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Everything posted by westguy

  1. have you checked the Ontario deficit/debt???
  2. consumers may pay but in many cases it is their choice to do so. Taxpayers never have a choice...
  3. Furthermore, the Quebec government has accumulated $250b indebt DESPITE receiving $257bin transfer payments. They use money from other provinces to fund their outrageous and generous social programs. I wish Quebec would go. It would soon be a third world country without the transfer payments from other provinces ( read Alberta). I am flabbergasted why you think the "entitled" Quebec students should be supported.
  4. I find it hard to take you seriously. The "poor" students pay less than 50% students pay for tuition in other provinces. They have $$$ to take winter trips to Mexico and lead a good life at the expense of other equalization transferor province such as Alberta. What are you smoking?
  5. if private entities waste resources, then it comes out of their pocket. If public entities do, then it comes out of the taxpayer's pocket.
  6. quit your bitchin you have aguaranteed job and salary
  7. what more could teacher's want? You already work 75%of the year for $100,000. Have generous benefits and pension, and cannot be fired if incompetent.
  8. what you go thru??? You go thru approx. 3 months of vacation plus immense benfits and work about 25hr/wk. That is exacylt what motivates people to become teachers, ie the soft touch and easy secure life
  9. Union members speak only for their own selfishness - not the good of the country
  10. access to markets would be one
  11. yes - pipelines are Federal jurisdiction. But on a more pragmatic reasoning, does Clark's position not open the door to Alberta and the other provinces to demand a share of revenues from BC's lumber and off-shore imports before those are let thru the other provinces? Given the number of existing pipelines that are currently in BC, it is obvious that Clark is playing politics altho the latest poll numbers prove it is not working to her adavantage. Lastly, if anyone should ensure the irsk is covered, should it not be the energy companies?
  12. once again - the nefarious CPC with their secret agenda.
  13. for the first time, I agree with cybercoma'a comments
  14. since when has the US GDP been 15trillion?
  15. as far as I heard no one ( Mr.Carson) has yet been convicted. It seems that you anti-cons assume guilt from being charged
  16. yes we should just treat them kinder and gentler
  17. the Harper government did not create the economic meltdown that enveloped the entire western world in 2008. you anti-cons are so narrow minded
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