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Everything posted by lictor616

  1. oh OF COURSE! i'm sure you granfather and father both went to war with germany for the rights of homosexuals not to be offended, and so that sikh school children could go to school right along his grandchildren with Kirpan's or ceremonial daggers... oh and I'm sure then went to war so that a crazed Haitian boat girl could become the "queen" of canada... and how would "radicals" destroy free speech by using it? the radicals who are destroying free speech are the ones calling some speeches "hatred" right? wow what a tangled mess your brain is.
  2. you mean Philip Rushton, and i'd wager you know nothing of his work, and would'nt be able to able to say anything meaningful about the topic either way...
  3. ? who cares where thee quotes are coming from - they are accurate - btw reverse the races of these quotes (make them anti balck say) and none of these people would have a job today. To speak of the double standard I was referring to earlier
  4. i've seen people clamoring for the death of the "white race" on my campus ... no big whoop was made about it... and I don't think there should have been anything made about it. that's FREEDOM OF SPEECH. but here's another aspect of our present situation: there is a profound double standard in who can be discriminated against... heterosexual white males and fascists of course are free game... but not blacks, not gays, not jews not communists if at least the laws where applied equally... i suppose there'd be some tiny shade of decency to it... here are some notable anti-white racits in academia... non to date have been charged with hate crimes or "inciting hatred" Rodolfo Acuna (professor of Chicano studies at Cal State Northridge) “There’s a growing feeling ‘Why should we pay for all these senior citizens’ if the majority of them are white and all they were willing to pay for was prisons?” [Jonathan Tilove, Generation Gap Becoming Racial Gap, San Francisco Examiner, Nov. 23, 1997, p. A17.] (added 2/05/03) Ann Rhodes (University Relations Vice President at the University of Iowa speaking after it was discovered a black woman staged a phony hate crime) — “I figured it was going to be a white guy between 25 and 55 because they’re the root of most evil.” [Greg Smith, “Black Student Arrested in Racist Threats at Iowa Dental School,” AP, April 20, 2000. Scott Hogenson, “College Official Calls White Men ‘Root of Most Evil,’” CNSNews.com, April 21, 2000.] (added 2/05/03) Noel Ignatiev (Jewish Harvard professor and editor of “Race Traitor” magazine) — “Keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed.” [Robert Boatman, “Trent Lott’s of the Left,” Frontpagemag.com (online), January 3, 2003.] (added 2/05/03) Haunani-Kay Trask (Professor of Hawaiian Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, and author of the following poem) Racist White Woman I could kick Your face, puncture Both eyes. You deserve this kind Of violence. No more vicious Tongues, obscene Lies. Just a knife Slitting your tight Little heart. For all my people Under your feet For all those years Lived smug and wealthy Off our land Parasite arrogant A fist In your painted Mouth, thick With money And piety Gregory Jay (English professor at the University of Wisconsin, on the purpose of Whiteness Studies) — “to make visible the history and practices of white supremacy as found in social life, the law, literature, music, politics, and every other realm of our ‘civilization.’ ” [Chris Weinkopf, “Whiteness Studies,” Frontpagemag.com, June 25, 2003.] (added 6/29/03)
  5. are you suggesting I call the B'na B'rith of canada to see what measures can be taken to check the IP address of progressive-tory and see what legal defense can be entertained? honestly I sick unto death to hear such NONSENSE. Too much of the blood of our forefathers was spilled securing the freedom which these Politically Correct bigots would like to take away from us -- too much to permit them to continue trampling on our Rights with impunity.
  6. pfaaaaa!! when you people campaign for laws designed to protect the feelings of people who could be offended by the comments of other people you really think you have a real legal basis to do so? These "hate laws" have no basis in any rational Western Legal system... in fact the concept of hate speech only existed back in the middle ages when the church would prosecute people (like Galileo, Copernicus et al) for defiance of holy writ. The liberals sometimes speak of "freedom from hate" and believe that they are achieving that with their "hate laws." but the notion is entirely inimical to western legal conceptions- because you cannot prove how someone is hurt or deprived of a freedom by MERE WORDS THAT ARE SAID TO THEM. Words are too subjective and cant really cause any visible harm. for instance if I tell someone that I believe the holocaust never happened and he punches me in the face- HE is the one guilty of a real crime or offense. he is the one that should be prosecuted for his ACT. Speech is not an "action" in the legal sense. Breaking a nose, causing bodily harm, turning over a car etc... IS. In fact, to hear you chinless weak willed wonders talk about it, you would believe that "freedom from hate" and "freedom to feel good" were what a secular rational free society is all about. To lefties alike the so-called "freedom" of a homosexual not to be offended by the remarks of someone who considers him a degenerate or aberration ranks right up there beside freedom of speech and freedom to a fair trial -- in fact, a bit above freedom of speech and way above the freedom to a fair trial.
