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Everything posted by runningdog

  1. I don't know what channel you're watching, but every report I've heard has refered to them as Canadians based in Quebec.
  2. I totally agree. Listing the ingredients/place of manufacture should be standard (if not already).
  3. LOL. Nicely said, but I would rather not be embarrassed at all if given the choice. As far as nothing getting done/waist of time, you'd have to be a corporate head to know what, if anything got done. Us little people will never know until it's too late.
  4. "When your neighbor loses his job, it's a recession. When you also lose your job, it's a depression." Harry S Truman.
  5. Agreed. I hate abortion but have to consider myself "pro choice" because there are situations (rape being the main one) where abortion is a choice I would not deny to the woman involved. Not that I would or should have a say....
  6. "I would like to see the aboloition of income tax, and a raising of the GST to 10% (or more) in it's stead." Exactly! It'll never happen, but it would be much more fair to the majority of Canadians.
  7. tax corporate profits. leave the "fruits of ones' labour" alone. Working almost half of the year for the gov't is ridiculous.
  8. more united???? Hogwash. We are provinces 1st (unless it's a national team sporting event), country 2nd. It's a shame that it's this way.
  9. LOL. nice one, I was just thinking the same:)
  10. Yes, it was: a really low class ploy for the dumb and gullible. You mean how they have treated certain of the media, like the guy who wrote the article, the high priced millionaires of the press gallery who sneer at everything the Tories stand for and lay in wait for the slightest chance to twist their words and make them look bad? The Liberals tried to put their own Information Commisioner out of business by sueing him and starving him of funds. They stonewalled on every question, and Chretien never held press conferences. Apparently none of that bothered you. Argus, it DID bother me, but don't you think that Harper and the reformacons should strive to be better than past liberal governments? Their lack of transparency really bothers anyone concerned with our country and our countries' democratic processes.
  11. http://www.thechronicleherald.ca/Canada/850821.html I used to think that the constant liberal chant of "what are the cons hiding? Be afraid, be very afraid.." used by them in past elections was just a low class ploy, but after reading this article and seeing how they have treated the media in Ottawa (and the rest of the country), plus their total lack of transparency, I guess you do have to wonder just what these reformacons are trying to hide....just like the repubs down south, unfortunately for the citizens of Canada...
  12. arbitrary indeed! why not rename this site smalldeadanimals??
  13. And you want to emphasize that he is a traitor. Nice politics. I don't believe that you will ever vote Democratic again in your lifetime. I don't see you voting for any of them. As for your Dakotas argument, if I recall North Dakota has a two Democratic Senators and one Democratic Rep. South Dakota has one Democratic Senator and one Democratic rep. Nebraska has one Democratic Senator and all its Reps are Republican. These states do have a history of voting Democratic on the federal front and given eight years of Iraq which is extremely unpopular in every state in the U.S., I think it is possible that the Presidential vote might swing that way as well. Given who the Republican candidates are, I think that is very possible. As far as your star Guiliani: great vid! Cheers for posting!
  14. Then please ignore my posts and continue to be superior in every way. I have been abandoned by other frustrated "elites" as well, particularly when they find that their intellectual efforts have been left in tatters by my brutal version of economic reality. "CommieCare"....yes...I like that. It is pithy, biting, and even has alliteration. Maybe you've been abandoned because it's like talking to a rock. LOL...BC2004: But Canada, but Canada, but but but....." One gets sick of his typical response after awhile.
  15. That's what REALLY sickening. Not my post, but your statement above. so what you are saying, Mikedavid, is that the value of ones' life depends on where one was born? That our lives here in Canada are worth more than lives elsewhere? Why do you feel this way?
  16. I hope they chuck this arrogant ass in a medium pen for atleast 10 years. I have nothing against innovative, socially responsible people accumulating wealth. Good for them. Conrad is not what I consider to be a "good un'". Rot in jail and take Barb with you.
  17. Something Dan Simmons said once, and I paraphrase..."There are crowds of would be writers out there, all writing bad, poor, or passable prose, and the one thing their works seem to share is an overwhelming focus on "me". Could have been Stephen King, but I doubt it...he lives in too glass a house to throw those rocks... OK does anyone actually think I am trying to get a book deal? no, you are simply not clever or charismatic enought. Sorry. Next.
  18. right on. Exploring the history of both big oil and big pharma and their efforts to keep pot illegal is proving to be a very interesting read.
  19. Oh yeah, living in Nova Scotia, you wouldn't want to rock the socialist boat. Maybe we can hear what your idea of what Canada will look like in a short 25-30 years from now. So instead of a thoughtful rebuttal, you call me a socialist because of were I live? Oh snap! I'm not from NS, but I have family that live there They've elected a PC gov't the last little while, ya? Unfortunately, di, er...leafless is very telltale of the ignorance and hate most neo con posters (and others, particularily from Ont & Alb) on this site seem to have towards the Maritimes. I hope that someday they bother to educate themselves, maybe even go there for a visit. Until then, we will continue to fracture as a nation. Take a bow and have another cheezeburger, Mr. Harper! You've earned it.
  20. Coulter is hot. That's an absolute truth, not an opinion. Plato even had a form for Coulter. LOL...Are you from Rygel 7???? Or are you in prison somewhere?
  21. Although I don't smoke much pot these days, I know many people who would rather smoke a joint or 2 after a hard days work then drink a beer, smoke a cigar, or any of the other legal/illegal substances that people use to unwind with. Most, not all, but most will NOT drive while stoned (just like some people will drive drunk). They see it as no different from driving drunk. The pot laws we have now (and their inconsistant enforcement) are a joke. If people want to smoke it and do not endanger others while doing so, what is it to me?
  22. good points Kimmy. This would mean that people would have to start boycotting most of the discount stores, including Walmart. I can't see this happening as most people have zero clue inregards to Chinas' trade policies, and even if they did, they can't afford to shop anywhere else.
  23. Hey, if your looking to make EI optional, then I'm on board. The program wouldn't last long though. It's a certain segement of society that is cronically unemployed, which is generally funded by the rest of us. EI is a huge transfer program... again, from the individuals in employed provinces (notably Alberta, Manitoba for consistantly better than average rates) to the unemployed provinces (Martimes). EI is a terrible barrier to economic freedom. It encourages people to make economically poor choices. If the majority of workers that are consistantly employed can opt out, the program would be dead in a few years and we'd all be better off. to what segment are you refering, Geoffrey?
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