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Everything posted by moderateamericain

  1. Ill sum this up right now. The rest of the world can stuff it. Americans will decide who the next president is. You want an election start your own. This is our country and we will run it how we see fit through the delegates we elect. Your opinions on the matter be damned. When the English people were writing letters to Americans trying to tell us how to vote I considered it an attack on our democracy. The freedom to vote and be free from pressure is a founding principle of democracy. BACK THE FUCK OFF WORLD. We will make our own choices. And live with whatever the consquences are.
  2. Its about the same as someone talking about war who has never seen it. Never said its full proof, but what do you care if i believe in Pixies in the sky? If I have to rationalize the horror that I have seen that way I guess its better than drinking? Anyways, Moving on to a legitmate post. Blackdog, So are you saying Feminism is only about abortion and women's rights to her own body? I disagree with you because I personally believe Feminism has more to do with cultural change for women then something so simple as the abortion issue. I also believe that most people think feminism is only for people who traditionally follow Liberal or Democratic beliefs. Why is that so? Im pro womens choice for Rape and other circumstances. Yet I still look at her as a women who is bucking the trend. Why is it impossible for her to be a pioneer for women and because of one issue thats based more on her faith than anything makes her a step backwards for women?
  3. I have done a bit of travelling. And yes, most of the rest of the world is a shit hole by civilized Standards (US, Europe, Russia, Japan as my basis)
  4. all that matters really is what people do in Nov. If you really wanna get down to it
  5. Not only that but nearly the whole United States of America believes in some sort of Religious Diety. Something like 90 percent (unconfirmed). So if i was running for office, Id be praying to sky pixies myself. Not to mention ive seen too much violence throughout the world for me to believe that there isnt a devil. because how else could man come up with the sick and twisted ways we kill eachother? And if there is a devil there is a god. Moving on from that side bar, I like the women. I fail to see how she is anti feminism. The women seems to have a good deal of "I can deal with it myself and don't need a man to do it for me" to her. Isn't that kind of a plus for feminism? I think the Lesbians are just mad because a beautiful women is a family women. (joke) Apparently family women are not Feministic enough. Id say a women who could shoot her meal is pretty damned independent? But keep on trashing her Libs you will just drive voters right into the GOP camp.
  6. Yeah but what does that have to do with my statement. Absolutely nothing. Your using the words of others to refute my statment. Thats called a falacious argument. Furthermore Bi-partisan politics that go after someone's family is disgusting to me. Talk about low class. I can't make an argument for my belief so ill just attack you or someone close to you. You could drop the Rush Limbaugh's of the world off a cliff and I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. Same for Liberal Radio jockies and Television speaking heads.
  7. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080909/ap_on_el_pr/obama_palin Palin gives GOP a boost. Looks like Mccain made the right choice.
  8. How am I being a hypocrite because of something Rush Limbaugh said? And where did i caste judgement on the spears family?
  9. Stephen theres been a total of 323 donations. That sample size is tiny. Thats not ever .01 percent of the total armed forces. Not to mention nearly everyone I know active or ex military is voting for Mccain. I can think of exactly 3 people that I've talked to who are voting for Obama. And there reasoning is because he's black. (they also happen to be black)
  10. Ok myata, What is the standard that you would like to see out of the US in Iraq in order to believe we have the will to fight? By what standard do you measure that? Is it length of time? You just said yourself we have fought this war longer than world war two and its been far more lopsided. The violence levels in Iraq as dropped off significantly. The country for all purposes looks to be on the rebound. Is it Military Victories? CHECK x 10. THE US has yet to come up against a position they couldnt take or an obstacle they couldn't overcome in Iraq yet. SO please define your standard for "a will to fight"?
  11. Myata your just plain wrong on your points in this thread and the next one. Ill start with Europe, the English and the Germans in the last century have shown a great deal of fight. If you recall last time the Germans fought the Russians it didnt go so well for them. (well technically it didnt go so well for either side) but had germany not fought a two front war it would have gone very different. And Iraq and Afghanistan. Are you serious? 5.5 years nearly 4000 KIA. We have probably killed 10 times that. How is that not a willingness to fight? Afghanistan, heck the other day NATO forces killed 200 taliban. No sir, and speaking from the stand point of ex military who has spent lots of time around active duty people. (keep in mind ive been to Iraq 3 times. twice as a civilian) Those boys love a good fight.
