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Student guilty of putting Swastikas on her own door


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Police: Jewish GW Student Admits Putting Swastikas On Her Door

WASHINGTON -- George Washington University officials said a Jewish student who complained about swastikas showing up on her door put them there herself.

The student lives in Mitchell Hall, where half a dozen swastikas had shown up on her dorm room door in the past several weeks.

University police set up a hidden camera. They said the girl admitted responsibility Monday.


Why would anyone do such a thing? What purpose could this serve? I mean really? This isn't the first time a 'hate' hoax has occured.

So, how should this stupid girl be punished? Her actions take away from anyone who has really experienced such vandalism and bigottry.

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Police: Jewish GW Student Admits Putting Swastikas On Her Door

WASHINGTON -- George Washington University officials said a Jewish student who complained about swastikas showing up on her door put them there herself.

The student lives in Mitchell Hall, where half a dozen swastikas had shown up on her dorm room door in the past several weeks.

University police set up a hidden camera. They said the girl admitted responsibility Monday.


Why would anyone do such a thing? What purpose could this serve? I mean really? This isn't the first time a 'hate' hoax has occured.

So, how should this stupid girl be punished? Her actions take away from anyone who has really experienced such vandalism and bigottry.

She wanted attention in our victim culture. Why do some women cry rape when it never happened? What should be done to them? Especially the ones who carry through court cases against innocent victims and ruin their lives?

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Pathetic eh?

when I read it I wondered why?

Was she part of that wacky " Campus Watch" bunch?

“Islamofascism Awareness Week,” an event he is sponsoring on college campuses across the country from October 22-26:

I mean right when the inflame the hate tour is out and about.

Swasitkas reported Oct.30/07

Or is it just a coincidence?

and she is just desperate for attention?

Edited by kuzadd
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Two things are possible;

1-someone did as she said put a swastika on her door, then when she felt she was not being taken seriously, started putting swastikas on her door to get someone to react;

2- 1 is a lie she made up and in fact she may have what is called histrionic personality disorder or a variation thereof.

In this disorder which for some reason is noted more in young women then other groups, she may be feeling compelled to engage in attention getting behaviour (negative, positive, passive, aggressive, subtle, blatant) because she feels insecure or un-noticed or unloved or unappreciated and craves acceptance and love.

This could be as a result of many things in her life ranging from low self-esteem, perhaps harsh overly judgemental parents or unaffectionate parents, bio-chemical imbalances, socio-economic pressures, sexual molestation, any number of events that may have traumitized her, etc. To fully understand it one would need to a full physical and family case history then slowly find out what has been going on in her life and in particular what she feels she has lost control of or does not feel she can control.

Most probably this person has depression or some other kind of mood disorder.

Its possible she could have an obessive compulsive disorder, low spectrum autism,and many many other conditions.

Bottom line, this person may be histrionic not deliberately evil and it may be as simple as a hormonal imbalance, insomnia or a vitamin defficiency triggering it or unresolved conflicts, etc.

The courts will simply send her for a psychiatric assessment, they probably will put her on an anti-depressant and she'll be forgotten.

It was a cry for help.

Whether she gets it is anyone's guess.

Did she do it for political motive. Probably not. Someone smart enough to manipulate things for political agenda don't limit themselves to just one form of expression of their political views.

No one is suggesting she is a Zionist activist on campus sorry to say Kuzadd. Give the political conspriacy theories a rest.

She has an emotional disorder.

A young woman with an emotional disorder. Hmmm. Imagine such a concept.

Histrionic personality disorders do not make one a Zionist conspirator Kuzadd just conflicted.

Edited by Rue
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Guest American Woman

She only drew some of them, and she said it was to get acknowledgement from the university that someone had drawn swastikas on her door.

A Jewish college student who reported swastikas on her dorm door drew some of them herself.

Marshak told the university's student newspaper that she drew the last three of the six swastikas.

Nine incidents of swastika painting took place on the campus in a two-week period.

Another student was caught and charged Saturday with drawing swastikas and racial slurs in another dormitory. He has been barred from campus.


Edited by American Woman
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During Islamofacist week in the US a leaflet was slathered all over campus with hateful things being stated about Muslims and Islam. Well the Dean went after rightwing groups with a vengence, stating swift action would be taken in the form of punishment. Lo and behold it turns out a leftwing bunch of marxist facist paired up with radical Islamist put the flyers up. To date, no update on what their punishment was? Care to guess why? Because the University has no problem with hatred hurled from their leftwing marxist buddies, only hatred hurled from the rightwing nuts. They are desperate to keep the media hype up on "Racism" and Islamofacisim so they manufacture it, and they get away with it tooooooooooooooooooooo.

It's sad that this female had to go to such great lenghts to get racists off the campus, no doubt a leftwing nut who slathers over the presense of Jews on campus.

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"The Jews are taking over man! It's a big conspiracy man!! They want to control us all, the holocaust never happened man!!!"

..................It's probably just some young girl messing around and who wants attention. I think it would be appropriate punishment if they got some skin heads to bunk with her.

