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Everything posted by mjp

  1. this whole reason to cut that political welfare was to remove funding from the green party....lol he does not like elizabeth may at all, and after the way she came at him in the debates making him look uninformed on many points, this is his way to trying to squash the greens after all the money for the greens is about 80% of their funding.. it would effectively eliminate them from federal politics.
  2. thats only part of it, they get to change residences. dion gets to hang out at 21 sussex drive while he's in town... no it wont... it would take a national referendum to do that. as well as alberta taking their share of the national debt. what would that be 25-50 billion?? enjoy that. fact is there are many Canadian gov't installations in alberta those belong to Canada they don't just magically change hands. plus you lose federal transfer payments, as well as the rcmp, and Canadian military bases, any that would be there would be gutted of everything that belonged to canada and ripped down. All classified installations in Alberta would be removed. Also Alberta would then have to negotiate itself into NAFTA or something like it. also now you got the added costs of your own border patrol and your own military. Also the many regulatory bodies that are handled by the federal gov't would now have to be taken over by alberta. that numbers in the hundreds. and over 10k employees. before you say Alberta is going to leave, you have to understand exactly how much things will cost. on the bright side now you will have to have your own version of revenue Canada to annoy the shit out of people. those people with Canadian student loans, would lose their rights to interest relief as they are not in Canada anymore... they would have to start paying up or default Also you would have to have your own currency as well, which would be directly affected by the CAD and USD and the price of oil. Alberta would have to have their own central banking system as well and their own regulations. your not starting your own country without one in this day and age. otherwise the bankers will sink your nation. I guess the average person don't get what would be involved to create a nation.. enough of that crap.
  3. the GG has two choices, and either go with the coalition govt or call another election. who would have thought harper could have shot himself in both feet in less then 14 days of opening the new session....lol (numbers from elections canada site) people bitch about the will of the people, the turnout was 13,832,972 of 23,401,064 registered electors (59.1%) the will of the people says, we need a lot better politics to keep people interested. 7,526,630 people voted for these three parties, 5,205,334 voted for the conservatives, 1,101,008 people voted for 3rd parties, and 9,568,092 that never voted for any of them. so lets do the math: 73% of the registered voters never voted for the conservatives, of the ones that actually voted 62% never voted for the conservatives. The will of the people is they did not like any of the choices in this past election. as for a coup. people that say this is a coup are stupid and ignorant of the laws of our country and our constitution. Also Coups usually require military force. The GG is the commander in chief and can overrule the prime minister and Minister of Defense if she so chooses, as she acts on the queens behalf. People should take the time to read our constitution, the bna act, the Statute of Westminster as it pertains to us.
  4. I think that he's limping right now, and bleeding badly... but not bleeding out of the femoral artery...
  5. talk about late coming to the table... maybe you missed it its called the north american union, run by a triumvirate.
  6. indeed, I'm sure that will happen..
  7. even members of the conservative party are pissed off at him for this.
  8. Its clear that harper is not thinking for what is the best for canadians, but only his own party. The removing funding for political parties basically eliminates most of the third parties.. the Bloc, NDP, possibly the liberals and the Greens for certain, and every other third party. But directly it would kill the green party of Canada... after all Elizabeth May did make harper look like a dolt at the debates... So I think this was trying to get payback against the greens for what May did at the debates As for WIP's quotes on the three points that the drones are to run around and repeat, I have heard those points on several different programs. I think a coalition could work, if the leaders were able to bury their ego's. But I think the worst thing that liberals EVER did was put dion as their leader, and now he's a lame duck leader. So for a coalition to work dion must leave sooner then planned, Which in my personal opinion would be the best thing for the Liberal Party. Personally, I think that the conservatives (The Harper Talking Heads) are idiots, this only costs 30 mill to fund the parties, and 300 mill for an election... jeez... think on the math for 5 seconds.. its not the end of the world on 30 mill. the fact that harper attacked unions is the stupidest thing going, you want to see Canada come to a halt, watch every union in Canada work together and go on strike. You think legislating them back to work would work? Unions still have alot of power in this country.
  9. they have a big manual of ways to eliminate unions in their business.. the only way to deal with walmart would be for 20, 50 or even 100 or so walmart stores were to unionize.. not just 1 at a time. that would be the only way to make a stand to them would they really close those 100 stores? would they take that big of a public hit?
  10. dion was the worst choice and over time in the HoC we saw that if an election was called with dion as leader they would seirously get their butts kicked. we all knew this since dion got the leader seat in the liberals. lets be real here, the guy can not communicate effectively. He may be smart, but fact remains there are more english speaking canadians then french..
  11. someone that can clearly communicate and looks good
  12. I'm putting my money on justin trudeau... for no reason other then I think they will try to go with name recognition....
  13. I'm in a riding where it dont matter if you vote ndp, liberal or green.. so I voted green anyways...
  14. you know the last prime minister we had signed us on to it before harper... yah you know paul martin signed us up to the SPP, and it was brian mulroney that signed us on to NAFTA. do some reading on the spp, the NAU is going to happen, like it or not, and the liberals or the conservatives will implement it. for the love of canada , do some research before believing such bs.