  7. your entire quote progressive_tory, incited hatred to me... I felt violent and hateful while reading it... so by your logic you shouldn't have the right to say it... You don't believe in freedom of speech if you don't believe it for the opinions you specifically despise. That's the bottom line. Free speech is either absolute or inexistent- analogous to pregnancy- one is either pregnant or NOT pregnant. there is no middle ground with free speech
  8. sounds like crypto commie denial "i no worry glorious comrade obambo will save us"
  9. here's another prophetic jewel Evola continues: "The American mind is a feature of the regressive society to which I have already referred. A most significant aspect of American mentality and its lack of refinement is the closeness of the American way of thinking in general to the negroid way of thinking in particular, not only in well-known examples, such as music, but in multifarious aspects of the mass psyche and in the proliferation of superstitions and religious sects of every kind, which thrive in the United States as they do in few other countries." imagine if evola saw modern day snake worship or evangelical cults! i was reminded of the jaw dropping documentary "Jesus Camp" ... of course Evola is precisely accurate.
  10. read the selected quotes... see if that agrees with reality... I would suggest to you that they do...
  11. yes that's right they do.... Bush was another clinton...
  12. Pondering that - I was reminded of the great Julius Evola and his invaluable "Civlita Americana" (http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/6824/evola.htm) I quote the learned man: "The Americans' 'open-mindedness,' which is sometimes cited in their favor, is the other side of their 'inner formlessness.' The same goes for their 'individualism.' Individualism and personality are not the same: the one belongs to the formless world of quantity, the other to the world of quality and hierarchy.... The American 'mind,' puerile and primitive, lacks characteristic form and is therefore open to every kind of standardisation. "In a superior civilisation, as, for example, that of the Indo-Aryans, the being who is without characteristic form or caste (in the original meaning of that word), (1) not even that of servant or shudra, would emerge as a pariah. In this respect America is a society of pariahs. There is a role for pariahs. It is to be subjected to beings whose form and internal laws are precisely defined. Instead, the modern pariahs seek to become dominant themselves and to exercise their dominion over all the world." "The typical American neither has spiritual dilemmas nor complications: he is a 'natural' joiner and conformist. The primitive American mind can only superficially be compared to a young mind. The American mind is a feature of the regressive society to which I have already referred." Evola wrote that after WW2... and a biographer tells us "We can only imagine what Evola would write if he were alive today to see the putrification of modern American society." indeed... imagine!
  13. suing alcohol companies? and run the cost of business up for what? And put yet MORE bureaucratic red tape where it doesn't belong? have we degenerated into a bunch of mindless slobs? We all get to suffer the consequences because some native burnout couldn't be bothered to NOT drink while bearing a child? I guess next we'll be suing Glock every time some jamaican street thug shoots someone... Have we become unfit for a civilized free society?
  14. St-leonard had 6 reported rapes in the area where some girls got caught by rioting mobs of haitians.... we know that at least 2 were violently raped... the others might have been sexually assaulted or prodded by the howling pack of wild beasts.
  15. ? we don't have a choice in the matter, if we don't fill the racial quotas set forward by the gubmint... and yes Corky from Life goes on made a million dollars and he had downs syndrome... i love the "I know a dude that knows someone that's Phd"... argument ... about 78% of the immigrants coming into ontario and quebec alone are unskilled - about 30% of these remain sub-employed or unemployed ... Montreal gets a yearly 25 000 new immigrants a year, most coming from the third world, and about 20 000 are UNSKILLED. oh but you know a T&T woman with a Phd... brilliant. its all settled then! yeah you win that argument outright ...
  16. touché! maybe as a lackluster and shameful flunky of israel... his Bangladeshi daughter too should make people's stomachs turn - there's something odd in that family.
  17. "What does it mean to be English Canadian" not much, since our government is intent on telling us that we're all equal: hence english, or pakistani or swwahili?- meh ! No such distinctions should be made or count for anything. Being Canadian means precisely nothing: its just the place where one happens to live at and pay taxes at the moment... such is canadian identity, a multi-racial morass of disconnected individuals, equal in their lack of identity (of course with sacrosanct minorities from the third world being INFINITELY more equal then the despicable racist, eurocentric, bigotted, close minded, Euro canadians, who must pay for the comfort of minorities to make up for real or imagined "historical ills") isn't that the essence of what multiculturalism preaches? Identity and advocacy for visible minorities ONLY -rootlessness and no identity for the euro MAJORITY. WIth preferential rights and treatment of the law for visible minorities (ie: affirmative action, protection from any slander under soviet style "hate speech" legislation, and special human rights tribunal and putting in their place Euro Canadians who are not humbly grateful for the privilege of having their culture made illegal, their people slandered and their history forgotten and disrespected by the thankless and savage anthropoids to whom they are giving their country.