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She wanted attention in our victim culture. Why do some women cry rape when it never happened? What should be done to them? Especially the ones who carry through court cases against innocent victims and ruin their lives?

I think Argus here is right on the money.

Of all the atrocities committed to all the people of humankind, and those still occurring as I write this, which are not limited to genocide and throwing babies into fires... I think the holocaust figures in significantly, but unlike the genocide that is going on today... there is nothing we can do about it.

Except act as though it was a personal attack and demand compensation because you happen to be the same race as the victims of some history. I accuse her of doing exactly that... possibly to destroy somebody's reputation.

Seriously, who would most people be inclined to believe at the risk of being called a bigot and an anti-semite... or a nazi...?

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During Islamofacist week in the US a leaflet was slathered all over campus with hateful things being stated about Muslims and Islam. Well the Dean went after rightwing groups with a vengence, stating swift action would be taken in the form of punishment. Lo and behold it turns out a leftwing bunch of marxist facist paired up with radical Islamist put the flyers up. To date, no update on what their punishment was? Care to guess why? Because the University has no problem with hatred hurled from their leftwing marxist buddies, only hatred hurled from the rightwing nuts. They are desperate to keep the media hype up on "Racism" and Islamofacisim so they manufacture it, and they get away with it tooooooooooooooooooooo.

How about a link, Moxie ?

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During Islamofacist week in the US a leaflet was slathered all over campus with hateful things being stated about Muslims and Islam.

For the last few years now (since 2005) the Muslim Council of Britain has boycotted Holocaust Memorial Day (Jan 27...the day Auschwitz-Birkenau was liberated by the Red Army) and has succeeded in having several British cities drop it in favor of "Genocide Awareness Day" in June which is apparently aimed at the 'genocide' occuring in 'Palestine'. I find this very ironic considering the whole Grand Mufti/Muslim Brotherhood/Nazi connection.

Aside: Just prior to Holocaust Memorial Day this year (2007), my family's Holocaust memorial in Germany was defaced by unknown thugs...they poured cement on it and drew swastikas in the wet concrete.

Sh*t happens. But still...I can't help but feel uneasy re: the future.


Many died in the open street, others dying in their houses, made it known by the stench of their rotting bodies. Consecrated churchyards did not suffice for the burial of the vast multitude of bodies, which were heaped by the hundreds in vast trenches, like goods in a ships hold and covered with a little earth.

---Giovanni Boccaccio on the Great Mortality...The Pest...later to be called the "Black Death"

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Two things are possible;

1-someone did as she said put a swastika on her door, then when she felt she was not being taken seriously, started putting swastikas on her door to get someone to react;

2- 1 is a lie she made up and in fact she may have what is called histrionic personality disorder or a variation thereof.

In this disorder which for some reason is noted more in young women then other groups, she may be feeling compelled to engage in attention getting behaviour (negative, positive, passive, aggressive, subtle, blatant) because she feels insecure or un-noticed or unloved or unappreciated and craves acceptance and love.

This could be as a result of many things in her life ranging from low self-esteem, perhaps harsh overly judgemental parents or unaffectionate parents, bio-chemical imbalances, socio-economic pressures, sexual molestation, any number of events that may have traumitized her, etc. To fully understand it one would need to a full physical and family case history then slowly find out what has been going on in her life and in particular what she feels she has lost control of or does not feel she can control.

Most probably this person has depression or some other kind of mood disorder.

Its possible she could have an obessive compulsive disorder, low spectrum autism,and many many other conditions.

Bottom line, this person may be histrionic not deliberately evil and it may be as simple as a hormonal imbalance, insomnia or a vitamin defficiency triggering it or unresolved conflicts, etc.

The courts will simply send her for a psychiatric assessment, they probably will put her on an anti-depressant and she'll be forgotten.

It was a cry for help.

Whether she gets it is anyone's guess.

Did she do it for political motive. Probably not. Someone smart enough to manipulate things for political agenda don't limit themselves to just one form of expression of their political views.

No one is suggesting she is a Zionist activist on campus sorry to say Kuzadd. Give the political conspriacy theories a rest.

She has an emotional disorder.

A young woman with an emotional disorder. Hmmm. Imagine such a concept.

Histrionic personality disorders do not make one a Zionist conspirator Kuzadd just conflicted.

Wow, could you possibly have made any more excuses for a criminal act?

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Wow, could you possibly have made any more excuses for a criminal act?

Canada spinning the warm and fussy - meanwhile the writer apologist has never met this girl. Typical..the kid may have just been an ordinary mean spirited prick! Forget the fancey talk. Loose mouthed liberalism at it's best..one thing I can say about Canada is that there are still a few traditionalist conservatives about...and I like them a lot..After the American liberal experience..just goes to show you that Canada is still expert at social looseness...and supporting bad behaviour that would not have been tolerated 30 years ago..This girl may just be a little Nazi --- a few years back I spoke to this female Canadian teenager and she was so far gone she actually said this "Hitler had a right to his opinions and actions and if he wanted to take over the world and kill people in his way - that's his right" - THAT IS THE MENTALITY THAT LIBERALISM HAS INSTILLED IN THE YOUNG...What are we to do with these mutants in adulthood?

