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  1. It is always a tradgedy when we see that a death was preventable and then in shock we tend to over react to what needs to be done. I do not believe that the taser was what killed this man. The take down after wards was proabably what will be the cause of death, and I see that same method of police piling on a suspect everyday, and I have always said it was wrong. There is never any need for that much weight to be applied to a suspect, and it is brutality in its rawest form. These officers are all guilty of murder, and deserve to be tried on charges of second degree murder. If there is any justice in the world, this would happen. It is caught on tape as it happened and there is no doubt as to the time line and events. It was all done in the name of being too lazy to do what they were supposed to do. That should have been: 1/first try to determine what is upsetting the man involved. 2/Since they could not tell the language, find a translator and have him translate. 3/ Offer assistence to find this mans realive that was waiting at another gate of the airport. 4/ only use force if they were issues dangerous to the public at large, and to guage that force to that which is the minimum needed to restrain the person. These 4 officers did not do any of this and instead used taser( way too much force ) to subdue the upset man. Then pile on him physically crushing him and then death. They did not need to do that, and so they are guitly for all the things that their actions caused. They should not be on duty again until this is all settled and I believe that all 4 officers should be removed with cause from the force. The murdered an man on tape in a situation of their own making and that should mean they pay for that. We do not want or need that type of police officer in this country and I do not want any of my tax dollars being spent trying to defend them in any of this. If the police believe that this was a good take down, then they should use their own union funds to pay for the expense of a trial for their men. The tax payers will be on the hook for the monetary settlement with this persons family, but that should also be then that each officer should also have to pay their share of the settlement and from their own assests.
  2. The story that Schrieber wants us all to believe is that he has kept all this stuff on Mulroney quiet until just recently because he did not want to give Mulroney a letter sayiing otherwise, as that was dishonest He claims to have all kinds of stuff about the dealings of corrupt government officials and he would gladly share this if we keep him here for a while more. I assume that Schrieber has probably been told of some health condition that will end his life before a long period, as to fight for the inevitable extradition to just be delayed does not make sense. He also will have to know that what he says here in a public inquirey would most certainly cause him more problems in Germany. There has to be an end game where all the things make sense, and if he somehow knows he has a definite prognosis, that could be the driving force. I do not like Mulroney and I did not like when Harper used himas an advisor. Ithought it was a really bad choice. It may prove that I am right. Mulroney did not get enough ego stroking with his book and is looking to this inquirey to give him more of an ego builder. Personally I would like to see Mulroney go down for this and even serve time, but that is just out of revenge to where he took the voters before he left. He will always be a crook in my eyes and I do not think an inquirey will change that. And I am a harper supporter, just what must those who were always against Mulroney must think of him. I think both he and his son need to get out of the public eye and stay out, as they both have no talent to do much but make people wonder how much money does it take to be a show host and crooked lobbyist. Schrieber will not have much new information to say and we have already heard the main thrust of this info. If he refuses to testify from Germany, then I think we can have al his records seized by the germans and then turned over to us, and the RCMP can again give the German police all they know about Schrieber and his dealings here. I think you will find schrieber will co-operate completely, as it will be a lose lose situation for him, and he will be looking for more comforts in the jail system then trying to negoiate freedom. So on Dec 2 2007 they should put Schrieber on a plane for Germany, and finally put that part to rest. His threat not to talk if sent to Germany was the last straw for me. As for the inquirey, I hope that it is brought to a fast result by having Mulroney give his testimony about all the things Schrieber has said, and that only. It would then all be available to the RCMP investigation as to criminal wrong doing and should then remain there. The better thing would be for there to be no inquirey and given all the evidence that the RCMP now have, let them decide on the out come and deny Mulroney his stage, and he will then look for his own stage to make his case. That way there would be no cost to the people and I think that is as it should be. If Harper will agree to never allow Mulroney inner circle status any more, and shunned by his party, I think the opposition should then all agree to drop it also. Because we came really close to things costing millions once again. Mulroney will not agree I suppose but he was never a take one for the team type guy now was he.
