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Everything posted by lost&outofcontrol

  1. I'll have to disagree with you on that, most Quebecois do in fact know what separation entails since they've already went through two referendum. Its kinda of a cop out to brand the opposition as ignorant to reinforce your own position. The PQ has been moving steadily to the right for the past 15 years leaving its voters party-less, but now that Quebec Solidaire is on the scene, things will be heating up. Just a quick question, in the event of a majority OUI in a referendum, would you be willing to fight and kill your fellow Quebecois to stay in Canada ?
  2. The media's manipulation of people's precerption of world leaders.
  3. I don't know where I'd be without shake n' bake. And I helped !
  4. I thought it was fool me once, shame on you. fool me ?? you can't get fooled again.
  5. Stop being so logical Temagami, you have to look at the world through the westerners eyes. Everything we've done in the past (and present of course) was OK. We are the good guys, didn't you know that? All we do is for the greater good, ...of us... Never mind the genocide of the aboriginal people living in North America or Australia. It was for your own good. We've become a ethnocentric society scared of the other side never giving dissenting opinions a second though. Assimilate of be destroyed basically.
  6. Actually, most separatists (being one of them myself) are, inside, socialists or left leaning capitalists. It's only recently that the PQ started moving to the right. Hopefully in 50 years, Quebec will be a society modelled in the quebecois image.
  7. That's what you get when the (former)owners of media conglomerate say and believe things like this: "one of the greatest myths of the industry: that journalists are essential to producing a newspaper." Corad Black "I have a right to support whoever I want to support, or not support." Asper (CanWest Media) "In all our newspapers, including the National Post, we have a very pro-Israel position." Asper (CanWest Media)
  8. Damn straight, and everyone that doesn't agree with .gov policies or vote democrat should be executed, that should teach them to (gasp) have a different opinion. Sieg Heil...
  9. I know I said it would be my last post in the tory-crime bill thread but I just couldn't help myself. My rant based on George Ritzer's Mcdonaldization and the Critical theory. Culture Suicide Today we are led to believe that we are all individualist and yet we've entered a day and age where mass culture rules all. Culture broken down so it can appeal to largest amount of people for the lowest cost. We've been transformed into a society that craves more and more mass culture without realizing its ever increasing domination of it over us. We've come to seek our own domination. Rather than being forced into working for the western governments, we are controlled through the indirect means of the media, we tune in for hours on end to low brow TV comedies, dramas and seemingly endless contest in which millions of viewers tune in to TV shows filled with contestants tying to answer stupid questions or worse yet, pick numbers in the hopes that they may be given money so that they never have to work again. It has served to bring us countless hours of our favorite sports team on the radio and TV all the while our hostility towards the establishment is broken down. The media acts as a tool to subdue the masses. Instead of forming a united front, we are left to daydream about what would happen if we were to win the lottery. We are all attracted to flashy magazines like US and People hoping to catch a glimpse of our favorite stars. Shopping has become the western world's favorite activity. We spend our vacations spending the money we earned. We create fabulous new technologies to which we promptly become slaves to thus instead of expressing ourselves through the use of said technologies we are controlled by the ones that own these technologies. Gradually individual freedom and creativity is lost, people lose their ability to thinking critically about the world around them. We become concerned with being the most efficient, and try to find the best way to and end without ever reflecting on either the means or the end. We lose our ability to reason. My rant is over
  10. Are you pulling this shit out of arse? Did you even research that statement ?! You're making my wife laugh out loud, she works for Correctional Service of Canada and assures me that you are full of it. Makes me think that that majority of what you say comes from the exact same place. Shit out of arse again. Well not quite, it is true that there are very few parole officers but that's because of people like you who would rather lock up "criminals" for eternity and hide away the problems of our society then deal with the problems head on. Our society and culture is the very cause of crime. Well, this is defiantly my last post on these boards, how can one argue with this level of ignorance. It's mind boggling how people can shut themselves out from reality and live in a dream world. I guess Max Weber was right, people can rationalise any act or opinion no matter how irrational it is. ** OT Harper voted for the much hated gun registry. ** No need to ban me, I promise to be good and never post again.
  11. Parole is not meant to save money. For a prisoner to be released early he first has to go through the parole board and then if he wins his conditional release, he is supervised until then end of his sentence. If we release him at the end of his sentence, we have no control over him, no supervision.
  12. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the only difference between a republican and a democrat is that one is in power and the other one isn't.
  13. But then again....who are we to interfere? As for milk, I cannot tell them they're doing the wrong thing. One claims about steroids in milk (who knows what more). Cow's milk has been proven to increase the risk of osteoporosis in women and also leads to acne problems in children. Recent studies are also revealing that milk may increase the risk of heart disease and cancer in certain situations. Farmers have been using steroids to increase the production of milk by more than 20%. Just like everything else in life, milk should be taken in moderation.
  14. I guess we're just plain stupid to NOT believe a criminal would think twice before committing a crime because the minimum sentence for his crime goes from 4 to 5 years. I'm sure the person robbing the 7-11 goes through all the possible scenarios before going forward with it...
  15. We should release a song called The Ethnocentricity of [certain]Canadians.
  16. If I sign a contract with you Renegade and then turn around and modify the contract to my benefit, would you be pissed off?
  17. The problem Temagami is that most Canadians don't want to learn new things nor understand what's going on outside their little world. Most people are content with following the crowd and separating things between good and bad, right and wrong. The six nations occupation(and it's an occupation, not a protest as some have said) is being portrayed in the media as an attack on our(white) culture, an encroachment on "our" private property, never mind the way it was acquired. There is no grey area anymore. Society is divided into the have and have not. If you don't follow our "lead", you are left behind and must assimilate. We latch on to single narrow points like tax exemption and brand a whole segment of the population as being lazy without knowing anything about it. We, as a society/culture are great at playing follow the leader in a homogenized world for your convenience. Sad really
  18. Just a side question, do you think the US (or Russia, China, etc...) would be a better candidate for the disarmament commission?
  19. Apparently it's my crappy connection, curse you Rogers High Speed.
  20. But just because everybody does it doesn't mean we should be doing it as well. The US has been protecting it's interest since the end of the 19th century through invasions or other means. Nobody can deny that, the problem arises from the fact that the western world defends its interest at the expense of the periphery, whether it's Africa or Latin America. More cartoons **edit** Wow, those forums are terrible(the software itself I mean) It's my crappy internet connection.
  21. I think people on the right have to stop looking at the world in extremes, nothing is black or white just shades of grey. Chomsky on nightline or in a marketing class
  22. Waaa? Something in the water out in Alberta I see.
  23. OK My grandfather was in the korean war and let me tell you, when he came back he never was the same person (My grand mother would tell us stories). Wait until you face death yourself then come back and lecture us on weaklings. Wait until you have the opportunity to take someone's life.
  24. The big oil Co. could follow CITGO example **edit**(yes I'm a Chomsky whore)
  25. I'd like to bring people's attention to a great article on the "Failed States" from Noam Chomsky and in particular the Iran bit:
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