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Everything posted by westguy

  1. like use the transfer payments to give their population things like low tuition, almost free daycare and then try to breakup the country???
  2. Technically you are correct. The Feds TAKE the money from Alberta
  3. you are absolutely reight the "court" of public opinion bases its decisions on its biases
  4. shouldn"t we wait until there is clear evidence implicating the Conservatives before you convict them?
  5. you miss my point. The unfairness is that certain provinces use the transfer payments to give their population benefits ( $7 day care and 2600 tuition) that the rest of the country doesn't have at the cost to the contributing province. I wonder how Quebec would fare if it didn't have access to the generous contributions from Alberta. would you care to speculate?
  6. so it seems that you agree with my bitch but blame Alberta for the unfairness in the system
  7. thieir services are subsidized by alberta. Quebec and much of Canada would be banana republics if it was not able to steal Alberta's prosperity
  8. your earlier post did so. In 1930 all provinces got control over their natural resources - just like the eastern provinces. Also, Quebec keeeps all revenue from Hydro Quebec - whys doesn't that count towards the transfer program? Cuz all political parties need the parasites votes.
  9. you are woefully uninformed. Billions go from Alberta to the "have not" provinces thru the Feds transfer payment program. Your ignorance is appalling. Alberta is keeping this country going. And yet, my children pay 12,000 university tuition so that the Quebec paraites can pay 2600 - where is the fairness in that???
  10. so when Alberta gets the same amenities as the east - THEN we are a "united cuntry"
  11. So you believe that billions of Alberta transfer payments are not going to other provinces???
  12. isn't it levelling the playing field between corps and unions?
  13. Atlantic Canada and Quebec would then demand more transfer payments to cover it
  14. give me a break - everything is not a Conservative conspiracy
  15. do you consider it "fair" if seasonal workers routinely seek EI rather than look for other employment?
  16. the investigation has found no evidence that the Conservatives were involved - do you know something more?
  17. unlike the sleazy Fiberals ( remember adscam, shawinigate etc etc etc )
  18. suffering?? Quebec is subsidized by the rest of Canada -especiallyy Albwerta's billions that allows Quebec to have in the country.
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