  3. It was on Question Period the TV show yesterday. When it was said that the public inquirey should cover then all the leaders who had the power to do it and did not. Rae basically went on a quick fillabuster about how it was not needed and wanted and that it was untruthful to say that the government in the first case with this did not have the RCMP investigate anything. He nearly crapped his pants when this was raised and I guess now he almost assuredly made it to be self fore filling.
  4. No it is not irrelavant, as the phsycological affect alone would hurt the value of the USD against all currencies. This is why for now any currency changes by the large holders of USD, will slowly do the changing, as if it is public they will lose a large chunk due to the drop in USD value. Of course they can quote oil prices in any currency, but for the longest time it was thought that the USD was the best currency to use and it worked out well for the people of the USA. For a long time they never worried about costs of currency exchange as the USD was pretty much accepted world wide. Now the world is not so sure and if things like Oil start to be quoted in Euros, it will send a message that the favoured USD is not all encompassing. That can and will have many things going up and down, but the most part it would be down. Yes you can us any of any number of accepted methods to measure my height, and it will not make me bigger or smaller. But when you hold trillions of USD and you see the value dropping say 20% and maybe more, you start to try and divest your holdings in that currency to one more stable and possibly even climbing. That is what is going on behind the scenes now and will for quite some time. Once these once large USD holders have gotten rid of their USD holdings they will make their choice public and then yes the fall on the dollar will be greater, and this will cause other holders to also want to divest. The amount of USD held by foreign banks is small compared to China, japan and Saudi holdings. These 3 countries hold about 75% of all usd curency, held outside of the USA. The affects will not be minor to the USD currency, it will be minor to the banks who hold that currency so as to be able to trade in currecy demands from a world wide aspect. The changes where the USD can be had quickly and easily in todays banking world has meant that the USD holdings by these places has been lessened amny times over the years.
  5. Two people who work at low paying jobs for 40 hours a week will make $32,000.00 per year together. That would pretty much make it so they could live comfortably, if they wanted. Hell if they were ambitious they could probably earn better paying jobs at near $12.00 per hour each and then they would have $49,900.00 to live on Right now I do not see many jobs around that only pay $8.00 per hour and in the more populated areas, I would say you would be hard pressed to not being able to find employment at $10-12 an hour. What happens I guess is that everyone seems to think that they should all have their own apartments and still be able to party most days. That you can not do on $8.00 per hour. But you can exist on it and that is what those types of jobs were meant to be, a place to start and grow from.
  6. I never liked the fact that Harper used Mulroney as an advisor and to me that was a lack of judgement on his part. I do how ever support the Harper government in what it sees as issues that need to be corrected. Yes there wiill be some government funded things that will get cut and I really do think that for the most part the majority of Canadians feel that cutting these off is a good idea. I like the idea where the government of the day is less involved in my day to day life, and also that these cuts will allow me tax breaks and budgeting for the areas that I feel should be supportted. Many will not agree with this, but that is mostly because they see the writing on the wall, and the old Liberal left projects, that really ponly wasted tax dollars will now be money saved for the things that need to be done. Harper has the right view of the division of responsibility for every level of government. His is the federal responsibilty and yes he does have to make sure that all canadians have the same access to healthcare and social support. But that does not mean the federal trumps the provincial in those areas. The federal goverment gave us all tax breaks, and if the provinces think they just can not do what needs to be done with the tax base as it is, then they have taxation levels they can address. The same with municipalities. While the Federal may do some spending for infastructure etc. they should not be funding municipal budget shortages. The provinces will be the first to say that the federal should first give any money to the provinces and the provinces will decide as to what municipalities it will then spend in. There are 3 distinct levels of taxation for all levels of government, and if there are shortages then each should have to adjust they own taxation rate. I feel it is the responsibilty of each level of government to spend wisely and only tax where needed. They all must learn to live within their set budgets and we must never forget that there is no such thing as a surplus as long as we have large debt, that can be paid off. It is nice though for every so often we adjust the tax downward, as we learn better how to manage things. Harper I believe is of the same mind and while some will call him a control freak, they can not deny he also is the one who will openly accept responsibility for things if they go wrong. He as the leader is accountable for all the things that his government does, yet you can not do all this alone, and yes we know that he wants to run a tight ship. I do not fault him for that, and to me it is a breath of fresh air that finally some larty leader says the buck stops here and means it. Harper will do the right thing with Schrieber and that is let his justice department make the final decision to extradite or not. But either way I think that this whole public inquirey will be very quick and to the point, and if dion keeps wanting to try and drag Harper into it, then Harper will want the Chretien and Martin government s questioned in this as well. As they also were aware of this long ago and did nothing. Schrieber also said he sent the same letter that he sent to the CPC to all party leaders at the same time and they all did not acknowledge even seeing it until just recently. So I guess it is only Harper who can not say he did not know about it.
