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  1. truly disgusting! to think that we have these arrogant, deceiving incompotent jerks running our country. the sooner they're gone the safer our country will be
  2. why do cpc supporters also feel it neccessary to try and switch the focus of every thing away from harper. could it be that they too, recognize the lies and distortions of fact as an everyday occurrence by this sad excuse of a pm. the day this deceitfull, controlling , bullying thug is thrown out on his (head) will be a great day for Canada. this could make 2009, a glorious year indeed. the greatest threat to our country is not the economy, but harper and the cpc.
  3. the distain and total disrespect shown by harper and his gang for parliament is disgracefull . I can't wait for him to be turfed and I hope it comes sooner than later. his way of governing is typical of most dictators . maybe he's getting lessons from Putin in Russia. they disgust me so much ,I change the channel every time a conservative hack, or perish the sight ,harper himself appears on tv.
  4. liberal roots run deep on the island and if the liberals are able to get the vote out they may pull through. that is a big if though as islanders have been led to beleive that the carbon tax is bad for fishing and farming. other than that they don't care for dion and are hoping for a minority cpc and the getting rid of Dion. other than an awful lot of signs ,i ,personally have not seen hide nor hair of any candidates other than the liberal. remains to be seen if islanders fall for cpc scare tactics.
  5. if you mean harper, then we will be on the road to destruction. i can't believe that canadians are falling for his lies and are actually willing to support him. it will be the end to the country we know and believe in. God help us
  6. I seem to remember a lot of opposition leaders who sat in almost the same position as Dion. the thing that stands out is that he is maintaining a respectability that we don't see with the harper crowd.harper and his goons have showed their total distain for parliament and its members. I can't beleive that they think Dion is as ineffective as they let on. why are the cpc spending so much time and money in trying to convince people that Dion is not a leader? is there something that we the general public are missing? is harper and his flunkies aware of something that we are missing? is Dion too honest and honourable for harper's low standards? why do the ndp spend more time putting down the lpc than they do the governing party? What are we missing here? I find Dion hard to understand and personally think that Bob Rae would make a better leader, but that is not the way it is. The question is , what is it about Dion that scares the crap out of harper and his goons? Why do the harperites think that Canadians will believe all their lies when the past clerly shows they cannot be believed on anything. Thank God that Canadian voters have a way of getting to the truth and getting it right in the end. hoping an election will rid the country of this sad exscuse of a PM andstart a trend of honesty and caring in our gov.
  7. yes, and george bush is loved and applauded the world over. keep spreading this garbage and you may find someone, somewhere, who will actually think it's true. good luck!
  8. actually, the canadian public should be protected from her.
  9. if and I say if ,the tories actually did buy the last election , it explains why they can't gain any ground in the polls. the canadian people really didn't want them there in the first place. another point is the fact that they are crying about being picked on and singled out for political purposes. isn't that what most criminals say when they are caught. elections canada fund that they didn't follow the rules, whether they agree or not is immaterial. they are guilty in the eyes of elections Canada. the way this arrogant and bullying party has treated everyone was bound to come back and bite them. looks good on them!!
  10. I talked to a young member of the RCR that returned from afghanistan and decided he had enough of this bull. He is a very quiet,polite, and unassuming young guy who wants to go to university and move his life ahead. he finds out that about 50% of his comrades are also trying to get out. WHY? there is a problem and no one is ready to address it. this operation is more horrendous on our troops than the military or the gov. is letting on. these young people are heroes and they are being subjected to far more than they bargained for. they will never tell the horrors and i love them for this ,but the toll it takes on them personnally is beyond belief. We need a gov. that thinks of people and not political agendas and start asking if the end is worth the means. it's time to say "forget political and think people" thank god my son decided not to go .
  11. they had their trial and where found guilty by elections canada, whose head they appointed . just because they disagree doesn't make them innocent, it just makes them like all other criminals.
  12. just an observation, but don't all criminals go on that they are innocent and they are being picked on. is this a coincidence? van loan keeps saying that they did nothing wrong. that's not what elections canada says. maybe the criminal element (tories) should just admit that they got caught. I love it. these arrogant ,bullying misfits deserve everything they get.
  13. why is it that harper and his supporters are supposedly always right and every one else are wrong. ask Mr. Howard (harpers buddy) in Australia where his right ideas got him?
  14. i guess this money comes from the olympic commitee and not really from the gov. i think the gov. still puts in lots of $ for their living expenses and maybe training.
  15. this is a bad idea and is a waste of tax payer money. who cares if canada wins a medal or not? how much does the gov. spend funding these athletes year in and year out. they should spend this money on the thousands of people who cant get access to basic sports programs because of cost. we can get along just fine without olympic athletes or their few medals.
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