  12. I trully love it when people judge other peoples parenting abilities. Because everyone is a hypocrite when it comes to parenting because Aint nobody perfect at it. If they want to label her as the worst parent of the year maybe that writer needs to get dropped off in Down town Detroit in the hood and see what REAL bad parenting is. Those kids will be given the very best opportunities if she becomes VP. Terrible parents my rear end. Get off your fucking soap box.
  13. I did not say the ak was a bad weapon. Far from it. Im willing to bet the AK has killed more people than any single product of warefare in history. Its durable as hell too. Back when, we dragged one for 1/2 mile behind a jeep. Picked it up and the damn thing fired. Brilliant design However, Outside of the T90 which on further research is probably a better tank as far as ease of repair and manuverability. The rest of your points are just flat wrong. The F22 is the undisputated king of the sky.
  14. Yeah but if your 500 Meters out and somebody can hit you with an unscopped ar15 either he is a world class shot or you are dumber than a bag of rocks.
  15. I love military Hardware discussions. If were talking russian vs NATO (US) hardware. Its not even a close match up. The Ak47 vs the Standard Issue Ar-15 is as close the Russians get to Small arms reliability. The AR15 is more accurate but the AK shines in durability. The M1a2 would wipe the floor with the t90's better tracking and targeting systems software. Armor is comparable but if the other got can miss and hit you before you hit once does it really matter? The F-22 Raptor will blow anything out of the sky. Stealth, Better pilots, better avionics, better targeting system. ARAAM missles, They can Fire a FNF missle and "STEER" it towards a target flying parallel just by looking at it. Not to mention it has the dive capability of an f16 and Manuevers just as good. C130 gunship will annhilate anything on the ground. Those things are death with wings. Russian soldier vs US soldier, US has better traing, better equipment, better Leadership.
  16. I could do a hell uva lot more damage with a .308 winchester scope mounted then with a tank. Tanks kill civilians, I only need to pick off a select few. And if I ever had to shoot at cops or soldiers I wouldnt do it cornered in a house or building.
  17. What you think I waste my time posting here when im not at work lol? Im always late for work thankfully I make up for it by leaving early. I still run every morning too. Although Every once in a while I will skip out on it. Like once a week.
  18. Ahh the attack of the lazy, dont bother with the content go for the poster.
  19. Im not arguing being Informed but the top 8 or so Media outlets are all casting her in a negative light. And most of the stuff is so arbitrary to competence its rather annoying. So what if her 17 year old daughter is pregnant? It happens all the time. So what if she has a kid with down syndrome? My point is the media has an agenda (like it always has) and they arent pulling punches. Dont give me a bunch of shit about there family, do you think I give a rats ass about what anyone thinks about how she runs her family? I wanna know how she is going to run the country.
  20. Ahh yes the attack of the lazy, Never mind the content just go for the poster. It always makes your argument so much better.
  21. So i was reading CNN, yahoo, MSNBC, fox and all the other online headlines about her. Has anyone noticed the negative undertone the media has taken. They completely down play every good thing shes ever done or quality she has and highlight only the negative. Obviously the media is all out blitz mode on this women. Personally I dont think shes any worse or better than any other candidate. As far as political corruption goes, All i have to say is Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon. Hell George W. Hoover, FDR, JFK etc etc etc.
  22. Explain to me why if Canada is so much more educated, Has the Natural Resources in abundance that you have not surpassed the Rest of the world in Economic and politcal power, How come the US is on the leading edge of technological development. And why despite a shit economy why the US continues to GROW in GDP. Because I don't think those things come from the Un-educated and Ignorant
  23. Yeah, Im socially Liberal, Fiscally Conservative, and Down right crazy about the Consititution.
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