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Status Updates posted by cybercoma

  1. If the pawns refuse to play, the board is locked.

  2. If there are no atheists in foxholes, then there can be no war without religion.

    1. Signals.Cpl


      If only that were true...

    2. sharkman


      Tell it to Stalin.

    3. The_Squid


      If there was a god, there would be no wars... Or of there is a god, and there are still wars/holocausts and genocides then he's a real asshole.

  3. If you don't think deviance is framed differently for black people than it is for white people, you need to check out this article. The social learning starts early: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/22/media-kids-racial-stereotypes_n_3624740.html

    1. Scotty


      Or it could be you get treated different in small town Utah than in Palm Springs Florida

  4. If you're actually outraged at the change in the national anthem lyrics then you not only need to check your priorities but also you need to learn the original lyrics.

  5. Immigration in Canada is associated with a decrease in crime: http://www.clsrn.econ.ubc.ca/workingpapers/CLSRN Working Paper no. 135 - Zhang.pdf

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Argus


      Focuses entirely on property crime, which the author admits is under reported. Also, immigrants are much less likely to report crime to police.

    3. cybercoma


      "A growing body of research indicates that immigrants are not only healthier but also more law-abiding than are the native born and in these ways contribute to positive trends in U.S. society (Martinez, 2006; Rumbaut and Ewing, 2007). Criminologists have been extolling similar findings for most of the last century. ... The novelty of Sampson’s report was less that immigrants to the United States are less inclined to crime than are those individuals who are born here but more that im...

    4. cybercoma


      ... immigrants who live in neighborhoods with high con- centrations of immigrants are especially law-abiding (e.g., Lee and Marti- nez, 2002)." (p 107) http://individual.utoronto.ca/dinovitzer/Publications/Hagan_Levi_Dinovitzer.pdf

  6. Immigration in Canada is associated with a decrease in crime. http://www.clsrn.econ.ubc.ca/workingpapers/CLSRN Working Paper no. 135 - Zhang.pdf

  7. Imminent death is a terrible addition to the "right to die" legislation. The whole point is relief from irrecoverable illness. If death is imminent, then suicide is unnecessary

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Big Guy

      Big Guy

      That should still be the decision of the one in pain. What right do you have to decide how much "imminent" pain a person has to suffer?

  8. In all seriousness, I hope everything is alright with Michael Hardner. He has been MIA for nearly a month now.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. overthere


      It's the nature of the Internet: nobody notices when you die.

  9. Intrade is now taking bets on the spread for Obama's margin of victory

    1. Mr.Canada


      Who cares, honestly?

    2. Smallc


      haha, who cares...ha!

  10. Is the database fixed now?

    1. sharkman


      Hope so, it was a pita

    2. socialist


      Cybercoma, take a break from this forum already and do something productive.

  11. Is there a football game on tonight or something?

    1. The_Squid


      Super bore.... Not sure what the attraction is.... Only about 1/5 years is a good game.

    2. BC_chick


      I met a gf for lunch today at our local pub. Yeah, I think something was going on. It was really busy.

  12. It looks pretty suspect when only Harb and Brazeau are charged with breach of trust and fraud, while Duffy (and Wallin for that matter) walk free.

  13. It was nice of Mitt Romney to endorse Barack Obama in that last debate. Please proceed, Governor.

  14. It's a carbon LEVY not a carbon TAX, you idiots!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shady


      Then they support a tax.

    3. cybercoma


      Except when it's proposed by the NDP.

    4. cybercoma


      Then they don't support a tax. They support a levy.

  15. James Moore leaving politics. Pretty soon the CPC will have no incumbents left.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Argus


      It's really mostly about pensions, you know. Those who run again and are re-elected will have to wait util 65 to collect vs today's rules which let them collect immediately on quitting or losing.

    3. cybercoma


      If I was an MP, I'd be walking out the door too. Especially if I was in my 40s or 50s. Why wait another 10 years for a pension when you can get it sooner. That's a lot of money your foregoing.

    4. Argus


      Nothing to stop you running again at another level either. Ottawa's mayor is happily collecting his Provincial MLA pension, while our former mayor is collecting his municipal pension while being Ontario's energy minister

  16. Jews and Muslims continue their annual tradition of delivering meals to the elderly and other charitable deeds on Christmas Day in Michigan, giving Christians a break. http://wyandotte.patch.com/articles/jews-muslims-volunteer-on-christmas-to-give-christians-a-break

    1. Smallc


      Those evil Muslims are just trying to steal Christmas. Good on the Jews though.

    2. BC_chick
    3. cybercoma
  17. Jobs and Growth. Jobs and Growth. Jobs and Growth. Jobs and Growth. Jobs and Growth. Jobs and Growth. Jobs and Growth. Jobs and Growth. Jobs and Growth. Jobs and Growth. Jobs and Growth. Jobs and Growth. Jobs and Growth. Jobs and Growth. Jobs and Growth. Jobs and Growth. Jobs and Growth. Jobs and Growth. Jobs and Growth. Jobs and Growth. Jobs and Growth. Jobs and Growth.

    1. Boges


      Growth and Jobs

  18. Joe Oliver was in Saint John, NB today touting the NDP line, promising a West-to-East pipeline to refine crude in the Maritimes.

  19. John Tory will be great for Toronto. I mean look at how awesome service is with Rogers.

    1. Shady


      You could say that with any company. It's an intellectually lazy argument.

    2. cybercoma


      He's a true leader with nothing more than "the people" in mind.

    3. Shady
  20. Journalists asking hard hitting questions about selfies.

    1. poochy


      Prime ministers taking selfies, all the time, might lead to questions about selfies. It's the circle of frivolous life.

    2. poochy


      But I do agree, they should be asking about the huge lies they told in order to vilify the other guys and get elected, UNDRIP for example. Come to think of it, why aren't the local sycophants concerned about that lie? Anything for power, if it 'good for them'

    3. cybercoma


      Welcome to the society we live in now. Everyone has a camera in their pocket and people treat politicians like celebrities.

  21. June 2013 was the 340th consecutive month of above average global temperatures.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Shady


      All those SUVs during the medieval warming period.

    3. The_Squid


      "In summary, it appears that the late 20th and early 21st centuries are likely the warmest period the Earth has seen in at least 1200 years."


    4. cybercoma


      Bye, Shady. haha

  22. Just in time for the holiday season. Get your "FREE JACK WEBER" t-shirts today!

    1. socialist


      Jimmy Wilson is free.

    2. Shady


      Socialist is right.

  23. Justice Department: Firearm-related crime cost Canadians $3.1 Billion in 2008

  24. Justice Minister Peter MacKay to introduce new prostitution bill this week.

    1. WWWTT


      Ya this guy didn't even know the laws regarding appointments to the SC. God help us all!

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