  7. If Opec was to change the currency that oil is based on, it would probably be then in euros. The prices would not change for most of us, but the hit of this action on the USD would proably make the price of oil climb quite a bit in the USA. Canada would proably follow the Currency change in pricing but allow the USa to pay in USD after adjustments were made. If the other countries then started a run on the USD, it would not be a pretty sight, but it would have its limits as well, as to move too much too fast and you are just making your loses more severe. I am sure it is going on big time already, but you will only hear much about it after the big players have already dumped what they want to. I think that even now in the USA the people have accepted that things are going to go up in price and I think you will see more of the USA prices growing to meet the CDN prices instead of the other way around. I think even food will be taking a hit upwards very soon.
  8. Poverty would mena many things to many people and it is a condition of where and when you are. For someone ina poor area where rent is $350.00 / month with cable included, then $1200.00 per month would not be poor, as long as food and transportation was also within reach. But if you live in Down town Toronto where rents are $1400.00 / moth and you also pay heta and hydro, then $2400.00 a month would still not cut it and so they would be poor. That is why Canada can nto set a definitive line where poverty starts and stops, because it is not the same for everyone across Canada. That is why even welfare benefits are different in different places as well. To ask some one to abitrailily set a line is not even a smart thing to ask for. Canada for the most part does not have hungry kids in schools and any that are missing meals have breakfast and lunch supplied at no charge to them by the schools and their volunteers. Just as no kids should need snowsuits as there are places where these can be had. Now yes there are many kids who do not own an Ipod or an Xbox, but that hardly defines poverty in my eyes. Dion dropped the ball because he saw a chance to smear mud with the Schrieber stuff, but he was not ready to give any good answers to poverty either, so he again is a failure. You have to admit that to most people it would be next to immpossible to screw up calling for issues on child poverty, except when they is no real need for it. But Dion managed to fail at that.
  9. I have no need to help out Harper, as he is doing what I expect him to do and he is doing very well. Even with a monority government he gets things done that usually only can be done with a majority government. I guess that is because he actually hasa majority because the Liberals are abstaining on just about everything that is a confidence vote. That just sticks in the craws of the likes of the Liberals and the greens. Maybe they could join and then have more seats..... Thats right even if they joined they would still have the same number of seats together as they did apart. Hell with the ramblings of a ceratin Green party member, and being that most people believe him possibly the best thing for the opposing parties ever. I would say that I would like to see him become a Liberal, I can see him now buddies with Dion. What we need to see is a couplke more confident issues to come around and make sure Dion has remembered his training of how to lie down and play dead. Also remember it was Dion who kept asking in the house twice for a public inquirey to the Mulroney Schrieber issue, because he just could not take yes for an answer. The fact that this inquirey was brought up by the opposition and addressed so quickly by Harper, should have set off alarm bells for the Liberals that they are being setup. It is going to be interesting to watch it play out and I am sure that the losers in this will be the Liberals, and this time I hope the tax payers are not on the hook for much. I think Harper will see to that in some way. Maybe he will pay for it by retriving some of the moneies lost in the Liberal boondoggals or adscam. At least those would pay for themselves and be more pertaining to present day, as the Liberal party is still around and the PC party is long gone. All this because Dion wanted some time to breath. Who say air was free.
