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Do you believe in New world Order?


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I believe there will definitely be a New World Order. It's part of the evolution our world is going through right now. We've been through Anarchy, Monarchy, Republic, etc. One World Government is another form of government that will probably make governments now, like Republics and Dictatorships obsolete, just as they have done to previous forms of government. Nationalism will also be a thing of the past.

This is one aspect of One World Government that has obviously been quite popular the past couple decades and is increasingly on the rise. An Economic Globalization system is surely preferable to International trade for the people who have most to gain from the profit of humanity.


After international Unions (i.e. European Union, North American Union), common currency, Global Economy, and uniting of armies, national sovereignty will be abolished and of course a world government implemented to replace it.

Of course it is the richest people in the world who are obviously in favor of this, and are the ones who will implement it. Richest people being the ones who own entire corporations, banks, and countries. I'm Imagining a...Oligarchy/Plutocracy Totalitarian Communist Globalized Order.

Will this be good or bad? Will it succeed? That's up for debate.

Edited by Frankie
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Do you believe in the NWO and who do you think is behind it?

It's all fantasy, and gains traction from people who need simple answers to things. The world is too complex to manage under the best of conditions, so the idea that a cabal could work everything through a shadowy indirect network is just crazy.

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It's all fantasy, and gains traction from people who need simple answers to things. The world is too complex to manage under the best of conditions, so the idea that a cabal could work everything through a shadowy indirect network is just crazy.

Actually it may not be all that crazy or not as crazy as you make it seem anyway.

A few years ago someone had told me about the NWO so I researched it, not so much to prove that there is one but to disprove it to him.

While I'm not entirely convinced that one single group controls the entire world I am convinced that several groups in fact may control everything from international policy, economics and sovereign nations.

I recently sat down with a group of intellectuals at the university here and discussed the issue. Many of the groups that the so called crazy conspiracy theorists talk about like the Bilderberg Group, Skull and Bones, CFR, Trilateral Commission and so on do in fact sway not only policy made all around the world but also sway everything from industry to the global economy. Many of these groups members are among the most powerful in the world and frequently members of multiple groups.

Well no one can be certain that these groups are working together toward a planned global dictatorship there is certainly evidence to show that we may in fact be heading in this direction or even possibly be there already.

While I won't say that this is in fact the case it is reasonable to assume that it could be. I think this matter is far from resolved and certainly should be researched further.

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It's all fantasy, and gains traction from people who need simple answers to things. The world is too complex to manage under the best of conditions, so the idea that a cabal could work everything through a shadowy indirect network is just crazy.
Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective -- a new world order -- can emerge:

George Herbert Walker Bush

If the new world order is the fifth objective what are the first four he was referring to?

2007/06/21 - Gordon Brown - New World Order speech


And I believe it will be said of this age, the first decades of the 21st century, that out of the greatest restructuring of the global economy, perhaps even greater than the industrial revolution, a new world order was created.

I guess GHB and Gordon Brown are total loons

the greatest restructuring of the global economy, sound like planning to me?

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Hi K!!

You might be able to find the first 'four' here:

State of the Union Address 1991


What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea— a new world order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind: peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law.

*he mentions it again*

The world can therefore seize this opportunity to fulfill the long-held promise of a new world order—where brutality will go unrewarded, and aggression will meet collective resistance.


BTW this is the famous 'thousand points of light' speech and an interesting read considering everything that thas happened since.

Edited by buffycat
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Since someone mention the Bilderberg group, one guy, and I'm sure alot people may not agree with him is Alex Jones. www.infowars.com, he's right on top of this group and he's says he can back up everything he says. He talks about the NAU and why and who is behind it, and I think the Carlyle Group should be in the mix becaue they are a very private investment group, that has former world leaders, former G Bush sr, cabinet members. I think people should goggle and do their own research and keep an open mind. We could find in the future, that 9/11 has a connect to NWO. We know, both the Clinton has been to the Bilderberg Group meeting and when asked about NWO and the Bilderberg group meetings Clinton wouldn't talk about it. "YOUTUBE" has several videos on this manner. I say, keep an open mind and know that anything is possible.

