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Everything posted by mikedavid00

  1. Drivel. For what? Taxi drivers and cleaning staff? Then the answer would seem to be to retrain and move people from other parts of Canada. I don't find 7-11 workers making $11 an hour a problem. That's a healthy good good thing and a sign of high employment. The US actually has this problem because some areas in the US just have trouble finding a certain worker to work the low wage jobs. So the US created an immigration class called the 'unskilled labor' class. Basically, if they PROVE that they could not hire an American to do the job, then the business can sponsor in a worker who will ONLY be given a workers permit that has a max life of 4 years and then can only be renewed once. After that, if he's not a citizen, he must go back to where he came from. And no, he's not allowed healthcare, not allowed to go on welface, and his wife is NOT allowed to work. The only service he'll get is his kids will be able to go to school. You gotta love that policy.
  2. Honest to God. My ex-gf went to the Dominican Republic for a 1 week all inclusive type thing. Anyhow, they were sea-dooing and she injured her back. She went to a private hospital in near city and stayed for 2 nights. She said that it was air conditioned, she had a phone, TV, and a room all to herself. She also got assigned a Doctor. She could pick up the phone and dial the doctor directly to come to her room. She got xrays, a menu for food and the best care. I saw pictures from the room, I swear it was a huge room with large windows, nice painted walls, wicker chairs, picture hangings, track lighting.. I couldn't beleive it. I wish I still had those pics. And then she got escorted out on a wheelchair with the Dr. and 2 nurses and they took pics to say goodbye and even the nurse gave her a goodbye card. I was in shock.. I really wish I had those pictures but she deleted them all off my computer.
  3. The French and Germans can afford it but we can't?? Because the do not let in even close the amount of people that we do each year. People who use their system pay into it. It really is that simple. If you beleive that needless immigration and family sponsorship doesn't affect our country at all, then there's really no getting you to understand why our system has fallen appart over the years. There's a cause and effect reason for everything. We had the money to supply Canadians with healthcare: not the rest of the world.
  4. That's because the US pays more. We pay doctors very little. In order to pay them more to stay or live here, we would have have to double their wages which we cannot afford. It's a loosing proposition. We're screwed unless major change happens.
  5. And it's this hear no evil speak no evil attitdude in this country that is destroying us because we can't face the problems that are destroying this country.
  6. Why was the country rich enough in the past and not now ? Because we let people into our country who used medical services more than they paid in. Ponder these two points. Please take the time to read them: 1- 50,000 people with Canadian ID's were living in Lebanon as Canadians were amazed to learn. Most were from Montreal. Under our laws, they are allowed to come here to get a medical procedure. Even if they never paid into the system or have leved in Canada for less than a year or never paid taxes. Suppose 1% need a medical procedure each year. That is 500 medical procedures each year. Most of these people lived in Montreal. So lets say that's 350 surgeries a year. Thus, the system gets clogged with one surgery patient a day from people that aren't even living in the country. Multiply this with all the other countries where people are living and are not paying taxes. 2 - A co-worker arrived with his brother from Syria 5 years ago. He was 22 years old. He used services and took a student loan and went to University. Got out 4 years later and at 27 he got his first job with me as a team mate. He was in poor healtch and came here with knee problems. Syria he said 'leaves you to die'. It was amusing hearing him call Canadians 'forgiegners'. But that's another topic. He basically waiting 9 months or so and got a knee surgery. He was always getting xrays and such. Then after the surgey, he was in physio therepy for 6 months. He complained that his knee joint was still sometimes achning and is pusing for another surgery. I estimated in total, Canadian tax payers, as a gross, total most likely spent $50,000 to $100,000 on all his medical attention while he has done nothing but use services from our country. He held his job for 1 year and is now unemployed using more gov't services. -- I can tell many more stories like this but i'm trying to cut this short. I am very close the immigrant circle in my personal life TRUST ME. I see first hand what happens. How a Pakistani down the street from me brought in his mother and skipped the queue to get a catorach eye surgery in less than a month of her ariving in Canada (ninja head scarf and all). He used his Pakistani medical connections in our system. I felt like contacting the media over this. Our system DOES work if it's only intended for born Canadians or for people that have paid into it for 20 years, it DOES NOT work when we open our doors internationally to 300,000 people a year, most of which are family sponsored, with elderly, sick, ailing, etc. who use our precious healthcare system. Now, we have 8 month waiting lists with poeple DYING on them all the time just so the Liberal party could create a political fanchinse within our country and we can be 'fair' to 'everyone'.
