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B. Max

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Everything posted by B. Max

  1. They could start by calling it the native land frauds and extortion.
  2. Oh I think they would eventually blow up Israel but not before they are also capable of blowing up at least Europe as a deterrent against any kind retaliation for doing so. Actually the possiblilties for what they might do if they have nukes are many. None of them good.
  3. Good, PC is finally starting to destroy the party that's been using it to destroy the country since Trudeau and even Person before him to some extent.
  4. name='Figleaf' date='May 25 2007, 05:13 PM' post='221826'] Well you just due that, and I will continue to believe that he did not create the internet even though he claims he did. Just as they claim his movie is a documentry, when it is just a science fiction movie.
  5. name='GostHacked' date='May 25 2007, 04:04 AM' post='221691'] No, it's the way things concerning these types of matters are properly handled. I think if were rotation from last year they would have been rotated last year. With two not there. The people don't need to know this. Was it the people ABC was telling or the enemy. And of what use is that information to the public.
  6. Is a conservative hack the best source you can muster against all the knowledgeable people referenced above? I think that says it all. As opposed to this left wing hate Bush site. http://www.perkel.com/politics/gore/internet.htm
  7. A number of people who would likely know what's what, are referenced above, who disagree with you. Then are people who disagree with that. "Gore played no positive role in the decisions that led to the creation of the Internet as it now exists -- that is, in the opening of the Internet to commercial traffic," said Steve Allen, vice president for communications at the conservative Progress and Freedom Foundation. http://www.wired.com/politics/law/news/1999/03/18390
  8. I find this pretty offensive and not at all appropriate to this discussion. Not as offensive as this. These government supported institutions (through tax-exemptions and freedom of religion reverence) are illustrating hatred and bigotry toward homosexuals. Shame on the Anglican Church for being so disrespectful to these bishops. What do you think the church is about. The church was not only right to censure, but it's about time.
  9. So how was global warming down in the center of the universe today.
  10. No no no, even the Gore apologist in the article said, quote, When I read this in context and as quoted, it certainly seems like a far less absurd statement. What did he do, nothing, and for trying to mislead people, others were right to say he took credit for inventing the internet.
  11. That from someone who obviously can't tell right from wrong.
  12. name='guyser' date='May 24 2007, 06:50 PM' post='221616'] No, the leak is at the CIA. I don't know why bush never cleaned that nest of Clinton appointees out when he took over. I know what ABC did, and it doesn't make any difference. They should know better. Who knows what they said. Did they say we have recieved questionable information by questionable means. There's another question that sticks out. Why take it to ABC. Did they think that if the took it to say fox, they would be turned over. The plame case was nothing but a leftist witch hunt. This isn't even remotely the same thing and no one was ever charged with doing anything wrong because their was no case. Other than the nonsense they got Libby on. It is typical though, of the treason we were treated to by the NYT over their exposing of the collection of intelligence.
  13. War is fought on the principle that you keep your damn mouth shut, and if you can't understand that, it needs to be shut for you. http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=55846
  14. It's not up the media to decide what military information they should be talking about. There are proper channels that military information comes from and it's obvious it didn't come from proper channels. A traitor operating under the guise of a free press is still a traitor.
  15. This is not divulging national security matters. http://blogs.abcnews.com/theblotter/2007/0...andidates_.html :"In a statement ABC News said, "In the six days since we first contacted the CIA and the White House, at no time did they indicate that broadcasting this report would jeopardize lives or operations on the ground. ABC News management gave them the repeated opportunity to make whatever objection they wanted to regarding our report. They chose not to." " From what I hear it's still being looked into as to who gave them information in the first place. ABC shouldn't have ask, they should know enough not to say anything. Maybe someone needs to ask what side they're on. On the other hand, do the bearded billy goats in Iran have questions about what these things are for, and what they're doing there. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v101/He2...N-8157C-240.jpg http://www.news.navy.mil/search/display.asp?story_id=29585
  16. It is not in the least 'legitimate'. What it is, is a plain lie. 'Invent' has a meaning that is thorgouhly different from what Gore said. No, invent could equally mean he came up with the idea, built it, or both. One does not have to build something to have invented it. But he said, I took the initiative , which means to start. So what exactly did he do, we know he didn't build it, so he must have meant or wanted us to believe he invented it.
  17. One of the most beautiful cars ever built. Although my first car was 1956 ford, unfortunately it wasn't a crown victoria. http://www.pbase.com/image/2119462
  18. You come from the province that is 'king of the good old boys'. Your cowboy friends aren't going to like you. Alberta runs on pickups.
  19. I wouldn't worry to much about it. I'm starting to look at new country, although not washed up, this ones is on its way. I talked to a guy from Grande Prairie yesterday who said last year at this time you couldn't find a place to stay or buy a house. Now he said people are trying to sell and move out, and they can't even get anyone to look at them and it's not just Grande Prairie or Alberta. Several people have told me lately that northern BC is like a morgue. Peace River air went belly up. I was over at shaw pipe about two weeks ago and they have a skeleton crew in the yard and the plant is shut down. Garneau pipe in Camrose is the same. I think before this is all over the collapse of the Roman empire will look mild in comparison.
  20. Maybe he likes to share his Windows desktop across all three monitors to display the Mann "hockey stick" in dramatic fashion. See.....we're all going to die from global warming!! Maybe it's kinda like having your own personal I-Max.
  21. Well that's what happens when you take a sharp left turn. Like the republicans in the US they went there to clean up government and ended up becoming government. Now we have the liberal party A and the liberal party B.
  22. Does Al Gore who initiated the internet need three, count em three, 30" monitors. I wonder if there's a desk under all those dead trees. http://img.timeinc.net/time/photoessays/20...ore_life/20.jpg
  23. To called it sex ed is really the wrong term. The proper term for these outfits should be promotion. http://www.thebody.com/content/art6985.html
  24. That is funny B Max. Nobody believes that... well, except for you. But again, dont let facts get in the way of a good story. I won't let spin get in the way of the truth that exposes the charlatan Al Gore.
  25. Like I said before it's no secret where they are learning it, and going by what you say there are plenty of graduates for planned parenthoods abortion mills, and if that's not bad enough the filth merchants are in the schools leading kids into the dark.
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