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Everything posted by MontyBurns

  1. Does the pamphlet say anything about polygamous marriages? Or polygamous peoples rights?
  2. The country has done well under Harper's governance. Face the facts.
  3. Canada did well at the olympics and did well economically during a global recession. What government was in power overseeing it? Could it be the dreaded Harper conservatives? How dare those bastards manage the country properly?
  4. Canada did well at the olympics and Steve was the man who made it happen.
  5. How come the hippy granolas didn't protest when Chretien prorogued parliament?
  6. All I'm saying here is that if gays are normal then they should act normal. What straight person would go to a straight pride parade naked and depict a sex act to promote heterosexuality?
  7. A person who mouths gay rhetoric. Similar to a fearmonger, warmonger, etc.
  8. Ok so it is promoted. All I'm saying is that if gay behavior is normal then why do they need gay-mongerers and festivals? Think about how silly a Straight Pride festival would be.
  9. Don't gay pride festivals promote homosexuality? Christ, haven't you come across all the gay-mongers out there? They are everywhere these days.
  10. straight = normal transgendered, transexual, gay, etc. = eccentric It couldn't be simpler.
  11. If gay is normal then why does it have to be promoted? Nobody promotes heterosexuality because it is natural and assumed.
  12. I think I would rather a few potholes than setting murderers free.
  13. Everyone knows the liberals and cbc are bum buddies.
  14. Increase taxes on socialists since they like paying taxes. That will help solve it.
  15. If you like paying taxes call Revenue Canada and tell them that you would like to pay more this year. Do your part for the social sector.
  16. Of my. How to decide between them? Does dark skin override being gay or vice versa? Please somebody from the left help me decide!
  17. CBC gets plenty of welfare now. It is begging for more.
  18. Hold a pledge drive like PBS. It is public TV so the public should have no problems supporting it out of their pockets.
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