  18. putting GM or Chrysler under bankruptcy and finally dealing away with their hideous, backwards engineered sh*tboxes would be analogous to flushing a toilet more then anything else... who cares? hideous cars, crappy brands, horrendous engineering, dismal innovation made by mexican hands... dump the lot of em! they're pointless! and they want the US tax paying serfs to pick up the tab for 29 years or so of FAILURE AFTER FAILURE? Even when GM has for years admitted to cheating customers with inferior yet more expensive products to Japanese or European cars? Even after GM blocked the entry of the diesel engine ranges for regular cars? Hello Peugeot, Renault, Alfa Romeo, FIAT, Seat, Skoda etc... sorry glorious "nationalizer of toxic assets" comrade Obama-
  19. that video was quite hilarious... even if it has no relationship with the topic at hand and doesn't refute any claim made by the documentary (now widely recognized as mostly fact even by his own administration and good pal Al Gore)...
  20. partisan politics? you mean the smoke and mirrors game for the benefit of the hoi polloi? as if that was anything but a massive ploy to fleece voters into believing that they have real choices to make. In "democratic" america the populace is encouraged to imagine that it makes important decisions by voting, and is therefore controlled by suitable propaganda, which implants ideas to which the voters respond automatically as trained animals respond to words of command in a circus, thus leaving to the masses only a factitious choice between the blue or red ticket on the basis of their preference for a certain kind of oratory, a hair-style, or a particular facial expression. McCain had male prostitutes, ties with terrorism, coke use, communist fronting and ties to a black supremacist organisation to work with on Obama... yet somehow... SOMEHOW... failed to mention any of this. And why would bush have used anything on Clinton? he wasn't up for reelection anyways (having served the max 2 mandates)
  21. !?if!? even if 1% of that foul record is accurate, it would mean that clinton was unfit to hold any responsible position in government. nuclear secrets to china, drug smuggling, racketeering, using the powers of government for personal profit, using secret service men to scout prostitutes, selling drugs out of a government building, forcible rape, defection to communist agents, communist fronting, selling secrets to an enemy nation, murder, fraud.... ad infintam nauseam take your pick! And why would another baneful criminal (Bush) want to "pursue" clinton? What does that have to do with anything?
  22. brilliant refutation! Thank you for showing me the error in my statements... I love having such rigorous debate! you should take a look at this series on the infamous family http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1WHdViGycY...=PL&index=7
  23. Bush was recognized as just one of the "American" Presidents who have sent their drugged and enslaved soldiers all over the world to fight and die for Oil and Israel. Bush sent his gang of multiracial mercenaries to do his master's bidding under the flag of "anti-terrorism" Obama will be no different. He will send his ugly and inglorious mongrel army into africa and the middle east under the flag of "humanitarianism" and "equality"... and the debased american people will applaud him and learn to worship their chains. For some reason however, some still nourish a hope that the American slaves will finally revolt and condignly punish their domestic enemies and the traitors who serve them. Well, i wish them luck... but I wonder if they have not already passed the point of no return, and have only a Soviet style GULAG to look forward to.
  24. incite hatred? what a perverse concept. Anything can incite hatred... there is no such thing in western ethics or rational judicial systems of the West as a "hate speech"... the concept doesn't exist. You cannot prove to be victimized by one's WORDS. The concept is inimical to a free and rational secular society. And The Self-Chosen People can hardly complain about "anti-Semitism," a term which is incorrectly made to mean disrespect for the most viciously anti-Semitic race/people in the world (Jews). If words have not become mere babble to excite emotions in lefty halfwits instead of tools of communication, Jews who are currently in the process of ethnically cleansing Palestine of other Semites (ie palestinians) are the "ANTI-SEMITIC incarnate". And again, what in the world does it matter if a statement is anti-Semitic or unflattering to this or that group ... doesn't TRUTH trump emotions? Why is it better to be Politically COrrect then TRUTHFUL? What you need to understand now is that when the organization of society that was called Communism in Russia and liberal 'Democracy' in Canada is fully operative, it, by its very nature, requires Thought Police, vigilant to detect and suppress symptoms of rationality among the herds of livestock. And really when are we going to draw the line? Speaking truthfully about the apartheid regime in the gangster state of Israel warrants deportation and banishment from Canada!? to those who are capable of reason and (like me) distressed about your prospects in the future, if you wish to speculate, estimate how long it will be before failure to kowtow before Jews will automatically entail death by torture... does anybody else think we,ve had enough of this politically correct dopeytalk dumped in our laps?
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