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Everything posted by DFCaper

  1. The Problem is the unions influence it's members as well. I know 4 kids that teachers sent the kids home with the message that the parents better not vote for the conservatives. This low life tactic has me tempted to switch from voting for the NDP to the Conservatives. The public sector unions have gone too far and need to be reined in. If I had a Conservative sign on my lawn, I would take it down prior to calling the police. My trust of police in this country is again finding a new low.
  2. This event is a historic event for gay rights and freedom for the USA. Remember that gay marriage is not legal in all US states. Michael Sam made a huge sacrifice to accomplish this event. He has and will endure more criticism than most could handle. Thankfully, he has received mostly positive support. This was a big barrier he just overcome, clearing the way for others. I am surprised that Shady is the poster here to start a thread on this break through for the LGBT community. I do enjoy his baiting others who usually oppose his views. I to find it unusual to see 2 guys kissing, but figure that I will desensitized to it as I have with heterosexual kissing. I remember when Ellen Degeneres first gay prime time kiss was a major break through. Cleared the way for your HBO shows.
  3. I think anyone who doesn't want for natives to integrate into our society are the racist. How does isolating them to separate towns (reserves) and separate schools not strike one as the racist solution? I think any solution that promotes long term segregation is unethical. What we owe natives is a helping hand integrating into our society. They are victims of long term segregation and are suffering greatly from this segregation. Shame on you posters who do not want natives to be equal to other Canadians.
  4. Heard this weekend that the NHL Board of governers was not happy with going only with SportsNet for NHL games. The problem was that after numerious complaints from non-Leaf teams about the heavy Bias towards the leafs from CBC and TSN, they decided to give it a try. It will be interesting to see if SportsNet will have a less bias coverage..
  5. I perfer to think that Alberta is paying for our infastructure, not Toronto, now that we are a have not province. Your logic, moved up a level of Government, would be like the Federal government creating a special tax on all Canadians to help pay for Health care in Alberta, so that Alberta doesn't need a sales tax. You know Alberta, the engine of this country and pays more than it's fair share! I do understand that since there is a head quarters for the company I work for in Toronto that filters out money made by our operations. That a huge MERs on my retirement savings is collected by people in Toronto, so why not pay extra taxes to help keep their property taxes low. After all, those rich corporate head quaters workers and investment bankers shouldn't be expected to pay property taxes after paying there income taxes... God forbid... They do pay more in taxes than I do already!!! That the fact they pay 1/2 the rate I do is fine because being rich, they still pay more than I do.
  6. I also makes for a better league. The NFL has the best profit sharing scheme, and as a result it is the best league. No way Green Bay would be able to field the team they do without the profit sharing.
  7. Unfortunately these smaller unions are following the lead of the larger unions. I just personally feel that DB pensions in the private sector are not safe if they are guaranteed by a single company. With the Detroit bankruptcy, maybe public sector pensions may not be as safe as they seem.
  8. The CBC situation os the one that bothers me the most. I feel that they should have focused on the smaller market teams. I also think we should better fund the CBC. I understand the reality, but it doesn't mean I need to like it. I'm a Wings fan, so much of this doesn't effect me much. Except I'm sick of hearing about the biggest sports team failure of 40 years as the leading story on sports programming.
  9. On the original topic, I heard that only 30% of households are going to lose door to door service. From all of the critics, I keep hearing that this is unfair to the elderly and to the disabled. They make it sound like all of the elderly and disabled are being affected. Smells like BS to me. Now they care. I bet we will be down to only 3 day service by the end the decade. I still believe that we need Canada Post, so I see these moves as necessary for it long term.
  10. The problem is that the company is not a person. The people negotiating are not personally liable. It allows the company to move forward with the expenses pushed out and only an issue if they stay profitable, if not they can just screw the workers. The union, another company, is in the same boat. The executive is not personally responsible, and and use the ideal state of the DB pension to try to sell it's merit to new work places. If the ponsi scheme fails... Well it is the companies fault, not there's. And your right, the employees get screwed by both parties. I don't know many people who have DB pensions in the private sector that haven't gotten screwed.
  11. I understand that it wasn't based on the quality of the product. It really bothered me when CBC became so Leaf's based. Thought that they should be promoting the small market teams more than the larger market teams. Just not sure if the funding cuts caused it or that CBC is TO based
  12. I do not think that growing your own Ganj would be as simple as you seem to believe. If you grow out doors, thief would likely happen.... It is very expensive to grow indoors... And the labour to grow, Dry and trim is probably way worst than you are imagining... Like homebrew, many will try it then buy at the local corner store
  13. SW Ontario is way underserved. It NY/NJ can handle 3 teams in the USA, then TO can handle 2 with perhaps another one elsewhere. TV coverage is a big reason for the quantity of new fans as well. I grew up in a Habs area, and with TSN and then CBC becoming so Leaf centric, that the younger generation became Leaf fans, despite how bad they were at the time...
