 1992 (when Mulroney was still in) that the PC was going to get smashed in the next elections, which he explained were due within a year.
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shavluk that's rude :angry:

There is n need to get angry about Shavluk and anything he says. I know I am on solid ground when he is against the things I say, and his being rude is probably his best behaviour. Even though most of what he says is drug induced rants that only he can follow, I welcome anything even negative, where I can at least understand where he is going. He is like having an anoying little dog always snapping at your ankles, you really would like to give him a good kick, but you don't because you know that would be wrong, as he is just a little dog and all his yapping is mostly out of fear.

I kind of use him as a poster boy for what can happen if you smoke pot, and I would believe many other here do the same. But thank you for the thought about rudeness.

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This thread sure shows the divisions between the cradle to grave leftists and the individualistic right. I'm sure no one is in any doubt as to where I sit, but just in case: Margrace, what planet do you hail from? "We don't want bullies, we want people in government who care about us." Errrr, no, but it sounds like what "we" (meaning "you") want is a kindly shepherd. The rest of us want an honest politician who does his best to withdraw the tentacles of the state from around our wallets. So far that's what Harper is doing.

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Well you were away this last time oldbaldandcranky suggested after telling us all he was drinking again because of his booze troubles ,

well he said that someone may end up ""shooting me""!!!!!!!!!!!

I can provide the thread from here but feel that he would just like that kind of attention.

Now if he had said someone should shoot you , for example ,

I think you may just be a little put off with anything else he spews as well ?yes

I am planning on having him do a few more tricks here soon and else where just as a way of showing somethings and how crafty I in fact am.

I just await my techie friends report and expertise.

I do bailiff work as some poeople sure dont like to pay their bills.

I am very effective in so many ways so I do clean up mess's

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Well you were away this last time oldbaldandcranky suggested after telling us all he was drinking again because of his booze troubles ,

Oh did I? please show me where. Also where on earth do you think I would be drinking? I have probably 15-20 drinks in a year, mostly while in the carribean, and at the end of the day a tropicl rum theme drink. My wife is the same. We will have maybe one drink at parties arounf christmas but other then that, I defy you to show I said I was drinking etc.

well he said that someone may end up ""shooting me""!!!!!!!!!!!

You already can not say what I said or even recall in the context. Your getting down to low number of brain cells left there, aren't you.

I can provide the thread from here but feel that he would just like that kind of attention.

As I said please provide this thread as I really want to see it, and its context, as you just do not have any credibility in anything here any more.

Now if he had said someone should shoot you , for example ,

I think you may just be a little put off with anything else he spews as well ?yes

You need to ask if that would change anything, then you know it would not. Again I am saying put up or shut up, as I am getting to the point where you had better prove what you said or leave the board banned for your behaviour.

I am planning on having him do a few more tricks here soon and else where just as a way of showing somethings and how crafty I in fact am.

I just await my techie friends report and expertise.

Please go ahead and try your little games, I always wanted to own property in BC, and taking yours will be sweet. Probably sell of the strip club though, as it really is not the kind of business I would run. Too much law and legal problems. I do know a people who would probably buy it drom me though. So go on please keep posting.

I do bailiff work as some poeople sure dont like to pay their bills.

I am very effective in so many ways so I do clean up mess's

If you ever were a bailiff you are not now, as an officer of the court posting the stuff you have would be long gone. You may be a bill collector who has to try to make deals with people to try and pay their bills. That I can believe, as most of those doing that kind of work come from the shady side of things.

So when are you going to clean up my messes here. You are not because I owe no one anything, and neither does my wife and family. You are a fool to the ninth degree.

Edited by old_bold&cold
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This thread sure shows the divisions between the cradle to grave leftists and the individualistic right. I'm sure no one is in any doubt as to where I sit, but just in case: Margrace, what planet do you hail from? "We don't want bullies, we want people in government who care about us." Errrr, no, but it sounds like what "we" (meaning "you") want is a kindly shepherd. The rest of us want an honest politician who does his best to withdraw the tentacles of the state from around our wallets. So far that's what Harper is doing.

Great post Scot.

I don't want a "Kindly Shepherd, there is plenty in the Highlands of Cape Breton though. I feel a sheep slash Scotish joke coming onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

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Oh did I? please show me where. Also where on earth do you think I would be drinking? I have probably 15-20 drinks in a year, mostly while in the carribean, and at the end of the day a tropicl rum theme drink. My wife is the same. We will have maybe one drink at parties arounf christmas but other then that, I defy you to show I said I was drinking etc.

You already can not say what I said or even recall in the context. Your getting down to low number of brain cells left there, aren't you.

