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Everything posted by Queenmandy85

  1. I've always viewed the 2020 US election to be a success. They needed the mail in ballots because it was at the height of the pandemic. Many people didn't want to risk their lives by mixing in a crowd at the polling station. The only fraud was in the sore loser's imagination. I've been on enough election day campaigns to know how hard it is to get some supporters out to vote. Election fraud is even less of a problem in Canada. It's not like the good old days when the Grits and Tories would place bottles of gin and whiskey by the ballot box. If you took a swig of the gin, it meant you were a tory. If you drank the whiskey, you voted grit. If the CPC/Social Credit had been around, they would have provided tea. Manning and Bennett always bragged about being Temperance, God -fearing crooks that they were.
  2. I am trying to remember the last time a political party was interested in doing something that would benifit another party. In matters such as election law, Canadian political parties will usually look for consensus, but I've never heard of a party freely handing an advantage to another party.
  3. Now you are getting it. But, there are limits. If it were up to me, they would outlaw the Social Credit Party, but that is not going to happen because, by convention, they will need all party support. I think we can depend on future Prime Minister Poilievre to oppose that. I can't see him opposing making it easier to give as many voters the opportunity to exersise their right to cast a ballot for their MP. If you recall, you and I were in agreement on the PR question. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.😉
  4. The government tried it your way in their first term and it ended up dead in the water. Since it was blocked by the NDP last time, is it not prudent to explore what is possible?
  5. How will these proposals prevent Pierre Poilievre from being appointed Prime Minister in 18 months? What is "US style" about making voting easier? Prime Minister Trudeau promised election reform in the 2015 election. So he has a mandate. It was NDP resistance that blocked it then. Now, before bringing it in, don't you think getting the NDP on board is a good idea?
  6. And people critisized me for suggesting they need all party agreement, instead of the Liberals just ramming it through using their majority.
  7. How do you get that? Who are you referring to as being anti-jewish? Canada used to be but that changed in the post-war period. How is that relevant to Governor Abbott's threat of insurrection.?
  8. You still have the problem that if you have 500 border guards at a point on the border and 10,000 people determined to cross the border, the BP won't be able to prevent them. As soon as they are that one millimetre into Texas, if they request asylum or refugee status, they are legally entitled to an admissibility hearing. There may be hundreds of others who just charge across with the refugees and overwhelm the border officials. You may be able to round some of them up but then you have to give them a hearing and if they are deported, there is nothing to prevent them from crossing again. They will hide on the thousands of transport trucks crossing legally. The migration of people north is only going to get worse. It is an insoluble problem , regardless of who is Governor or POTUS.
  9. But it includes international law as well as US law. Europe may be getting onside but is that enough?
  10. They are going to enter the US whether the US wants it or not. They are motivated and are willing to risk their lives to get there. Our late King Cnute had better luck holding back the tide.
  11. Back to the Great State of Texas: A major factor driving people to want to move into the US is the disintegration of law and order in Central and South America. One of the root causes is the North American demand for drugs. When risking the journey through country like the Darrien Gap, and rape and violence along the way is better than staying where you are, nothing the US can put up in their path is going to deter them. It is an insoluble problem that former President Trump is happy to make worse, because he doesn't have to do anything about it. He will take office in just over eleven months and after that, as long as the illegals can be kept out of his golf resorts, he won't care. He will be happy to let the suckers and mugs who elected him suffer. All he wants is that inauguration that he hopes will keep him out of jail and start the money flowing in to his pocket again. Who knows, maybe he will even tell his master, the Moscow taxi driver, to take a hike.
  12. Do you believe Putin will just stop with the Donbas and Crimea? Do you believe he has no more territorial demands inspite of his declared objective of resoring the old Soviet empire? In order to fulfill his promise, he is going to need to go up against NATO. Having a compliant POTUS will only encourage him. How do you suggest we prevent a second Holodomor? Do we evacuate Ukraine and bring their population to Canada?
  13. On a side note, Nationalist, is Fat Oleg still on the reception desk in Lubyanka?
  14. I'm glad we are in accord. If France and Britain had stopped Hitler when he re-occupied the Rhineland, and prevented the Germans from taking over the Sudetenland, they would have prevented WW2. What makes you think we can make the same mistakes and escape WW3?