  14. I think the LCBO Does a better job serving the larger centers. The LCBO does not do as well in smaller centers. The hours are terrible. With the hours I work, it is hard to get there during the week. Still not sure why we have Beer Stores. Not sure why it is OK to have a large foreign company sell us booze, but not allow small local guy's do it. The Beer store does a horrible job at everything in this area.
  15. I agree. I think TSN has been far superior for years now. CBC is a bunch of refs and goalies talking about player's feelings... Just terrible... I really hope that SportsNet improves drastically. I waste a ridiculous amount for time and energy watching/reading about the NHL, but skip SportsNet every time. The people on that channel are terrible. If you are not a leaf's fan, the your out of luck with today's format. Doesn't Rogers have partial ownership of the leafs? Would this allow them to reduce coverage of small market Canadian teams? Allowing them to steer fans to there team, even more than what TSN & CBC do already? I just love anti leaf conspiracies
  16. No... I could care less about someone's sexual activity or drug use when not at work. Same goes for Ford. I am not a supporter of prohibition of drug use. Assuming there is some truth to this: http://www.thestar.com/news/city_hall/2013/11/22/rob_ford_mayors_support_at_42_per_cent_poll_finds.html That Ford is at 42% popularity, not sure it is right to take his powers away. Should we take away Harper's Powers as he would love to see 42%. He was given a mandate from the people, and it should be the people who take it away. Maybe we should put in additional mechanisms to kick people out of Office.... Maybe when online polling goes below 30% (sarcasm)?? I think Ford is a buffoon and never should have been elected, and likely wouldn't have been if it wasn't for Miller, but the voters have a chance to speak next year and that's when it should happen. If it needs to be sooner, then it should be a snap election. His sound clips make it almost impossible to defend our democracy in this case... but the precedent I feel is not good..
  17. So Layton should not have been allowed to run as he was known to use rub-n-tugs? Or Justin for being a pothead?
  18. I was surprised to see that Elizabeth May and the Green party, who have been loud critics, seem to be no better. http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/11/15/elizabeth-mays-so-called-party-of-science-seems-to-support-a-lot-of-unscientific-public-policies/ It appears that they are targeting the conspiracy theory crowd. I think it is very sad that the Green party has gone this way. Is there any party that trusts science or is this just the effect of the system being dominated by lawyers? Not a lot of scientist politicians...
  19. It shows to me one of the following 1) He doesn't have proper control of the PMO or 2) He has instilled a culture in the PMO that they can do such activities, as long as it doesn't stick to him So either a whole bunch more of firings are needed or he is still responsible
  20. I agree completely. He obviously has a substance abuse issues. He is also not the first public official we have had with a substance abuse issue. How many prime ministers have we had that drank too much? I am however someone who doesn't believe that drug use shouldn't be illegal. Just the sale of.
  21. The sadest part is of that 40% I bet well over half agree with his policy views. And if they would actually voted, the policies we have would be more favourable to the environment & wealth redistribution. His promoting of not voting, to others who agree with his views, is only going to hurt his cause. When it comes to voting, I always tell my politically disengaged friends to at least spoil their ballet. That having your name marked off is what matters most, as politicians always target demographics. That policy always favour older voters over youth voters, since one demographic votes and one doesn't.
  22. So Waldo, what moves has Ontario made that our electricity policy is now destroying our economy? http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/economy/ontario-drives-manufacturers-away-with-overpriced-electricity/article14854752/ Ontario liberals destruction of Ontario will take decades to recover from. Just wondering when we can start the recovery.
  23. Step 1 for legalization. Control supply... Intentional or not, Harper is preforming the first phase of legalization.
  24. Goverment pension Problems is not unique to Canada Post. I do not thinl with the shrinking need for mail service, that it doesn't need to be as large of an organization as it is today. I realise that shrinking an organization with a Defined Benefit pension, will result in it losing money as a result of the pension, but do not feel that there is no imediate solution for Canada Post. I believe that Canada Post should start reducing delivery frequency. I cannot believe that every person needs to recieve the mail everyday. Since volumes of mail are going down, I think we should migrate towards having mail delivered no more than twice a week. Reduce the amount of carriers so that all jobs are still full time. This would reduce Labour costs and future pension liabilities. I do not believe it would reduce the revenue side of the operation very much but will minimize expense and thus losses. Postal service is still essential and should be governement, but dailly mail is over the top.
  25. I hope all 5 seats go NDP. Then maybe the PCs will see it as a sign that they need to get rid of Hudak and put in someone who is a little more electable. Or are we stuck with him no matter what happens? I have been at the point that I don't care who wins, besides the liberials, for a long time now.
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