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Everything posted by MontyBurns

  1. Soon the socialist paradise of our dreams will materialize. No more neocons or capitalism. The future will be dominated by socially elite individuals like yourself.
  2. Soon we will have a new socially elite PM to lead us to the promised land.
  3. Liberals and NDP are intolerant of and hate conservatives. NDP hates Jews also.
  4. Better off getting a gun. The only person looking out for you is you.
  5. We should deport our socialists to Sudan so they can spend time with their good buddies there.
  6. Of course not. The hippies take care of this stuff.
  7. Liberals want to be tough on hunters but lax on gangs if that makes any sense.
  8. The will of the people is to get rid of the gun registry.
  9. Jdobbin is a conservative-hating, John Cretin bum buddy.
  10. Wouldn't you like to return to the Cretin days? I sure would. Prior to 2006 the world was a much better place. And John Cretin was the man who made it all possible.
  11. Yeah. So we should return to the good old days of John Cretin.
  12. I guess we should return to the John Cretin days.
  13. You sound like a mindless drone of the Liberal party.
  14. If the Liberal party is all inclusive then it shouldn't have any trouble forming a majority government.
  15. You sound like a conservative. You need to spend lots of money like Obama. Everyone's doin' it.
  16. [quote name='jdobbin' date='Mar 16 2009, 09:16 AM' post='401389' their out of control spending It's called economic stimulus. Obama's doing it too. Get on board. Your party wanted it.
  17. Pot calling the kettle black. Can't have a 30 billion package and not at the same time. Liberals wanted it.
  18. Maybe the liberals can make some headway in quebec with their ad-agency connections. Use them to promote the liberal party and encourage quebecers to "be Canadian".
  19. Maybe after marijuana is legalized we can set up a public drug program so dope will be free to everybody.
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