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Do you believe in the NWO and who do you think is behind it?

When you talk about the "New World Order", you first have to clarify what exactly you mean by "New World Order". There are multiple ways to define it.

One definition of NWO is that its some sort of shadowy underground group that somehow controls most of the world, and who sometimes engage in conspiracies to consolidate their power.

Another definition of NWO is the idea that there will be a general increase in globalization, international cooperation, and a dismantaling of certain non-democratic institutions.

The problem is, whenever a politician uses NWO using the second definition (of greater globalization, etc.), there are invaribly idiots who somehow assume he's using the first definition (of an underground conspiracy).

Since someone mention the Bilderberg group, one guy, and I'm sure alot people may not agree with him is Alex Jones. www.infowars.com, he's right on top of this group and he's says he can back up everything he says.

Alex Jones is either a paranoid idiot, or someone who really doesn't believe the things he says and just makes outrageous claims in order to gain publicity (and thus market himself). Relying on what he says is a big mistake.

Lets put things into context.. the Bilderberg group DOES have meetings that are not strongly publicized. But, they are attended by people with wildly varying political opinions. If there was some shadowy right-wing organzation involved, do you think various socialist attendees would really keep quiet about it?

He talks about the NAU and why and who is behind it, and I think the Carlyle Group should be in the mix becaue they are a very private investment group, that has former world leaders, former G Bush sr, cabinet members. I think people should goggle and do their own research and keep an open mind. We could find in the future, that 9/11 has a connect to NWO.

But you're more likely to find that 9/11 is connected with a small group of Muslim extremists who had a particular conflict with the U.S.

I say, keep an open mind and know that anything is possible.

Try not to keep such an open mind that your brains leak out.

Skepticism is your friend... use it. The rule here is that you should apply Occam's razor... to paraphrase it, the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. So, what's more likely... that there is some sort of shadowy group that controls the world, and is willing to have people killed to advance their cause, with enough manpower to do everything they can to hid their existance, but not one 'insider' has ever had a change of heart and decided to expose the group? Or that the world is really the product of many small groups/parties/countries, sometimes working together, sometimes in conflict, with primarly self-motivation in mind?

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When you talk about the "New World Order", you first have to clarify what exactly you mean by "New World Order". There are multiple ways to define it.....

Another definition of NWO is the idea that there will be a general increase in globalization, international cooperation, and a dismantaling of certain non-democratic institutions.

Sounds like a good start!

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Another definition of NWO is the idea that there will be a general increase in globalization, international cooperation, and a dismantaling of certain non-democratic institutions.

If this is the case, than yes, and I hope it comes to fruition. Security, peace & prosperity, however idyllic, are enviable goals, and shared by most.


As per the meth smoking paranoid visions of some CFR / Alien / Communist / Fascist / Jewish / Evangelical Christian / Illuminati / Skull&Bones / Gay / Muslim / Corporate / Banker / U.N / Free Mason / Bilderberg conspiracy involving 666's imprinted on our foreheads and repeated images of soldiers wearing gas masks and Haz-Mat suits, I say, good luck and good night. :blink:

A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Edited by marcinmoka
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While I won't say that this is in fact the case it is reasonable to assume that it could be. I think this matter is far from resolved and certainly should be researched further.

It will never be resolved. Scary stories and superstitions have persisted for a long time, and they always will.

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All one has to do is read the interesting ideas on here to know that a new world order controlled by the elite would be very scarry. But then maybe I have read too many science fiction books. There always have been and always will be bullys in this world, that is because we have too many people who believe is my way or the highway. There are a lot of Sociopaths out there.

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All one has to do is read the interesting ideas on here to know that a new world order controlled by the elite would be very scarry. But then maybe I have read too many science fiction books. There always have been and always will be bullys in this world, that is because we have too many people who believe is my way or the highway. There are a lot of Sociopaths out there.

Nobody is denying that there are sociopaths (and other anti-social individuals) around. The question is are there enough of them that are A) capable of working together to form an NWO B) with enough resources to 'control' everything, C) with enough security to keep their existence secret. To that, Occam's razor suggests 'no'.