  7. Perhaps he should thought about that before promising it in an election. I would have thought you would have said full privatization of healthcare. And if not, why not? Becuase the US has a public system for the poeple that can't afford it. That's why it always has to be a 2 tier system. WHen you got to clinic here in Canada, it's actually a private owned or a franchise and the doctors make money through payments from the gov't. I feel that are whole public system including the hosptials should be like this. Then there are fully private hospitals that do not accept HMO in the US. They have to for emergancy patients though. These hospitlals provide the best care, have their own hellicopters, the highest tech cat-scans and exrays etc. And no waiting times.
  8. He's just an Ontario elite. When I lived in ottawa he was known to be seen with the Corel owner.. can't remember his name. All the Ontario elites know each other including Rae, Malrouny, the Stranich's, and the list goes on.
  9. I have to agree. Canadian libs love to censor anyone that doesn't agree with their opinions. Just like a thrid world country. I say, let anyone say what they want as long as they aren't directly breaking the law (wich no one here has probably ever done).
  10. Becuase that idealism has been proven not to work here in Canada.
  11. I don't think anyone here is callign for the end of public healthcare. Merely that we be abllowed the choice to private care if we want. The Quebec supreme court already agreed with this position. Why would you feel the need to put limits on choice in healthcare? Actually I think it's already ruled unconstitutional to deny private healthcare from Canadians, HOWEVER, the gov't can regulate these private clinics to the point where they don't offer any real services like what is happened in Vancouver with the first private emergancy room with no wait times. We need large, new built hospitals here in Canada funded by US shareholders. I feel that's the only way we can fix our problems. The gov't spends about 500 billion dollars of expendatures. +100 Billion is spent on healthcare. I'm suggesting we need 300 billion in expendatures just to begin to fix our problems. This is not possible. At this point, our country is not 'rich' enough to fund a functioning healthcare system.
  12. Exactly. Plus the Americans opening up hospitals here also improves our economy. My fiance works for a medical supply company and the more hospitals there are, the more employeers her company will need.. and the circle will continue. As for Guyser, I'm not about to argue with someone going through cancer treatment and who beleives in the system. I hope you get better.
  13. People don't realize that healthcare is usually included by most US employers and the same would most likely happen here. Costco, Wal-Mart, and most all US based companies provide healtchare plans for their employees. If you work at Burger King you are out of luck and have to use the HMO system. Oh yeah, the HMO system has no waiting times.
  14. Well firstly when you have an abundance of people entering the country and using a system that have not paid into it, eventually it will catch up and now it has. Those mentioned European countries on the top of the list do not have mass immigration. It's a win/win for everyone at this point if we open up private hospitals. I think actually 30% of all Canadians would leave the public system within 10 years thus reducing the waiting lines and improving healthcare for those that need to use the public system. I used to be extremely against 2 tier systems because it meant that a person with more money gets better treatment that everyone else. Now being older and matured, I realize the destruction that needless, mass immigration has done to our country. As long as Canadians want to plug their ears up when the topic of immigrations comes up, non of our problems will ever get fixed.
  15. Really? What do you think they would do, other than flail their arms about and shriek platitudes? Shut down the energy industry? Not likely..... Don't be so sure. He spent tens of thousands on solar panels for the roof of his house in Toronto. He believes that it's up to citizens to use less power rather than generate more. He doesn't feel that people should drive. He supports terrorists. He's for taxation and complete legalization of pot (like selling it at teh corner store). He's for prostitution and red light districts. He feels that we should increase aid to foreign causes. He feels that we should have 4 sepearte garbage bins and all bags should be clear so you'll get a ticket if the garbage people see you through out 'no no' items. He wants a new health care tax. He's for more refugees and immigrants. He feels they should be entitled to all of our services and we should setup a status qou to make sure they get hired and treated fairly. He feels that non Canadians should be able to vote. A radio show producer said that he got involved with the NDP and the party was run top down from Jack and Olivia and they were not open to any new ideas and it began to feel like he was part of a communist party. The NDP at their conventions call each other 'brother' and 'sister'. Jack Layton and NDP = a disaster that is best kept out of power.
  16. Each immigrant that comes here needs to have a fulltime job to support himself and his family. We have seen a loss of fulltime jobs with each job report yet still let people come here. While it may directly have less to do with unemployment, it creates tons of underemployment. My last job they went through 8 candidates before I was chosen. I did not meet their qualifications. The reason I was hired was because I was able to communitcate effectively and spoke native English. My boss told me that himself. This level of immigration does nothing but saturate our job market, de-value education, and create unrealistic credentials for jobs that anyone can do. Companies have a real nerve to demand a University degree with certifications for jobs that pay $14 an hour. Someone with highschool or no education should be making that kind of money. But the Liberal party and their stay-in-power agenda has done this to us. What more can I say.
