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Everything posted by ScottBrison

  1. We don't think you're a bigot, we think you're a Conservative, which is far worse. As for the broadcasting of a Gay Marriage, I hate watching any kind of marriage unless I'm invited and get to hit on chicks and eat all the food and get drunk on someone else's dime. And they're showing it on Global TV? That's hilarious! I thought Harper and his facist buddies had Global in their collective pocket.
  2. God, if he's that bad he'd be perfect for the leadership of this flawed party.
  3. WOW! an enthusiastic NDP supporter, step back everyone there aren't many of these and we don't want to have them become extinct. I mean wow how much longer are you going to be able to see one of these in the wild?
  4. How sad to see Harper who has been constantly accusing the Liberals of dishonesty, tell lies to try and win the Newfoundland & Labrador by-election. Harper has to go! :angry: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh no man, Steven Harper is the best thing that ever happened to the Liberals. I hope he has a long reign as leader of the 2nd, or 3rd, or 4th party.
  5. Coming from a guy who supports a party who's never formed government that's rich. And if you can't admit Cretien torpedoed Martin then you need your head examined.
  6. Me give it a break? Your the one saying people will vote for the NDP over the Liberals. I laughed so hard I damn near shook a ball loose.
  7. Quebec has given this country so much. I wish they didn't want to leave so badly, I mean we have our arguments in this country. The East ribs the West, the West gets mad and yells at the East, etc. I live in Nova Scotia, and have never been to Quebec, I don't speak French or have any French lineage. So I guess I'll never understand why they want to leave so much.
  8. The NDP didn't control anything, the Liberals schooled em. They got more time to get back just enough support from Quebec, regain just enough support from Ontario, and get their ducks in a row and then the writ is dropped, perhaps by the government orchestrating it's own defeat, perhaps Martin calls an election. But either way the Liberals will be back to a majority, they're only 22 away right now. that's like what? 5-7 points nationally? and then the Ultra Right CONs, the Ultra Left N-Dippers and the Bloc can go piss up their backs and call it rain.
  9. I am a Liberal supporter but I'll tell you right now I doubt you'd want Lord. I can see why you think you would but he handled the last New Brunswick election horribly. he went from a nice big lead in the polls to just barely keeping majority. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Brunswick...lection%2C_2003 Starting out as a predicted landslide for Bernard Lord's Progressive Conservatives, the New Brunswick general election, 2003 quickly turned around when Shawn Graham, leader of the Liberal Party of New Brunswick, took on auto insurance rates as a cause.... ...Lord and his PC Party faced a number of problems, especially with their position on the key issue of auto insurance which changed several times during the 30 day campaign. Although I suppose if they got a chimpanzee it'd get more votes than Harper.
  10. Anyone who hates Steven Harper is A OK in my book.
  11. Martin Schooled Layton, no way in Hell this "NDP Budget" gets through committee.
  12. I just hope Martin doesn't torpedo his eventual successor like Cretien did.
  13. Ok, let me illustrate for you: *knock on the door, door opens* Adolf: Hi, I'm Adolf Hitler, can I count on your vote? Joe: Adolf Hitler! But you're EVIL! I'd NEVER vote for you! *slams door* The Next Day..... *knock on the door, door opens* Adolf: Hi, I'm Tom, can I count on your vote? Joe: Sure!
  14. I like Martin, but I'd kill to get McKenna, It sucked when he didn't run before, but Martin already had it sewed up so it wouldn't have done a lot of good.
  15. I think there is one thing and one thing only that is needed to start putting the pieces of our country back together: Meaningful Dialogue. Talking is the key to solving any problem, no matter how bad the problem is. The problem is we don't have any real talking going on in Ottawa, it's more like bickering on ALL sides.
  16. Given Bigdude's political leaning, I've got a hunch he meant Paul Martin. And I tend to agree with him. Sure, Martin won today. But judged on the whole of his 18 months or so as PM, I don't think "loser" is far off. He's bent over forward to accommodate every premier who's come looking to make bank off the federal government. He bent over forwards for Jack Layton. He left Ralph Goodale and Judy Sgro to fend for themselves when the heat was on. The only thing he's done during his tenure as PM that shows any semblence of guts or fortitude was calling the Gomery commission... and even that was most likely just because he thought it was the only way to save his political skin. He turned an expected easy majority into the current barely functional fly-by-night operation we saw today. Sure, he's a loser. -k {PM PM has the Midas touch... everything he touches turns into mufflers.} <{POST_SNAPBACK}> - He "co-operated" with the premiers and the NDP, to actually try to get something done. Unlike harper who, once he saw the polls go up made a desperate grab for power. - Finally a right-leaner (I assume your crisis of conscience over Belinda.ca's defection has abated) gives the PM credit for calling the Gomery Inquiry! And how exactly is calling an inquiry that will hurt him politically "saving his political skin" ??? - As for losing the Majority, yeah that was all his fault too, Jean Cretien getting his bag-man (that's right I said man) Sheila Fraser to torpedo his government didn't have anything to do with it. - And, the ONLY reason we're in this "barely functional fly-by-night" situation is because Harper had visions of unlimited power, and a chance to impose his perverted will on Canada dancing in his head and lunged at it like a drunk sailor who just spotted the last condom in an everything's a dollar whore house. You may not like Martin or his policies but for God's sake open your eyes.
  17. Good luck seeing the light and actually supporting the Liberals someday. With you head so far up your a**, your going to need it.
  18. Dear BS.... I mean BQSupporter: NUTS! Signed, General Dwight D. Eisenhower.
  19. If only a faction hadn't hijacked his riding assosiation meeting and defeated him. I don't think revenge was his motivating factor, but I'll bet it felt good to screw over Harper. I know I felt good about it.
  20. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v349/Tri...inja/Cadman.jpg
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