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Everything posted by moderateamericain

  1. Less that ten percent of people killed in Iraq through violence is due to US troops.
  2. I think what are dear friends are saying, in their perceived cheeky and cool way, is that bush is a hypocrite because he claims to be christian. The comparison they are making is that Bush is Religious when he wants to be and yet goes to war the same as Osama Bin Laden. Now whether or not that is a valid argument is up to you to decide.
  3. So because are society is flawed its okay to stone 13 year old rape victims? Just following your non-logic to its illogical conclusion.
  4. Hogwash, A terrorist tries to grab my family he will pull back a bloody stump. Maybe you are willing to give up your family for some ideology but I am not. If terrorist want to control my destinity they will find its a one sided romance that Ill shatter rather quickly.
  5. If it goes bad there, Ill stay in Michigan Thanks. Two words. Fresh Water.
  6. That begs the question..why would a canadian be so intrested in American politics as this is a thread involving both the US and Canada. Following your own logic
  7. Actually he has a point. Most of the high end Corporate people who make decisions for the company I work for are Men. Most of the women are in departments like marketing and accounting. But the real decision makers like myself and my boss and my boss's boss are all men. In fact I can not think of a single women who is of a higher rank then myself in my company save the HR people. (and they really are not over me other than if I do something wrong) I think what it has done is drive a wedge in thinking. The thought is "Well if just getting accused of harassment is enough to cost me my career, then screw it I can find a man equally qualified to do the same work." It sucks for women Im sure but hell its the world we live in i guess.
  8. Ok i got to say it because nobody else has. Im rooting for the pirates. Go Captain Jack Sparrow!
  9. The card to be played now is not Patriotism its racism. Get on board with Barak or your a racist. I Guess neither party is guilt free from panhandling.
  10. LOL Another option that I have not heard anyone mention. Run a Sting on them. outfit a boat to look like a juicy target and fill it full of pissed off Navy seals or Marines. When they pull it over. Game over.
  11. Okay board them and find out if you prefer. Or just sink every ship in the harbor that fits the bill.
  12. By definition a free market is one that has the ability to trade to whomever offers the best value at the least price. Now I understand we are not entirely a free market economy and are more along the lines of a mixed. But the Japanese have brought a fair amount of work that you do not hear about. Yeah the US auto companies are probably going to crash. But do you think the demand for cars is going to stop? Nope. Someone else will come along to replace it. Much like when ATT was the only form of long distance communication. Now everyone has a cell phone and ATT is delved into other things. Trust the markets to find away. As long as there are people to buy things there will be demand. Michigan just needs some strong leadership to step in say. "The days of Unions and Auto plants is over" Its time for Michigan to re-invent itself. And eventually thats just what will happen, the demand will be there.
  13. seems to me the simplest thing to do would be sink the pirates ships in harbor. Kinda of hard to Pirate when you don't have a boat. And we wont even have to kill many people to do it. Just pull into harbor, tell them they have two minutes to get off the boat and then open up the gates of hell and scuttle them.
  14. Oleg, The reason for the American Auto Industries Fall is our own. Its a combination of weak management, over bloated salaries, Unions asking for outrageous wages, and not keeping up with the demands of the citizens of the US. Ill give you a prime example, Take the most basic cars in Ford and Honda's Arsenal. The Honda Fit for the same price as the basic ford comes fully loaded. One thing you said is we are not a democracy. Your right. We were founded as a Republic. The problem that has occurred is Government getting into bed with Business and Political Parties getting into bed with each other. And your also said we have gone money crazy. I agree. We have traded in are values for economics. The end justifies the means. A mans work no longer has value unless it can be taken from him by force. I'm a life long believer in a man has a right to earn a living. But he cannot demand it. He has to work for it. I don't condemn men who earned wealth but I do condemn those who earned there wealth through shady means or those who scream they deserve something that they did not earn. Put your own meal on the table.
  15. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH okay. Nevermind. If you believe that I am not taking the time to explain this all out.
  16. You dont actually believe what you are typing right? Do you realize the popular vote was like a two percent spread? Try that crap and you will watch this country explode into civil war. Obama would not be able to leave the white house he would be shot at anywhere he went.
  17. I would like to introduce the Socialist States of America. Its all over but the crying gentlemen and ladies. Any Canadians willing to help me hide my firearms?
  18. http://www.mideastweb.org/briefhistory.htm If i were to score this whole mess as to who has done the worse to the other side. From start to finish. I would still score it in favor of the Arabs. Not that the Jews have been overly better, but they initially did try to compromise on the land break down. The Arabs in there arrogance failed to see the light.
  19. a little update for you all. I'm in first place in my league. Thank you much guys!