  15. east coast radio stations people...
  16. well I can say its littered with all the photo ops that he has been in so far this election... kinda sad impo, that they have to include all those. But the price of psychological warfare is never to great to get people to vote for someone. Fear is power.
  17. in everyone's augments they forgot to mention the national debt that was created by the previous governments. What people don't get is the fact that we pay interest to service the national debt every year, and that at it's highest 45 billion of our tax dollars were going to just paying the interest alone. The fact that the governments are paying off the debt is creating surpluses and allowing the government to lower some of the taxes. The more the government pays down the national debt the less interest we have to pay on it. That means more money can be put forward to paying off the national debt and lowering taxes. The problem we have is people seem to think that the gov't does not have debt. Our Governments over the years figured that spending insane amounts of money would have no consequences. What we are now doing is paying for that stupidity of our previous governments over the last 50 or so years. Fact remains that whoever is in government better follow the same policy of paying of the debts. In the end thats 45 billion dollars that either the government can lower in our taxes or use some of that money to fund education, health care and other projects. Thing is if everyone were able to get a post secondary education, that would raise up people into the middle class income bracket. Currently the national debt is down to 467.3 million, because of the debt being paid off. From what I am seeing the conservatives will be paying off less of the national debt over the next two years in their projections. http://www.budget.gc.ca/2008/glance-apercu...ef-bref-eng.asp (table 1). The less debt we have the less taxes we can have. The national Debt must be paid off.
  18. Thats the problem is necessities of life should not be taxed. only luxuries. Owning a car that gets for a small family of 3 is a necessity. Having a second one is also a necessity. Assuming both parents work. But having a BMW or a big SUV for no reason other then to have one is a luxury. Having a Big ford F150 or bigger for no reason to have one is a luxury. But using it to make a living or on a farm is a necessity. Paying Taxes on farm equipment impo is part of the problem farmers also have. Having a basic phone is a necessity, thus the ability to dial 911. Calling long distance to families and friends is a luxury. Thats why I say if your going to need that consider either vonage or shaw or rogers digital phones. If your in an area that you can get those things. If your in an area that does not have high speed cable or digital phone. I say use a call around service to lower your costs. Having a regular house is a necessity, but having a 3 million dollar house is a luxury. Eating out or going to a fast food restaurant and Going to a bar is a luxury. TIm Hortons, Starbucks, Mcdonalds and others are luxuries. Its defining what is a luxury and what is required to buy. Thats where taxation should be defined. The poor and middle class pay the brunt of all the taxes, while the upper class get the most benefit from the tax loopholes. Clothing should be taxed only if its top end or designer clothing. After all we can not be running around with no clothes, but walmart as a rap on the cheap chinese low quality clothing. Education, Educational Exhibits, and events, along these lines should not be taxed. A proper full quality education will make someone move from the lower to middle class. This is why I say income tax should be canned and we should go right to consumption taxes. If people earned what they worked for, they would have more of an incentive to do better at their job. In addition, it would increase the economy of The country by 5 fold. Reason I say that is if a small business can hire another employee or two for the cost of taxes, that would alone would increase consumption taxes. For example, Would Ford and GM would keep their lines open if they did not have to pay income taxes in Canada?? One would think so, but you still never know. I think That we need to change our way of thinking on taxes.
  19. why not just merge into the USA if we want a republic.. lets check to see if their articles of confederation hold any weight still, after all article 11 invited canada into the USA.. so why not just merge with them.. then you will have your president.
  20. thats where GST needs to be addressed.. items that we need in life should not be taxed, but they are. as for your comment on houses being taxed, people don't need a two million dollar house.
  21. After reading a few of the topics from end to end, people are complaining over the Greens wanting to raise the GST 1%. For the most part most people wont be effected by a sales tax increase unless their buying a boat, car, house or some other large luxury. when the GST was cut by 2%, that took alot of money out of the coffers of the federal gov't, as well as saved a lot of rich people money. Harper is wrong that the GST is NOT the most hated tax. That honor goes to income tax. Hands down. Lets look at the math here. a 1 million dollar house at 7% vs 5% GST, the savings of $20,000, Which I doubt you are all going to spend this year on GST. a $20,000 car a savings of $400 for that 2% GST. $2,000 bucks you'll spend on gas this year.. a savings of $40. while it helps the small poor people sure, but not paying income taxes would do more for the people. Now I think that best idea is to cancel income taxes all together and have just sales taxes on items that are luxuries. After all a person thats making 10 bucks an hour full time pays apx $1440 in income taxes, which they could be better spending on themselves and other items they need instead of using credit.
  22. One of the things I would like to see on the ballet is none of the above. You know when the candidate sucks so bad you just stay home and not vote. I think that if this were to happen, people would just goto vote none of the above just on the point of saying to the candidates in their riding that they suck. I think just that option alone would raise voter turnout by at least 10%. I think that people would pile into cars just to say they voted for no one. That option would make everyone happy. After all, in some cases candidates are just useless as they are back benchers...
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