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Everything posted by noahbody

  1. I thought you could get along with everyone. Wow, that lasted long.
  2. A terrorist convicted of killing 270 people is set free on compassionate grounds after serving 8 years of a 27-year sentence? He is returned to Libya and greeted with a hero's welcome. I can only imagine the anger of the victim's families. But Oleg thinks it was a good idea. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/ter...bie-bomber.html
  3. The debate on proof of guilt only has to do with the charge of murder. At the end of the day, Omar is the enemy and releasing the enemy in your midst while the war is still going on endangers the public. That said he should stand trial, but the Canadian government should be amending the anti-terrorism act to ensure he is detained indefinitely if warranted. Not to mention the security costs. Still what I find more mind boggling, is when I hear Bob Rae speak. My interpretation is that he was suggesting Omar should be compensated. Imagine giving millions to known terrorists, who are allegedly founders and financiers of Al Qaeda? That's beyond belief. Canada has become a nation of followers who don't want to offend anyone. They see Canada's identity as the nicey nicey of the world. They want to follow the courts when the purpose of the courts is to interpret the laws made by the people. The people need to lead. If Omar got out tomorrow and blew up a subway killing thousands, many would rationalize it by saying we didn't have a choice. When we do. I've said this before, but Canada's identity is that of a civilized multicultural society; not an all cultural society. We don't have to accept extremists. Nor should we.
  4. His playstation is here. Why are you talking about him in that way when I'm talking about 72 stunning virgins? Because the alternative is your ex-wife. Oh, we'd return alright... to get married. Then when Osama came to our wedding as he did to his sister's wedding, I'd turn him in and be rich. Then you wouldn't talk to me. Win win.
  5. Why not just hang out with Omar when he gets back and blow yourself up for Allah?
  6. What are you referring to? The conspiracy charge does refer to terrorism. Did you watch the 60 minutes piece?
  7. Obviously, he was mature enough to attend terrorist camp where they teach how to kill. He was also given the responsibility of being either a translator, soldier or both. He was also ready to die for Allah and go to paradise. "That's Omar ... he would always just cry." It worked on Chretien. If he didn't throw it, he might not be a murderer, but he's still a terrorist. Do you have a citation for that by chance? It seems like an odd statement since playstation 3 wasn't released until 2006. He had the cajones to die.
  8. Why aim so low? Here's what Chretien told Abdulah Khadr when he was 15: http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/khadr/alqaedafamily2.html
  9. His upbringing is who he is. How do you plan on stripping this away? His beliefs are protected by the Charter.
  10. Canada has been in Afghanistan since February, 2002.
  11. You'd never get a conviction for treason. His lawyers could say he was cut off from outside communication and he wasn't aware Canada was involved in the conflict. His mother, on the other hand, should be tried for treason and child abuse. I'm sure the defense there would be that Canadian law shouldn't apply because the crimes didn't occur on Canadian soil.
  12. I would agree, if you go by the current bio version on wikipedia. Someone's done a masterful job of editing out anything negative on him. If you have a minute though, you can click on the history button and compare the current version with earlier ones. Watch the 60 minutes video as well and do a search on him. CBC has some good info. His charity work included funneling money to Al Qaeda. He did run orphanages in Afghanistan, but he ran them to recruit children. When Chretien helped free him, he was being held for a bombing that killed 15 people. And his son, Abdurahman, said he raised him to be a suicide bomber. According to CBC, he was suspected of not only being a high-ranking member of Al Qaeda, but one of its founding members. He's about as much as a humanitarian as Dobbin is a Conservative.
  13. Well, if it's often doing so, you shouldn't have a problem providing some citations for each. Thanks in advance.
  14. Unlike economic matters, how Americans view our health care system is irrelevant. Aside from that, our health care system is something that should be improved; not defended as a sacred cow.
  15. When she said bin Laden, she said al Qaeda.
  16. She was hired by the FBI after 911 and was only employed for about 6 months. I somehow doubt as a newly hired translator that she would have had access to classified information. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sibel_Edmonds
  17. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20090805/wl_can...ines_bombardier Never hurts to read.
  18. I assume Fife talked to the reporters who were credited with the story, the editor, Irving and/or a spokesperson for the paper. A good investigative journalist would also talk to those who were supposedly quoted in the article and try to find out who interviewed them. This isn't an edited article, it's a replaced article, so someone had to conduct the interviews unless they're all fabricated. If Joe Volpe is involved, they might all be dead too. From the original article: Hmmm. If only Henneberry had call display.
  19. 24 weeks appears to be the norm, unless the mother's life is in danger.
  20. Canada needs to define itself as a civilized multicultural society; not as an all-cultural society. At present, we need to stand together against terrorism and gang violence. If we don't, we're excepting both as Canadian values.
  21. It is impossible to look at a benny when one's eyes are rolled back in head.
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