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Status Replies posted by bush_cheney2004

  1. Bill Maher after hearing about beheaded journalist: "It's time to stop pretending all religions are alike."

  2. Finally some warm/hot weather! #Summer

  3. Finally some warm/hot weather! #Summer

  4. Finally some warm/hot weather! #Summer

  5. I'm now staying out of the Ferguson threads. There's no point in discussing a bunch of unknowns.

  6. Autopsy confirms, Brown was running AT the officer, not AWAY.

  7. I guess burning down a convenience store really rights the ills of society, tough beans for the storekeepers who aren’t able to write a meaningful media piece on the police militarization.

  8. Canada Post demands doctor note for home delivery

  9. ‘It’s bad enough they assassinated him, and now they’re trying to assassinate his character.’

  10. This forum seems more extreme and shrill than the last time I visited. I wonder if that is representative of the rest of society.

  11. Michael Brown took part in a robbery just before shooting.

  12. Jeepers creepers, it's gonna feel like 6 degrees tonight!

  13. Jeepers creepers, it's gonna feel like 6 degrees tonight!

  14. Crisp, cool August day. Better wear a jacket!

  15. Crisp, cool August day. Better wear a jacket!

  16. Obama's foreign policy approval rating is now lower than Bush's.

  17. Obama's foreign policy approval rating is now lower than Bush's.

  18. So far no heat waves!

  19. So far no heat waves!

  20. So far no heat waves!

  21. So far no heat waves!

  22. So far no heat waves!

  23. Shep Smith of Fox news says Robin Williams was a coward, Rush Limbaugh says he killed himself because he was a liberal. Hard to believe there are enough crazies to support these shows.

  24. So far no heat waves!

  25. Joseph Stalin was an atheist.

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