  15. If Putin attacks NATO, there won't be a China or Taiwan. China will be drawn in. This is all because Former President Trump is a sore loser. He will force the borders open as far as possible just to stick it to the Biden administration. Trump doesn't care about Americans. To him, they are all marks, to be conned and fleeced. Once he assumes office, he won't do anything to fix the border because there is nothing in it for him. Of course, there isn't much he can do. If your life is so terrible that you would take your chances to transit the Darrian Gap, a bit of Texas razor wire and a wall isn't much of a challenge. We should be addressing why people are so desparate to endure that road through hell. Maybe there is something that can be done to repair the collapse of so many countries that drives people to take such desparate action.
  16. Think of the American lives lost if we don't support the Ukraine. So far, it is only money. If Putin makes the mistake of expanding his imperial designs on NATO, it will mean billions of lives. Russia gave up her claims on Ukraine. Putin is no different than Hitler and President Trump threatens to be Putin's Quisling. Appeasment caused WW2 and now we are on the brink of WW3. The difference is, WW2 only killed 50 million. Now we have nuclear weapons and, in the words of Nationalist, we are all going to die if we let that happen.
  17. The United States guaranteed Ukrainian sovereignty and the integrity of its borders. Russia has no more right to occupy eastern Ukraine or Crimea than Nazi Germany did to occupy the Sudetenland or western Poland. If Putin wins, he will percieve the United States as weak. A Trump administration will just be an American subsidiary of the Kremlin because Putin owns Trump's balls. Putin will inflict a second Holodomor and will turn his eyes to the former Warsaw Pact members who have since joined NATO. So, in Nationalist's words, yes, we are all going to die if Putin attacks NATO. Nuclear war is not survivable.
  18. The ironic thing many of President Trump's supporters overlook is not only will he do all he can to prevent the Biden administration from doing anything about the border issue, but when President Trump takes office a year from now, he won't care about the border. He won't do anything because he doesn't have to. He won his election and that is all he cares about. In the long run, there isn't much anyone can do about the border. You can't bar refugees and asylum claimants from entry. There is over $800 billion worth of trade crossing the border every year, so you can't seal it off completely.
  19. The only importance to us is it is holding up aid to Ukraine. If Ukraine is over run by Putin, it will not only create another Holodomor, but it will start a domino effect. It is going to lead to a war between Russia and Nato. All because President Trump is blocking the US Administration from taking action on the border with Mexico.
  20. Trump has ordered the GOP to keep the border open and to block the bill that would address the border. Did you not hear Romney's response?
  21. President Trump has ordered the GOP representatives to block any move President Biden makes to close the border. It is President Trump who is forcing the border open. As for Governor Abbott, is he about to engage in insurrection? That would mean the end of his political career.
  22. The problem is Israel was put in the wrong place. When the UN decided to create Israel, nobody consulted the people who were already living there. I've always believed Israel should have been placed in Oregon. The climate is similar and the neighbours are friendly. I would be upset if the UN suddenly kicked me out of the house my family had lived in for generations. I object to the silly idea that God promised that land to anyone. God is not a real estate salesperson. The idea is blasphemy. God doesn't chose favourites. God is managing the universe, looking after 28 trillion star systems just in the little section we can see with the JWST. It doesn't have a "chosen" people. I suggested Oregon, but I'm sure the UN could find an alternative. Who ever named Jerusalem (City of Peace) had an extraordinary sense of sarcasm. If we are to take the Israeli claim that they occupied that area 2000 years ago so that it should still be theirs, the Mississippi watershed, from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico, is actually part of Canada.
  23. All the nuclear fuel in the world is useless if you don’t have the lubricating oil for the generator. Without lubricating oil, nothing moves. Then there will be the greenhouse effect that is going to start having a serious impact in about two or three centuries.
  24. That is not what I said. I said these things were approved by Parliament in the estimates. The carbon tax in BC has had a positive effect on carbon emissions. our petroleum reserves will only last for another 250 years at the present rate of per capita consumption. Coal will only last a thousand years. Considering we should be able to expect to be around for a lot longer than that, we need to think about what we are doing to the unborn. When Jesus returns, he is going to be very disappointed in what we have done to our children.
  25. If this is the case that happened in Nelson, I don't have enough information, other than they were both intoxicated. Some people said the cop attacked the accused and the accused defended himself? But your guess is as good as mine...if not better.
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