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Status Replies posted by bush_cheney2004

  1. So far no heat waves!

  2. Shep Smith of Fox news says Robin Williams was a coward, Rush Limbaugh says he killed himself because he was a liberal. Hard to believe there are enough crazies to support these shows.

  3. So far no heat waves!

  4. Shep Smith of Fox news says Robin Williams was a coward, Rush Limbaugh says he killed himself because he was a liberal. Hard to believe there are enough crazies to support these shows.

  5. Shep Smith of Fox news says Robin Williams was a coward, Rush Limbaugh says he killed himself because he was a liberal. Hard to believe there are enough crazies to support these shows.

  6. So far no heat waves!

  7. Shep Smith of Fox news says Robin Williams was a coward, Rush Limbaugh says he killed himself because he was a liberal. Hard to believe there are enough crazies to support these shows.

  8. So far no heat waves!

  9. So far no heat waves!

  10. RIP Robin Williams.

  11. Joseph Stalin was an atheist.

  12. Joseph Stalin was an atheist.

  13. Joseph Stalin was an atheist.

  14. Joseph Stalin was an atheist.

  15. Joseph Stalin was an atheist.

  16. Joseph Stalin was an atheist.

  17. Joseph Stalin was an atheist.

  18. Joseph Stalin was an atheist.

  19. Smokey The Bear Turns 70 Today

  20. NASA & NOAA...serving Canada every day.

  21. NASA & NOAA...serving Canada every day.

  22. Obama restarts the war in Iraq.

  23. Waterboarding should be just like abortion. Safe, legal and rare.

  24. So why aren't we freaking out about Ebola yet?

  25. Bill Maher defends Israel: "People die in wars."

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