  17. Which could potentially raise it to the levels that geoffrey suggested since Alberta's main industry is oil and it's the larget GHG producer, yadda yadda, etc. etc.Uh, no. Transport, all in (creating gasoline and then burning it), might be around 35% of all Canadian GHGs. Not insignificant. The days of gas burning cars are numbered though. Can't we just wait it out?
  18. Well it's going to be 2007 soon. So lets bring back this old dog. Let's not make this more complicated than it has to be. In order to have no waiting times like the US and many other countries, we need to spend a lot more into health care. I'm suggesting that our Country is not 'rich' enough to be able to fix our health care problems. For instance, if there is a waiting list of 8 months for a surgery, to cut that in half would require almost double the expendatures in healthcare. That would mean half of all current gov't expendatures would go to healthcare. A thought might be to create a new Canadian Healthcare Tax (CHT) which would tax Canadians an additional 10% thus raising the additional monies needed. The problem with that, is people would loose their cars, homes, and businesses would go under. A mess would be created (Bob Rae style). When are we going to realize the only thing that will offload the burden on our public system is to let the American's come and build private hospitals? There are many income trust loving Canadians who would be more than willing to pay $350 a month for a private healthcare plan. Thus, it would offload the public system and shorten our wait times. It would also give employers the chance to offer healthcare plans to their employees thus further eliminating the clogging of the Canada health system. Thus, it's a win win for everyone involved. Are we all ready to accept privatized healthcare yet?
  19. Well I'm not. This claim that we have most refugees per captia is complete nonsense. Refugees (per capita) by country At least you got right that Canada issues more citizenships per captia. New citizenships (per capita) by country I meant we have both combined. Immigration and refugee stats are seperate. I beleive Norway or one of those countries have a higher per capita refugee acceptance rate.
  20. Really. I'd love to see the statistics on that. I don't want to fish around the gov't website to find the source data, but found this rereference: "Canada has the most immigrants per capita in the world."
  21. That's what people do vote for. "This is another traditionally conservative area that has quickly turned liberal, primarily due to the rapid growth of the Greater Toronto Area and high immigrant populations, just like the suburbs to the north of Toronto. The Liberals have held every seat in this region in every election since 1993" - http://www.answers.com/topic/canadian-fede...ga-and-oakville It's those 'new ideas' that got us in the crisis that we're in. We don't need new ideas. Gay marriage sounds like a new progressive idea, but it will just be another loop hole for immigration and the seediest people could get let into our country with no screening process. These 'new ideas' get us in trouble. Go legalize pot, but when there is a dramatic increase in highway dealths and a rise in auto insurance for all of us, then we'll have to suffer those concequences. All the above are politically not possible. Especially the electoral reform. If Harper gets a majority, I think you'll see the old Reform principles come into play.
  22. Dion will lose the next election. CPC will gain no seats. LIB will gain seats from the Bloc and that's it. The only thing that will secure a majority gov't for the CPC is an immigrant vote. And it IS possible this may happen on the election after the next. Why? For instance, if a Sikh in brampton has an immigration issue, he now has no one to represent him. Ruby Dahla can't do anything for him anymore. But there is someone who can: http://www.samhundal.com/ The CPC will ONLY gain a majority if the above is about to happen. You don't have to complicate the issue. It will take the climate of change for the above to happen in order to secure a CPC majority. If you disagree with this, you abviously haven't researched well enough into the voting demographic of Canada and why Canadians vote the way they do.
  23. Analogous questions: Do the Conservatives go back to using the sponsorship scandal as a bogeyman? Will they claim that Dion is somehow linked to it and knew or should have known? Will they do this so that the voters ignore the Conservative record, the Emerson appointment, the Fortier appointment, the Darrel Reid appointment, the "Clean Air Act", the income trust broken promise, the increase in the personal income tax rate on July 1, 2006? I think harper will try to run a positive campaign and not do any direct attacks against Dion in that manner. Watching CPAC it almost seems that the house feels sorry for Dion. Harper knows that he must get the Chinese/Asian vote if he wants power. Hence the headtax refund and appology, critisism of china, and all the other Chinese commerce functions he's attended. I don't know why everyone over complicates things. The Liberals are going to take seats from the block and that will be that. Nothing will change. It's the second election that should be interesting because immigrants will only stay faithful to the Liberal party for so long. They are not being well represented. If a sikh in Bampton wants to take up their issue with Ruby Dahla, she can't reallly do anythin for them anymore. However, there is someone who can: http://www.samhundal.com/
  24. Given that Alberta is recruiting hundreds of police officers from Britain this month and Manitoba is after British farmers, I can't imagine that all of them are minority immigrants. Is that the same Alberta with the 3.5% unemployment rate who actually has a surplus of jobs?
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