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Like I said before, I believe in the NEw World Order...for the whole world, and I used to be totally against it. But in reality, it can be a good thing. I mean the authorities can abuse the system to, quote, "ENSLAVE ALL OF HUMANITY!" , which is a fear most people have. But there's also a good enough chance that it could free us all, from a lot of threats that could be controlled, resisted against or destroyed. I mean, why wouldn't they, they would definitaly have the capacity too. If people can have a socail life, food on the table, a home for themselves and access to other assets then why not. I would be for that kind of World Order.

It's interesting, I was reading the book of Judges the other day in the Bible, and realized how life was not such a sure thing back then. An example is when Samson made a bet with the Philistines, and they cheated to win the bet, Samson was upset but decided to pay them anyways, so he goes down to some town, and robs and kills 30 men, so he'd have the means to pay off the bet. Completely innocent men, who were not involved in the situation. Imagine, some guy comes to a party of yours, kills you and everyone there for personal gain. It seemed to happen often in those days. Another story is when a group of 600 men had their city destroyed and everyone in it (wives and children), So the Isrealites felt bad for them, and went out and destroyed another town, killed everyone and took all the virgins and gave them to the 600 men, but they were 200 women short. Then that group of men went out to yet ANOTHER town and while they were having some sort of celebration, the men went out and stole 200 of that towns women dancing outside. I guess my point is, how insecure humans can be without a governing body. Of course we are much more secure now, an army just cant walk down the street and destroy your town, and no one can just kidnap 200 people and get away with it in our country. But think of how much more secure it can be without gangs, rapers, thieves...etc, if they were to control those things...

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It happens often these days too Frankie. Just not in your sheltered world.

.....yes I know that...that was my point. That kind of stuff doesn't happen in our sheltered countries...which is a good thing. Actually I'm just assuming your from either Canada or the U.S. or Australia or the U.K. or something. Which is why World Order might be good. So it the whole world might be like the middle class in our countries.

Edited by Frankie
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When you talk about the "New World Order", you first have to clarify what exactly you mean by "New World Order". There are multiple ways to define it.

One definition of NWO is that its some sort of shadowy underground group that somehow controls most of the world, and who sometimes engage in conspiracies to consolidate their power.

Another definition of NWO is the idea that there will be a general increase in globalization, international cooperation, and a dismantaling of certain non-democratic institutions.

The problem is, whenever a politician uses NWO using the second definition (of greater globalization, etc.), there are invaribly idiots who somehow assume he's using the first definition (of an underground conspiracy).

Alex Jones is either a paranoid idiot, or someone who really doesn't believe the things he says and just makes outrageous claims in order to gain publicity (and thus market himself). Relying on what he says is a big mistake.

Lets put things into context.. the Bilderberg group DOES have meetings that are not strongly publicized. But, they are attended by people with wildly varying political opinions. If there was some shadowy right-wing organzation involved, do you think various socialist attendees would really keep quiet about it?

But you're more likely to find that 9/11 is connected with a small group of Muslim extremists who had a particular conflict with the U.S.

Try not to keep such an open mind that your brains leak out.

Skepticism is your friend... use it. The rule here is that you should apply Occam's razor... to paraphrase it, the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. So, what's more likely... that there is some sort of shadowy group that controls the world, and is willing to have people killed to advance their cause, with enough manpower to do everything they can to hid their existance, but not one 'insider' has ever had a change of heart and decided to expose the group? Or that the world is really the product of many small groups/parties/countries, sometimes working together, sometimes in conflict, with primarly self-motivation in mind?

An excellent post! ( p.s. Henry I am curious after all these years why is it you and Arnold just can't seem to shake those accents?

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I've read that one way of achieving it large corporations like Carlyle Group, buying up large corporations all over the world and then they would be able to control the economics of a country or the world. Now some of you may say that would be hard to do but before you do just go and see for ie were Carlyle Group is invest in, at least, what they want the public to know about. Just goggle it and research.

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I believe in "New" Order in Europe or North America but - not in the World !!!!!!!

Why not even nations like China for example have 'world' trade centers and central hubs connected directly to other international banks.

Knowing something about how economies work etc. It is clear to me that whoever controls the currencies and big banks etc can control any nation connected to them.

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