  20. An American perspective There are so many issues currently being discussed about the future direction of America. From Global spanning Issues such as Iraq and Afghanistan, dealing with a newly emerged Russia with superpower ambitions, Chinese eventually catapult to world economic power. But there are also domestic Issues such as Social Issues, such as Stem cell research, and the right to Bear Arms. Economic Issues such as financial mismanagement by trusted firms that has set us into a recession As Americans we are currently at a cross roads and a very delicate time in are nation’s history. We have an extremely important election coming up, where we will decide are future course of action based on two men who have very different ideas on how a country should be run. I think as a country we walk a fine line this election, and are future security and wealth decides heavily on the outcome of this election. The rest is highly biased and my own opinions. If you do not agree with my view on what is the right path for America that’s just fine with me. Thank god for the freedom to express opposing view points. Global Issues My view points are and will always be heavily affected by time served in the Military. And as such I think I have a better idea about the effects of Global political agenda’s then your average United States citizen. I am in no way saying I am an expert or understand every Issue as well as maybe even some of you. I am going to start right in with Iraq and Afghanistan. The core Issue is Did we do the right thing in invading Iraq and Afghanistan. A little background for you. I have been to Iraq twice. It’s a country that its people are just as proud as you and I. They have been brutalized by Sadam for years even before Operation Desert storm. And to be fair, we helped him do it for along time. (See IRAN IRAQ WAR) We armed his troops and gave him the tools necessary to butcher not only the Iranians but his own people as well. Gas Then the guy turns around and Invades Kuwait. So we created a Military power in the Middle East who has showed the willingness to invade other countries and use Airborne Agents against civilian Targets. These are the facts of the time. As Americans we share the burden of guilt in not only allowing this psychotic dictator to gain power but we also armed Sadam’s military. So we had already made this monster mistake. And low and behold we did it again. The question has never been should Hussein been removed from power. The question is when we Liberated Kuwait, why did we not take him down then; rather than 10 years later. Move ahead in time to post 9/11; was the excuse for going into Iraq in early 2002 valid? Probably not. But it was a mess of our own making and we owed it to those people to free them from that man’s tyrannical grip. Not because of 911 or because we thought he had WMD; but because 2500-3500 Kurds died in a chemical attack in 1988. The cost of the War in Iraq has been worse than anyone could have imagined. If you took what we spent from 1990 to now; it would probably equate out to the annual GDP of 20 or 30 small countries. More important than money is the blood price paid to clean up the mess we made in the first place. Since 1990, I have known 13 Men who have died for this. Thirteen Sons of this country who put on a helmet and picked up a rifle and said, “No More Innocents will die at the Hands of Sadam Hussein.” You know what makes people pick up that rifle, and run those miles, and do those push ups. Responsibility. In the United States We elect are leaders. And when they make a mistake, they don’t pay for it, the American people do. How is that fare you ask? It’s not about fair or right or wrong. It’s about taking responsibility for the leaders you elect. Those thirteen men were ages 19 to 35, all of them have people to this day that miss them and will never forget there faces. Like me. To me the cost of this war is not in dollars. It’s in faces and names. And like a bill that keeps getting larger, every time a name is added to that list it’s another reason for us to see this job to the finish. We owe these men. Because every single one of them was priceless, and as Americans if you can look yourself in the mirror everyday and say that there sacrifice means something then you have to believe that we need to fix Iraq. Afghanistan is another story altogether. Afghanistan was the home of the Taliban; a religious Fundamentalist group runs by Osama Bin Laden. The architect of the September 11th attacks in New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. This evil man killed over a thousand of our citizens in cold blood. It was out and out murder for the sake of Jihad against our very way of life. Many people feel that we need to sit down and talk with these people and come to compromise with them. And I believe that with people who legitimately do not support violence that is absolutely a necessity. The problem is simple; there is a certain percentage of the Islamic world who wants nothing more than to see my country burned to an ash. My people killed or converted. I love the society I live in. I think it is one of the burning lights of the world. A fire to keep away the darkness that is infesting certain parts of the world. (Ex. Africa) And as the people who died on that fall day were my people. My countrymen, friends of family, people who had families of there own. It fell to us to answer. And here is the Answer and Listen to it clearly. “Attack the United States, kill our country men. Prepare to deal with the full might of one angry pissed off country.” And to anyone who is not American. If you want to look Death in the eye; go to an American Military base on September 12th. We knew what was coming. And the men we elected gave us what we wanted. Redemption and revenge. I cannot say this clear enough, there is nothing more dangerous in the world then a pissed off platoon of United States Soldiers with a cause. And we have and will continue to make Afghanistan pay for the crimes of the Taliban. Russia is a tricky issue to me. I have had some dealings with Russian’s in business and in the military. The best way I can put it is Russians look at life through a different set of glasses then we do. They are equally as proud as US soldiers. And Ill be damned if they ever gave nothing less than 110 percent if they were competing against us in anything. A strong people that has been grossly mismanaged; and a culture far older than our own. I have a pretty healthy respect for Russians. That being said, Putin is flat out dangerous. If Russia starts expanding its borders again things could turn really ugly. We cannot allow them to bring back the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. If you think the Iraq or Afghanistan wars were ugly. See the fight that the Eastern Bloc countries will put up. It will be brutal and ugly and many civilians will die. I think the key to Russia is the pocket book. I have never known a Russian to take a chance on something that they could lose there shirt on. They have to believe that Aggressive or Military conquest will cost them more than its worth. Next Post I make in this thread I will offer my perspective on Domestic Issues. But since its late and I have to work in the Morning It will have to wait.
  21. Only difference is the Native American Culture is almost extinct while the Jewish state thrives there still.
  22. that is Definetly some good revisionist history you got there. Especially since the Jewish religion has been around far longer than Islam. And since the original inhabitants of the area practiced a form of the Jewish faith. I think it's only fair to see the Islamic religion can't quite call dibs on the basis they were there first.
  23. I simply don't believe that's true. The two cities with the Highest Murder rates are Detroit, Michigan and Washington DC. All strongly Liberal in view. Also, Christians are not blowing themselves up on a daily basis. The worst christian attack that I know of By a western christian was Timothy McVeigh. And he was hardly a christian. The video only goes after the extremist if you actually watched the video.
  24. In regards to Child soldiers I would say yes. In fact in regards in any act of a violent nature yes.
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