As I said please provide this thread as I really want to see it, and its context, as you just do not have any credibility in anything here any more.

You need to ask if that would change anything, then you know it would not. Again I am saying put up or shut up, as I am getting to the point where you had better prove what you said or leave the board banned for your behaviour.

Please go ahead and try your little games, I always wanted to own property in BC, and taking yours will be sweet. Probably sell of the strip club though, as it really is not the kind of business I would run. Too much law and legal problems. I do know a people who would probably buy it drom me though. So go on please keep posting.

If you ever were a bailiff you are not now, as an officer of the court posting the stuff you have would be long gone. You may be a bill collector who has to try to make deals with people to try and pay their bills. That I can believe, as most of those doing that kind of work come from the shady side of things.

So when are you going to clean up my messes here. You are not because I owe no one anything, and neither does my wife and family. You are a fool to the ninth degree.


The next one is kind of a silent one

watch this

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I wasn't going to post it yet , but wait and see your delusional rants a bit more. hahha

You are of no importance and can find you own crap I have interest in furthering your entertainment ,,call a mod

Because I care about people I decided that there is no point in really wasting Mr.Anthony's time with your games Oldwhatever

But after having another look at your love filled post ,,why

I am curious enough to the out come now and will now wait until you do report me

I guess as a ""time waster of mods"" you don't care about here hahhaa

yes before I post the link where you said this,,,,,

**** and because of the way you act insane all the time, some one shooting you, is a real possibility**** -quote Old&Crusty er whatever

Its pretty obvious you and I loath each other.

Maybe stay in your usual demeaning mean spirited type threads

I will stay with the enlightened , self esteemed , positive , humanitarian etc etc types, OK?

Otherwise I will take it as a personal attack and respond to decimate you at every turn ,every time

Even 2 handed if I do break out in a sweat,, hahhah which is highly unlikely , I know

I just thought I would throw you something as an olive-branch , you understand ?hahhahha

I feel sorry for those around you Archie.

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Old-bold and crusty we already know you are a delusional violence threatening nobody so why do you think your opinion should hold any more weight than anyone else's here or in the real world where the majority will NEVER ,I REPEAT NEVER GIVE HARPERBIZZARRE ANY MAJORITY?

What exactly are you smoking over there in your cage(hows the booze flowing tonight?)

Hey shavluk, where's your respect for the old? Doesn't old,bold& cold sound like someone we all know in Ottawa? This could be a very close relative of his! You and I know Harper will not get a majority unless he rigs the voting polls with his people that do the counting. Other forums have the same dislike for this PM and it doesn't really matter when the election is, Harper will never get a majority.

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I have no need to help out Harper, as he is doing what I expect him to do and he is doing very well. Even with a monority government he gets things done that usually only can be done with a majority government. I guess that is because he actually hasa majority because the Liberals are abstaining on just about everything that is a confidence vote. That just sticks in the craws of the likes of the Liberals and the greens. Maybe they could join and then have more seats..... Thats right even if they joined they would still have the same number of seats together as they did apart.

Hell with the ramblings of a ceratin Green party member, and being that most people believe him possibly the best thing for the opposing parties ever. I would say that I would like to see him become a Liberal, I can see him now buddies with Dion. :lol:

What we need to see is a couplke more confident issues to come around and make sure Dion has remembered his training of how to lie down and play dead. Also remember it was Dion who kept asking in the house twice for a public inquirey to the Mulroney Schrieber issue, because he just could not take yes for an answer. The fact that this inquirey was brought up by the opposition and addressed so quickly by Harper, should have set off alarm bells for the Liberals that they are being setup. It is going to be interesting to watch it play out and I am sure that the losers in this will be the Liberals, and this time I hope the tax payers are not on the hook for much. I think Harper will see to that in some way. Maybe he will pay for it by retriving some of the moneies lost in the Liberal boondoggals or adscam. At least those would pay for themselves and be more pertaining to present day, as the Liberal party is still around and the PC party is long gone. All this because Dion wanted some time to breath. Who say air was free.

Edited by old_bold&cold
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The fact that this inquirey was brought up by the opposition and addressed so quickly by Harper, should have set off alarm bells for the Liberals that they are being setup. It is going to be interesting to watch it play out and I am sure that the losers in this will be the Liberals, and this time I hope the tax payers are not on the hook for much. I think Harper will see to that in some way.

The impression I am getting from listening to callers on talk shows is they want Schreiber extradited and so do I. I think the Conservatives are sounding out where Canadians stand before making a final decision. The Liberals are screaming for Schreiber's extradition to be postponed so he can testify "in person". I think it was a great move by the Justice Minister to delay the extradition to December 1st. This way, the Liberals will continue hammering at this in the media and the House, and the public will get angrier and angrier with the Liberals for wanting to keep that creep here. By the way, I would not be surprised if Schreiber was booted out on schedule.

