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Michael Hardner

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Status Replies posted by Michael Hardner

  1. Michael,

    How do I contact you?

    1. Michael Hardner

      Michael Hardner

      You can send me a message on here.  I will message you.


      Otherwise, we could arrange email.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. It appears that Greg, Hardner, etc, have decided to let the forum be destructed by gay pride.  How sad.

    1. Michael Hardner

      Michael Hardner

      Also as previously stated for the hard of reading, I have no ability to remove these.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Pro-life group fire bombed by pro-abortionists.

    1. Michael Hardner

      Michael Hardner

      If you are pro-life then this response is entirely consistent.

      The extremists are ready to right.  

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Service dogs left for dead after Biden administration abandons them at Kabul airport.

    1. Michael Hardner

      Michael Hardner

      oh come on...

      your tears really come out for the puppies and not for the many who suffer under your Trumpist ideology

      you are not a believable person


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Thanks Bubber.   Just took a peek at that stinkpit - MLW even got its own thread! 

    Hahaha, yup - it's a kinda sour-grape gripe thread - of course, against posters here!   With the only sensible rebuttal views coming from Moonlight Graham!


    5 regular posters!  Lol.  Must be the most deeply hollow echo chamber in town!  With Omni and the Squid included in that number - meh, they don't really count cos they're only noise,  they really don't say anything!  Omni can't even read!   animated-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif 


    They don't know how to attract more - MH wants to start a project how they can poach posters from other forums.  No wonder Bubber makes a promo here - but....


    ................but Bubb,  who really wants to win  a "date-night" with Waldo? Hahahahaha yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif


    Oh my, Omni seems to be taking a peek here too often! :lol: He sounds the most sour of all the grapes over there! :lol:

    1. Michael Hardner

      Michael Hardner

      I did a scan and found one mention of your name - from yesterday: "or those such as oftenwrong who is always wrong "

      Not my post either...

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  6. Thanks Bubber.   Just took a peek at that stinkpit - MLW even got its own thread! 

    Hahaha, yup - it's a kinda sour-grape gripe thread - of course, against posters here!   With the only sensible rebuttal views coming from Moonlight Graham!


    5 regular posters!  Lol.  Must be the most deeply hollow echo chamber in town!  With Omni and the Squid included in that number - meh, they don't really count cos they're only noise,  they really don't say anything!  Omni can't even read!   animated-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif 


    They don't know how to attract more - MH wants to start a project how they can poach posters from other forums.  No wonder Bubber makes a promo here - but....


    ................but Bubb,  who really wants to win  a "date-night" with Waldo? Hahahahaha yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif


    Oh my, Omni seems to be taking a peek here too often! :lol: He sounds the most sour of all the grapes over there! :lol:

    1. Michael Hardner

      Michael Hardner

      Ok.  I don't believe I have said anything there about you.

      If I'm wrong, I apologize.  BC once found an instance where I mentioned him and I think I apologized.

      But sincerely, I don't find our interactions to be so noteworthy.  We have discussed a few things but I don't have a sense of any remarkable conflict there... 

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  7. Thanks Bubber.   Just took a peek at that stinkpit - MLW even got its own thread! 

    Hahaha, yup - it's a kinda sour-grape gripe thread - of course, against posters here!   With the only sensible rebuttal views coming from Moonlight Graham!


    5 regular posters!  Lol.  Must be the most deeply hollow echo chamber in town!  With Omni and the Squid included in that number - meh, they don't really count cos they're only noise,  they really don't say anything!  Omni can't even read!   animated-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif 


    They don't know how to attract more - MH wants to start a project how they can poach posters from other forums.  No wonder Bubber makes a promo here - but....


    ................but Bubb,  who really wants to win  a "date-night" with Waldo? Hahahahaha yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif


    Oh my, Omni seems to be taking a peek here too often! :lol: He sounds the most sour of all the grapes over there! :lol:

    1. Michael Hardner

      Michael Hardner

      Also - some people are talking like there's something new here.  There have always been other forums, and I'm on several others.  The one you are all talking about has been around for more than 3 years... I'm glad to post here and there also.

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  8. Thanks Bubber.   Just took a peek at that stinkpit - MLW even got its own thread! 

    Hahaha, yup - it's a kinda sour-grape gripe thread - of course, against posters here!   With the only sensible rebuttal views coming from Moonlight Graham!


    5 regular posters!  Lol.  Must be the most deeply hollow echo chamber in town!  With Omni and the Squid included in that number - meh, they don't really count cos they're only noise,  they really don't say anything!  Omni can't even read!   animated-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif 


    They don't know how to attract more - MH wants to start a project how they can poach posters from other forums.  No wonder Bubber makes a promo here - but....


    ................but Bubb,  who really wants to win  a "date-night" with Waldo? Hahahahaha yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif


    Oh my, Omni seems to be taking a peek here too often! :lol: He sounds the most sour of all the grapes over there! :lol:

    1. Michael Hardner

      Michael Hardner

      @OftenWrong why would I say anything about you - good or bad ?  I wouldn't characterize our discussions as hostile, unless I am forgetting something...