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Because she's an attention whore.

That's what I think too.

I hope she gets thoroughly put through the wringer (doubtful - as this will be buried until the next incident of incitement).

Crying wolf only ever harms a cause - or is that what it is supposed to do?

Seems there's a drumbeat about to instill further fear wrt racial/ethnic divisions and differences. Easier to rule by the 'divide and conquer' motto...:(

Sadly this is not the only 'fake' attack. There have been many and all it serves is to diminish any actual crimes which do take place (no matter the ethnicity of the perp or victim).

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That's what I think too.

I hope she gets thoroughly put through the wringer (doubtful - as this will be buried until the next incident of incitement).

Crying wolf only ever harms a cause - or is that what it is supposed to do?

Seems there's a drumbeat about to instill further fear wrt racial/ethnic divisions and differences. Easier to rule by the 'divide and conquer' motto...:(

Sadly this is not the only 'fake' attack. There have been many and all it serves is to diminish any actual crimes which do take place (no matter the ethnicity of the perp or victim).

You must have missed the article, not to mention grades 5 through 12. It said that she drew "some" of them to bring attention to the ones that were drawn before. I agree with Argus; she's probably just an attention whore, like the life-destroying feminists and spoiled little brats who cry "rape" when there was no such event, but let's at least pretend a degree of objectivity. If this were some Palestinian, you'd be ready to man the barracades.

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You must have missed the article, not to mention grades 5 through 12. It said that she drew "some" of them to bring attention to the ones that were drawn before. I agree with Argus; she's probably just an attention whore, like the life-destroying feminists and spoiled little brats who cry "rape" when there was no such event, but let's at least pretend a degree of objectivity. If this were some Palestinian, you'd be ready to man the barracades.

P*** off Scott - I read that article. Which does not negate that she DID draw some on there herself - MOST of them in fact.

So what? Does that excuse her actions in your oh so clear worldview? How are those rosy glasses anyway Scotty? :P

Save your dribble for someone who actually gives a shit about your opinion.

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Guest American Woman
P*** off Scott - I read that article. Which does not negate that she DID draw some on there herself - MOST of them in fact.

Marshak told the university's student newspaper that she drew the last three of the six swastikas.

Three out of six is half, not "most."

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P*** off Scott - I read that article. Which does not negate that she DID draw some on there herself - MOST of them in fact.

So what? Does that excuse her actions in your oh so clear worldview? How are those rosy glasses anyway Scotty? :P

Save your dribble for someone who actually gives a shit about your opinion.

You give the symbol power when you give it such attention - best forgotten and best left alone. If we have to devote so much attention to scawls on a wall we may as well start a movement where billions should be spent on the removal of spray bomb markings on bridges and railway cars....who cares - more concentration should be focused on perhaps the over privledged secularist that infest the courts and hide behind a relgion they have not practiced in 100 years...just wish someone would protect me once in a while...guess the green eyes and the greying blonde hair does not amount to a species worth protecting and supporting...what about me? The decendant of the Christian Holocaust surviors...the ones who stood by the poor jews during the persecutions - what about me?

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You give the symbol power when you give it such attention - best forgotten and best left alone. If we have to devote so much attention to scawls on a wall we may as well start a movement where billions should be spent on the removal of spray bomb markings on bridges and railway cars....who cares - more concentration should be focused on perhaps the over privledged secularist that infest the courts and hide behind a relgion they have not practiced in 100 years...just wish someone would protect me once in a while...guess the green eyes and the greying blonde hair does not amount to a species worth protecting and supporting...what about me? The decendant of the Christian Holocaust surviors...the ones who stood by the poor jews during the persecutions - what about me?

Good point. I hear you loud and CLEAR.

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Yes, but I don't think you understand what he said. At least judging by your previous bubble gum chewing pronouncements.

Could you possibly be more of a jerk? (Note: I didn't call you a racist or a bigot - nor the other name I have for you.)

I understood him quite well - having family who survived the Holocaust as well. So I'll tell ya again Scotty: Kindly P*** off with your cheap immature insults. (oh I forgot - that's all YOU have to offer!!)


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Could you possibly be more of a jerk? (Note: I didn't call you a racist or a bigot - nor the other name I have for you.)

I understood him quite well - having family who survived the Holocaust as well. So I'll tell ya again Scotty: Kindly P*** off with your cheap immature insults. (oh I forgot - that's all YOU have to offer!!)


Extremist out to get Musslims - Jew - Christians or our good friends the atheists..are to be watched carefully...who knows if lunitics are not managed - they can group up and swarm you like a bunch of cheap blade carrying dingle doinks from some liberal project-- there is safety in numbers and also once the ants get to swarming - there is danger in numbers...couldn't someone just send the offending girl to be without her supper or something? - Race - Bigot - dumb smart - superiour inferiour - on and on an on --------------I say no soup for her!

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