I heard Stevie Cameron on Goldhawk live. She pointed out that Schreiber has not been charged with anything in Canada and he knows he will serve jail time after he faces charges in Germany. So he wants to extend his stay here any way he can.

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I heard Stevie Cameron on Goldhawk live. She pointed out that Schreiber has not been charged with anything in Canada and he knows he will serve jail time after he faces charges in Germany. So he wants to extend his stay here any way he can.

Of course he wants to stay here. But that does not negate the fact that he may have things to say that will be pertinent to the inquiry that will not come out if he is extradited. I'm not sure what the people that want him sent off immediately are scared of if he is allowed to stay for the duration of the inquiry. What needs to be is that everything surrounding this comes out now so we don't have to try to figure this all out again in 10 years. Let's get it over with.

In response to the thread's title: Yes, Brian Mulroney is vindictive. If there were conversations with anyone in this government, especially the PM, about Schreiber, he may bring it out if he feels too unjustly sidelined.

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Of course he wants to stay here. But that does not negate the fact that he may have things to say that will be pertinent to the inquiry that will not come out if he is extradited.

Then he can testify from Germany.

I'm not sure what the people that want him sent off immediately are scared of if he is allowed to stay for the duration of the inquiry.

This extradition business has been going on for nearly 8 years. That's what many people are sickened by. He should have been booted out years ago, when the Liberals where in office.

What needs to be is that everything surrounding this comes out now so we don't have to try to figure this all out again in 10 years. Let's get it over with.

I think you're really hoping that some of this sticks to Harper, but I could be wrong. In 10 years the major players will be senile or dead. I don't think we'll rehash things in 10 years. Unless we want to do it through their children. But this is Canada, and nothing would surprise me.

In response to the thread's title: Yes, Brian Mulroney is vindictive. If there were conversations with anyone in this government, especially the PM, about Schreiber, he may bring it out if he feels too unjustly sidelined.

You obviously want Harper to be hung out to dry. It won't happen.

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Then he can testify from Germany.

This extradition business has been going on for nearly 8 years. That's what many people are sickened by. He should have been booted out years ago, when the Liberals where in office.

I think you're really hoping that some of this sticks to Harper, but I could be wrong. In 10 years the major players will be senile or dead. I don't think we'll rehash things in 10 years. Unless we want to do it through their children. But this is Canada, and nothing would surprise me.

You obviously want Harper to be hung out to dry. It won't happen.

Schreiber says he won't testify if he is sent to Germany. Maybe after he gets out of jail there he might release pertinent info and then .... here we go again. Irwin (?) Cotler said he did order him extradited when he was in office, but then Schreiber appealed. So for 8 years he has been here while going through the process, and when the possibility of his dealings with Mulroney (and who knows what other politician) is about to be made public, some want to rush him off to prevent that. After 8 years, surely 6 more months is not a long time.

I don't "obviously" want anyone hung out to dry over this. I answered a question about what Mulroney could do ... and he can do a lot if he feels he needs to to preserve his "legacy" that he seems to think the country is not appreciative enough of. Basically it comes down to this whole thing is an embarrassment to this country ... yet more political scandals. What I want is to get it over with so we never have revisit this issue again. And, hopefully, this will be the last time a government of ours is called on corruption.

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After 8 years, surely 6 more months is not a long time.

Six months? An inquiry would problably take years. And what if Schreiber gets bail for the duration of the inquiry? Wouldn't that be a hoot. Don't forget he hasn't been charged with anything in Canada. What would Germany be thinking of Canada then?

I don't "obviously" want anyone hung out to dry over this.

It sounded like you did.

I answered a question about what Mulroney could do ... and he can do a lot if he feels he needs to to preserve his "legacy" that he seems to think the country is not appreciative enough of.

What legacy? Most Canadians can't stand his guts. There's no legacy to keep except for his admirers. I think he is simply defending himself on the charges made against him in Schreiber's affidavit.

Basically it comes down to this whole thing is an embarrassment to this country ... yet more political scandals. What I want is to get it over with so we never have revisit this issue again.

I really don't think that other countries are that concerned about our internal affairs. In this case though, Germany's asking why is this extradition process so long. Can't blame them. I too want this thing over so we can concentrate on the pressing issues facing the country.

And, hopefully, this will be the last time a government of ours is called on corruption.

Fortunata, I am a realist and I wouldn't count on that. :lol:

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