  10. Archie ????!!!! boy do you have the wrong person or what. It is time for you to put up or go. I have reported this all to the mods and will leave it there for now, but I would suggest you have your goodbyes already done.
  11. We pay a first Class constable nearly 4 times what the average wage is for Canadians, and if they are not up to being able to do the job in the way it is supposed to be done, then they need to go look elsewhere for jobs. Yes they haev a dirty job some times, but are well paid accordingly. So I have no pity for them who say it is so tough they cn not handle it without acting out. That to me is grounds for immediate dismissal from the job. That is not libel that is saying the true facts.
  12. Either produce what you said or I will report your libelous posts to the mods. It is about time some one does. Also this whole thing is hijacking a thread so post in a proper place, and keep this for what the threads title is.
  13. Tasers are for the most part non-lethal. There are many in this world who are very susceptible to cardiac arrest even with mino shocks. The police know this and conveniently forget to mantion it in their stats on the weapons. The taser should be the weapon of last resource and if there are several officers available they can over power the man easily without doing him harm. I would suspect taht the four cops crushed this man as each were over 250 pounds and all were fully on top of him. So of course he was crushed to death, and it is the fault of the police. They used way more force then necessary and all should have to stand trial for this killing. It is that simple. All 4 should never again be able to be in the police forces or security fields ever, as they have already shown that under pressure they use bad judgement. There is a time when a taser would be of use and that would be only in life threatening situations. Not because a suspect is upset. None of the 4 officers there were in fear for their lives and the suspect was not acting to take his own life. So in hindsight this was a police committed murder. I worked in electronics for a long time and it is a hobby with me now and yes I have gotten shocks many times and probably have some resistence to them. It is not that I do not react but I just do not react as severely as others. A taser would probably take me down but not kill me. My wife on the other hand does not do well with any shocks and even small ones and she will collaspe. A taser hit on her would proabably kill her. Teh police need to be made responsible for the taser use in any situation other then life threatening and loss of pay and rank should all be part of the punishment for their errors. I have no problem with the taser being there for use, I just do not think they are there for use in non life threatening situations. If the police can not respect that and start doing it right, then the tasers should be taken away from them completely.
  14. Oh did I? please show me where. Also where on earth do you think I would be drinking? I have probably 15-20 drinks in a year, mostly while in the carribean, and at the end of the day a tropicl rum theme drink. My wife is the same. We will have maybe one drink at parties arounf christmas but other then that, I defy you to show I said I was drinking etc. You already can not say what I said or even recall in the context. Your getting down to low number of brain cells left there, aren't you. As I said please provide this thread as I really want to see it, and its context, as you just do not have any credibility in anything here any more. You need to ask if that would change anything, then you know it would not. Again I am saying put up or shut up, as I am getting to the point where you had better prove what you said or leave the board banned for your behaviour. Please go ahead and try your little games, I always wanted to own property in BC, and taking yours will be sweet. Probably sell of the strip club though, as it really is not the kind of business I would run. Too much law and legal problems. I do know a people who would probably buy it drom me though. So go on please keep posting. If you ever were a bailiff you are not now, as an officer of the court posting the stuff you have would be long gone. You may be a bill collector who has to try to make deals with people to try and pay their bills. That I can believe, as most of those doing that kind of work come from the shady side of things. So when are you going to clean up my messes here. You are not because I owe no one anything, and neither does my wife and family. You are a fool to the ninth degree.
  15. I am just wondering if there were anything that was dome in the questions to ask Layton thread and if you did have a chance to ask these and what the answers were. Is there a site or thread where we can find this?
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