    2. (See 37 other replies to this status update)

  9. Lawrence O’Donnell Delivers On-Air Apology, Retracts Thinly-Sourced Trump Story: ‘I Was Wrong’ #FakeNews #FakeNews # FakeNews

    1. Michael Hardner

      Michael Hardner

      Sure. But a source's reputation isn't like virginity.  You can lose your virginity only once, but a media outlet can and does make mistakes.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  10. Lawrence O’Donnell Delivers On-Air Apology, Retracts Thinly-Sourced Trump Story: ‘I Was Wrong’ #FakeNews #FakeNews # FakeNews

    1. Michael Hardner

      Michael Hardner

      Sorry - if the story is true then MSNBC is kind of off the hook right ?  Was it verified ?

      You can say MSNBC released fake news even if they're mostly good.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  11. Lawrence O’Donnell Delivers On-Air Apology, Retracts Thinly-Sourced Trump Story: ‘I Was Wrong’ #FakeNews #FakeNews # FakeNews

    1. Michael Hardner

      Michael Hardner

      It may be happening elsewhere.  My friends are finally calling out bullshit environmentalist posts on FB


    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  12. Lawrence O’Donnell Delivers On-Air Apology, Retracts Thinly-Sourced Trump Story: ‘I Was Wrong’ #FakeNews #FakeNews # FakeNews

    1. Michael Hardner

      Michael Hardner

      You're right, Shady, but even the real stories aren't pushing things with his supporters.

      These types of stories should be concerning to 'classic' conservatives:

      - Massive deficit spending
      - Policies that are bad for business and farmers, such as trade wars
      - Corruption and moral issues such as infidelity, lying, enriching onesself

      Until a recession hits, I don't see anything changing

      And BM - the rockbed supporters will claim fake news on the Russian mob story


    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  13. Lawrence O’Donnell Delivers On-Air Apology, Retracts Thinly-Sourced Trump Story: ‘I Was Wrong’ #FakeNews #FakeNews # FakeNews

    1. Michael Hardner

      Michael Hardner

      The good news is that the liberals I read online are actually pissed of at O'Donnell for screwing this up.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  14. They're still bitching....and moaning.....and ranting......about us.





    I suppose what else is there to talk about in an echo chamber? 

    1. Michael Hardner

      Michael Hardner

      Like a shark... I go where the chum is... uh... a nerdy shark with glasses I guess...

    2. (See 33 other replies to this status update)

  15. They're still bitching....and moaning.....and ranting......about us.





    I suppose what else is there to talk about in an echo chamber? 

  16. They're still bitching....and moaning.....and ranting......about us.





    I suppose what else is there to talk about in an echo chamber? 

    1. Michael Hardner

      Michael Hardner

      Conspiracy Theorists are just one thing: useless.  Of course, I mean in the context of online discussion here.  :D

    2. (See 33 other replies to this status update)

  17. They're still bitching....and moaning.....and ranting......about us.





    I suppose what else is there to talk about in an echo chamber? 

    1. Michael Hardner

      Michael Hardner

      @OftenWrong  I am not a leftist, nor are the people I debate with.

      Obviously I don't have a problem with the moderation here either, I just follow good conversations on here, on otherboards, on facebook and twitter.  My posts here probably represent about 10% of my online activity.

      It's ok to lament and to pine for the past.  It's a human thing.  

      Just like religious people on here pine for the days when they could burn heretics, put gays in cages, etc. :D

    2. (See 33 other replies to this status update)

  18. Open discussion, censored by a Turkish teen



    1. Michael Hardner

      Michael Hardner

      ?  Well I assume so otherwise how could she delete MY posts, right ?

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  19. I just caught Mike doing what he says is against the rules!

    Way to Tom Brady that shiz up yo!

    1. Michael Hardner

      Michael Hardner

      Ha.... nice one. :)  

      FYI "crackpot" is a bad word around here.   :D 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  20. Credit downgrades, billions wasted on gas-plant cancellations, e-health, Ornge scandal, MARS building, alternative energy contract scandals, Hydro one mismanagement. Largest debt on the planet. How's that for a return on investment?

    1. Michael Hardner

      Michael Hardner

      See my quotes on socialist's about-face on Trudeau, and Wynne. He's gone from Marxist to Liberal to Libertarian. "Open your eyes" he says.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  21. NDP take HUGE lead in the first poll since election call!

    1. Michael Hardner

      Michael Hardner

      I finally found these comments from the reports. The report function doesn't link to the comment but the member... I have deleted the updates here.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  22. Michael just wrote me that I can be suspended for calling Omar Khadr supporters terrorist apologists. Hey, Omar Khadr supporteres...you're terrorist apologists. Shame on you.

    1. Michael Hardner

      Michael Hardner

      Doesn't matter - Charles overruled it and put it back.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

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