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Status Replies posted by bush_cheney2004

  1. NOAA: over 28,000 cold temperature records set in the United States this year.

  2. NOAA...serving Canada every day !

  3. NOAA...serving Canada every day !

  4. NOAA...serving Canada every day !

  5. BOOM! Federal Appeals Court rules that Obamacare subsidies violate the law, as written.

  6. "Creationist Ken Ham has said that the U.S. space program is a waste of money because any alien life that scientists found would be damned to hell."

  7. Looks like the pro-Putin apologists are out in full force again.

  8. You can purchase beer in gas stations in the United States. How do they not descend into pure anarchy?

  9. LeBron back to Cleveland? It could happen!

  10. LeBron back to Cleveland? It could happen!

  11. Obama's complete incompetence is finally sinking in with most Americans. He's the worst executive to ever occupy the Oval Office, and he couldn't govern his way out of a paper bag.

  12. Party Hardy! 14 killed during Chicago July 4th gun-culture "celebrations"!

  13. Party Hardy! 14 killed during Chicago July 4th gun-culture "celebrations"!

  14. Party Hardy! 14 killed during Chicago July 4th gun-culture "celebrations"!

  15. Canadian Military Chief is complaining that military cutbacks will hurt military readiness. If I had it my way, I would cut military spending by 50% and lay off the first cry baby that complained! Useless good for nothing war pigs!

  16. U.S. economy shrinks by a massive 2.9%. #Obamanomics

  17. The amount of waste from a delicious McDonald's Big Breakfast is astounding !

  18. Obama starts the process of a small residual force in Iraq. What a concept!

  19. Forget Muslims or Atheists...Pat Robertson is the ultimate weapon against the spread of Christianity in 'murica. We used to say the best way to make new atheists was to convince a Christian to actually read the bible. I'm thinking it may be even more efficient to just have them watch the 700 Club.

  20. HMCS Protecteur is home...does anybody care ?

  21. Obama fiddles as the world burns.

  22. Where's Waldo? He's from BC. Would like his thoughts on teacher lockout.

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