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Status Replies posted by DogOnPorch

  1. Sean: I'll take anal bum covers for $500, Alex.

  2. Aspen, Seattle... or Amsterdam?

  3. Welcome to The Cooler,Mr.C..Keep the Fascist stuff to yourself,though...

  4. Suspended again, 2 months. I think I'm done with this place. It's been fun you can all follow me on Twitter@Mr_Canada

  5. Check out the latest video on youtube of Mr.Burns endorsing Romney! Hilarious I must say lol

  6. 68% of registered Republicans think demonic possession is real. Less than half believe in climate change.

  7. Jay Leno: "Don't Ask Don't Tell is back. it’s Obama’s new policy for questions on Libya." LOL! #FunnyCauseItsTrue

  8. REMINDER FOR REPUBLICANS:Do not accept any government help today.YOU built that.YOU can clear the roads.YOU can restore power,not FEMA

  9. Bart: Hmmmm...there's something different about you.

  10. Bart: Hmmmm...there's something different about you.

  11. October 23rd to 26th, 1944. The largest naval-air battle ever was fought in or near Leyte Gulf in the Philippines. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Leyte_Gulf

  12. Responding to a criticism from Romney about the size of the U.S. Navy, Obama said: "You mentioned the Navy, for example, and that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets, because the nature of our military's changed. We have these things called aircraft carriers where planes land on them."

  13. "Syria is Iran's rout to the sea"-Romney. What are you talking about Iran is on the ocean it isn't land locked? You make no sense Romney. You lost big.

  14. has more posts than any active member of MLW!

  15. has more posts than any active member of MLW!

  16. Finally I have came across a forum that I can call home.

  17. Is checking out the chat...Not alot of activity!!!

  18. Status updates from The Cooler...

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